The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


linamentum ex frigida aqua est imponendum: almen Out-of dipped in) cold water is to-besut-on :deinde, cum jam eSt continenda, terwardy, tolen atreu granulation in is to be-restrulaed, siccum, donec cicatrix inducatur: tuma dry linen), untii a scar may-be-brought-on e thenoportet album plumbum deligari super, quo et it-beloura white Dad to be-bound oner, by whioh both 'Cicatrix reprimitur, et accipit colorem maxime similem the 8car k-repr sed, and receives a colour most Ille

βδn P0rP0ri. RadiX Silvestris-cucumeristo tho healthy boo. The root of wEL cucumber praestat idem: compositio, quae habet elaterii orius the mmer the composition, whies has ofelaterium P. H. I. spumae argenti P. unguenti P. H. I. offoam of εilver litharge) P. H. II. of oin entP. Η. Iv. quae excipiuntur p. N. IV. whi Λ ar received

terebinthina donec

ttith rrain incorporaled)crassitudo emplastrithe thichneu of a pluSter At quoque aerugo et But also verdigris and belo in to-turpentine tintil

may-be-made ore of all. elotum plumbum mixta paribus portionibus qud coacta wushed Lad mised in equat portions and collected eadem resina purgant leniter nigras incorporaled) with the sume r in oleunse gently buol icatrices; sive cicatri X ungitur, quod potest cura: whether the εcur is-anointed, which D- ableieri in lacte; sive id imponitur ut emplastrum, 'o b done in the fuco; or that ismut-on αδ a plaSter, luod est commodius in aliis partibus. At si hic4 is moro-convenient in other parin But fel cicatrix excrevit, Vel e8t concava, ι 4er the εcar haswrowu-out pr ected), or is hollow, Si Stultum, causa decoris,foollit, for-the-sale os comesin 3 os appearance), ustinere rursus et dolorem et medicinam: alioquini suppori again both the pum and the medicine : otheri rise


Sinoe-thatres patitur succurri utrique. ιhe thing allows it) to be-succoured to each. utraque cicatrix potest exulcerari scalpello: si eaoh εcur is-ubie to b ulcerated by the εcalpel. faliquis mavult medicamentum, . .

compositiones, quae exedunt corpus, essiciunt compositions, which eat-out corrode the bo , essectidem. Cute exulcerata, eXedentia . the fame. The 8hin belU-ulcerateri eating-out corrosi e medicamenta sunt conjicienda super eminentem

tintil each ulcer may-be-made-eguai to the SAιn, et tum cicatrix inducatur. and then a scar may-be-brought-on.

Dixi de iis vulneribus, quae XXV, δ' I hutie Auid conoerning those worin , whichinarime inseruntur per tela: sequitur ut dicammostly are-infioted by weaponar it9ollows that Ammavde iis quae fiunt morsu, interdum

concerning those ichioh are-made by the bite, somelimes hominis, interdum sininae, saepe CanIS, nonnunquamos a man, 8ometim of an ape, osten Q a dor, sometιmesierorum animalium, aut serpentium . Autem omnis morSusUwild animais, or of serpents. Aut every bite habet sere quoddam virus. Itaque, si vulnus est ha3 mostly some venom. There fore, V the wound ιδ Vehemens, cucurbitula est admovenda: si violent, the cupping-instrument t3 to be-on'. FleVius, protinus emplastrum injiciendum,


adversus morsus ; si ea Sunt non, viride Alexandrinum: against bites; is thoδe are not, the preon Alexandriae ;si ne-quidem id est quodlibet non pingues noDeven that is obtainable), any that is) not fatex iis quae accommodantur recentibus vulneribus. ou of thore ichroh are-adapted for recent wound8.

