The complete office of Holy week, according to the Roman Missal and Breviary, in Latin and English

발행: 1875년

분량: 560페이지


분류: 그리스도교


SaCramentis paschalibus satiasti, tua faCias pietate Concordes. Ρer Dominum noStrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum :qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate ejusdem Spiritus san Cti DeUS, etC. V. Ite, ΜisSa est, alleluia, alleluia. R. Deo gratias, alleluia, alleluia. thou hast replenishedwith the paschal SaCra-menis, may by thy good-ness live in perseCt concord; through our Lord, etc., in the unity of the sanie Holy GhOSt, etC. V. Go, Mass is ended, alleluia, alleluia. R. Thanks be to God. alleluia, alleluia.

Pladeat tibi, anae Me rest, as ut A M.


um, etc., p. 97 sua of Laus tibi, etC., ων Alleluia. Ant. Angelus autem Domini descendit de

Coelo, et aCCedenS revolvit lapidem, et Sedebat Super eum, alleluia, alleluia. H. Dixit DominuS, OtC., p. 97-Ant. Et ecce terrae notus factus eSt magnus : Angelus enim Domini descendit de Coelo, alleluia. H. Confitebor tibi, etC , p. 99 Ant. Erat autem RS-

pectus ejus Sicut fulgur,

Vestimenta autem ejussiCut nix, alleluia, alleluia. o. BeatUS Vir, etC.,

Ant. Prae timore autem ejus exterriti sunt Custodes, et facti sunt velut mortui, alleluia.


Ant. And for fear of him, the guardS Were struch with terror, and became as dead men alleluia.


Ant. Respondens au-. Ant. And the Angeitem Angelus, dixit mu- ansWering, said to thelieribus : Nolite timere ; Women : Fear not OU scio enim quod Jesum for I know that you seehquaeritis, alleluia. Jesus ; alleluia. H. In exitu Israel, Ps. When Israel Went,

exultemus et laetemur in hath made ; let us beea. glad and rejoice therein.

The Μagnificat, s. ius.

l viderunt re- x they saW the Volutum lapidem : erat stone rolled bach; for it quippe magnuS Valde, Was Very great; alleluia. alleluia. Oremus. Let US Pray. Deus, qui hodierna o Godi Who on this die per Unigenitum tu- day, by the victory osum aeternitatis nobis thy only-begotten Son aditum devicta morte over death, hast openedreSeraSti: Vota nostra, sor uS the paSSage toquae praeveniendo aspi- eternity; grant that Ourras, etiam adjuvando prayers Whicli thy pre-PrΟSequere. Per eun- venting grace inspireth, dem Dominum nostrum, may by thy help becomeew. essectual ; through thesanae Lord, etC.



Dominus in terram fluentem lac et mel, alleluia : et ut lex Domini semper sit in ore VeStro, alleluia, alleluia. Hal. Confitemini Domino, et invoCate nomen ejuS :annuntiate inter genteSOpera ejUS. V Gloria Patri, etC. IntroduXit, CtC.

nitate Ρaschali, the mystery of mundo remedia contu- the ΡaSchal solemnity, listi : populum tuum, hast given to the woridquaeSumuS, Coelesti dono a remedy against ali prosequere; ut et per- eviis, Potar fortii, Ne be- sectam libertatem con- Seech thee, on thy Pe


IN diebus illis Stans

Ρetrus in medio plebis, dixit: Viri fratreS. VOS SCitis quod factum est Verbum per universam Judaeam : in-

Cipiens enim a Galilaea post bapti Smum, quod praedicavit JoanneS, Jesum a Nazareth quomodo unxit eum Deus Spiritu SanCto, et Virtute ; qui pertransiit benefaCiendo, et Sanando omneS oppreSSOS a diabolo, quoniam DeuS erat cum illo. Et nos teStes Sumus omnium quae fecit in regione Judaeorum, et Jerusalem, quem OCCiderunt Suspendentes in ligno. HunC DeuS SuS- The Lesson froin the Acts of the ApoSiles, ChaP. X. 37 43.

of ali things that hedid in the land of the Je s and in Ierusalem; whom they killed, hang-


Easter Monae .citavit tertia die, et dedit eum manifeStum fieri, non omni populo, sed testibus praeordinatis a Deo ; nobis, qui manduCavimus et bibimus Cum illo, postquam reSurrexit a mortuis. Et praecepit nobis praedi-Care populo, et testifi-Cari, quia ipse est, qui

Constitutus est a Deo judex vivorum et mortuorum. HuiC omnes Prophetae testimonium perhibent, remissionem peCCatorum aCCipere Per nomen ejuS omneS, qui credunt in eum.

to be made manifest.


fecit Dominus : λ whicli the Lord exultemuS, et laetemur hath made; let us bein ea. glad and rejoice therein. V. Dicat nunc Israel, V. Let ΙSrael noW say, quoniam bonus : quo- that he is good : that his niam in saeculum mise- merCy endureth sor ever. ricordia ejus. Alleluia, Alleluia, alleluia. alleluia.


