The complete office of Holy week, according to the Roman Missal and Breviary, in Latin and English

발행: 1875년

분량: 560페이지


분류: 그리스도교


Compune. Benedictio. Benedicat T e blentvr Mayet Custodiat nos omni- the Almighty and mer- potens et misericors cimi Lord, the Father, Dominus, Pater, et Fi- Son, and Holy Ghost,

lius. et Spiritus SanCtus. bleSS and preServe u S. R. Amen. R. Amen.

tare, alleluia; Quia quem meruisti Portare, alleluia; Resurrexit sicut dixit, alleluia. Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia. V. Gaude et laetare, virgo Μaria, alleluia. E. Quia surrexit DominuS Vere, alleluia.

ven i rejoice, alleluia; For he, Whom thoudid si deserve to bear, alleluia ;Ιs risen again as he said, alleluia. Ρray for us to God, alleluia. V. Rejoice and be

alleluia. R. BeCause our Lordis truly risen, alleluia.


SUrreCtionem Filii tui Domini nostri Jesu Christi mundum laetificare dignatus e S: Prae Sta, quaesumUS; Ut Per ejuS


genitricem Virginem Μariam, perpetuae Capiamus gaudia vitae. Per eundem Christum

Dominum noStrum. R. Atmen. V. Divinum auxilium maneat Semper nobis

R. Amen.

that by the Virgin Μar'

his mollier, We may receive the joys ofeternal lise. Throughthe fame Christ, our

Lord. R. Amen. V. May the divine asinsistance alWays remainwith US. R. Amen.

Pater, Ave, Crado.



adhuc tecum Sum, alleluia: posuisti super me manum tuum, alleluia : mirabilis facta est scientia tua, alleluia, alleluia. Psal. Domine probasti me, et Cognovisti me :tu Cognovisti sessionem meam, et reSurrectionem


V. Gloria Patri, etC. ResurreXi, etc.

DEUS, qui hodierna GODt who ondie per Unigeni- this day, by the

tum tuum, aeternitatis victory of thy only-be- nobis aditum devicta gotten Son over death, morte reSerasti : vota hast opened sor us the


Lectio Epistolae beati Ρauli Apostoli ad Corinthio S, 1 Cor. V. 7, 8.

gate Vetus fermentum, Ut SitiS nOVR Conspersio, Sicut eStiS azymi. Etenim PasCha noStrum immolatus est ChriStus. Itaque epulemur, non in sermento Veteri, neque

in fermento malitiae et nequitiae : sed in a Zymis sinceritatis, et Veritatis. The Lesson hom the Epistie of St. Paul the Apostle to the CorinthianS, 1 Cor. V. 7, 8.

truth. ΤΗΕ GRADU AL.

HAEC dies, quam 'HIS is the darfecit Dominus: I whicli the Lord

exultemus et laetemur in hath made; tet iis beea. glad and rejoice therein.


SI IV. Confitemini Do- V. Give pratse to themino, quoniam bonus: Lord, for he is good;

quoniam in saeculum for his mercy endureth misericordia ejus. Alle- for ever. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. luia. V. ΡasCha nostrum V. Christ, our ΡaSCh, immolatus est Christus. is saCrificed.

UICTIΜAE Paschali I ET Christians offer

laudes immolent His a sacrifice of prais Christiani. to the Paschal victim. Agnus redemit oves: The Lamb redeemed Christus innocens Patri the sheep ; the innocentreConciliavit peccatores. Christ reconciled sinnersto hig Father. Μors et vita duello I iis and death have conflixere mirando: dux struggled in Sharp COn-Vitae mortuus, regnat vi- 1lici. The ruter of life VUS. Who WaS dead, noW liveth and reigneth.

Dic nobis, Μaria, quid Teli us, Μary, What vidisti in via Z thou hast seen in the Way 'Sepulchrum Christi The sepulchre os viventis, et gloriam Vidi Christ, Who lives, and resurgentiS : the glory of him, Who is

AngeliCos testes, Su- The angeliC Witnesses; darium et vestes. the linen and the Clothes. Surrexit Christus spes Christ, my liope, is mea . praeCedet Vos in risen ; he goeth besore Galilaeam. you into Galilee


sia Easter D .

Scimus Christum sur- We know Christ rexisse a mortuis vere: have truly risen. Dotu nobis victor Rex mi- thou, victorious Κinglserere. Amen. Alle- have merCy on us. luia. Amen. Alleluia.