Sal quoque est medicamentum his, uueriale also is a mediolae remedy) for these, undpraecipue ei, quod canis fecit, si manus pecialty for tha , whroh a dog has-made, ν the handi inponitur vulneri, que verberatur super id duobus Mout On to the wound, and it-is beaten oner that with two digitis: enim exsaniat. Ac salsamentum fines era. Io. it drais out- he-sanies. And satis vision

quoque deligatur recte super id vulnus. aiso M-Mund rintly over that wound. 2 Autem, Si canis suit rabiosus, virus ejus Gut, f the dog was rubid, the venom os itutique est extrahendum cucurbitula. evectul0 is to be- rawn-out with the cuppiny-HStrument. Deinde, SI Iocus est neque nerVOSus, neque terwaris, s the place is nesther nervy, noratusculosus, id vulnu8 est adurendum: si potest non nu8cular, that wound is to be-burni: f rt-D-able notixi: , est Π0n alienum Sanguinem mitti 'o be-burat, it-is noe usu sor) blood to be-sene let) o m. Superimponenda quidemo the man. Τῖen those applications in to belu on-over in edisto vulneri, quae sunt ceteris uStis : veroo tho buret wound, which are to other burni Wounds) : but

portum e. t Don ignem, ea medicamenta


Quidam post m0rsum rabiosi canis protinus Some ster the bite os a rubid cog immediutebmittunt in balneum; que patiuntur

desudare ibi, dum vires corporis sinunt,to 3uyeat there, while the Rirengths of tho bois permit, Vulnere adaperto, quo Virus quoque the wound belagiopened, Θ which the polaon uiso destillet magis ex eo: deinde excipiunt may distii more out-of it: afterinarda they receive solio multo que meraco vino, quod est

Contrarium omnibus venenis. Que cum id contram to ait polsons. And tolen that factum-est ita per triduum, homo videtur ha3-been-done thus through three- y3, the =nan seems esse tutus a periculo. Autem timor aquae

spes est in angusto. Tamen unicum

hope is in narrow there is litile liope). I et the onlyremedium est, projicere nec reme is, to castinorward the patient) nor not)Opinantem in piscinam non ante Pr0Vi Sam et, expecting into a pond not b fore foreseen to b3 lim, et, si habet non scientiam natandi, modo. and, is he has noι a knowledge 9 3wimmis, noto some- pati mersum bibere, modo times) to allow him) being-sunk to drish, somelime


deprimere, to preM him0-Gwn, satietur aqua: habet,

enim sic simul interdum

metimes invitus,

ne may-b satiated withwutere for thus ut-Me-Same time et sitis et metus aquae tollitur. Sed tis the thιγrat, and fear of water D-tahen-away. Buta-iud. Periculum excipit, ne distentio unother daver receives succeeds , test distention nervorum absumat infirmum corpus vexatum y the herves mu-d troy the weal lody being-hararaedan frigida aqua. Ne id incidat, est demittendus oία ter. Lost that may-hanen, he-is to he-lowered

. yy'tinnyδ . R pi Scina in calidum oleum. pyt in nnmeiately from thepond into Lot oil. Antidotum, praecipue id quod AEn antidote must-be-gi ven , . secialty that whicnposui primo loco ubi id est non, I have placed in the sest place ; when that is not to be had), aliud est dandum potui ex aqua, Si aeger another ty to bewtum for drini ore of with) water, is the rich=-- . . ''ηβVm b0xxet aquam; et, si offenditue person) notiet dreari reater; und, is he-i3-ostendedamaritudine, mel est adjiciendum : si jam is

Quoque morsus serpentyum

geliera medendi in singula

desiderant curationem require a trecimentantiqui variarunt the ancient3 varie i


que alii alia. and othei 3 olherε sonae using one, others another m0de). Sed tu omnibus eadem maxime proficiunt.

