장음표시 사용
ture or vave os ille laand would appris ille audience milicii vas meant; ure inust forni ou conjecture Dolii ollier circumstances and pon 'e vliole Lagree,illi the Gerna an proferiminclator of Sophocles, iliat Oreonis intended. Diemel rex langit age, Dona causes advertexto in ille page solio ving naturali anticipaled the Greel languas e in very plause Di constriiction anian; other niti here be lentione loli enipliati prQ-
si res hin t ast an Sign, even to the mos miscuit, as a proo os divine interference. The monarch declining to do his, the prophetaimself promul tes Wo Signsa therars relative to the great desiverunce Oae hereine achieved by the son o a virgin the secon to e effected illiin aver se vears- betat e this c d potiatin to his insant son shal have arrive at ilia age heia good ani evi areolistinguished. V This i nivmenior does not leceive ille, is erini coli' interpretation of the passa e l54. Παιαν. Pyth. IV. 48o ἐσσὶ δ' ἰατὴρ ἐπικα ρότατος, Πaιάν τε σοι τιμῶμος. v. 5. o Alaollo c. καὶ βαρειῶν νόσων Ἀκέσματ' ἄνδρεσσι καὶ γυνaιεὶ νεμει For the Apollo Paean an Phyna sungrio hini aster desiverance froni pestilence, Dissen refers o Valchen ad Eurip. Hippol. p. 3I3 muller's
Pind. Nem. I. p. 364. Cf. Hes. p. 5OO. Soph. Trach. 24. oughin his and many ther occasions the ea ter has been re ferred o Matthiae undisther Greel manimars for construction, he hocidneve larget that here is a graninauri a stillaigher natur xvhich shouldeve be present in his te , fine uould rea ancient authors, illi delight Vaz that gramma Whicli aros naturali out o composition addresse buthe Orce to the eur, and whicli necessarii dister so videt froni themamma os composition addresse through the press to the eue Gram- marian necessarii invent nantes to distin messii these constriactions Echenia Atticum, chenia Pindariciani, schema Alcmanicum, σχῆμα πρὁ ὁ σημαινόμενον, δεικτικῶς, pleonaStic, &c &c Reader of t te, vho periise ancient authors vitii acility, os coiars trouble theimselves litti about merenantes; ut o the les deepi adimire the beautila collocations thich ex out of this necessity, and whicli perhaps are no vi here more apparentilia in the writings of Sophocles, Where uitli his inphatio vord of evem description, the constitute a never-ceasin cham Perilaps a more philosophical in luto than has et been institute might e made, vitii a te of Seeing o v modern languages graduali acquire different innexion an disserent constriactions to adapt thenaseives to the great changeo circunistances flecte bys,unte i instetidis volcen languages. P. 37. On the intercliange bet veen Hecat an Arteuiis, seu hudich. p. 355 P. 52. The pestilenc is re liuently describessias a Musi, a tot uund in thedriptures. Se inter alia Blauney's Jerena. IV. II. XXII. 22. XXIII. Io.
his Miscure verse renis to denote ine essecis os si ne an peMilo
2 I. The studentis Pindar villisol infrequently fin ille necessit os elicitin a verbisui os a veri, iliat has preceded. Τhu Netai. IX. 45. οὐδε Κρονίων ἀστεροπὰν ελελίξaις οἴκοθεν μυγουμενους στείχειν πώτρυν, αλλὰ εἱσασθαι κελεύθου, where rom πώτρυνε a Disse remari s is to hie elicited
d her A elogo approxiimation to inis use fine possesSive pronou occursis a passage MEZAiel, Doni,hichahe reader pili perii s ullo me to niate 'onsiderable extra et In that hapter os unparalleled mamificence, inerim fiet represente Las castiniinto in loWer paris os in earili various
τῶν πέμφθην κἀξεκηρύχθον φυγάς.
