장음표시 사용
nocens creatura li- lva innocent crea bera ab omni impugna- ture be Dee hom ali thetoris incursu, et totius aSSaulis of the en my. nequitiae purgata disces, and purified by the de-εu. Sit fons vivus, aqua Struction os ali his ma- egenerans, unda purifi- lice. Μay it hecome acans: ut omnes hoc la- living Muntain, a rege-vacro salutifero diluen- nerat ing Water, a puri*di, operante in eis Spi- ing Stream; that ali thoseritu SanCto, perfectae pur- Who are to be Washed in gationis indulgentiam this saving bath, maytonSequantur. Obtain, by the operationos the Holy Ghost, thegraCe of a perfeci purification.
UNDE benedico te IA THERE FORE I
Creatura aquae, V v bless thee, o per Deum Vivum, per Creature os Waleri by Deum Verum, per Deum the living God, by the sanCtum: per Deum, true God, by the holy qui te in principio, verbo God ; by that God who separavit ab arida: Cu- in the beginning Sepa-jus spiritus super te rated thee by his Wordserebatur. 1 roin the dry larid; Whose spirit moved Over thee.
OVI te de paradisi IIIo made thee
fonte manare se- V V flow hom thecit, et in Quatuor lauritain of Paradise, and
fluminibus totam terram commanded thee to Wa- rigare praecepit. Qui te ter the whole earth with in deserto amaram, Sua- thy laur rivers. Whovitate indita, secit esse Changing thy bitternesia potabilem, et sitienti in the deseri, unio populo de petra produx- SWeetness, made theeit. Benedico te et per fit to drinh, and proeJesum Christum Filium duced thee out os a rochejuS unicum Dominum to quench the thirst os nostrum: qui te in Cana the people. I bless thee Galilaeae, signo admira- also by our Lord Iesus bili, sua potentia Conver- Christ, his only Son; tit in vinum. Qui pedi- Who in Cana os Galileebus super te ambulavit: changed thee into wine, et a Joanne in Iordane by a Wondersul mira lein te baptigatus est. Qui os his power. Whote Una Cum Sanguine de Walhed ut on thee drylatere Suo produxit; et foot, and was baptized discipulis suis jussit, ut in thee by Iohia in the credentes baptigarentur Iordan. Who madein te, dicens: Ite, do- thee flow out of his fide Cete Omnes genteS, bap- together With his biood, tigantes eos in nomine and commanded his dis-
Patris, et Filii, et Spiri- cipies, that such as be-tus sancti. lieved, should be baptized in thee, Saying: Go, teach ali nations, baptizing them in thename of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Haec nobis praecepta Do thou, Almightyservantibus. tu Deus God i mercissilly assist
rimnipotens, Clemens us who observe thia adesto; tu binignus ad- commandinent; do thouspira. graciotasty inspire us.
TII has simplices Trio thou with thy
aquas tuo ore mouili bless these benedicito: ut praeter Clear Waters; that be- naturalem emundatio- fides their natural virtvenem, quam lavandis pos- os cieansing the bodv. sunt adhibere corpori- they may also be effec-bus, Sint etiam purifican- tuat for purisying the dis mentibus emeaces. Soul.
nem fontis virtus Spi- descend into ali theritus sancti. Water os this font.
aquae Substantiam Ix substance of this regenerandi foeCundet Water fruitsul, and capa- effectu. ble os regenerating.
deleantur, hic natura, ad be washed out; here imaginem tuam condita, may human nature, Cre- et ad honorem sui resor- aled to thy image, and xviata principii, Cunctis reformed to the honor vetustatis squaloribus os iis author, be Cleanseclemundetur : ut omnis stom ali the filth of the
homo saCramentum hoc old man; that est Who regenerationis ingreSSuS, reCeive this sacrament in verae innoCentiae no- of regeneration, may bevam infantiam renasca- born again neW childrentur. Per Dominum nos- of true innocenCe;
trum Jesum Christum through our Lord Jesus Filium tuum: qui ven- Christ, thy Son: Who isturus est judicare vivos to come to judge the livet mortuos, et saeculum ing and the dead, and Per ignem. the world by tire.
SANCTIFICETUR, R I AY this soni beet is undetur fons 1 Is sanctified and
iste oleo salutis renas- made fruitsul by the olicentibus ex eo, in vitam os salvation, for Suchaeternam. as are regeneraled init, unio life evertast-ing R. Amen. R. Amen.
