장음표시 사용
exprientes in eum, aCCeperunt arundinem, et perCutiebant Caput ejuS.
ei, eXuerunt eum Chlamyde, et induerunt eum vestimentis ejus, et JUX- erunt eum ut CruCifige-
ejus. Et venerunt in locum, qui dicitur Golgotha, quod est, Calvariete locus. Et dederunt ei vinum bibere Cum selle mistum. Et Cum guStasset, noluit bibere.
serunt Vestimenta ejus, menis, Casting lois ; that Sortem mittentes : ut the word might be ful-
impleretur quod dictum silled which was spolienest per prophetam, di- by the prophet, Saying : centena: Diviserunt sibi They divided my gar-
Et imposuerunt super And they put over his caput ejus Causam ip- head his cause Writtera :sius scriptam : Hic est This is Iesus, the Κing Jesus Rex Judaeorum. of the JewS. Then NereTune Crucifixi sunt there crucified with him
Cum eo duo latrones, t o thieves; the one Onanus a dextris, et unus the right hand, and thea Sinistris. Praetere- other on the lest. Anciuntes autem blasphe- they that passed by blasmabant eum, moventeS Phemed him, WaggingCapita sua, et dicentes: their heads, and saying: Vah qui destruis tem- Vah, thou Who deStroyeStplum Dei, et in triduo the temple of God, and illud reaedificas, salva in three days bulldest ittemetipsum. Si filius up again, SaVe thy OWn- Dei es, descende de self: is thou be the Son
cruce. Similiter et prin- of God, Come down fromcipes sacerdotum illu- the cross. In like mandentes Cum SCribis et ner, also, the Chies priesissenioribus, dicebant : With the scribes and an- Alios salvos fecit, seip- Cienis, mocking, Said: Sum non potest Salvum He saved others; him
faCere : si rex Israel est, desCendat nunc de CTUCC, et Credimus ei:
confidit in Deo; liberet nunC, Si Vult, eum:
Dei sum. IdipSum Rutem et latrones qui crucifixi erant Cum eo, improperabant ei. ASexta autem hora, tenebrae faCtae Sunt Super universam terrBm. usque ad horam nonam. Et circa horam nonam Clamavit Iesus v OCe magna, diCens :Eli, Eli, lamma SabRC-thani λ Hoc est: Deus
quid dereliquisti me ZQuidam autem illic
stantes, et audienteS, dicebant: Eliam vocat
tam Spongiam implevit aceto et imposuit arundini, et dabat ei bibere. Caeteri vero dicebant: Sine videamus an veniat Elias liberans eum. Je Sus autem iterum Cla-self he cannot save ; is he be the king os Israel,
ET ecce Velum templi scissum est in
duas partes a Summo usque deorsum, et terra mota eSt, et petrae SCiS-Sae Sunt, et monumenta aperta Sunt, et multa Corpora San Ctorum, qui dormierant, SurreXerunt. Et exeunteS de monumentis pOSt TeSUrreC-tionem ejus, Venerunt in sanctam Civitatem, et apparuerunt multis. Centurio autem, et qui Cum eo erant, CuSiodientes Jesum, ViSo terrae motu,
et his quae fiebant, timuerunt Valde, dicentes: Vere filius Dei erat iste. Erant autem ibi mulieres multae a longe, quae SeCutae erant Jesum a Galilaea, ministrantes ei inter quas erat Maria
Magdalene, et Maria Jacobi, et Joseph mater, et mater filiorum Zebedaei
Cum autem Sero factum eSSet, Venit quidam homo dives ab Arimathaea, nomine Joseph, qui et ipse
discipulus erat JeSU. Hic accessit ad Ρilatum. et petiit CorpuS JeSu. Tunc Pilatus jussit reddi
POre, Joseph involvit illud in sindone munda. Et posuit illud in mo
exciderat in petra. Et advolvit SaXum magnum ad ostium monumenti, et abiit. Erat autem ibi Maria Magdalene, et altera Maria, Sedentes Contra sepulchrum.
