The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


is locus est mollis, quod reprimat leniter; atthat place is 3 i, whioh may-reprras gent0; Uner SuS, aut musculosus, quod the place isi nerta, or muScular, whichem0lliat. may-3 cm is emollient . 24 Vero lintea fascia est aptissima ad But i a linen bunduge is sitest to sor)vulnus deligandum; que ea debet esse lata, ut a wound to-be-bound ; and it ought to he broad, that injecta semel comprehendat belU-cast-on put On onoe it-may-comprehend cover)non tantum Vulnus, sed etiam oras ejus not only the wound, hut also the bordera os it paulum utrinque. Si caro recessit magis ab a litile on-both-aides. V the si h has retired more from altera parte,

debet comprehendere oras; aut si ratio it-ought to comprehend cover) the horder8; or is the reason Vulneris patitur non id, media est nature) of the wound allows not that, themiddie is primum injicienda, ut tum ducatur φεα to-be-cast-on put on), that then it may-be- sed utramque partem. Autem drawn) into euch pari. But deliganda ut et contineat, necto bmbound that both it may-hoistogether, nor and not)adstringat: quod continetur u0n,



circuireto go-around bequoties est


neceS8e. I um extrema pars ejus est assuenda . nec Sav. Then the extreme part Uit is to be-δewestoluserioribus acui nam nodus laeditto the Dor paris with a neeiae r sor a knot injur Vulnus, nisi tamen est longe. Decet the wsung unleas holoever it-is far- . It becomes neminem deespi illo, ut requiratn9-one to be-de ived in that in this), that it may-require Propriam curationem viscerum de quibus sparticular trealment of the viscera concerning whichp0sui supra. Nam plaga ipsa est curanda I have-placed abone. For a wnund iraelin is to be-cured extrinsecus, vel sutura, vel alio genere external*, either D sewing, or by other hvid medicinae. In visceribus nihil est movendum: of medicine. In the viscera nothing is to be-moved:

nisi, si quid dependet aut ex jocinore aut unieas, is any thing) hanW-Gwn either out-of the liver orliene, aut pulmone dumtaxat extremo,

vleen, or lungs ons provided it be) the extreme id praecidatur. Alioquin ea ratio

part), thul may-be-cut- . Othermise that remon rule Victus, que ea medicamenta, quae proposuios diei, and those medicines, which I havestaced-be fore convenire cuique visceri superiore libro, sanabunt to-beoit for euch viscus in the former book, wiu cure

interius VulnUS. a mor internat wound.

homo est collocandus in lecto; que is, si the man is to beῬDoed in bed; and he, tu Vulnus est grave, debet abstinere cibo the wound is heclo, ought to ob3tain fremfood quantum vires patiuntur, ante inflammationem; a3-mucl-M the 3tr ptha susseri before the inflammation ;bibere donec finiat sitim, calidam aquam, vel


si est aestas, ae est neque febris, neque in it-is summer, and there-is neither fuer, nor dolor, etiam frigidam. Tamen nihil est adeopain, even sold ater). I et nothing is soperpetuum, Sed semper aestimandum perpetuat a constant rule), but it is) amus to be-eιtimated pro . Vi corporis, ut imbecillitasaccordiW-to the εtreuth of the bo , as wealnera etiam possit sacere cibum protinus neceSSarium; even may-be-able to male food immediately nece8Sary; scillaei, tenuem, et exiguum, qui tantum

Que si mens consistit homini, si nulla febris id is the nd is-consistent to the man, is no severaccessit, licet scire protinus vulnus h -aooederi it-D-allowed to know immediately a wound ς in ture. Ac ne-quidemto b ubout-to-be Maltis early. And not-evenlabris debet terrere, si permanet in magno vulnere sever oughe to fraghten, is it remulaε in a great wovnd, dum est inflammatio. Illa est perniciosa, quae se injurious, whici quod

nihil nothing notest indicium is a tolen


while thermis i lammation. That is


vel supervenit levi vulneri, vel durat ultraeither comes-upon to a ligit wounc or la8ta boondtempus inflammationis, vel movet delirium :the time of tho inflammation, or moves causes) delirium evel si ea finit non rigorem aut distensionemor is it causea to-end not therigidis or distention

nervorum, quae orta-eSt ex vulnere.