Super Vulnus; tamen non nimium vehementer, ne

abous the wound ; yel not too-much violently, i ltorpeat: dein venenum estit-may-become-torpido Utem arri thepolaon is extrahendum. Cucurbitula facit id optime: to be-drawn-oui. The cupping-instrument dora that best eneque est alienum, ante incidere

nor is-it u it, before sprevisusty to cui Scalpello circa Vulnus, quo plus sanguinis reith the Roa et around the woun tolita more of the blood jam vitiati extrahatur. Si est non ali euo vitiated may-be-Gawn-out. V there-is notcucurbitula, quod tamen vix potest incidere; a cupping-ingtrument, ichiol yet Scarce0 D-abis to happen; tum quodlibet simile vas, quod possit: then uv like nesset, whioh may-be-able to effect idem: si ne-quidem est, homo est the 8amed is not-even that 3 is sto be had), a man is adhibendus, qui exsugat Vulnus. Nequeto be- pDyed, who may-δuck-out the wound. Nor Hercules ii, qui nominantur Psylli, habent praecipuam by-Hercules tho3o, toto are-named Hylli, have particular

Scientiam; Sed audaciam confirmatam uSu ipso.

Nam venenum serpentis, ut etiam quaedam Venetia For the eenom of the ε menti as alas Somc v OmSvointoria, quibus Galli praecipue utuntur, t semin-hunthi g, with whita the Gauis particularly Me, nocent non gustu, sed in vulnere. Que ideo huri not is iusto, but in a wound. And on-that-account colubra ipsa estur tuto: ictus ejus occidit.


Et si, ea stupente, quod circulatores faciunt And g, u beιU-m-Stupor, which mouniebanis do scause)per quaedam medicamenta) quis indidithy Me medicine3) any person) h -placeimia digitum in . os, neque percuSSUS-eSt, eSta fuger into sits) mouit, nor ha3-be -3truch, there- nulla noxa in ea saliva. Ergo quisquis, Secutus no inuury in that saliva. Thermore rohoeuer, havingsol meuexemplum Psylli, exsuxerit id vulnus the ei ample of the Psyllus, εhau have-suolemout that wound,

ιoth hιm g wimbe sufe, and will o ford render) the maututum. Interea debebit ante attendere illud,sa . Meantιme he wUDought be re to attend-to that this ne habeat quod ulcus in gingivis, ve palato, lege he muy-have any ulcer in the gum' or in the palate oralia parte oris. Post haec is homo in other pare Ofthe mouiὶ ter Gose sthings that munest collocandus calido loco, sic, ut id tinodis to be-placed in ahot place, εο, E Percussum-erit inclinetur δlal gave-been truch may-be-inclines partem. Si est neque pari. V there-is nesther a person)neque cucurbitula, the virus), nor a cupping-in8trument,

tiens) to διν broth made romwOOM, Or made rom-iae vel vitulinum, et vomere: autemor madesrom-veat, und to vomito bul he ougiit also dividere vivum Pullum-gallinacuum per medium se

thae that tolio4 in inferioremunto the lore ei qui exsugat, to/o may δuch-out Oportet


statim εuper vulnus, lacit idem: quoque immediately over the wounc Ges themmer atio emplastra quae comprehensa Sunt Supra; quethe plusters which have been-comprehended above; and

aptissimum est, vel Ephesium, vel id quod est the sitirat is, either the Ephesian, or that whioh is subjectum ei. Que est praesens praesidium subisined to P. And there-is present sprompt) 39Quardin aliquo antidoto. Sin id est non, est in some antidote. But-f that is not sto be had), it is necessarium exsorbere potionem meri vini cum pipere, nec Rury to 3, a Gaught of pure tolae with pepperi vel quidlibet aliud, quod est calori movendo,

nec patitur immorem coire ser pr0m0ting heat), nor re fers the humorer to coagulate intus : nam maxima pars venenorum interimit frigore. Mithis: for the greatest part of venoma destrυδ by cold. Etiam omnia moventia urinam, quia

extenuant materiam, sunt utilia. thv attenuate ths materiat, are νε ul. 4 Haec sunt communia adversus

