The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


Inulta muta satureia Savourycaprinumbesing ing-to-thc-goat, imponendum Super

cat-mint, bruised with sali, Quod quoque aeque valet in Phich also equully aeuiis incerastes secit. the cerastes ha made.

9. ero ubi phalangium

But tolen a phalangium curationem quae redditur


melle honey

that Autem But

aut farina Or meat ruta, vel

rue, Or


nocuit, Praeter eam has-injured, b ides that manu, homo est

imperandum, ut is ConquieScat. to 6e-ordered, that hs may-r t. genera Serpentium sunt et

st/nsis of Serpe is ure botsi magis pestifera; quemore singeroul; andand brans boiled Vulnus, que the wound, and sit is Uerum haec But th set aliquanto and by-εomewhut 10. peregrina, rein, gignuntiar maxime aestuosis locis Italia


parte, quod edunt minus part in this respect), hecause thv produce le83 terribiles angues. Adversus quos Vettonica terribis snahes. Aguinst whioh the Vettonian herba, vel Cantabrica, vel centaurion, herb betony), or the Cantabrian herb), or centauta, vel argemonia, vel trixago, vel personina, Vel

pastinaca marina proficit satis, singulae carrot belonging to-th sea prosita susscient0, 3ingleve binae tritae et datae cum vino 0ne) or two bring bruised and ginen with tolae potui, et impositae super vulnus. Oportet for iust, and put-on over the wound. It boloves non illud ignorari, ictum Omnis noe thal thisin to be-unknown, the strole of ePery Serpentis et nocere magis jejuni

sunt perniciocissimi cum incubant; they-are most-injurious wheu they li on during incu-que est utilissimum ubi est metus bation); aud it is most-useful when there-is fear ex anguibus, non progredi antequam quis out-j Dom) δnastra, not tosoforth boore that cinyassumsit aliquid.

St, quia

sentiunt non Drotinus, ut

angue; ita ne-quidem possunt a Mahe s thus nol even they ure-uiae Succurrere sibi statim: to Succour to themseloes immediates


quia noxa incipit non a secondiy), beouuδo the injury begins noe si omcute, sed ab interioribus partibus. Tamen the δstis, but irom the more-internat parre. Howeverest commodissimum, ubi primum aliquisit-is mo3t-a vaniogeous, tolen si ol rome spers0n fienSit, Protinus vomere, multo oleo ho8-perceived it), immediately to vomit, much oit epoto; deinde, ubi exhausit belW-drunt i terwards, when he hos druwn- emptied praecoidia, bibere antidotum; si id est non, the praecordia, to Ginh an antidote; in thue is notvel merum Vinum.

However there-are Some remedira properadversus quaedam Venena, que maXime

peculiar against some polaon' and evectassyleviora. Nam si aliquis ebibit the lighter 0nes). For is εome sperson) hcydrunk-ost cantharidas, panaces contusa cum lacte, vel galbanum, cantharides, panaces bruised with mira, or galbanum, vino adjecto, debet dari, vel lac per Wine belU-added, ought to be given, or missi is

Si V he has druith

cicutam, hem es, calidum merum Murm pure vinum telas cum ruta est ingerendum quampluiamum; rue rS ω-be-ingested --much-as p yille;

leinde is cogendus Vomere; que postear terre arda he sis) iobe or ed to vomit; and afterwaris RSer ex-Vino dandum : que is,a8er tolth-wine to be-given: and he, ebre, est mittendus in calidum

si vacatis he-is recbalneum ; .i


calefacientibus: post quae quies calefacient ingredients) : after which things) rescest necessaria ei. is nec sury to him.

Si hyoscyamum, servens θ' any one has druilli) h bane, holmulsum est bibendum, aut quodlibet lac, maXime hydromel is to-be-Gunh, or any mira, evectully

tamen aSininum.

a Si Sanguisuga epol est, acetum

aut passum, aut coagulum, aut laser Cum aceto. either rui3H-t ne, or coagulum, or laser tCith viuegar.



inutiles ony person)

teith sultest edenda. Uero

hi ipsi

Butthrae thenaseives quidem discerni ab utilibus in ed to be-distinguished fro1n the uόmul Specie, et fieri . idonei Wholesome)-υ appearunce, and to-be-mado si genere cocturae. Nam sive inserbuerunt hy the hind of coohin . For u lether they have-boiled ex oleo, Sive sui clitus piri inferbuit eum inith-oit, or a twix osseur-tree has-ιeen-boiled trita his, vacant omni nOXA. thrae, they are ree inrom-ali injury.