of the nerves, whita hu3-arisen out-of aster) a. uround. Quoque biliosus vomitus non voluntarius, vel protinus Also bilious vomiting not voluntary, or immediately ut aliquis percu8SuS-est, vel dum inflammatio ia3 301ne Person 'haε- been-δtruo or while insummationmanet, est malum Signum dumtaxat in iis, quorum vel remulas, is a bad 8gn ons in those, of whom either

nervi, vel etiam nervosi loci vulnerati-sunt. the nerves, or even the nervovε places have-been-wounded.

Tamen Vomere Sponte, eSi non alienum ; praecipue I et to vomit spontaneou80, is not uno; especiallyiis, quibus suit in consuetudine: sed neque for those, to whom it-hag-been in custom e but neither protinus post cibum, neque inflammatione jam immediate0 9ter Dod, nor inflammution abea Orta, neque cum plaga est in superioribus having-urisen, nor tolen the wound is in the umerpartibus.

27. Vulnere habito sic biduo, The wound belU-had trealed) thus for- two-dus, tertio die id est aperiendum, que sanieSon the third dis that is to be-openod, and the sanies detergenda ex frigida aqua, que elidemto be-olounsed-away out-U vitii) oold water, and the fame Sunt rursus injicienda. Jam

things) uro again to be-cust-on applied). Alrea quinto die, ostendit se, quanta inflammatIoon the th dis, it heles iis ν, howgreat the insummationest sutura. Quo die, vulnere rursus is abolit-to-be. On whiol day, the wound again


detecto, color est considerandus: qui si belv-un vered, the colour is to be-considereddi which fest lividus, aut pallidus, aut varius, aut niger, it-is livid, or pale, or varicoloured, or blach, licet scire vulnus esse malum ; que id it-D-allowed to know the wound to-be bad; and that

rudis. Also the ahin being) hard, thiost, belagris pari, ostendit periculum : bona signa sunt, ubi liaeeshew8 daver e the good signa are, when this the shin est Sine dolore, tenuis et mollis. Sed si vulnus is without pala, thin and 3 t. Aut is the wound

glutinatur, aut intumuit leviter, eademissistinated, or has-beoome-ywollen δlight0, the sume Sunt imponenda, quae suerunt primo: Si thinνὶ are to-besut-on, whict were aisrate finflammatio est gravis, neque est SpeSthe insummation is heclis saevere), nor is-there hope glutinandi, ea quae

moVeant pus. Que jam quoque usus may-move promote) matter. And now aDo the ure calidae aquae est necessarius, ut et digerat of t water is nec 3ary, that both it-may-diverso materiam, et emolliat duritiam, et citet the matter, and may-δUten ιἷe har era, and may accelerate pus. Ea est temperanda Sic,

ι, opus. It is to be-tempered 30 os such a temperature), ut sit jucunda manu contingenti ; et that it-may-be pleugant to the fland touching : adhibenda usque eo,

to be- applied tinfit thither to that degree , videatur minuisse aliquidit mayMeem to iuve-diministi l some thingi


tumore, que reddidisse colorem ulcerithe gwelling, and to hane-rendered the colour to the ulcer

magis naturalem. Post id lamentum, si plaga more naturai. inter that fomentation, is the wound patet non late, emplastrum debet lie3-open extends) not widely, a plaster ought imponi protinus; que si vulnus eSt grande, to bemut-on immediate*; and is the wound is greut, maxime tetrapharmacum; si in articulis, digitis, evectully the tetrapharmacum : ν in the joinis, in thesinger' cartilaginosis locis, i liypodes: at si hiat in curtιlaginous places, the ritypodes : but is it gupra latius oportet illud idem emplastrum liquari more-widely, it hehoves that εume plaster to be-dissolvedeX irino-unguento, que linamenta illita eoout-of Nith) iris-oiniment, and linens besmeared with it disponi per plagam ' deinde emplastrum to-bemlaced through over) the wounde afterwarct a pluSter dari supra, et suosdam-lanam Super id; to besivon applied) abone, und greasy-wool over that sque fasciae sunt adstringendae etiam minu8 quam primo. and the bandages are to bo-tightoned even iras than at-rerat.

