T. Livi ab urba condita liber ix

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lesque ambo ad novum profecti bellum quattuor milia a castris hostium consederunt Aequorum exercitus, ut qui Io Suo nomine permultos annos imbelles egissent, tumultuario similis, sine ducibus certis, sine imperio, trepidare. alius II exeundum in aciem, alii castra tuenda Censent movet pleroSque vastatio futura agrorum ac deinceps cum levibus praesidiis urbium relictarum excidias itaque postquam inter 1 a

multa Sententia una, quae omissa Cura communium ad reSPeCtum Suarum quemque rerum vertit, est audita, ut 13

prima vigilia diversi e castris ad deportanda omnia tuendasque moenibus urbes abirent, cuncti eam sententiam ingenti adsensu accepere. palatis hostibus per agro prima 4 luce Romani signis prolatis in acie consistunt et, ubi nemo obvius ibat, pleno gradu ad Castra hostium tendunt Cete-Isrum postquam ibi neque stationes pro portis nec quemquam

in vallo nec fremitum Consuetum Castrorum animadverterunt. insolito silentio moti meti insidiarum subsistunt. transgressi deinde vallum cum deserta omnia invenissent 16 pergunt hostem vestigiis sequi. sed vestigia in omnes aeque serentia partes, ut in dilapsis passim, prima errorem faCiebant; post per exploratores compertis hostium consiliis ad irsingulas urbes circumferendo bello unum et triginta oppida intra dies quinquaginta omnia oppugnando Ceperunt, quorum pleraque diruta atque incensa, nomenque Aequorum prope ad internecionem deletum. de Aequis triumphatum i8 exemploque eorum Clades fuit, ut arrucini, arsi Paeligni, Frentani mitterent Romam oratores pacis petendae amicitiaeque his populis foedus petentibus datum. Eodem anno Cn. Flavius scriba, patre libertino humilio

sortuna ortuS. Ceterum Callidus vir et lacundus, aedilis curulis fuit invenio in quibusdam annalibus, Cum appa areret aedilibus fierique se pro tribu aedilem videret neque accipi nomen, quia scriptum faceret, tabulam posuisse et iurasse se scriptum non facturum; quem aliquanto ante 3 desisse scriptum facere arguit acer Licinius tribunatu ante


gesto triumviratibusque, noCturno altero, altero Coloniae 4 deducendae ceterum, id quod haud discrepat, Contumacia adversus contemnentes humilitatem suam nobiles certavit;

s civile ius, repositum in penetralibus pontificum, vulgavit fastosque circa sorum in albo proposuit, ut, quando lege agi 6 posset, Sciretur aedem Concordiae in area Vulcani summa invidia nobilium dedicavit coactusque consensu populi

Cornelius Barbatus pontifex maximus verba praeire, Cum more maiorum negaret nisi Consulem aut imperatorem posse templum dedicare itaque ex auctoritate senatus latum ad populum est, ne quis templum aramve iniussu senatus aut

tribunorum plebei partis maioris dedicaret haud memorabilem rem per se, nisi documentum sit adversus superbiam nobilium plebeiae libertatis, referam ad Collegam aegrum visendi causa Flavius cum venisset consensuque nobilium adulescentium, qui ibi adsidebant, adsurrectum ei non esset, curulem adferri sellam eo iussit ac de sede honoris sui 1 anxios invidia inimicos spectavit ceterum Flavium dixerat aedilem forensis factio Ap. Claudii censura vires nacta, qui senatum primus libertinorum filiis lectis inquinaverat et, II posteaquam eam lectionem nemo ratam habuit nec in curia adeptus erat quas petierat opes, urbanis humilibus per omnes 1 tribus divisis forum et campum corrupit tantumque Flavii comitia indignitatis habuerunt, ut plerique nobilium anulos 13 aureos et phaleras deponerent ex eo tempore in duas partes discessit civitas: aliud integer populus, fautor et I Cultor bonorum, aliud orensis factio tendebat, donec Q. Fabius et P. Decius censores facti, et Fabius simul concordiae causa, simul ne humillimorum in manu comitiaeSSent, omnem orensem turbam excretam in quattuor tribus is coniecit urbanasque eas appellavit adeoque eam rem

acceptam gratis animis ferunt, ut Μaximi cognomen, quod tot victoriis non pepererat, hac ordinum temperatione pareret ab eodem institutum dicitur, ut equites idibus Quinctilibus transveherentur.



