The complete office of Holy week, according to the Roman Missal and Breviary, in Latin and English

발행: 1875년

분량: 560페이지


분류: 그리스도교


ρeccata mundi, miserere nobis. riste audi noS.Christe exaudi nos. est aWay the sins of the worid, have merCy


R. Et cum spiritu tuo.

tem gloria Dominicae resurrectionis illustras :Con Serva in nova familiae tuae progenie adoptionis Spiritum, quem dedisti; ut Corpore et mente renovati; puram tibi exhibeant Servitutem. Ρer eundem Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate ejusdem Spiritus Let us Pray-


sanCti DeuS, Per Om- . . . in the unity of thetnia, etC. Same Holy GhoSt, etc. R. Amen. R. Amen. ΤΗΕ EPISTLE.

Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli Apostoli ad Co-

surrexiStis Cum Christo, quae SurSUm Sunt quaerite, ubi Christus est in dextera Dei Seden S : quae SurSum Sunt Sapite, non quae Super terram. Mortui enim estiS, et Vita VeStra est abscondita Cum Christo in Deo. Cum Christus apparuerit vita Vestra : tunc et VOS AP-

parebitis cum ipso in gloria. The Lesson hom the Epistie of St. Paul the Apostle to the Colos- Sian S, Chap. iii.


num omnes gentes: I ali ye nations, and Collaudate eum om- pratSe him, ali ye peones Populi. plei V. Quoniam confir- V For his mercy ismata est Super nos mi- Confirmed upon us; and Seri Cordia ejus, et veri- the truth of the Lordias Domini manet in remaineth sor ever.


Sequentia sancti Evan- Α continuation os thegelii secundum Μat- holy Gospei accordingthaeum, Cap. XXViii. to St. Matthe , Chap.

VESPERE autem T N the end of the sab- sabbati, quae luces- I bath, when it began

cit in prima Sabbati, to daWn to ards the first venit Maria Magdalene, day of the weeli, Cameet altera Maria, videre Μary Magdalene, and sepulchrum. Et ecce the Other Mary, to vie terrae motus faCtuS est the sepulchre. And be- magnus. Angelus enim hold there Was a great Domini descendit de earlhquake. For an Coelo: et aCCedens revol- angel of the Lord devit lapidem, et sedebat scended hom heaven : Super eum : erat autem and Coming, rolled bac, aspectus ejus sicut sul- the Stone, and Sat Upongur, et Vestimentum it. And his Counte- ejus Sicut nix. Prae ti- nance Was as lighinin p


more autem ejus exter- and his raiment as sno

riti sunt custodes, et And for Dar of him, facti sunt velut mortui. the guards were struCEResponctens autem an- With terror, and becamegelus, dixit mulieribus: as dead men. And the Nolite timere vos: scio anget an SKering, Saldenim quod Iesum, qui to the women: Fear notCrucifixus est, quaeritis : you: for I know that non est hic; surrexit you Seek Jesus, Who Wasenim, sicut dixit. Ve- Crucified. Ηe is notnite, et videte locum, ubi here, for he is risen, aspositus erat Dominus. he Said. Come, and See Et cito euntes, dicite the place Where thediscipulis ejus quia sur- Lord Was laid. AndreXit: et eCCe praecedit going, quickly teli ye vos in Galilaeam; ibi his discipies that he is eum videbitis. Ecce risen : and belloid hepraedixi vobis. Will go besore you into Galilee ; there you shallsee him. Lo, Ι have foretoid it to you. V Dominus vobiscum. V The Lord be with

R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thyspirit.

The s eriora is omitteae. Suscipe, etc., p. 22, Eown eo Then the Praest sus Amen, in. 28. ΤΗΕ SECRET.

Domine, preces I we beseech thee, populi tui, Cum obla- the prayers of thy peOxionibus hostiarum: ut ple, together With the


paschalibus initiata mys- offering os these hosts: teriis, ad aeternitatis no- that being Consecrated bis medelam, te operan- by these PaSChal myste- te, proficiant. Per Do- ries, they may, by the minum nostrum Jesum helse of thy grace, avail Christum, etc. us to eternat illa; throughour Lord Jesus Christ. thy Son, etC.