inserturis. 8 0 lsi' vl. insertur extrinsecus Aiso v olenoe is-lasiolod eiternalty adustis

locis : itaque videtur Sequi, ut dicampi reces . ther fore it-δeem3 tofollow, that I may-veu liis. Autem haec curantur Optime concerning thrae. Aut thctye ar cured brat

'Ti yi'', VH Simsella creta contrita cum cortice

s animoenre, and collected incorporaled) with water,tque ubi necessitas usus incidit, diluta when nec ε/s of u3e using it) hoppons, diluted

Ceto: ex insequentibus,

est maxime idonea quae habetis ni t propor whita has plumbi, vel vitellos. Etiam Dud, or yo 3-ofere. ADOPara; sed


illa est curatio adustorum, dum that this) is a trestiment of burni ounds), u his est inflammatio, habere lenticulam impositam cum there-is inflammation, to have lentii put-on withmelle: ubi ea declinavit, sarinam honeyr tolen it the inflammation) huy-deo nec meai

cum ruta vel porro, Vel marrub70, donec crustae with rue or Del, or horohound, tintii the crusta cadant : tum ervum cum melle, aut irim, aut may usi: then vetoh wita honey, or iris, orresinam terebinthinam, donec ulcus sit re 3in belonging-to-turpentine, untii the ulcer may-bc purum : novissime, siccum linamentum.

est veniendum ad ea quae naScuntur interius, it-is to be-oome to thoso which ariso more-internalty, aliqua parte corporum corrupta. Ex quibus non Rome part of bodies bcing-corruptet Out-of which notaliud pejus carbunculo. Hae sunt any other sis) morso thanthe carbuncis. Thrae arenotae ejus: eSt rubor, que Super eum pust daetho muris of it: there-iου rei res, a d above that pustules eminent non nitisum, maxime nigrae, interdum project not very-much, m08tly bluch, 8ometimes

sublividae, aut pallidae; sanIes videtur esse insomowhat-livid, or pule; Sanies Reems to be in his ue color infra est iniger; corpus ipsum these; the colour beneut4 is blael; the bo itis iis aridum et durius quam oportet naturaliter; quearid and hardor thau it beloves naturuis; undest quasi crusta circa; que ea cingitur there-is as-is a crust uround ; und that D-Surround inflammatione; neque cutis potest levariti ith in lammation; nor the shin is-able to be-raised in eo loco, sed est quasi assixa inferiori carni:


SomnuS urget; nonnunquam horror aut labris συγ oppre e8 ; metimeδ δhivering or severoritur, aut utrumque. Que id vitium serpitum , or each. And that vice creeps quibusdam quasi radicibus subteractis, spreads) by somo aε- f root8 being-driven-underinterdum celerius, interdum stri hing-οut below), εometimea very-quichim mmetimo tardius: quoque procedens, inalbescit supra more-δlowlyr atio a ancis, it-hecom -white above

i ustulae oriuntur circum: et si incidit circa puStule3 arire arounde and is it hapsona about Stomachum ve sauces, saepe elidit che3tomach scemphagus) or thesauce' osten ii 3h -out subito spiritum. Νihil ost suffocates) audianly the breuthmg. Nothing is melius quam protinus adurere. Neque heiter than immediately to burn cauteriae . Norest id grave: nam ea caro Sentit non, is that heupy severe): jor that seu foeti no quoniam eSt mortua. Que finis adurendi est, oecaucte ιt-is Gad. And the end of burning is dum e8t sensus doloris ex stionid be), whilo there-is foeting Vpain out-σomni parte. Tum deinde vulnus eSi Curandum, evem pari. Then a erwarri Howound is to bo-troaled, sicut cetera adusta. Enim crusta Sequitur

otior burni Wounds . For a crust sol osub erodentibus medicamentis, quae, diducta under erodis medicine' which, bcing-δeparated undique a viva carne, trahit cum se on-au-sides fom the live sesh, drawa with itfeyquidquid erat corruptum ; que jam Durus inlatever way corrupi ; and ulready snow) theoleun


