The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


necessa iis periclitantis, rem to the acquuintances sos ille person) belag-in- nger, the thingesse in dissicili; i ne si ars

suerit victa malo, videatur may-hau been conquered by the euil malady), he niv-8eem Vel ignorasse, vel sesellisse. Sed rither to have-been-ignorant, or to have-deceived. Butut haec conveniunt prudenti viro; sicus these thingsin are it to a prudent man; εο rursus est histrionis attollere ogain it-is the part) of an actor mouniebanh) to extolparvam rem, quo Videaturo mali thing, is solioh in order that) he-may-δcem piaestitisse plus. Est aequum obligarito lavememor med more. It-is j t sor bim) to be-obi ed Ousessione promptae rei, quo by a confession os a prompt thing os a prompt cure , by whichcircumspiciat in order that) ho may-look-about be circumspect)curiosius, ne quod est exiguum per se,

mor carosully, lost tolut is liti trining by itsely. fiat majus negligentia may-be-made greater by the negligenoe 0s the person)


trecting the physician).2 Potest non servari cui basis

cui portae jocinoris, cosophagus), to whom thogute of the liver the vena porto,

cui medulla in Spina Percussa- est ; queto whom the marroto in the mino ha8-been-εtruch; undcui aut medius Pulmo, aut jejunum aut towhom either the mi ille lunY, or the jejunum, ortenuius intestinum, aut Ventriculus,


aut renes vulnerati-gutit; ve cui grandesor the hi nos have-been-trounded; or torohom the great venae vel arteriae circa fauces praeci Sae-Sunt. veins or arteries uround the fauces have-been-cut.s Autem perveniunt vix ad sanitatem, quibus But they arrivo soaroesy to health, to whom Pulmo ulla parte, aut crassum jocinoris,

aut membrana quae Continet Cerebrum, Or the membrane whioh contains senuelopes) the bruin, aut lienis, aut vulva, aut vesica, autor the Uleen, or the womb, or the bladder, orullum intestinum, aut transverSum SeptΠm,uny intestine, or the tran&verso inclosure the dia- vulneratum-est. Ii quoque sunt in pliragm), hus-be -wounded. Thoge also are in

praecipiti in quibus mucroo precipitores dangerous siluation) in whom the weapon-poins desedit usque ad grandes que conditas has 3ettsed spenetraled) tintit to the great anil hiddenintus venas in alis vel tolthin deeply silualed) seira in the arm Piis or

hominem profusione sanguinis: que id evenitu man is a profusion Vbiood: and that hanens non tantum in alis, atque poplitibus ; sed not only in tho arm-piis, und in the knees hams); butetiam in iis venis, quae perveniunt ad anum queutS9 in those velns, inhiol arriso to the anus and testiculos. Praeter haec, est malum Vulnus, quodcUnque tostiol . Desides these, it is a bad wound, whateverest iu alis vel seminibus, velis in the arm iis or in-the-inside-0-th th hs, orinani s locis, vel in articulis, vel inter in tho emρου places the ilanli , or in theboinis, or betaeren


digitos: item quodcunque laesit musculum, thesser8: also whatever Nound in ha injured amusole,

aut nervum, aut arteriam, aut membranam, aut os, autor nerve, Or arteta, or membrane, or bone, orcartilaginem. Tutissimum omnium est quod

est in carne.

is in thesis h.

Et haec quidem sunt vel pejora vel And these vounds) indeed ure either worae Ormeliora loco. Uerobetter place according to their siluation). But quodcunque est magnum lacit periculum relatener xvound) is great males tanger

adeo ut sit commodius vulnerariso that it-mv-be more-advantageous beller) to be-wounded qu0que acuto quam retuso telo. Etiam eum mith a Hum chan with a blanted weapon. Also vulnus est pejus ex quo aliquid est excisum, a wound is worse out-of which some thing) is cut-out, ve ex quo caro abscissa alia parte,


vulnus est propius huic ve illi figurae, eo the toound is neurer to this or to that figure, ly that est vel deterius vel tolerabilius. mucli) it-is either wor8e or more-Supportabie. Quin etiam et aetas et corpus But aiso both the age and bo et propositum vitae, temperament), and purpoδe 9 life manner os living), et tempus anni consert aliquid : quia und time 9 year conduce8 some stiling) : beeause puer vel adolescens Sanescit laciliuS, quam a bis or a youth becom -weli more-easily, thun Senior; Valens, quam infirmus; an older person ; a Strong, thun a weah pers0n) ; neque nimis tenuis, neque nimis plenus, quam