INFUSIO Chrismatis AY this infusion Domini nostri Iesu 1V1 of the Chrism
Christi, et Spiritus sanc- of Our Lord Iesus Christiti Paracliti, fiat in nomi- and of the Ηoly Ghostne sanctae Trinitatis. the Comsorter, be madein the name of the Holy Trinity. R. Amen. R. Arucis
tionis, et olei unetionis, sanctification, and of the et aquae baptismatis, pa- oil of unction, and of riter fiat, in nomine Pa- the water of baptism, betris, et Filii, et Spiritus made in the name of Sancti. the Father, and of thoe Son, and of the Holy
Lordi have merCy On Christe audi noS.Christe exaudi noS. Pater de Coelis Deus, miserere nobiS.Christi hear US.
Spiritus sancte miserere nobi S. Sancta Trinitas unus DeuS, miserere nobis. Sancta Maria, ora Pro nobiS. Sancta Dei genitriX, Ora. Sancta Virgo Virginum,
Sancte Michael, Ora. Sancte Gabriel, ora. Sancte Raphael, ora. Omnes sancti Angeli et Archangeli, Orate. Omnes sanCti beatorum Spirituum ordineS,
SJoannes BaptiSta, ora. S. Joseph, ora. OmneS sancti Patriarchae et Prophetae,
S. Petre, Ora. S. Paule, Ora. S. Andrea, ora. S. JoanneS, Ora. Omnes sancti Apostoli et Evangelistae, Orate. Omnes sancti Discipuli Domini, Orate. S. Stephane, ora. S. Laurenti, ora.
Omnes sancti Pontifices et ConfessoreS, Orate. Omnes sancti DoctoreS,
Omnes sancti Sacerdotes et Levitae, orate. Omnes sanCti
Omnes sanctae virgines et viduae, orate. D mnes sancti et Sanctae
nobiS. Propitius eato, ParCe no bis Domine. Propitius esto, exauditios Domine. St. VinCent,pra
494 μθ oatu a Ab omni malo, libera
Ab omni peccato, liberanos Domine. A morte perpetua, liberanos Domine. Per mysterium SanCtae incarnationis tuae, libera nos Domine. Per adventum tuum, libera nos Domine. Per nativitatem tuam, libera nos Domine. Per baptismum et SanCtum jejunium tuum
libera nos Domine. Ρer CruCem et PaSSiΟ-nem tuam, libera nos Domine. Per mortem et Sepulturam tuam, libera nos Domine. Ρer Sanctam reSUTICC-tionem tuam, liberanos Domine. Ρer admirabilem aSCen Sionem tuam, liberanos Domine. Ρer adventum Spiritus sancti Ρaracliti, libera nos Domine.
Litav. 49s In die judicii, libera nos In the day os judgment,
Domine. O Lordi deliver us. Peccatores, te rogamus We Sinners, do beseech audi nos. thee to hear us.
Ut nobis parcas, te roga- That thou Spare US, Wemus audi nos. beseech thee to hear
Ut Ecclesiam tuam That thou vou hsala tosa Ctam regere et goVern and preServe Conservare digneris, thy holy Church, We be- te rogamuS audi nos. Seech thee to hear us. Ut Domnum Apostoli- That thou vouchsala tocum, et OmneS ECCle, preServe our Apostolicsiasticos ordines in Prelate, and ali the Sancta religione Con- Orders of the Churchservare digneris, te in thy holy religion, mgamVS audi nos. We beseech thee to
Ut inimicos sanctae Ec- That thou vouChsala toclesiae humiliare dig- humble the enem tesneris, te rogamus audi of thy holy church, nOS. We beseech thee to
It regibus et principi- That thou vouchsala tobus Christianis pacem give peace and true et Veram Concordiam concord to Christiandonare digneris, te hings and princeS, Werogamus audi nos. beseech thee to hear
Ut nosmetipsos in tuo That thou vouchsala toSanCto servitio consor- Confirm and preservetare et Conservare digneriS, te rogamus audi
Ut omnibus benefactoribus nostris sempiterna bona retribuas, te rogamus audi nos. Ut fructus terrae dare et Conservare digneris, te rogamus audi noS. Ut omnibus fidelibus defunctis requiem aeternam donare digneris, te rogamus audi nos. Ut nos exaudire digneris, te rogamus audi
peccata mundi, parCenobis Domine.
di nos Domine. Agnus Dei, qui tollisus in thy holy service, We beseech thee to