The clouds of Aristophanes

발행: 1858년

분량: 258페이지


분류: 미분류


ment, at Thermopylae, With ten or B, OZen men Some of


o Meptati sonν, Wissi great spirit. 21 Whiae speecho Stropsiades applies admirablyrio ste ancient demamme, aut iis application is by no means confine 1 to the ferae democratie ' of Athens.

470-475. Βουλομενους .... σου. There is a dissiculo in the constructior of this sentence. itcheli, quining Domanother, translates, moria manet talent to O ur mi , i. e. by a complimentar periphrasis To uou, ancillers that wilibring ou in many talenta Brunci rendere, atque communicare tuae solertiae negotia et lites multis talentis aest, Inatas, de quibus consultabunt tecum.' Sesilit SVA, -- Πράγματα κἀντιγραφάς, intelligendum in causis publicis de

accusatoris et defensoris libellis, in privatis autem litibus de petitoris et mus unde petitur actionibus et exceptionibus. πολλῶν ταλάντων sunt i sui cum Quae conSirmant. Ego ero malim cum Bergiero, cui nuper etiam Wolfius obsecutus est, αβια cum σῆ em coniungere. Sic in Acharii. 8 αξιον

τῆ Ἐλλάδι ib. 204, τῆ πόλει αρ αξιον. Totam igitur hori

sententiam sic reddiderim: Ita ut nu- Ianuam tuam enumpere Mideant, tecum communicare et colloqui volentes, ac ne de su et eausis vel de rivilitas actionil rus, ruitorum talentorrem negotris dignis, in quita ingenium tuum eo ceas, tecum deliberare, te consulere cupientes.' Translate

476. . tr. . . λ The Chorus tum to Socrates. 477. διακινει, tr U. Socrates novi proceed to test thevi man' intellectilia properties.


47 481 Ar . . . . θεών Socrates vishes o lino Vsomethin about in character of Strepsiades that he may procee to appi nego aris, O contrivances, o insol thephilosophica element, is there lae an in his character. But the svor μηχαν means also an eugine of war, Mad


156 NOTES.

in cassing of vitnesse tori e present at the summons,'n 1 δικάζομαι to the actuat coinniencing of the action besore thoniagistrate or in Ouri.


507. μελαῶτταν, tae honeyed cadde. 508. σπερ εις ροφωνίου, as V to the cave of Trophonius alludin to e samous cave an oracle o Trophonius, at Lebades in Boeotia. A scholiast, after describingsome of the eremontes persormed by thos ivla visited thecave, ad is, and a the are me by demons, an serpents, and ther reptiles the carr calces vlaicii the thro tostem.' Cordsutortia Pictoria Greece, pp. 24, 25 says, - Besore it fili stream Hercyna arrives at the ciuis Lel adea, it passes through a dari an roch ravine, Whichseem to recommen itfel by the gloomines of iis groves, and the Do vning height of the crag Whicli vershado urit,as a place peculiari favoratile so the exercise of the influence of a mysterious an aiunt mythology. Ag suc it Wascliose for the seat of the oracle of the Boeotia hero Tr phonius. e delivere 1 his response to the in i uirer at his stirine, in the hallis a daric subterranea cave, Which Wason the lest fide of this stream, and beneati these losty ocks. Thither the vorshippo descended, after haVin tandemonea rigi discipline of religious preparation, unde circumstances vel fitte to inspire him villi that devotional dread


Whicli vas necessa uouender hirn a fit obseci so the reception of the oracula influence suppliedo his imaginationi niuae strange figliis, and mysterious Volces, and unearilibterror of this dari place.'The place Where the Hercyna emerge froIn the mehcygorges, is one of the vildest in Greece t ut te precis positionis iste cavem Trophonius cannot no v be ascertained; in Iuliole region 1s rei sitite to the persorinano oscinysterious and terris rites.

lli litti mansion, duchs his head and is again vitia ira ving, vlien Socrates tarinthin by the nech, pushes him do vn. - Μitcheli. 618 seqq. his passage fornis ivlaat is technicali calleda parabasis that is, the Chorus come sorWard durin apause in the actionis the iece, an addres the spectatore directly in the ante of the poet, po any subieci vhichma or lay not e connecte Ivitii the passin drama. Sometimes, 4vs Schleget, die fili poet enlarge on his oWn memis, and ridicules the pretensions of his rivals atother times h avails himself of his right as an Atheniancitigen to deliver in ver assembl of the eople, Prπο- sal of a seriolis o ludici us nature so the public mod. The parabasis may, stricti speescing be considere asrepugnant to the essene os dramati representation sor in the drama the poetishould disappear bellindrili characters; and these character ought io discolarge an ac asci theyWere alone, and vithout an perceptibi reseretice to the


spectators. Ali tragical impression are there re, by suehintermixtures insallibi des myex but these intentionat i

themselves stan the subieci of the representation, are hialed vith vel me in the comi tone, as verare sten an villinxto submit to the constraint os an Inploymentis iste inind, hicli, by continuance, assumes ste appearance of laborimi parabasis inti have o ite ita inventio parti to the circumstance of the comi poeta not havin sues ample materiai a the tragic, to filiis the intervias of the action, When the Mage vas empu, by assecting and inspired poeto. But it is consistent utith the essence of the old comedri here not meret the subseci, laut the hole action, as sportive and ocular. The unlimite dominio of sun is evident even in his that the dramatio sora iiset is no seriousi adhere io, and that iis lavis are osten suspended asin a roli disguise ve sonielinies venture toria aside the