corrupti; exercitatus, quam iners; corrupi; an exerciSed active), than a Drys0birius et temperans, quam a Rober and temperate, thun a person)que Veneri. Que vernum and to venery. And the vernulquam thun

deditus vitio given-up to wine tempus est opportunisSImum curationi, aut certe time is most-convenient for cure, Or certam0 neque servens, neque si iodum: that whicli is) neither hot, nor colit est quidem et ni nisus calor et nimium frigus sinoe-thut both too-much heat and too-much colit ininstant vulnera; tamen marime Varietas

ideo autumnus eston-that-account the autumn is horum: queos these: aud

Sed pleraque ex vulneribus sunt subjecta Aut most out-of wounda ate subjectis


oculis ; sedes ipsae quorundam exposed) to the ves: the soais themselues of SOmssunt indices; quas demonstravimus alio are the Hetores; whioh we polateil out in another loco, cum ostendimus positus interiorum partium. place, when we εhewed the positions of the inner part8. Veruntamen, quia quaedam Sunt vicina, Perihelen, hecause gome aro neur resembling), que interest vulnus sit in Summa

Parte, an penetraverit intus, est puri superficial), or may-havmpenetraled within, it-is DCCeSSarium subjicere notas per quas possimusne enuta io εuboin tho marks hy whioh wemv-ι ablescire quid sit ictum intus; et exto know what may-ho struch wilhin; and out-σquibus vel spes vel desperatio Oriatur. which either hose or despuir may arise. ἡ Ιgitur, corde percusso, multus Sanguis TZorefore, the leare belW-struo 1nuch blood fertur, venae languescunt, colori borae discli arged), the velas beoome-langui the colourpallidissimus: frigust sudores, que mali odoris,m9St pale; colit 3tteais, und ofbad odour, tanquam Corpore irrorato, Oriuntur: que -y the bo belag-he wel ariso: and extremis partibus Diidis, matura mors the ea treme parta becoming) cold, early deuthsequitur. followS.

spirandi; sanguis Spumans CX Ore,

rubens ex plaga, que simul etiambeing -red Out-of the wound, and ut-th Rame-timo atio spiritus fertur cum sono: juvat the breuth M-borno exlialed) with uεound ; it pleus


inclinari in vulnus: quidam the patient) to-be-inolined Uon the wounde SomeCOI Surgunt sine ratione: multi loquuntur, Si Sunt risC- without reason: many speak, they-ure inclinati in vulnus i ipsum; obmutescunt, Si reclined uston the wound itfeis; tho are-veeckDJS, Uin aliam partem.

ri Autem notae jocinoris vulnerati sunt: Aut the muris of the liver belU-wounded are: multus sanguis prosusus sub dextra parte much blood poured orth under the right pari Praecordiorum; praecordia reducta ad

9 cho praecordia; the praecordia belw-draten bach to spinam; dulcedo cubandi in Ventrem , ite vine ; the stoeetness pleasure) Ulying upon thebet iPunctiones que dolores intenti usque adpriclinga und pulas stretohed extending) untit tojugulum, que latum os scapularum t/e throut clavicies , and the broad bono of the 3houider-blui δjunctum ei: quibus etiam biliosus Vomitus joined to it: to 1 hioh also bilious voviriangnonnunquam accedit. 8ometimes accedo.

Vero renibus pereussis, dolor descendit ad But the hidneys belU-struch, pain draconiis to inguina, que testiculos; urina redditur the groin8, and the testioles; the urine is rendered qiS- dissiculter; que ea aut est cruenta, aut

cruor sertur.

Lut the spleen belU-struch, bluch blood prorumpit a sinistra parte; praecordia cum bursis orth from thelest pari; the praecordia κιto ventriculo indurescunt ab eadem parte ; ingen the stomach beoome-hard from son) the sume puri; gresi


sitis oritur; dolor venit ad jugulum, sicut thir si urises; the pala com to the neck clavicies), as jocinore Vulnerato. tho liner being-wounded. is At cum vulva percussa-est, est dolor But when the womb has-been-εtruch, there-is paluin inguinibus, et coxis, et semoribus; in pars in the groins, and in the hips, and in the th hs; partsanguinis descendit per vulnus, pars per of the blood descends through the wound, part throughnaturale; vomitus bilis insequatur;

quaedam obmutescunt; quaedam labuntur mente ;rome vomen) becom Ueechlera: some totier in mindquaedam compoteS Sui, become delirious); Rome pos8 Sors of themrelves confitentur se urgeri possessing their reason), confo88 themSelura to-be-o remeddolore nervorum que oculorum; que molientes,

