The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


causam mortis: cum interim plerique adhibendo cause of deuth: tolen meren-ttas very- many by-a lyiugia ullam vim, sed tantum imponendo leuia medicamenta, no force, but only bymutting-on gentis opplications, quae quasi blandiantur, prohibeantur non, quo which --s may-soothe, =nv-be-hindered noc by whiohPerVeniant minus, ad ultimam they-may-arrive iras so as not to arrive), to lust extreme)Senectutem. Autem nemo p0test Seire discernereolruge. But nobody D-able to know-hoto to distinguisti cacoethes, quod recipit curationem, acacoethes, which receio admiss) cure, si omcarcinomate, quod recipit non, nisi tempore et carcinoma, tolita receives sit) not, union is time undeXperimento. Ergo ubi primum id vitium is emperiment. Therefore ichen strat that vioθEOtatum-eSt, adurentia medicamenta debent haS-beelz-marhed, burning caustic) upplications ought imponi. Si malum levatur, que indicia ejusto beυνί-on. y the evil is re et ed, and tho 3ympionis os te minuuntur, curatio potest procedere et adure- diminissed, uo troatment k-able to prooeed both to scalpellum, the 8calpe protinus,r mediutely,

et ad ustionem: si irritatum-est

que Omnia acria, OmnIa vehementia

und uil aorid, ali violent sunt removenda. Sed si is locus est applications) aro to bo-removed. Aut is thul pluce is durus sine ulcere, est satis 1 cum

quam-pinguissimam, aut rhypodes emplastrumas at-aδ-possibis, or tho rhypodes plast imponi. Si ulcus est aequale, ceratum exto bovut-on. V tho ulcer is equul, coruto made) ouc-yrosa est injiciendum, que pulvis ex


Est etiam ulcus, quod Graeci vocant There-is uiso an ulcer, which the Greeti cali Id et nascitur per se, et interdum

therionia. Thut both arises by tueri and sometimes

supervenit ulceri tacto ex alia causa. comes-over succeeds) to an ulcer made out-of another cause.

Color est vel lividus, vel niger; odor foedus; The colour is either livid, or bluch; the sineti fouis

litimor multus, et Similis muco: ulcus ipsum the humour much, und like to mucus e the ulcer iise neque sentit laetum, neque medicamentum; tantumnelther feeis the touch, nor application; onlymovetur prurigine: at dolor, et

in flammatio est circa: interdum etiam labris Otitur inflammation is uround : sometimes algo sever aris . nonnunquam Sanguis erumpit ex ulcere: atque id somelime3 blood bursis orth out-9 the ulcer: and that malum quoque Serpit. Omnia quae saepe

intenduntur; are-δtretched augmented);que ex his ulcus fit, and out-of thrae an ulcer is-made,


quod Graeci vocant φαγεδαιναν phagedainan); quia whioh tho Greeks culi phagedaina; because

serpendo celeriter, que penetrando uSque OSSa.

vorat corpus. Id ulcus est inaequale, Simile coeno: it-devourg the bo . That ulcer ly unequul, lihe tomud; que inest Inultus glutinosus humor, intolerabilis and thore-k-in it) much glutinous humour, an insu orlahle odor, que major inflammatio, quam pro ameli, and greater inflammation, thun accordis-to modo ulceris. Utrumque, Sicut OmniS cancer, the manner siete) of the ulcer. Euch, ad ePery Cancer, sit maxime in SenibuS,