This parabasis is valvabie so the insorination it oves us, directi or indirectly not ni upo the early manaticeareeris Aristophanes, but upo the early histor of GreehComedy in generat. It is also remaricabie so the mannerin Whicholi Chorus, tuin ulterance to train o litotlyri poetry, returi froni the comi play to the more serious purposes sor vlaicii the Chorus vas commoni 11Sed. 519. τον ἐκθρεψαντά με. The poet speiac o Dionysus las Vin nurture hina because the dramati contegis oescplace at the Dionysia festivat, an Aristophanes liad been fron his early ouili a cultivator of the dramati art. 520. νικησαιμί .... νιγρο . The disserent tenses of the vertas here in the optative offer a good illustratio of the fundamental disserence bet veen the aomst an present in the

is sonaetimes used in a frequentative or liabitua sense. It


This idion cloubiles originate in the peculia vivacio of the esseni mode os conceivingi actions and evenis. Instea of statin a thin a frequently ο habitualis ornecessarit happening the Greel osten pictures in himselsa sinπle instance, describes ii in actuali finished, and tela usi id forme whol idea Tliis may be et illustrate by the solio vinclines fron Homer, II. ΙΙΙ. 33-35

The poet is here comparin the terror o Paris at the osmenelaus to the fricti os a traveller vlio suddent comesuponis serpent in a uiolantainsass; but vhile picturin to


himself the scene, he malles it a reaaity, and telis the sto sis is he had xvitnesse 1 it pres his o vn yes: the travellerre iis Dor the serpent the tremor took old of hus limbs he went bach an palenes setae On his cheelis. The picturesque ni de of describinthere illustraled finaltybecam an stablistae idior of the language, calle theus of the aorist and somelimes the persere in a re luent live or habitua sense a sense radiciat issserent Dor thato the continuotis, frequentative, o habituat present, thoughboth are osten translate in the fame WV on account of the les plasti an imaonative forins os the modern lan

It is fuit obvious froni the seremin analysis, cluat thoidioni in question annot extendrio che oblisiue m dg the fundamenta conception laeingi an event that has aentiu happened, Wilinoia dependence, condition or contingene '; and the continued, o habituat, or necessar recurrence fine event bein an Dduoreon, ascit vere fron the single instanc actuadi expresse byrate ense. In in oblique Inoo la the orist alWay simine momentar o completed action, and tho present ense implies durationis time, orhabituat o frequent action. his distinction etWeen thoindicative and the oster iood in regata to the frequentative acrisi is taken sor anted though not stated in expressiems by mos o ui Mammurians. See Biatimsinn, p.

descriptionis acti, an unde ista head in ever case, e plians tith singula cleameas and precision the landamentalide and idiomati usage of each tense. The f eprentertiussoris is limitecto the indieafive modihiis peculiar arriuigo.


Inent malciniit necessar isistincti to recogiago the limi tionis ille sue, by placiniit unde the indicative, therou belong by the law of thought, and omittiniit vhere it

cannot laetong, unde in condunctive, optatiVe, imperatiVe,

and the participie. See p. 110 also, p. 13I, 144, 154, 188, 208 See also rost y Gr. r. D575, 2.

One of the example give by uliner Dor Xen Cyr. 1, 2, 2, is, 'Aἱ ἐν α πλεῖσται πόλεις προστάττωσι τοῖς πολίταις μ κλέπτειν, μη ἁρπάζειν, καὶ ταλλα τα τοιαυτα-σαύτως ρο δε τις τούτων τι παραβαίνη, ζημίας αυτοῖς ἐπεθεσαν.

scribes the customωγ courge os states viti regar to theprevention es m lines Biat in the fame sentenc the voess vllicli in the ollier iood expres customar frequentaction, or actio in the mos generat Frn naanely, λεπιειν,

πάρειν, παροφαίνη, re in the present tense. The language of Butiniann and utiner in explaining a particular usage of the optative niood, an hardini, suin posed to prove stat ste orast in the oblique m df, has afre tuentative sense. I suol a mistahe hout be made, it uould lae fron the accidental circumstance, that in some of the example of the se of the optative Inoo in sentences Whicli describe reperie acis, the ense appens ora e thonorist. ut neither the niood nor the tenso has an properfrequentative sense of in hin ausi explained, as a moment A analysis vili how; though utiniann Gr. r.,