At si vitium est in

Summa cute quaedam vel the ligheuet Min sin the sursace of the shin) some either exedentia tantum, vel etIam adurentiaeating-out scorrosives only, or even burnis

posSunt Succurrere: vis est

ero quodcunque modicamentum impositum-est, si But whatever medicine has-been mut-on, is proficiet satis, resolvit protinus corruptamitishal prost ε olently, Do8 3 immediately the corruptpartem a Viva; que sere potest esse pari from the live; and moδtly thoro-D-able to bocerta fiducia, ut vitiosa caro excedat sure trusi, when the violous fle8h may-come-out

undique, qua medicamen hujusce on-all-δides, where the medicine sapplication) Uthis rei exest. Si id fit thing euu-out corrodes). IV that is- ne happens)non, que medicamentum Vincitur . malo, utique nol, and the application is-oonquered by the evit, trulyest properandum ad ustionem. Sed in casuit-is to be-h tened to burning. But in an norident ejusmodi est abstinendum a cibo, a vino: of this fori it-is to be-ubδtuined from food, from ullae: iexpedit bibere aquam liberaliter: que ea it-D-expedient to drini router iroelyr and those Sunt magis servanda, si febricula


imprudentia curantis. Id

vitium fit maxime in Superioribus partibus,

circa faciem, nares, aures, labra, mammas seminarum.

abolit the face, nostriis, ear' lj8, breaSis Ofwomen. Autem et hoc nascitur in jecore, aut in Bul und salso) this arises in the liver, or iu

locum ;ehe place; Aliqua quasi puncta sentiuntur circa Some αδ- priokings ore eu abolitque is tumet, immobilis, inaequalis; and that is-εwollen, immoveabie, uneyual; interdum etiam torpet. Venae circum eum Sometimes aiso i is-torpid. The veina cround itinflatae quasi recurvantur, que haeChelag- insuted as-is are-curved-baost, and thrae pallent, aut livent; nonnunquam etiam delitescunt arf-pale, or ar livid; Romelimes also they li hi lin quibusdam: que is locus tactus, affert in δome persons): and that placo belag-touohed, bringadol0rem aliis, habet non eum in aliis: et pari to othera soaee), it-las not it in others: una

nonnunquam sine ulcere est durior aut mollior quam 8ometimes wι hout ulcer il- is hardor or εο ter than debet esse naturaliter nonnunquam ulcus accedit it-ought to bo natural0; gometime3 an ulcer accedes

omnibus iisdem: que nonnunquam habet to cu these) Rome symptoms) : and Romelimes it-has nullam proprietatem ; interdum est simile iisus peculiari somelimes it-is like to tho equae Graeci vocant κονδυλωματοι hOndutomata), tuincurs) which tho Greela coli condul0mata quadam aspredine, et Sua magnitudine que color in a certain roughnen, und by itS Size; the tho colourejus est ruber, aut similis lenticulae; neque seritur init is reri or like to lenti nor is-it-εtruch tuis: nam pr0tinus aut resolutio aut


distentio nervorum insequitur. Saepe distention of the nerves convulsion) folio . osten homo ictus obmutescit, atque anima the man belW-3truch beoom -veecht y, and the spirit

us desicit. Etiam quibusdam, si id ipsum 9 hisn fulls he sat nis). Also to sonae, is that itso

eSt pressum, quae sunt circa intendianturis pre83ed, the paris) which are around are-stret hedet intumescunt. Ob quae become tense) and beoome-δwollen. On-account-of whichid genus est pessimum. Que sere id things) that hiud is very-bud. And mostly that fit primum quod nominatur κακόηθες is-mado irat commences With) whal D-named kakoethes) a Graecis: deinde ex eo id

cacoethes by the Greias: a ferwarda out-of that that carcinoma, quod est sine ulcere: deinde ulcus ;carcinoma, which is without ulcere Uterwards the ulcer; ex eo thymium. Nihil potest tolli, out-of that the thymium. Nothing D-able to-be-talen-away, nisi cacoethes: reliqua irritantur curationibus;

et quo major vis adhibita-est, und by-wliol by hοW much) greater foroe ha3-been-applied, e s magis. Quidam usi-sunt that much) moro theyare irritaled). Some ha--used adurentibus medicamentis; quidam adusserunt with burning caustic) applicution8; some hau -burni ferro; quidam exciderunt Scalpello: neque ullawith iron; ome have-cut-out with the εcalpel: nrither avmedicina unquam profecit; sed adusta, protinus medicine ever has-prosted: but bellig-burni, immediatelyconcitata-Sunt, et increverunt, donee they have-been--oited, and hau increvsed, untii occiderent excisa, etiam post cicatricem they-might-kili; being-cut-out, even after the Scarinductam, tamen reverterunt, et attulerunt heing-induoed, yet they have-retumeri and have-brought