Minis φέρειν ἀντων. 5I8. μακραίωνος. Diat this vor 1 may be renderet in a more limited sense, cf. ad Col. Iso. 533. τόλμης πρόσωπον. f. Matth. l. 3I6. f. 5 I-2. τυραννίδ ὁ Pind. Pyth. II. I. θεος ὁ καὶ πτερόεν αἰετὸν κίχε. 58o. Diere Seein to lae ather a delicate evasionis the partis adipus, stan an admission that Iocasta hare his fovereimty. 592. τυρἁννίς. The three forins os ancient governinen a despotiεm, democracy, and mi aristocracy, are thias described by mulara εν πάντα δε νόμον ευθυγλωσσος ἀνηρ προφέρει, παρα τυραννδι, d ωπόταν ὁ λαβρος στρατος, χωτα πάλιν οἱ σοφοὶ τηρέωντι. Pyth. Ι1. 59.
ὀρχομενοι προπαιον ἐλθεῖν δρον.
notes on Isaiali I. 8. XXIV ψ' - -- -αν DialolvIo et q. πάιγγα- the olcens ut into crudies. se more particulariy a 37. As a personification, Arcturiis is seen to great a luantage DIIS I ἄλλως πονεὶ gives hini seis innecessary troiit te, meret to ovi si Vom . II 54. ποστρεψε χέρας. Cf. Plautus' Epidicus, Act. V. sc. a. But perliaps sonae species of torture, and not inere vllipping, is here intended. II 86. A strong suspicion uvas thrown ut in the preceding notes that ille viem talcen by risurdi and Hermannis this and the solio*ring verses uvas no the coneci ne andalia a reserencerio soni generat Pindaric doctrines molita be in best metuis of resutin inose vieius. It gives me muchpleastire t fin since, iliat ille very learne an acute author of the Quaest Sophocl. V has come to the Same conclusionis myset a to the actua meaning of the verses, though by a Pacli more learne proceSS. His generat version, hoWever of the passage, as Nili be hem here ter is persecti Pindaric quisnan plus felicitatis adipiscitur, quan ut fructius utiquanidi sectetnda fortuna vel gloria miraris infelix t. i I 88. O ille Pherecratem verse a solio vin a se of Glyconics, See Solger' Presacerio his Sophocles, p. 68. Iaao. Foratae formula εὐστομάτων, Neve refers to aula. . 396 ann. 2.1225. me supporis the opinion here talcen, but refers to El. I 328. ia 27. f. Plautus' Mostellaria, Ac II. c. a. I 329. Cf. ur Androm. 68. Diucyd. VI. 77. Blomi. GlOSS. 2ESch.
ΝΟ ne an have perused the restea an indipodeae Gilofes, dine alter teranona be allowed me, o the restes, Phoenissae and Ipli igenia in auris os Euripides, Minout perceivinitio it Inues in crimeo bloo 1-mili lia occupied ille attentio of the times in vulscholiose
lli ex-naonarcii in ille firs instance latit an obuect an an interestia ad subsequently become attache to thein, vhicli ius lime depravedi lieni o mucli of thei bitterness. As ille natur of this object hasllitherio scape the poet' coinimentators, and led ne of the acutes and abies of then to accus the poet o a tautology, vitia vitici lie loes notMena chargeatile, the ea ter vili perliaps excuse a larie expositio of the
τερμίας, or actuat place, virliere ille vereri teriminate Some minute particular belli adde a to the circumstances unde Whicli e liould arriveat this teriminal Spol. An nigna ut the sanie time vas conveyed in the communication Domine sacredishrine, vhicli of itfel involved the probabilit os illuch further trave and investigation That enignia reserred to thos dreadsul Beings, vh had beset the pathis in liptis throughise, and o vhos influenc he
in IIullo p. 176. Pelle ad Ag V. 7o. scruples in se illo teri Erinyes
armat naitie et 'hil Euripides in lus
uriter lio everisive noui in vut mences