*4. orcti a predicative dative fuit: the syntax rules give in ur Latin grammaristo observance of Ciceronian sage ould here require a subjunctive, since the laus is suboblique aster scio: so fueran below. rasotitae: by the fetials whoacte a the herales o spoliesmen of the Roman state, and whowere heade hya fater saeratus, Who, sor purpose of treaties Wars, and the like was to the state ha the ather a to the family. S at Cambridge eac College has a father', Who present men to the Vice-Chancello sor admission to degrees. is viis . . . --: Ogether. 6. oriunoto iam fato: i. e. thei hodies ere hancle over. So Thomas Becket' remains ere condemne for reason threehundred years aster his death, and were visited a far a possibie, With the prope punishment. Quae . . . noxuis: Ogether.

7. Romino: an imaginar individua apostrophiete a the

DODulum . . . rivulum Cicero rite nemo no nullus illi nouns hic expres person e. g. nemo iure, ut nullus Memnoquo Latin, like Greeli constantinuses a neW negative here in anegative Sentence aster a genera o wide ordis subdivision is made into PariS.L8. Quod ai an adverbial accusative has ecome a conjunction



- ut), iis origi Minoiten. It is hien used helare si oum volontior furia), in dealin with. as against.' at like tamen introduces here the principat Clause. 9. satia sint the subjunctive is due both to the orce of eos)quibus -such men si an to the precedin subjunctive. clomini: the singular of each owner es Romane *73. Inoari: thrown sorwar sor emphasis, an arrangement Livy like es 4 s.

Vinoora, inesh .icio. Quibus: c. eis, ascit antecedent. LII. Quam rositita: c. dis agant homines' hom rerum humanarum' - rerum hominum 'in the whole clause heing, with thenex s quam adversis . . . dis'), the subject to momentum sit magis i. e. it,ould e truer o say. Baalsas Liv omiis the subjeci, as riters of Gree do. uomu 1oata via: ablative absolute.

a. a Calatiam : the preposition is insertexto express a theneighbourhoodos', 'o beneat the walis of ', to the lines munes

L3 inoictorint the indirect som periret subj. of the future perfindic. which wouldi the direct speech. Here iv gives primarysequence throughout aster the histori present iubet ut . . . oonatot after the rs clause, immediatet depending on iubet, Livssor clearness salis bach on this form for an indirect command. Another infinitive ould have read like a statement, and that Constructio is actuali needed, o folio idem sermo. -Baaε:Prob ly legiones is stili the subject contrast,it this nec multum

afuit quin, a s.

L . st anto Cicero uses etiam Livy follows the poets use, itfeliperhaps copied hom the Gree use of και. o tisi: the capture soldiers, ahe-helieu fhepheres. Ls Romanus: cf. I o. fores has a future senserithe direct sor-would he fert - is instantinabout o take 'in Cicerowould mea something else taking ' by this construction, and wouldi se for Livy' sense laturus esse . In conditionat clauses, os Course the present sula in Oratio Obliquam imperfeci regularly represenis the suture indicative of the oratio Recta simul a secon motive besides the loyalty of Luceria. - in face of in te os ore octo . . . ironi: indirect om in histori sequence of the deliberate subjunctive.