Corpora quorum sunt mali habitus. the bodies of whom ure of bad habit. utriusque est eadem; Sed major vis est necessaria inof euch is the sume; but greater force i8 necessary in majore malo. Ac primum est orditiandum atho grenter evil. And φει it-is to le-regulared by vel iis, or in thoδe, Curatio The treaiment ratione victus: ut quiescat in lectulo: ut re on rule) os diei: that he nav-rrat in litt&-bodr that abstineat a cibo primis diebus, assumat he may-ubεtain from food in the Arat dus, he may-tahe quamplurimam aquam; alvus quoque ducaturas-much-a8-possibis Muter; thebelly atio may-be. Gaioneii dein, post inflammationem, clystered) tolim: afterwarri, Uter in flammation, capiat cibum boni succi, omnibus acribus


in iis quos φαγιδαινα urgebit, atque fasting), in those whom phagedaina Rhul oppre83, andiis, qui habebunt adhuc Θηρίωμα. Et talis VictuSin tho8e, who εhult have us-yet theriouia. And εuch diei quidem est necessarius. Vero arida aloe cenanthe est indoed i3 nec sary. Aut dry aloe sor) oenanthe is inspergenda Super ulcus, et, Si proficiet parum, to be-vrlahled over the ulcer, an f it-εhall-avail litile, chalcitis. Ac si quis nervus nudatus - est, carne

exeSa, est contegendus ante

betng-eaten-oui, it-is to-be-oovered b ore sprevicusty)linteolo, ne aduratur Sub eo mith u littk-linen, test it may-bo-burni under thalmedicamento. Si est opus remediis etiamnum applioation. V thor is need reith remedies even-yet validioribus, est veniendum ad eas comp0Sitiones, moremowerfui, it-is to be-come to tho8e composition' quae adurunt vehementius. Autem quidquid which burn are caustic) more-powerfully. Lut whateverinspergitur, debet insundi averso specillo. D-vrinhletion, ought to hemolire Hon with ino ted probe. Vel linamenta cum melle Sunt Superdanda,

vel solia oleae decocta ex vino, Velor leuves of the olivo-troe boiled out- of ith) wine, ormarrubium: que ea contegenda linteolo horoloundo and these to be-covered with a litt&-lineumadefacto in frigida aqua, deinde bene expresso; made-wet in colu water, aftorre artis meia presse lolit; que cataplasmata, quae reprimant imponenda und cataplasm3, whita muy-reprcis sare) to besut-on circa, qua est tumor ex inflammatione. arounc tolere thero-is amelling oul-y sroin) the inflammation.

Si proficitur nihil sub his, locus V it is-uouiled nothing under these applicati0ns , tho placedebet aduri ferro; nervis contectis ante ought to-bo- burnt with iron ; tho nerura betng-covered be fore


diligenter, si qui apparent. Potest apparere care fully, f unu oppeur. It is-able to bo apparent

cuilibet ex prioribuS,

corpus adustum vel medicamentis vel serro essetae bolis helag-burni otther is appliouilonis or by iron to bepurgandum primum, deinde implendum. to be-oleansed fissi, Utergarri to-be siled-υ incarnaled . . Qu0que sacer ignis debet adnumerari

Also the sacred sire ought to benumberesto malis ulceribus. Sunt duae species ejus. Alterum to bud ulcers. There-are two vectes 9 it. The otherest subrubicundum, aut mixtum rubore atque one) is Somewhat-red, or miled with rect 3 and pallore, que eXASperatum per Continuas puStulas, wita paleness, and made-rough by continuous pustules, quarum nulla est major altera, sed plurimae of which no-one is greater than another, but very-many perexiguae. Fere pus est Semper in his, et saepe very mali. Mo8tly matter i3 amus in these, und ostenrubor cum calore que id nonnunquam Serpit, re era with heat; and that Sometim orceps spreads , eo sanescente quod primum vitiatum-est:

nonnunquam etiam, exulcerato, ubi pustulis somelimes also, it) being-ulcerated, tolen the pustules ruptis ulcus continuatur, que humor heing-broton the ulcer k-mado. continuous, and a humourexit, qui potest videri inter saniem et pus. ρου-oui, which i3-able to Seem belween Sanies und pus. Fit in pectore, aut latet Ibus, aut D-is made sarises) in tho breuSt, or in the fides, oreminentibus partibus, que in the prominent part8, Gndplantis. Autem alterum