loWed Jesus from Gali-lee, ministering unto him. Among hom WaSΜary Magdalene, and Μary, the mollier os James and Joseph, and the mother of the fonsos Zebedee. And whenit Was evening, there Came a Ceriain ricli manos Arimathea, nam ed Jo'Seph, Who also himselfwas a disciple os Jesus. He went to Pilate and
quae est post Pa- IL Whicli sollowed theraSCeven, COnVenerunt day of the preparation, prinCipes saCerdotum et the Chies priesis and Ρharisaei ad Ρilatum, di- the Pharisees Came to- Centes : Domine, reCor- gether to Pilate, saying: dati sumus quia SeduCtor Sir, We have remem . ille dixit adhuc vivens : bered that seducer Sald, Post tres dies resurgam. While he was yet alive :Jube, ergo, Custodiri se- Aster three days I will pulchrum usque in diem rise again. Command tertium: ne forte veni- therefore, the Sepulchreant discipuli ejus, et su- to be guarded untii therentur eum, et dicant third day; lest his dis plebi: Surrexit a mor- Ciples Come and Steal tuis; et erit novissimus him aWay, and say to error pejor priore. Ait the people : He is risen illis Ρilatus : Habetis stom the dead; so the custodiam ; ite, custo- last error Shail be worsedite sicut scitis. Illi than the first. Pilate
et miseriam : et sustinui and misery; and I looked qui simul meCum con- for one that would grievenistaretur, et non fuit; together With me, but zonSolantem me quae- there Was none ; and forsivi, et non inveni: et one that Nould Coni sortdederunt in escam meam me, and I found none ;set, et in siti mea pota- and they gave me galluerunt me RCeto. sor my Mod, and in mythirst they gave me Vin-egar to drin h.
mus Domine, ut thee, o Lord loculis tuae majestatis that this offering mademunus oblatum, et gra- in the presence of thytiam nobis devotionis majesty, may ProCUI eobtineat, et esseCtum be- us the graCe Os devo-atae perennitatis acqui- tion, and esseCtualty ob rat. Per Dominum nos- tain a bleSSed eternity
trum Jesum Christum, through our Lord Jesus Filium tuum, qui tecum Christ, thy Son, Who vivit et regnat in unitate with thee and the ΗolySpiritus Sancti Deus. Gliost liveth and reigneth one God.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo. V. SurSum CordR. R. Habemus ad Dominum. V. Gratias agamus Domino Deo noStro.
Vere dignum et juStUm eSt, aeqUUm et Salutare, nos tibi Semper et ibique gratiaS agere, Jomine Sancte, PaterimnipotenS, aeterne Dess. Qui Salutem humani generis in ligno
CruCiS ConStituisti, ut unde morS oriebatur, inde vita resurgeret; et qui in signo vincebat, in ligno quoque VinCeretur. per Christum Dominum noStrum. Per quem majestatem tuam laudant Angeli, adorant Dominationes, tremunt PoteStates. Coeli, Coelorum-
que Virtutes. aC beata Serapnim, SoCia eXultatione Concelebrant. Cum quibus et nostraS VOCeS, ut admitti jubeas depre- Camur, SuppliCi Consessione dicentes: SanCtuS, SanCtUS, SanC tus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua: Hosanna in excelSis. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine: Hosanna in eXCelsis.
are fuit of thy glory; Hosanna in the high- est i Blessed is he that Cometh in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highesti
test hic calix tran- Γ' chalice cannot sire, nisi bibam illum, Pass aWay excepi Isiat voluntas tua. drink it, thy Wili be
V. Dominus vobis- V. The Lord be With
E. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spiri
operationem mySterii, et Vitia noStra Purgentur, et justa desideria Compleantur. Ρer Dominum noStrum, Jesum Christum, fritium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per Omnia