7. Mina, lasses, defites. olro : Liv frequently pulsa adverbietween a nou an an agreeing adjective, an mises it express another adjective meaning The se is like that in Greeho an adverti,ith the artici to give an adjectiva sense. Here thesenseris ,hic lay around Atia, Iairly, rather.' 8. antoquam onias the subjunctive, to give the prospective sense, 'hesore the travellerian come Theraecone person in Latinos an imagine character is no familiar, a the Corresponding useis in English. Olde Englis writers se a man sor one odilom, like qua here an in A, is in se an adverb, in origi a

pronou agreein with via underStood insinuavoria Latinuses his recis tense, here Englis uses a presen or orist. Dorgis the subjunctive mahes this alternative the vague an iuss

Io sua a the pas in hont also haesit obem vilius: used a the genitive os quisquam so ullo, 43. II magia than himself

there a no possibilit os lanning an deliverance, o way fescape could possibi he thought f. sanet by the oodused Liv gives the sense that this as in the consula thoughis. For his virtuau suboblique se cf. Ictgati, commander of divisions.' tribuni: sc militum DPαεtorium one of the two rariori of cia, in hic the council Was held. Dotctrant: as usual with his auxiliar ver the indicative is sed where e hould have thought the writer might use the subjunctive. That mood Liv avolds, sincerit ould have suggeste the fame Sense a We have in esset, jus above. The senseris ,ould have been able

I. ro ingonio quisquo some temperament hein melanchol an despondent, ome sanguine. QVBm montium: a poetica turn cf. simia viarum, factivorum. Da. octo, dummodo vinoimum the present,it iam,



is only the interrogative of the jussive Lainbove . moliri a

favourite ord wit Vergil, here sed inith an ablative os separation. clum . . . immin uni the present sollows dum, hen the senseis no stronger than thalai ven by an Englis present participie or a clause parallel to the main clause but when the senseris io long as' the tens varies in apostrophietin an imaginar individual: cf. I a. rmati inMinoa: cf. for the ut a toasyndetono I. Maturus by fightingis. 4. in Moom an adverbietween his an sermonibus, it analectival effect cf. 2 o. aBrmonisu D an example of the instrumenta case, merge in sor into the ablative qua

an more than to the Romans. In Englis it is ostentes to turn the sentence so that he negative mes illi the veri, while a 'goes illi the emphasige word. s. iam is,ith abscesserat mow sor some time). 6. - at. near,' hy. Oxoroitu each consul ad onerander his command quam Primum: cf. quam potesso uuissime a 4. 7. itorum: no rursus nuntio: no regarde a an agent here contrast the last section), ut an instrument,-or the attendant Circumstances are expresse by hat is calle an ablative absolute', i. e. reali an instrumental above, 4 used


LI. in castria in stricti logical sense goes illi rerum inopia isset. The gramma os logic hoWever, is not with good writer the final est. For simila illogicalit preferre so concisenes cs. Medo no presumeri come to this Thy table, o Lord, rustin in urown righteousness, but sine come trusting in Thy manisold and reat mercies' rorum nosia in abstraci oun, is remum is adde to it is frequently used in ali Latin, Correspondenti totur

musti in the infinitive, change iis lam so that the future participiegives the hypothetices tinge. Here, it might have been sat at thetime non eravius acciperent, si nuntiaretur. This explains hythe imperfeci not luperfeci follows i. Liv puis his to followviderentur so that we have accesturi esse).D . tum, ac last ' Drinoopa, the iursu amongst honoribu the offices he had held.D8. in Capitolio: here a remnant of Romans, it Waspatrioticali represented hel out against the Gaul aster the had

capture Rome, 9 B. C. non uias auolorom: closelytogether opposed the proposat', recommende the senate no Loivitatis civium it is no the fame in meaning as res publica.