exulceratione summae Cuti S,

tae ulceration of the highest εἶλ os the sursace of the shin), praecipue in vectuls in


sed siue altitudine, latum. sublividum, tamenbut mithout Gyth, broad, somewhut livid, yet inaequaliter ue que medium Sanescit, extremiSunequal0; und the milliae beoom -healthy, the eitreme procedentibus: ac saepe id, quod videbatur paris) prooeedingo und osten that, is hio h did-seem

jam sanum, iterum eXulceratur: at prorima cutis ulready healthy, again is-ulceruted: but the nearest shincirca, quae eSi receptura vitium, eSturound, whioh i8 abolit-to-receive the vico mala lu), is tumidior et durior, que liabet subnigrum colorem very wollen and very-hard, and has a blactish colour ex rubro. Atque fere seniora corpora

tentantur quoque hoc malo, aut quae

sunt mali haltatus; sed maxime in cruribus. Autem ure os a bad habit; but mostly in the leg8. But Omnis sacer ignis, ut habet minImum periculum exeoery δucred Are, as it-has the lea8t danger out-σiis, quae serpunt; Sic tollitur thoso maladies), whioh orem; so it-k-tah -awayprope dissicillime. Febris uno die, quae

absumat noxium humorem, est fortuitum medicamentum may-conSume thehur ut moisture, is a casual medicine reme-HUS. -QUO crassius et albidius

extrahatur quo corpus ibi corruptum-est. muty-bo-drown-oui, by whioh the ho there has been corrupted. Sed tamen, si febricitia accessit, est Opua


abstinentia, lectulo, ductione alvi.with abεtinen si icith bed, with uining Uthebel0 clyster-Vero in omni sacro igni est utendum iug . But in evomy εaored fre i is to be-used neque lenibus et glutinosis cibis,neither telia gentie mild) and with glutinous foοδε, neque salsis et acribus; sed iis quae not with sau and toith uorid; but with those 1ohiohsunt inter utrumque: qualis est panis sineare bettoeen eaoh

game, the-wild-bour heing --ceptes V there-is non febricula, et gestatio est utilis, et ambulatio, not si hi ever, both gratation is νεmul, and walling, et austerum vinum, et balneum. Atque in hoc and rough toine, and a bath. Anil in this genere quoque potio debet esse magis liberalis hiud also the drlah ought to-be more liberal quam cibu8. thun the food. Serpunt

Autem ulcera ipsa, si Aut the ulcera thomselara, is mediocriter, sunt fovenda moderately, are to be9omented calida aqua; si vehementius, Calido vino: teith hot te ater; in very violently, with hol tolae deinde pustulae, quaecunque Sunt, terwurG the pustules, whatever they-are, sare)aperiendae: tum ea imponenda qua tu be-openedo thon thoso stliings are) to bovut-on whiohexedunt putrem carnem. Ubi inflammatio eat-out putrid si h. LVhen the insummationSublata-est, que ulcus Purgatum, lene ha8-been-removed, and ths ulcer CleanSed, a gentia medicamentum debet imponi. Autem nitid) opplication ought to bemut-on. Aut in altero genere, cot0nea-mala cocta in vino, in the other kind, quin ea boiled in tota ,


atque contrita, possunt proficere: emplastrum veland bruised, cre-able to avail: the plaster ertherHerae, vel tetrapharmacum, cui quinta pnrs of Herie, or tetrapharmacum, to whicis affth partihuris adjecta Sit, P0xl x . . . offrankincen3e may-have-been-addec r8-abic to proni) . nigra hedera cocta ex auStero vino

potest ac, si malum Serpit Celeriter, non

abii sto profit); unc is the evit crevs quichly, notaliud proficit magis. Ulcere, quod