oci Quaedam sunt proprie visenda Some things are particula, ly to benisited 0o hedin articulis In quibus si nervi praeci Si- sunt, to) in the Dinis. In whioh is the nerves have-been- ut, qui continebant, debilitas ejus partis whiol did hold them) together, weukne83 9 thut partsequitur. Si id est dubium, et plaga est eXfollows. V that is doubjuc und the wound is out-υ

pon), there-is no disserenoe in the εhve; but it-is Videndum, pus nascatur supra an instato b se , whether) the matter may-arise above or belθω


articulum. Si nascitur sub eo, que sertur rhejoint. V it arises under ii, und laborne discli arged)diu album et crassum, est credibile nervum esse a long-time white and thioh, it-is credibie the nerve to bepraecisum; que magis, quo majores

maturius sunt excitatae. Autem quamvisti π much) earlier they-are excited. But althoughneros abscissus-est non, tamen, Si tumor circa thenerve has-been-cut not, yet, ν the 8welsing around permanet diu duruS, est neceS8e, the wound) remalas a-long-time harae, it-i8 ne enata, et ulcus esse diuturnum, et quoque both sor) the ulcer to bellasting-a-DU-time, and eveneo Sano, tumorem Permanere: que est

suturum, ut id membrum vel extendatur,about-to-be, that that limb either may-be-extended be vel contrahatur tarde. Tamen capable os extension), or may-be- contracted 3low0. Vetest major mora in extendendo, ubi curatiothere-is greater delu in extendis, when treaiment adhibita-est articulo recurvato, quam in has-been-applied to a joint belU-bent-buoh, than in eo recurvando quod

continuerimus rectum. Quoque membrum, quod we-mv-huve-held Straight. Also a limb, wliolietum- est, debet collocari certa ratione: hug-been truci, ought to be-pla ed by a certain reason

ut, si est glutinandum, Sit superius ; rule) : tiat, in i is to bo-glutinat d, it may-be 1 her; si est in inflammatione, ut sit inclinatum in is it-is in inflammation, that it-may-be inclined intoneutram partem; si pus jam profluit, ut neither pari; is matter utready hasylowed orti, thal


sit devexum. Etiam optimum medicamentum estit-may-be declining. Also the best medicine is quies: moveri, et ambulare, est alienum, nisi rest: to be-moved, and to wau, i3 uolt, tintrassanis Tamen minus periculosum iis,to heultis persons . I et it is Uerous to those, qui vulnerati-sunt in capite vel brachiis, quam inho have-been-wounded in the lead or in the arms, thun qui in inferioribus partibus. Que ambulatio convenit who in the lower paris. And walhing is it minime, semine, aut crure, aut pede laborante. lecyt, the th h, or leg or foot labouring being-aLLocus, in quo cubabit, debebit osse nicted). The pluoe, in which he ahal lie, wUDought to betepidus. Quoque balneum est inter infestissimasnhewarm. Aiso a buth is among the m t-hostileres, dum Vulnus est parum purum: nam reddit id things, while the toound is titile ciean: for it renders itet Humidum et sordidum: ex quibus transitus both molat und suis : out os adter which a transilion consuevit esse ad cancrum. Levis frictio humbeen-accu3tomed to be to cancer gangrene). Light frictionadhibetur recte; sed iis partibus, quae absuntis-applied right0; but to tho3e parta, tohich ar distant

longius a Vulnere.