patiuntur eadem, quae corde


bring -wounded. ia Sin cerebrum Ve membrana ejus accepit But-f the brain or membrane of it has-received vulnus, SanguiS eXit per nares, quibusdam et wound, blood goe8-0ut through the nostri , to 3omo etiam per aures; que sere vomitus bilis et en through the eum; and mostly a vomiting of bile insequitur; Sensus quorundam obtunduntur,

quorundam est


huc atque illuc;

litherand thither;


delirium sere accedit tertio, vel quinto die; delirium mostly accedes on the third, or on the Iissili comi euam nervi multorum distenduntur; autem anteatio the nerves of manu ur distended; but before

et vomitus bilis insequitur; si quid cibi vel

Vero notan jejuni intestini . in β' Bul themarks of the fusci, intestino tbe JG unum

sit ventriculi vulnerati sunt communes: und of the stomach being-wounded are common the fame nam cibus et p0tio exeunt Per VlBRβ , . for the food und di inh go-out through the woundior cordia indurescunt; nonnunquam bilis redditur the praecordia become-hurd; gometimes bile is-remmed per OS: tantum intestino sedes voided) through the mouth: ons to the intestine the sectest inferior. Cetera intestina icta siluation) is Diter. The other intestιnos belw-structvel stercus, vel odorem ejus. either dung, or the odour Uit. quae est in spina, whioh is in the spine,

reSolvuntur, aut

Veroi 7. But medulla,


distenduntur; sensus intercidit; aliquo tempore are-distended convulsed); Sense perlahes ; 8ome time interposito, inferiores partes belW-pla eLbettoe having intervened), the lower paris

Bul Si

transVersum Septum

the bludder heing-wounded, quod est super pubem that) wlioli is above the pubes inguinatae grai

intenditur; D-δtretohed pro urina sanguis; at urina

descendit ex vulnere ipso; stomachus assicitur; 8cenda out-9 the wound it/eg; the stomach iε- eoted ; itaque aut vomunt bilem, aut singultiunt; thereforo etthor they-vomit bilo, or 3 er rom-hiocough ;frigus, et ex eo mors SequitUr.cold, and out-U aster) that deuth followδ. 20. cognitis, etiamnum quaedam I Reao symptoms) ι ing-hnown, eveniet Somealia sunt noscenda pertinentia ad omnia vulneraothera aro to bo-hnown pertaining to ali moundaque ulcera, de quibus Sumus dicturi. cnα ulcera, concorning whi h wἱ-arct rebout-to-Sv. Antem ex his exit Sanguis, fiantes, pus. ut out-υ u e go -out bibod, sanies, matteris Sanguis est notus omnibus; Sanies est tenuior hoc, ΠMore is known to uli; sanies is thinner than thu


arie crassa, et glutinosa, et colorata ; bl00d), variovaly thioh, and glutinous, and coloured; PUS crassissimum que albidissimum, glutinosius multer very-thici and very-whito, mor glutinou8 et Sanguine et sanie. Antem Sanguis both thun buod und than sanies. Aut bloodeXit ex recenti vulnere, aut jam ςOω-Out Out-j a recent wound, or hom one) utreui SaneSCente; sanies est inter utrumque tempus; bocomisg-healtis; sanies is belween euch time; pus ex ulcere jam spectante ad matter out-os an ulcer ulready looking tending) to Sanitatem. Rursus et sanies et pus habenthealth. Aguin both sanies and matter laus quasdam species distinctas Graecis nominibus.

Enim est quaedam sanies, quae nominatur Vel For there-is 80me sanies, which D-named eith rvhωψ, vel μελἰκηρας est pus quod appellaturhudrops, or melikera; there-is a multer rohioh D-culled ἐλαιωδες. tenuis, subalbidus, exitelaiodes. Hudrops thin, mewhut-whito, gora Out ex malo ulcere, que maxime ubi, nervo laeso, out-os a bad ulcer, und mostly when, a nerve being-injured,

in lammation hu8-followed. Melthera is thioher, glutinosior, subalbida, que subsimilis

more-glutinouS, Somerolat-white, and somewhut-liis albo melli. Haec quoque sertur exto white honey. This also k-borne discliarged) out-0 malis ulceribus, ubi . nervi circa articulos sud ulcer3, when the nervos about thejoinislodsi-sunt; et inter haec loca, marime ex hud -becn-ini red; and among theso places, chisy out-Ugenibus. 'Ελαιωδες tenue, subalbidum, quasithe hnees. The Elai Odes thin, mowhut-white, as-functum, non dissimile colore atque pinguitudine albo tinctu0αδ, not uuido in colour and in futness to tithite