장음표시 사용
crassae livent: post quae, quidquid becoming) thiok are-livido a ter inhies things), whatevermedicamentorum ingeritur, proficit parum ; quod sereos medicines is-applied, profis littiet whica mostly
supervenit ulceri curato negligenter. Interdum com -on to an ulcer bemg-treated negligent0. Sometimes cancer occupat vel ex nimia
inflammatione, vel ob immodicos aestus, Velissammation, or On-account-os immoderate heuta, orob nimia frigora, vel quia vulnus On-account-9 too-much colis, or be au*e the wound adstrictum-est nimis, vel quia corpus est senile, ha been-t liened eoo-much, or beouu3e tho boo is sed,
aut mali habitus. Id genus diductum est a or of bad habit. Thae hiad has-been-disided by
Graecis in species: est non nostris the Greela into vectes; there-is noe the means) to our vocabulis. Autem omnis cancer non solum Corrumpit id, wordy. But Gery cancer not On0 Corrupra that,
Nam modo rubor super inflammationem ambit For Sometimes re eas over inflammation Surrounis ulcus, que is procedit cum dolore; Graeci nominant the ulceri and that prooeeia with pain : tho Greias name it) erusipelas). Modo ulcus est nigrum, erusipelas. Sometimes the ulcer is bluo quia Caro ejus corrupta-est; que id intenditurbeoaure thesi hosti ha been-corrupted iand that is-3tretched etiam vehementius putrescendo, ubi
augmented) also more-violently by putrening, tolen vulnus est humidum, et pallidus humor sertur the wound is molat, and pule humour is-borne dis- ex nigro ulcere, que est mali odoris; charged) ou of the blao4 ulcer, and it-is of bad odour
que corruptae carunculae, interdum etiam nervi acand corrupi plecG-os est, rometime8 even nerve3 and membranae, resolvuntur; que specillum demissum membran , are-disgolved; und the probe heing-3ent-down descendit aut in latus, aut deorsum: descends Ather into the 8ide lateralty , or downtearda rque nonnunquam os quoque afficitur eo vitio. and somelimes the bone avo k- ected by-that vice.
Modo ea oritur, quam Graeci appellant Sometimes that species) arises, which the Greehs callγάγγραιναν gaggrainan). Priora fiunt gaggraina. The former maladies) are-madein qualibet parte corporis: hoc in
prominentibus membris, id est, inter ungues, et the prominent limba, that is, bettoeen the natis, and alas, vel inguina: que sere in senibus, vel the arm piis, orthe groina; und mostly in old persons), orin iis corpus quorum est mali habitus. Caro in
in those the bo of whom is of bad habit. Thesest in
ulcere est vel nigra, vel livida, sed sicca et arida: an ulcer is either blach, or livid, but dry and arid; que proxima cutis plerumque impletur
subnigris pustulis; proxima deinde est with somerohat-blach pustules ; the nearest afterwariri is vel pallida, vel livida, que sere rugosa et Sine either pule, or livid, and mosis torishled and without sensu ; ulterior ost in inflammatione e que omnia ea steling ; the further is in insummatione and ali these Serpunt simul : ulcus transit in things creep spread) togethere the ulcer goes-over intopustulosum locum; pustulae, in eum qui pallet aut the puStulous place; the pustules, into that ν'hic4 ismale orlivet; pallor aut livor, in id quod estis-livid; thepulones; or lioidis, in that part) whiol is inflammatum; inflammatio, in id quod est integrum. inflamed ; the inflammation, into that ichich is found.
Inter haec . deinde acuta febris oritur, que Among these things) te arri acute fover aris , and ingens sitis r quibusdam etiam delirium accedit: alii,
great thirst: to εoms even delirium accedes: othera, quamvis sunt compotes Suae mentis, tamen vix although they-are posse ing of their mlari yet δ arcebbalbutiendo explicant suos senSUS: Stomachus
mali recipit curationem: vero ubiqueandbut when
insedit penitus, est insanabile ;ie hamsettsed inwardly, it-is incurable;
moriuntur sub frigido sudore. die vnder a coid 3weat.