very ar from the wound. 4 Inflammatione finita, vulnus est The inflammation belU-ended, the wound is purgandum, linamenta tincta in melle faciunt idto be-oleansed, linens dipped in hono do thri optime; que idem emplastrum, vel best; and the fame a resaid) plaster, orenneapharmacum, est dandum Supra. Verotia enneapharmacum, is to bewiven applied above. Butulcus est tum demum purum, cum rubet, ac est an ulcer is then at lesti pure, wlen it-D-red, and isne ine nimium Siccum, neque humidum. At quodcunque netther too-much dry, nor molat. Aut whatever


Caret sensu, quod sentit non naturaliter, quod esti/-without feeling, ita stela not natural*, whioh is aut nimium aridum, aut humidum, quod est autetther too much dry, or molat, which is either albidum, aut pallidum, aut lividum, aut nigrum, id est Mhite, or pale, or liuid, or bluch, that is

non purum. not pure.

aqua est necessaria water is necessata

eatenus, ut sanies rem eatur. Qis , --

thuS ur, that uesanies may-be-removed. The uSe Ugreavianae e8t Supervacuus: lota circumdatur

Mool is supersuous: washed swool) DoLoeGaround melius. Autem ad vulnus implendum etiam aliqua better. Aut to sor a wound to b suod algo εome medicamenta quidem profictunt: itaque est non medicines sapplications) indoed projit: ther ore i is notalienum ea adhiberi ; ut butyrum cum rosa, et unst sor) these to ι applied; ua buttis tolth ro8e oil , and exigua parte mellis; aut tetrapharmacum cumu 3muu puri portion) of honey; or the tetrapharmacum Micheadem rosa; aut linamenta ex TOSa.

I amen rarum balneum prosicit plus, cibi I et a rare occasional) bath prosis more, food boni succi, omnibus acribus vitatis;

RVis, et venatio, et Suilla, elixa bird, und game, und flesb) belonging-to-εwine, boiled potest dari. Vinum est alienum omnibus, dum estia-ubie to bewisen. Wrne is uini sor uli, while ther is febris, dum inflammatio: que item ad cicatricem, sever, while inflammation: and aiso to the scur untii cica-


si nervi ve musculi vulnerati-sunt; etIam, trietation , is the nerues or nausoles have-been-wounded; aDO,

si caro alte. At si plagais the 'H has been penetraled) dem0. But is the wound

est tutioris generis in Summa cute,

is os a sufer kiud in the highest Ahin on the sursace cinon pervetus potest quoque proficere the shin), ine) not very-old is-able even to print ad implendum, tamen datum modice. Si tu reuing the wound), yet heingwiven moderate0. V quid est molliendum, quod est necessarium incny thingin is to be-ε tened, whioh is nece88am in nervosis que musculosis locis, egi utendum . qu0que

nerv and in muscular places, it-is to be-used auo cerato super vulnus. At si caro supercrevit, with cerate over the wound. But is sesh ha8Wrown-Over, siccum linamentum reprimit mosce ; Squama aeris dis linen represses it) moderate0; Scale of bra vehementius. Si est plus, quod est opus moremowemul0. V there-is more, whita is neces8arytolli, etiamnum vehementiora Suntio bs-tahen-away, eveniet moreῬowerfui things) ure adhibenda, quae . exedunt corpus. Post omniato be-upplied, whiol ea out corrode the bo . Ainter allhaec, lycium, dilutum ex passo theso things), lycium, diluted out-U Withὶ ruisin-wineant lacte, inducit cicatricem commode ;or with milh, brings-on thesoar cicatrigation) advantageous6; vel etiam siccum linamentum impositum Per Se. or even dita linen beis put-on by itae .rii Hic est ordo felicis This is the ordor osa hapis savourable

curationis : sed tamen quaedam pericula consuerunt treatinent: but yet some dangers have-bcen-accuεtomedincidere. Enim interdum vetustas Occupat ulcus, queto huypen. For somelimes age occupie3 an ulceri and callus inducitur ei, et orae circuma callous-substance is broughι-on to it, and the edges around