V. Angelus Domini V. An angel of the descendit de Coelo, et Lord descended stomyCCedens revolvit lapi- heaven, and Coming, dem, et sedebat super rolled bach the stone, eum. and Sat upon it.

Victimae Paschali, r. 511. Μunda cor meum, M. ., f. 19-

Sequentia sancti Evan- A continuation os thegelii secundum Lu- holy Gospei accord-Cam, Cap. XXi V. 13 35. ing to St. Luhe, Chap.

IN illo tempore : Duo Λ T that time, two ofex discipulis Iesu cx the discipies of

ibant ipsa die in castel- JeSus Went, that Samelum, quod erat in Spatio day, to a tΟWn, Sixtystadiorum sexaginta ab furtongs stom Jerusalem, JeruSalem, nomine Em- named Emmaus. Andinaus. Et ipsi loque- they talked together of bantur ad invicem de ali these things, whichhiS omnibus, quae acci- had happened. And itderant. Et faCtum eSt, Came to pass, that Whiledum fabularentur, et they talhed, and rea-SeCum quaererent ; et Soned With one another, ipse Jesus appropin- Jesus himself also drewquans ibat Cum illis : near, and went Withoculi autem illorum te- them. But their eyes nebantur ne eum agnos- were held that theycerent. Et ait ad illos: should not know him ui sunt hi sermones, And he said to them quos Confertis ad invi- What are these dis-Cem ambulantes, et estis Courses, that you hold


quae facta sunt in illa him: Art thou only aliis diebus 8 Quibus ille stranger in Ieru Salem, dixit: Quae 8 Et dixe- and hast not known therunt: De Jesu Nagare- things that have beenno, qui fuit vir propheta, done there in thesepotens in opere et ser- days 8 And he said tomone, Coram Deo et them What things 'omni populo: et quo- And they said Con-mocto eum tradiderunt Cerning Jesus of Naga- summi sacerdotes, et reth, WhO WaS a Prophet, principes nostri in dam- mighty in Work and word, nationem mortis, et cru- before God, and ali thecifixerunt eum. NOS People. And how our autem Sperabamus quia Chies Priesis and rulers ipse esset redempturus delivered him to be con- Israel : et nunC Super demned to death, and haeC omnia, tertia dies Crucified him. But we

est hodie quod haec facta hoped that it was he that

sunt. Sed et mulieres Should have redeemed quaedam ex noStris ter- Israel; and noW besides ruerunt noS, quae ante ali this, to-day is the lucem fuerunt ad monu- third day Sin Ce thesementum, et non invento thingS Were done. Vea, Corpore ejUS, Venerunt, and Certain Women also

dicentes se etiam visio- of our Company affright-nem Angelorum vidisse, ed iis, Who before it Wasqui dicunt eum vivere. light Were at the sepul-

Et abierunt quidam ex chre, and not finding his


Mans nostris ad monumentum, et ita invenerunt SiCut mulieres dixerunt, ipsum

vero non in Venerunt.

Et ipse dixit ad eos : OStulti, et tardi corde ad Credendum in omnibuS, quae locuti sunt prophetae t Nonne haeC OPOrtuit pati Christum, et ita intrare in gloriam suam ZEt incipiens a MoySe, et omnibus Ρrophetis, interpretabatur illis in omnibus ScripturiS quae de ipso erant. Et RP- Propinquaverunt CaStello, quo ibant: et ipse se finxit longius ire. Et coegerunt illum, dicen

et inclinata est jam dieS. Et intravit cum illis.

pit panem, et benedixit,aC fregit, et porrigebat illis. Et aperti Sunt

oculi eorum, et Cognoverunt eum: et ipse evanuit ex OCuliS eorum.

Et dixerunt ad invicem :bOdy, came, Saying thatthey had also seen avision of Angel S, Whosay that he is alive. And


Easter Monda .

dens erat in nobis, dum table with them, he took loqueretur in via, et ape- bread, and bleSSed, andi iret nobis Scripturas λ brahe, and gave to them. Et surgentes eadem hora And their eyes Were regreSsi Sunt in Ierusa- opened, and they knewlem: et invenerunt Con- him ; and he vanishedgregatoS undeCim, et eos out of their sight. Andqui cum illis erant, di- they said one to thecentes : Quod surrexit Other : Was not our Dominus Vere, et appa- hearis burning with inruit Simoni. Et ipsi iis, Whilst he was Speaknarrabant quae gesta ing in the Way, and erant in via : et quo- Opened to us the Scrip- modo Cognoverunt eum tures 8 And they rosein fractione panis. UP the Same lictur, and went bach to Jerusalem; and they found the ele. ven gathered together, and those that were

ANGELUS Domini Λ N Angel os the

descendit de coelo. x Lord descend d