Ac haec quidem sunt periclita vulnerum. And these indoed are the dangere of wound3. 32. que
Autem Vesus ulcus est concidendum Scalpello, Bue auos ulcer is to-bo-cus with a Roalyel, orae ejus excidendae, et quidquid livet the e es ofit to be-cut-oul, and whatener k-linideas aeque incidendum. Si varicula them Us) equully to-be-inobed. V a smal 3wollen-veinest intus, quae prohibet id fianari, ea quoquera Othin, whὶoh hindera that to bo-oured, that also e einen - Deinde ubi Sanguis emissus-est
ladano potest sanare: et cum ulcus sub eo ladanum is-able to cure it): and when the ulcer under itexesum-est, id quo cicatrix ha3-be -eaten-out, thut plaster) by whioh a acar cicatrieta- inducitur. tion) is brought-on. Autem id quod dixi vocari ἔρυσίπελας But that which I hune-suid to be-culled erusipelas , consuevit non solum Supervenire erysipelas, has-been-aocustomed not only to come-uponvulneri, sed quoque oriri sine hoc: t' a wounc but aiso to arise without this a Wound): atque interdum affert majus periculum ; utique and 8om times it-bringa verygreat danger; expeciallysi constitit circa cervices aut caput. Oportetis it-ha3-3etiled abotii the neohs or heud. D-beloves mittere sanguinem, si vires patiuntur
deinde imponere simul reprimentia afterwards to put-on lliings) at-α sume-thne repre inget refrigerantia; que marinae ceruSsam eXceptam und cooling; and evectally ceruse received Succo Solani, aut Cimoliam cretam
Pluviali-aqua, aut sarinam subactam ex with ruin-water, or meai sub ed lineaded) out of with, eadem aqua, cupresso adjecta, aut lenticula, si the Same water, cur a being added, or lentii, i corpus est tenerius. Quidquid est impositum, est the bo is very- tender. Whutever is put-on, is contegendum solio betae, et linteolum madens to-be-covered with leos of beet, and a litile linen Metirigida aqua imponendum super. Si refrigeransamithoold water to-ι Ῥut-on over. IX the refrigerant Proderunt parum per se, erunt
et croci, Singulorum P. N. XII. a. que ea Sunt und of s ron, of eae4 P. H. XII. z. and thege Greconterenda cum vino, et id illinendumto b bruisemtogether rotta tolae, and that to be meareGouhis: aut si locus
to these: or is the place solani contrita j nightshude bruised-together suillae, et illita est durior, solia
is very-hard, the leaves Sunt miscenda adipiare to-be-mised tofuelinteolo, belonginq-to-the-Rmne, and being-meare Gon to a-litt&-lineis, superinjicienda. are to be-ca8t-on-over. At si est nigrities, nequedum Serpit Bul f there-is blactnera, nor-us-yet it creeps and itquae exedunt leniusdses not 3 et spread , thethings) wlich eat-out verywently Putrem carnem, Sunt imponenda: que ulcus putrid Arah, are to-bemut-one and repurgatum, est nutriendum tring-rco anseri is to be-nourished strealed)cetera. Si est magis putre, que jamothera. IV it-is more putrid, and nowae Serpit, est Opus erodentibus una creeps spreads), thero-is need initharticles) erodi Uxehementius. Si ne-quidem haec evincunt, more-powerfully. V not-even thrae conquer it), locus debet aduri donec millus humorrae place ought to be-burni untiiseratur ex eo: may-be-borne di Scharged) oul-os ite
yor rohat Post ustionem ter the burniaqsunt Superponenda
eae exciderunt, ulcus est purgandum, maximethose have alien- , the ulcer is to be-cleanseri inpeciallymelle et resina: sed potest purgari quoque by honta und is resin: but it-iε-able to-be-cleansed titio aliis, quibus purulenta Curantur, is other, O which purulent Nounds) ure- red dressed), que est perducendum ad Sanitatem eodem modo. and it-is to be- rought to health in the 3ame manner. Vero est non dissicillimum curare gangraenam, But it is not very-dii Cult to cure gangrene, si tenet nondum plane, sed adhucis it holds is established) nolset evidently, but as-yet incipit, utique in juvenili corpore: et etiambegi , evecta ly in syouthful bo : and eum magis, si musculi sunt integri ; si nervi more so), is the m oles are 30und; f the nerves
sunt vel non laesi, vel sunt leviter affecti; are either not injured, or are stightly usiectis; neque ullus magnus articulus nor any great joint aut egi paulum carnis inor there-is litile of esh in
eo loco, quellat place, and ideo fuit non multum quod on-thal-a count there-has-been not much iehiel putresceret; que vitium consistit
primum est, mittere Sanguinem, si
vires patiuntur: deinde concidere quidquid the strengtha ε er: Uterwards to cut-awv whateverest aridum, et habet male proximum is mithered, and has ill amicis) the neui est adjacent)locum quoque quadam intentione, uSque place atio by a certain extension, untii as sar as toὶ