R. Amen. R. Amen.

V. Dominus vobis- V The Lord be with

R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And With thy spirit. V. Sursum Corda. V. List up your hearis R. Habemus ad Do- R. We have themminum. listed up to the Lord. V Gratias agamus V Let us give thanks Domino Deo nostro. to the Lord, our God. R. Dignum et justum R. It is meet and est. just. Vere dignum et jus- It is truly meet and sum eSt, aequum et salu- just, right and prositabletare, te quidem Domine to Salvation to pratse omni tempore, sed in thee, o Lordi at allhaC potissimum nocte times, but chieny and gloriosius praedicare, more gloriousty on this Cum Pascha nostrum night when Christ oui immolatus est Christus. Paschal Lamb Was sa IPSe enim verus est crificed. For he is thώAgnus, qui abstulit pec- true Lamb, that hath


cata mundi. Qui mortem noStram moriendo destruxit, et vitam re- Surgendo reparavit. Et

ideo cum Angelis et Archangelis, Cum Thronis et Dominationibus Cumque omni militia

num gloriae tuae Canimus, Sine fine dicentes :taken aWay the sins of

Sanctus, 28. The Canon re frie Mass, p. 29, res Lar res Commis

ni nostri Jesu Christi se-Cundum Carnem : Sed et memoriam Venerante S,

per Virginis Mariae, genitricis ejusdem Dei et Domini nostri Jesu

Christi, etC., s. 3O Hanc igitur oblationem Servitutis nostrae, sed et cunctae familiae.1Vae, quam tibi offerimus

Same Communion,


Vespera. pro his quoque, quo S re generare dignatus es eX aqua et Spiritu SanCto, tribuens eis remissionem Omnium peCCatorum, quaeSumuS Domine, ut plaCatus aCCipias, diesque nostros in tua pace disponaS, atque ab aeterna damnatione nos eripi, et in eleCtΟ-rum tuorum jubeas grege numerari: Per Christum Dominum noS

trum. Amen.

Lord. Amen.


leluia, alleluia.


leluia, alleluia. PSALΜ 116.

num,omnes gentes: Γ ye nations i pratse' laudate eum omnes him, ali ye peopte i


Quoniam Confirmata Because his mercy is est super noS miseriCor- Confirmed upon us ; and dia ejus, ' et veritas Do- the truth of the Lord remini manet in aeternum. main eth for ever. Gloria Ρatri, etc. Glory, etC. An . Alleluia, alleluia, Ant. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. alleluia.

VESPERE autem T N the end of the Sab- sabbati, quae luces- I bath, When it began

Cit in prima sabbati, to da n to Wards the sirst venit Maria Magdalene, day of the week, Cameet altera Maria, videre Μary Μagdalen and the SepulChrum, alleluia. Other Mary to vie the SepulChre, alleluia.

Spiritum nobis, Domine, tuae Charitatis infunde : ut quoS SaCramentis paschalibus Satiasti, tua facias pietate

ConCordes. Per Dominum ... in unitate ejusdem Spiritus sancti De-


A leluia, alleluia. ed, alleluia, alleluia. R. Deo gratias, alle- R. Thanks be to God, luta, alleluia. alleluia, alleluia.

Iube Domne. r. ri'. Fratres, Sobrii estote. Adjutorium nostrum. Paternoster. Confiteor, etc. ConVerte nos, etc. Deus in adiutorium. Gloria Patri. Alleluia. I en thae Mur usuaI Aa s, as ae fame 114 : niter etυkiis is sataehelouom re

tem Sabbati.

vum tuum Domine, ' secundum Verbum tuum in PaCe. Quia viderunt oculi mei ' salutare tuum, Quod parasti ' ante faciem omnium populo

rum :


Lumen ad revelationem Gentium, ' et gloriam plebis tuae Israel. Gloria, etC. An . Vespere autem sabbati, quae lucescit in prima sabbati, venit Maria Μagdalene, et altera Maria, videre Sepulchrum, alleluia. V. Dominus vobis


R. Et cum Spiritu tuo.

Visita, quaeSumuS DO-mine, habitationem istam, et Omnes insidias inimici ab ea longe repelle : Angeli tui sancti habitent in ea, qui nos in pace custodiant; et benedictio tua sit super


R. Et cum spiritu tuo. V. Benedicamus Do


R. Deo gratiaS. A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and

os Israel. Glory, etC. Ant. In the end of the Sabbath, when itbegan to daWn towaros the first Jay of the weeh, came Mary Μagdalen, and the other Mary, toview the sepulchre, alleluia. V. The Lord be with

V. The Lord be with