any) other avalis more. The ulcer, whιch Droposui eSSe in summa cute, I haveorososed above stated) iobe in the highest shm, Durgato . eadem lenia medicamenta proficient b ing-oleansed the fame gentis applications Oli avari satis ad valetudinem. .ciently to health. Autem ulcus adpellatur Chiron7um, quod est β' Bue an ulcer is called Chironian, whroh uet magnum, et habet oras duras, callosas, both great, and has the edgeδ hard, callous, tumentes. Non multa, Sed tenuis sanies exit; gwollen. Not much, but thm Sanies goes oui; est malus odor, neque in ulcere, neque In Here-is abad smeli, notther in the ulcer, nor inhiam ro eius - est nulla inflammatio, modicus

adfert nullum periculum; sed non facile sanescit. brings no Onger; but not eusto bocomes heau .

iterum rumpitur, que ulcus reno alui. Fit oras is-brohen, und theuker r3-renewed. D-M-ma maxime in pedibus et cruribus. Debet


cadmiae, Cerae,

of cadmia, of Max, quantum est imponi super id, quod habeatio he pue-on over that, san application) whioh may-have et aliquid lene, et a vehemens, et

reprimens; quale fit causa ejus rei repro is; like-a3 D-made for-the-3ahe of that thingex his: squamae aeris, eloti plumbi out-of the8e: of scale of bruas, of toashed Dad combusti, Singulorum P. N. IV. burni, of eata p. Η. IV. Singulorum P. H. VIII. TOSMoy euch p. H. Vm. 9 roso Oil) as-much-M 23 satis ad ceram molliendam cum eis. u cient to ser) the wai to be-s tened with them. 0 Ulcera fiunt etiam ex hiberno Georg ar made alao out-of the wintrysi igore, maxime in pueris, et praecipue pedibus, quecold, mostly in bus, and evectul0 in theseet, unddigitis eorum, nonnunquam etiam in manibus. in thosngera o them, sometimea utio in the hanδε. Est rubor cum mediocri inflammatione: interdum Thore-is re u ith mo erate inflammatti e Sometim pustulae oriuntur, deinde exulceratio: autem dolor 'uδtuleg arise, Uterwarda ulceration: but the puin modicus; eSi major prurigo: nonnunquam greator itolingo 3ometim non multus, qui videtur notVel

estthere-is Sed

multa calida aqua, mith much warm Mater, si ea sunt non

inquamaiesliquae verbenae ex reprimentibus. Si ulcus 9me vervains Out-of the repreδδing hinds.) V tho ulcer


quis potest pati, est admovendum. Si any person) is-ubie to δuster, is to be-applied. Uest jam exulceratio, alumen contritum eum there-is atready ulceration, alum bruised withthure aequa portione debet imponi, vino frankincense in equul portion ought to bessu t-on, reine adjecto; aut malicorium coctum in aqua, belU-adsed; or potnegranate-rind boiled in water,

deinde contritum. Si summa pellicula ter arda brui3ed. V the hi est titile-shindetracta-est, hic quoque lenia medicamenta has-been-withdraton, here uiso gentie medicines proficiunt meliuS. usuit better. - Struma

tumor, In

in Concreta subter

and Sanguine quasi glandulae oriuntur: quae solent blood as-is glandules arisee whioh cre-a customedfatigare praecipue Vel medicos ; quoniam et tofutiguo evectally even physicians; sinoe both movent febres, nec unquam lacile they move cause sevcra, nor ever euSilymaturescunt; et Sive curantur hecome-mature suppurate : and tohether theyare-trealed ferro, siVe medicamentiS, plerumque resurgunt

theiron, or is medicine3, generalty they-rise-again iterum juxta cicatriceS ipsas: que uin near thescurs themselves; and this happens)multo saepius post medicamenta: quibus ι' much Utener afler messiones: to tosiol things)id quoque accedit, quod detinentilint this) also nore las is additional), that they-det in longo spatio. Nascuntur maxime in cervice: in sor) u long spnoe. They-arise mostly in the neci; sed etIam in alis, et inguinibus, et inbut also in the armmiis, and in thegrom3, and m