sanum corpus. Vero dum malum serpit, the healthy bo . Aut while the evil. reps extends), nulla medicamenta, quae Con8uerunt no medicines supplications), which have-been-accustomedmovere pus, Sunt adhibenda; oueto move promote) matter, are to b applied - and ne-quidem calida aqua. Quoque gravia ou-that-account no even hot water. Also hecli y 'quamViS reprimentia, Sutit aliena; sed although repressing, ure u it; buthis quam-levissimis: que est with thrae as-lirht-assonible: and it-is refrigerantibus Super ea quaero b used with refrigeranis over those sparis whichsunt inflammata. Si malum consistit nihilo
e . st V quod est inter integrum
more, that ought to b burne which is between thesound vitiatum locum. Que praecipue in hoc and vittated diseased) place. And eveoialty in this casu praesidium est petendum, non Solum ais to le-3ought, noto only frυm
acio from rεuson regulation) os diei id malum, nisi corrupti quo
that the ovit, uniera os a corrupi and Ergo primo, utendum I herefore uisrat, it is) to be-used nisi imbecillitas prohibet: deindeunt 3 wea neSs prevenis: afterwur s. danda, quae Per cibum oues
potionem adstringant alvum, que ideo etiamd k may-biad thebeuy, and on-that-ac unt also corpus; sed ea levia Pries Y
3e ε etymedicamentis, Sed medicines, butenim neque est fur neither is vitiosi corpori S. Wiolous bo . abstinentia, with abstin Ce,
in putri ulcere. Ac tum quoque licebit in a sutrid ulcer. And then also it toti be-allowed uti plenioribus cibis ex media materia; to use withyulier fods out-of the midiae material class); sed tamon non nisi siccantibus alvum
que corpus, Vero frigida pluviali-aqua. Balneum and tho bo , but with colit ruin-water. A bathest alienum, nisi est jam certa spes is uisit, uni s there-is abeady certain hope sauitatis redditae: siquidem vulnus emollitumof health heing-re8tored: sinoe-that thetoound belW-3 tenedin eo cito rursus assicitur eodem malo. in that quiolly ugain is- eoled by the fame evit. Vero nonnunquam Omnia auxilia solent proficere But metimes ali aida are-aocustomed toprostnihil, ac nihilominus is cancer serpere: nothing not at all), and neverthele8s that cancer to creminter quae est tospread): among whita sin whicli cases) there-is miserum, Sed unicum auxilium, abscindere membrum, a wretchec but only aid, to cut-ost the limb, quod emoritur paulatim, ut cetera pars whioh dies by litt&-and-litile, that the otiar partcorporis sit tuta.
Hae sunt curationes gravissimorum Vulnerum. Jβ' Theae are the trealmenis Ofthe most-heata wounia.
aut ubi vulnus tenue, sed inseditor when the wound is) thin small), hut has-settsed
altum. In primo casu est commodissimum siem. In the si rae accident it-is mo3t-a antageougcoquere malicorium ex vino, queto ooat pomegranate bari sut-j With) roiae, and conterere interiorem partem ejus, et miscereto bruise the inner puro Vit, undito mi r it)Cerato facto ex rosa, que Superponere id: Oth cerate made out-os ro8e solli, und to μαι-over that deinde ubi cutis ipsa eXasperata-est, ostiorwarda when the Rhia lueF ha8-bsen-made-rough, inducere lene medicamentum, qualis
est lipara. Uero deraSo, que detrito, is lipara. Gut something) beingsrazed, and rubbes , emplastrum tetrapharmacum est imponendum, que cibus thepta8ter tetrapharmacum is to be ut on, and thesood minuendus, et vinum subtrahendum. Neuueto 6e-Qmιmahed, and the wine to be-witadraton. Nor
, ' i , ζψntemnendum, quia habebit
quarn ut id possit inplication. Butpotest fieri,
descendit altius hvs-d oen d mor demty thun that that may-be-able
fieri ita, est evocandus medicamento. ro be-done thua, it-is to b cullis orth an application. Autem radix arundinis superimposita educit Optime, But the root of a reed belvmut-on-over Gaw8-out brat, contrita protInus, si est tenera, si
jam durior decocta ante in mulso; cui abeady very-hard belU-boiled hefore in hydromel; to whichmel est semper adjiciendum, aut aristolochia cum hono is alicus to be-added, or aristolochy witheodem melle. Pessima ex surculis est arundo, the fame honey. The worat out os Ullatera is the reed, quia est aspera: que est eadem offen8abeoau/e it-is rough: and there-is the 3ame annuance etiam in filice. Sed cognitum-est usu, utrumqueatio in forn. But it-has- been-known by use, each os esse medicamentum adversus alteram, si
these) to be a medicine sat e the other, is contrita-est ac Superimposita. Autem quodcunque it-has-been-bruised und put-on-over. But whatevermedicamentum habet vim extrahendi, lacit medicine has the pomer of drawiw-out, dora idem in omnibus surculis. Idem est apti88imum the fame in ali Ulinters. The fame is veryoit altis que tenuibus vulneribus. Emplastrum
for-δεν and thin small) wounds. The plaster Philocratis convenit maxime priori rei; of Philoorates isse rapecialty Ior the former thing;
Vero ubi in quolibet vulnere ventum-est ad Aut tolen in any wound it has-been-come tocicatricem inducendam; quod est necessarium
the acar cicatrietation) to be-brought-on; whioh is necessata ulceribus jam perpurgatis, que repletis); ulcera alaeady being-thoroughly -cleansed, and siled-upprimum, dum caro alitur,