Sequentia sancti Evangelii secundum Mar-

ria Magdalene, et Maria Jacobi, et Salome

emerunt aromata, Ut Uenientes ungerent JeSum. Et valde mane Una Sabbatorum, Veniunt ad monumentum, orto jamaole. Et dicebant ad invicem: Quis revolvet nobis lapidem ab ostio monumenti λ Et respitientes viderunt revolutum lapidem. Erat quippe magnuS Valde. Et introeuntes in monUmentum, Viderunt juvenem sedentem in dex


candida, et obstupue- into the sepulchre, theyrunt. Qui dixit illis : saW a young man SittingNolite expavescere ; Je- on the right fide, clothedsum quaeritis Nagare- with a White robe; an clnum, CruCifixum Sur- they Were aStoni Shed. rexit, non est hic : ecce And he salth to them locus ubi posuerunt eum. Be not affrighted; you Sed ite, dicite discipulis seek Jesus of Nazareth, ejuS, et Petro, quia prae- who was crucified ; hecedit vos in Galilaeam : is risen, he is not here. ibi eum videbitis, sicut Behold the place Where dixit vobis. they laid him. But goteli his discipies and Peter, that he goeth be- fore you into Galilee there you shali see hi as he told yOU.

Credo, r. 20. TFIE OFFERT ORY.

TERRA aemuit, et HE earili trem quievit, dum re- I bled, and wa surgeret in judicio Deus, Stili, When God arose in alleluia. judgment, alleluia.

Domine, preces po- o we beseech thee, puli tui cum oblationi- the prayers of thy peObus hostiarum ut Ρas- ple, together With thechalibus initiata myste- offerings of these hoSis:



R. Et cum spiritu tuo. V. SurSum Corda. R. Habemus ad Domini m. V. Gratias agamus Domino Deo noStro.

R. Dignum et justum

Vere dignum et justum eSt, aequum et Salutare, te quidem, Domine, omni tempore, sed in hac potissimum die gloriosius praedi Care, Cum PaS- Cha nostrum immolatus est Christus. Ipse enim VerUS est Agnus, qui abstulit peccata mundi. Qui mortem noStram moriendo destruxit, et

V. The Lord be with


vitam resurgendo repa- destroyed our death, ravit. Et ideo cum An- and by rising again, gelis et Archangelis, cum resto red our lila. AndThronis et Dominationi- therefore With the An-bus, Cumque omni mili- gels and Archangeis, tia Coelestis exercitus, With the Thrones and hymnum gloriae tuae Dominations, and with Canimus, sine fine di- ali the troops of the Centes : Celestiat army, We singilie hymn of thy glory, incessantly saying :

TES, et diem Sa- λ Same Communion, Cratissimum Celebrantes and Celebrating the most resurrectionis Domini SaCred day of the resur-

nostri Jesu Christi se- rection Os our Lord Je-Cundum Carnem: Sed et sus Christ according tomemoriam Venerantes, in the flesti ; also honoringserimiS gloriosae semper the memory, in the first Virginis Μariae, genitri- place, of the gloriouscis ejusdem Dei et Do- ever Virgin Μary, momini nostri Jesu Christi, ther of the fame GodetC., p. 3O. and our Lord Jesus Christ, etC., p. 3OHanc igitur oblatio- We therefore beseechnem Servitutis nostrae, thee, O Lord i gractous- sed et cunctae familiae ly to accept this oblation tuae, quam tibi offerimus of our servitude, Whicli pro his quoque, quos is also that of thy whole egenerare dignatus es family, and which we


ex aqua et Spiritu sanC- offer to thee for theseto, tribuenS eis remis- also, Whom thou hastsionem omnium peCCa- been pleaSed to regenetorum, quaeSUmuS Do- rate by Water and themine, ut plaCatus acci- ΗΟly Ghost, grantingpias, diesque nostros in the remission of ali their tua pace disponas, atque sins ; dispoSe our daysab aeterna damnatione in thy peace; preserve nos eripi, et in electorum us hom eternat damna. tuorum jubeas grege tion, and place us in thenumerari. Ρer Chris- number of thy elect ;tum Dominum nostrum. through Christ our Lord.

Amen. Amen.

immolatus est is Sacrificed, alle- Christus, alleluia : ita- lilia; therei ore let usque epulemur in azymis feast With the uniea- Sinceritatis et veritatis, Vened bread of sincerityalleluia, alleluia, alleluia. and truth, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. V. Dominus vobis- V. The Lord be With

R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.

Domine, tuae cha- 1 the spirit of thyritatis infunde : ut quos charity: that those Whom