omnes ictus: tamen uSus ipse docuit, ait Strostes bites : yet ea orienoe iueis Λαδ-taught, eum quem aspis percussit, debere potius him that he) whom an asp hus struch, is ought ruther hibere acetum. Quod casus cujusdam puerito drish vinegar. Which the accident of a certain bis

ab bac, et partim ob vulnus by this the asp), unii partly on-nccount of the wound ipsum, partim ob immodicos aestusitSom partly on-account-of the immoderate δε ais siti, ac reperiret non alium mith thirat, and mlhisnd not oller


humorem siccis locis, ebibit acetum, quod moreture siquid) in dry places, drunk-osi vinegar, whioli habebat sorte secum, et liberatus- est. Credone-m nave by-clance with him, and wa8 reed. I bellepe quoniam id quamvis habet vim refrigerandi, tamen Oeoau3e that, although it has the foroe of cooling, yet habet etiam dissipandi. Quo fit, has alis that of diuisuting. By-whiol it-i dono happens),

ut terra respersa eo spumet. Ergo that the earth bring prinkled with it may oam. Thermore est verisimile eadem vi quoque humorem hoministi-ιs probabie by the Rame foroe uiso the humour osa mauspissescentem intus discuti ab eo, et sic sanitatem Oe ming thaol uinum to be-dispersed by it, and thus healthdari. to hewiven.

s. si lam quibusdam aliis serpentIbus quaedam certa

auxilia sunt sat s . nota. Νam scorpio ipse est mas are aut ιently known. For the ιcorpion it eis is pulcherrimum medicamentum sibi the most-heautful texcellent) medicine for itsem Quidam bibunt contritum cum vino: quidam imponunt,ome δειni sit, brutSed with wine: δome put-on

contritum eodem modo super Vulnus: quidam, it) bruιsed in the Rame manner Over the wound 2 Some, eo imposito Super prunam, suffumlaant vulnus u bemgmut-on over liue-coac fumigate the wounil,

veste circumdata undimi P

certe solia, herbae solaris, certainis the semes, Uthe herb rolusing -to-the-3- sun. stoiver quam si raeci vocant nMON , ex


Uero etiam sursures ex aceto, Vel ruta But also brans ou of With) vinegar, or ruesilvatica, imponitur recte Super vulnus, belonging-to-the-woori, is ut-on rightly over the wounc vel sal tostus cum melle. Tamen, Cognovior sale ro ted with honey. However, I have-lnown

medicos qui nihil aliud letis physiolun3 who did) nothing other else) for those strucis

ab scorpione quam miserunt sanguinem ex brachio.

a 3corpion than Rent let) blood out-of the arm. 0 Autem et ad ictum scorpionis, et ad But both to r) the st, ohe of a scorpion, and to soraranei, allium miscetur recte cum ruta, que

contritum ex Oleo, superimponitur.

brui ed out-U with) oil, ismut-on-Over. - At si cerastes, aut dipsas, aut haemorrhois But is the cerastes, or the dipsas, or the haemorrhois percussit, asphodeli, quod aequet hila struch, as much) of uvohodel, which may equulmagnitudinem AEgyptiae fabae, arefactum est the sire of au Egyptian bean, heing-dried is dividendum in duas potiones, sic ut paulum rutae to-be-divided into two Gaughis, εο that a litile of rue adjiciatur ei. Quoque trifolium et mentastrum,mυ-be-added to it. Also trefoti and wil mini,

et panaces cum aceto, aeque profictunt. Que costum, and panaces Mith vinegar, equully prosit. And costum, et caSia, et cinnamomum aSsumuntur recte perand cas8ia, and cinnamon are-talen rightly througi potionem. ink. 'ς Vero adversus ictum cher3ydri, panaces, ' Lut Uainst the st, ohe of the cherSTd S, panaces, aut laser, quod sit scripulorum III. S. H. I. Velor laser, which may-be of scruptra III. S. H. I. Orsuccus porri cum hem7na vini, est sumendus, et