that in charging Sophocles vitii repetitio an tautolo c merin vilis. 39 et &c. that nos learite expositor has no actex vitii his usual acutenes and judginent. A the limit assigne to this publicatio have adready been excee led, must sorbear o enter into more minute explanations a V as intended, of the closing cene os in lipus's liseu the night'smill the hilli Demeter Chloe, an ut ove ali of that subtereanean abyss, in Whicli indipus dis pearsa aut a the interpretations et upon three o soli passages in the solio vin drama, more particulari in the lyrical paris may gis offencelanthei boldness, an in thei reserences to moderi authorShi Tna Seem derogator to the ancient poet, a se v Nord on iliis matter vili perii stae illo ve nie. In readinitae Greel drama, phetiae traicis comic, itoliould neve be largoiten that dramati representations in Athena vereos rare occurrence-ctia the tooh place at distant intervals-that a play,eXcepi unde extraordinar circumstances, Was neve persorme tWice- that the representation took place unde every circumstanc os excitement-bar pitted against barit-aulete against autete-dancer against dancer-
tritie against tribe xvi ille criticism in iis present organised sh e vas a stingunt novum. Is it possibi that unde Such circumstances some litile instances os salse aste in language liould not occasionali occur ine lalter more particulari in the lyri portions of the play, and so the sollox in reason. me chora ode vas, Ilaeed sciscet say, e progen os in dithyrambicide, the alter beloning to ille Dionysia festivals long laesore in re lar trama vas invented, and wllicli bein persorine at a sestival in hono is the go os .ine, an to auditor xvii lia partalcen larget of his gaes, natural lyiushed theso vers of the Greeli lanmage to the ulmos extra- vagance of license. Die reade xvlio Icno v any thin os the initings os Aristoplianes, Ic novis that in dithyrami an ita composer neve in consequence come laesore him, laut that ver species of compound epithet is invente to ridicule the turgidity, obscurity, and bombas of thei langvage. An yet is the reade peruses caresuli ille specimens os distorted lingua ge whicli the poet ut into the mouili of his inestas Av. I 373sq. or his Agathon Thes. Io I sq. , I venture to say that he Nili find none vilici go meate lanulis ilia soni vphicli occasionali occur in the mettings os Sophocles i. An vult suci extravagances in an author, Whose diction vas naturali So pure an simple, and wli certates Wasnot morant that simplicit is the best accompaniment of sublimit pDieini ans ver Pthinlc is to beriound in the dramati peculiarities above allude to an ille natur of the poet' audience:-that moti o con-
ceited artisans an litariners, vilio resed in ine ineatre a uine di in ine ecclesiae and in in coliris os lam, and lio rom OH liabit natur lyexpected iii in cliora ode in fame extravngances os language as adbeen v on to delirat them in in diti lyrambic de mor in Inal in this reniat dou conve an uirius limputation on ine aste os e nos ingeniolis peopte inat ver existed Correct ast is in resu' os constant practice and observation, o wliateve sui jec it is exerte ' In orator inetaste os in commones artistii in Ainens a Minos perfeci laecatis ste peculia institutions os his country niade sorensi or legislative orator stedin and 4ouri Mod of his life tu drantati representations ereliterat in angel-visits seMandriar etween ' an is the liearer' aste naucli occasion was tos persect, and the pii oeyor o it intent On Victon , caredatile sor an occasiones sacrifice os his xvii laeue lato viedge, hocaii satri onde is Dies reasoning seein to me launde oncommon sense laut i in reade requires berier uinorit uim my Wnsor inem, lae viillinil inem uinis supporte in ome iter an pun entrematas os Plato, Who coimplain ILeg. 7o sq. x os an Atti theatroci acy he does et se ulter of an Atti deniocracy, and indignantly linient that questions os,liat was beautitii or oster se in Ian age vere carined, no by men os sense anil aste biit lay ine laoisterolis mices os hose Who oum to liave sat stili an desereed to et beriers.