I. inruaa vovini generali the would ratis by tacit ac plance at an rate ha thei ossicials id sor them; ut nopeople could alioW the ultimate Volce to he in ali cases taken Domit. So Κing John' acknowledgement that he held Englandis araefiso the ope was immediatet repudiared by us a uum vires. ncto que Connecis, an ne meret Continues the negative in nego; cf. 34 9 44 8. norimonia: ath an imprecations ereuitered, and ais ne lain Wit a stone istis. Det oroctunt: speciali with the adverbisul o the thir personplures in Latin gives the idea expressed by the Frenchim; cf. rhos ' in Englisti. BP Donatonom : ith les solemn sanctionthan a foedus as a Civi contractis marriage than the religious myster es maniam. It is likel that the assertio there a no



foedus is clue to a belles that the Roman subsequent victor proved that there a no offence against the god o the Romans' pari. 3. sancti the condition implied is virtuali containe in theword in foedere sifoedus essed For the tense notitupersecti cf. 44 6. Contrast belo si . . . acta re ESSEM . . . ensarent. - - in quo, follio nefoedere. Dormum the antecedent


ἔα intuori an example of What is calle the his ori in vive, where the writer hiis of a picture it rapi strohe without troublingo inflect the verb. The effect is not unlike that ofΜr Alfred Iingle' telegraphic style, an it is sed either for vividdescriptions ordo rapid narrative. The subject is in the nominative issi, below). 9. ociorum se the maprior the rout tinen Darsessa: the me in the armies ouldie stomo to 46 years old. In Greelian Latin the district is mentioned irst here patriam), and then the

particula placerio whic motion takes place. f. the German modeo addressin a letter quo i. e. to their country and their parenis. Logicalty the additio of maiores is a litti loose, an sol eorum grammaticalty Contrast se directi aster. Io. αnimos, Courage.' II hora fatalia poetices Introd. p. II. tristiorλ 64 3. motura a poeticalis of the future partici ple Introd. P. II. Ia iam Primum . . . tum are parallel; cf. for iam I LI. primi: efore anything was done in regari to the others. 13. Risonavimus no the ablative os the agent; cs. 34 3.iPSOS SC. os: C. the ConSutS. B BoruntB agreeSwith the subjectis censuera L


o the subjunctive is copie sto the Gree optative of indefinite



*3. oesorum the Romans CamDania the Capuans. Theyfel that the Roman were ni superior barbarians. For Livy's

patriotic interpretatio of thei laetin cf. Introd. p. 6.L6 aua closely wit consulibus cf. 44 4. Their paludamenta are intended. honigno, lavishly mali ne P cf. sub luce maligna uan '). 7. unotus in Cicero an earlier Latin sed ni in the plural originali coniuncti). ivatim a nou here. omous,

redundant aster neque For English, non modo . . . Sed ne ... quidem

must e caresuli turned, it due regar to the way in hichneque is translated. The force of the ne . . . quidem extend in emphasis to the whole clause ui . . . intuerentur, ut again inspite os logic Livnis content to enclose etween themone o tWOnotabie ord of the Clause oontra, in the face.'D9. actoo a favourite turn in iv at the conclusionis Someepisode to give a reflection; a true ascit that, such an extent, So Completely ulterly. Ductor Quictam, species o shame. seelingis disgracer thei sense of honourio evertantasticat,' a superfine Sensitiveneas.' Io oum: Since the principat claus is an lines on thesentence houldbe broken uri Introd. p. I 4. R C u the preposition is inserte when the senseris stom the authorities V, almost hy'; s. a 4 9 42. nnom Liv uses the singular, where Caesar an Cicero ould have the plural es. Introd. P. II. Tovortinactnt notice illi the changin sense the change of ense in referrent an dicerentur elow. II. natu multo : f the sentenceae rea aloud, it Wil heraeenwhether these ord go togetheri not. actoo : ut here in theyoung nobles indirect speech, with the fame Sortos Senseas L above. 12. illam, the old' proverbiai, well-known familiar); Cf.

infinitive indirect so the present indicative only could o meananything ut that, hile the obles spolie, these thing were occurrini as in flabere below3 hence reddere must not e taken