T. Livi ab urba condita liber ix

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a the main verb. t shouldie noticed that non negatives omissa cc ra), it positionieinidue to the destre so rhetorical repetition. tamquam forontihua Cicero ould have tamquam si and the subjunctive this construction, like the Gree participi with ως, is common in Silve Latin. 13. -- - antea, in 39 B. C. Bolliooalua morit, Howed greaurinowledicos mari The ense in Cicero out be impersecti pluperfect cf. 7 4 an Introd. PP. II, 2. Mootum, indefendence.'

a. Mam contrastin aetas With what precedes. 3. ingontΘm . . . olentia: so the metaphorica languagecf. Introd. P. IS. M . ingΘni plurat, of the Roman eopte the singula is necessar in describing one han' nature Samnitibus: ethic dativeri e might an among the SamniteS'. reliquanto,



regulari using the singula in Such cases e g. for the spent

o them P cf. comitiorum causa: to oles theelections os the nexi ear' magistrates. I 4. vitio, cirregulartyr the mallest mistine or oversight in the formalities of appotniment invalidatin it rom a strictly technica potnt of vlew. For the sociative cas cf. 94 7. Bo the nowledge of the se in ree of υδέ affecte later Latinwriters use of nec, hichahe made do the work of ne . . . quidem; Cf. Introd. p. II. in intΘrrctgnum octiit a constitutionalsurvivat hom the times of the monarchy, when, unlike the modern Englis rule that a ne hin succeed a the momenti anothees death, the theor an practice a that the roya powers ecame veste in the wholeiod offarres, who acted by an in errem ehel ossice forive days, and unde the Republicis nominate a successor ho nominate the dictator, under hos presidencythe ne Consul were elected. o the Englis use a sor thewitan to electin ne hing and even now on a bishop' deat thedean and chapter of the cathedra cit administer the spiritualities of the See. Is orsavit: e ros e Me ames, hel the election, and declare the result nudi the plura for the sense to ther Pair'. ΘmDBatnto an archaic se, ound also in Sallust 4empore. Easant of the people's seeling cf. 34 6.


DI Datrihus the nam for the senate Domih monarchicalage hen the were the eae o citigen families consultia: e. g. Sanctioning a lev an assigning the consuis spheres of duty frovinciae). rottinorunt, introduceae Me question. bravistis maueruefore the senau La. Dono quem: ac consul in turn a supreme, hen both were in Rome o else here at the fame time. The eider-Publilius here-had therars turn The residin consul called on senatorsto expres their views ueneralisthe callediratin consula designate, then on past Consul S, and so through thei variou ranks, ut inside acti grade making hat orde he lease of individuals. Hermone of the las consul isrars calle on. 3. ignominias, non honoria: cf. so the asyndeton. excitatum ruasumquis: cf. Introd. p. I for the omission of the

copulative verb. . . . . QuR: CL cum . . . cum.

Ls qua tremori the antecedent is fonsione, but the insertionos ramen oes not how that the relative clause ranks a quite parallela the precedin adjectives turri an necessaria, soruamen



ten in number. I4 au - an objective genitive ruinaint, PBstituorΘntur oblique in histori sequencessor fueruns restituentur cf. ad 3. IS. Pro Bo, quin together. Brito BEE . . . ossis: observe the difference in sense expressed by the tense.



without a reposition aster a ver os motion. anota agrees

geous), where re illi an instrumentalis sociative case a in aπώλετο ' aυς υτοῖς ἀνδράσι). It is always impersona an is sollowed ni by an indirect question or, as here, by one in apposition to a neuter pronou subjeci.' 8. Quibus . . . o Brunt Latin aret expresse a secondrelative asci here e had quo generali the prope par of is is inserted here it is understood Englis as a ule is more logicali regular in this matter, ,ho were not satisfied . . aut compellecl.

This formo prohibition in the secon person has a peremptorytone andri accordingi ver rareri ut in reeli, here it is called themoris subjunctive, it is regular quiα- ,hy DOD-ctorim: oris subjunctive, iis own ense unaffected Since quaesiverit is a primarniense, yet perhaps mines esset historic, is esses expreSSe a genera rule. ossibiy like fossem, it refers ni tothe time of the compaci. ct although elonging onlyrio this clauseris thrown forward for emphasis besore nec cf. 44. II ncto . . . t nec cloes no Connec probably cf. 44 8. malo variam, ill-got though here litile more than a cursing of the event, i an echo Dan id provere, male farra male dilabuntur. ctum . . . orΘctunt best o by an Englisti present participi cf. 34 3. Roummo: sed suavis, hil early Latin felicit tot a relative requirin a relative Clause asteriit. I a. n: L above, A. imoilo fuit strict syntax ould require fuisset, but Liv here treat the phras as in ali Latin such auxiliar verbS a ponimi ere trealed cf. a cis Latin however, regulari folio e logi in suc phrases, e g. Ionsum est dicere it ould e a long too'. ono D the plura ia



3. in or Br&t i. e. every one a talking of him. ΘVotioni the expression is illogicali condense sor eatness, S in the ordinar comparario compendiaria, Cf. 184 I. . Decius Mus, Consul in 34 B. C., after vowin to deat himself, and with him the Latin arm whom he was about to engage, rushed into thei midstio certain death. facinorinum in Ciceronian Latin crime', hut the old neutra senseris found in Sallust, Livy, and late writerS. D . obnoxia, humiliating. ODETR: ServiCes ener . s. Doctant: cf. exssecmnt om in lautus an Terence p. II mundinini such rhetorical question wit umquam here introduces a pensive iSh. futurum: the ood is to beexplaine in the fame way as emersisse bove, would the timeeve comet The periphrasis is more effective than umquam liciturum ' Cf. for this alternative to fore armatia SC sibi. 1iosat so the sequence cf. D 3. I 6 arctonio tempora an causal so that it is a participierather haman adjective; ence e not i in the ablative. Droso omnium voluntariorum: scarcet an ha to e presse to



serve ooctem rus ad just been disgrace at Caudium. inuito for the singular cf. Samniae, Q. ct auctium: for the preposition inserte cf. a Da. L . tomum : Englis Wouldisse the plural cf. animi, rici,andiro magistratu, Ia luata, properly.'L9. Quinctoquo used ni in formulae Maom archaic. Dosini Romani Quiritium: cf. Diatum fetialem, cio elow. quo inal usuali found with comparatives ait solutum: litile different hom solvatur. IO. Quint . . . vi: cf. quam soror occultissime, i. togatum fotia1Θm: together, in apposition. Eo, by that

amount, O that account, therefore.

4 ctoossorit, let both sides bessiones ' cf. si DrictiΘ. . . quam: as Liriore die quam For the locative os time cf. also postridie. tum butio in his dishonest iushion. 6. Mnst archaic, here Cicero sed the active descier. 7. Qiquam, 'some or ther, in accordance it iis origin

9. ut explanator of hoc below. quilom emphasietes the clause se rindeed '), it an almost ironica effect Asorsooth ). Ego for the asyndeton Lari I. iuria gontibus the genitiveis partitive o descriptive consistent ith, as our interpretatio of ' cf. 194 3. The dative depend upo iuris probably, thus avoldin a string o genitives, but dicitis doubiles makes iisus easter s. in Englis the cost os and the chargefor Io. go oro, latos, these illi ou moror transitive illi the sense of imsedio. II ita aster this pretence no doubt-ironical motum onas stili aster di credent. Ia. Ducterct exclamator infinitive, as in mene mauemaucisse e servire magistris I fallinctas fictoi probabi dative;

cf. gentibus, 4, and a cis 'ut it is hard somelimes to distinguish


I3 moratus ait: cf. moror, cio. For the tens CL dece- sterit, k4. fuerit probabi perfeci subjunctive representing, in dependencein another subjunctive a future perfeci indicative. st utilio : c. liberata de sua fosso in by asyndeton et m etiam. auctio, so the preposition et alve thesens theraeighbourhood of the lines round ' CL 2 4.




instrumentat ablative os manne and cause cf. 9 o. inde,

Men' i. e. ostiua emissa. 3. nihil . . . urti . . . fuit i. e. t was no calle into play;no demand was made poesit orctinibu ... 1oonnctis: the



ouraaro the histori infinitive in giving a rapi impressionisi picture cf. 34 8.

I. oonsilium, a Councitos Ma . . . io consideri. altoro . . . ctuos: the instrumental Without ab is proper it exercitu cf. I, Io), and this carries duce Wit it here. Avini circa - οἱ περιξ cf. 24 , Introd. p. II. axi to that time



surum below.

after that Domihi date onwards' dictator . . . cum magistro equitum, Is i. μεm the nam is no certain perhaps


La. ivea Romani a Roman colon hae twice been thrown into the own Aster therars colonigation, it again fel into thehand of the Volscians then, at Some unknown date, a SeCOndColon Wa sent, an in a B C. t went ove to the Samnites