The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


oleo, apparet in magnis ulceribu3 sanescentibus. oic o ears in great ulcer8 beooming-healthy. Autem sanguis est malus aut nimium-tenuis,

aut crassus, vel liVidus c0lore, Vel niger, aut mixtusor thiost, or livid in colour, or bluch, or mile pituita, aut Varius: Optimus caliduS, rubenS, withphlegm, or varicoloured: the brat is) hoi, rei modice crassus, non glutinosuS. Itaque protinus moderately thiok, not glutinouδ. Therefore immediatelycuratio est magis expedita ejus vulneris ex the cure is moro e editisus of that wound ouμσquo bonus sanguis fluxit ; que item postea wlita good blood hasylowed; and also amerwariis major spes est in iis ex quibus quaeque great ey hope is in tho8o out-of which eooh the severat proveniunt melioris generis. Igitur humours) come orth of a betior Lind. There fore

Sanies est mala multa, nimis-tenuis,

livida, aut pallida, aut nigra, aut glutinosa, aut mali livid, or pule, or blach, or glutinou8, or of bad odoris, aut quae erodis et ulcus ipSum, both the uloer it*og,

et odorer, Or whioli corrodesianucutem

junctam ei; est melior

notmulis, modice CraSSa, Subrubicunda. aut much,

subalbida. somet hal-whito. multus, CruSSUS,

much, thiost,

glutinosus, ater, Autem υδρωψ But hilarops sublividus metola lioid calidus, estis

mali odoris: estos bad odour: it-is subalbidus, qui habet


meli hera est mala multa, et

id quoque est pejus

that utio is worae optimum brat percrassa; very-thici set minus and te


thin, dilutum ; que diluted; and est et tenular, is both thinner,

when it is) much, magis, si est tale ab initio: more, is it-is εuch fram the boginiau que item, si est Simile colore Sero, si und also, is it-is like in Oolour to whey serum), Upallidum, si lividum, si speculentum : praeter haec, sale, is livid, is faeculent: beside theso things),

si olet male ; nisi tamen locus excitat huncis it-smelis tu; unlera however the place excites this odorem. Est melius quo minus odour. It-is beller by which by hoW much) le est, quo craSSius, quo albidius : que item, it-is, hy which thioster, by whion wliter: and also, si est laeve, si olet nihil, si estis it-is smooth, is it-3meus nothing not at all), ιν it-is aequale. Tamen debet convenire modo equul. I et it ought to be-sit prop0rti0nate) in manne, et magnitudIni vulneris, et tempori: quantity) both to the siae of the w0und, and to the time rnam naturaliter plus sertur ex majore for natural0 more i8-borne discliargedi out-os aplus inflammationibus nondum solutis. Wοund), more insummationa notieι being-Dosed fgot'Ελαιωδες quoque est pejus multum rid os, . The Elatodes also is worse When it is) much et parum pingue: quo minus

greater edus,

eo melius est.


6i Quibus eXploratis, ubi aliquis Whita things) being Murche minio, ichen Someictus-est, qui potest servari, person) ha be n-δtruch, who D-ablo to beir erved, protinus duo sunt prospicienda: ne immedictely two things are to be-provisiodo lese profusio sanguinis, ve ne inflammatio interimat. yr Moron; of blood, or test inflammation may destris Si timemus profusionem, quod potest bim). V toe ferer tho profusion hamiorrhage , tolich is able intelligi ex sede vulneri S, et to be-Mulerstood out-o Dom) the seat of tho wound, undinagnitudine ejus, et ex . impetu ruenti Sthe εire ofit, and out-of the violonoe of the rushingsangssinis) vulnus est implendum siccis linamentis, queblooo the wound is to-be lied withdry linen8, undSponsa expressa ex frigida aquau sponge expresses dipped) out-of Oold wuter is)

imponenda snpra, ac comprimenda Super manu.

to bemut-on above, and to be r sed over by the hunc Si sanguis conquiescit parum sic, linamenta sunt V lle blbod reso titilo thus, the linens arct mutanda saepIus; et, si Sicca valent

parum, Sunt madefacienda aceto. Id est sitito, they-are to bo-made-wet with vinegar. That is vehemens ad sanguinem supprimendum; quo poli erful to r) the buod to be-suppressed: and ideo quidam infundunt id vulneri. On-that-account Rome spei sons pour-in that to the wound. Sed rursus alius metus subest; ne materia Aut again another four is-neur; DSt, the matterretenta ibi nimis-valenter postea moveat being-ret ined thore tos porcemul0 terwards may-move magnam inflammationem. Quae res efficit,


ut sit utendum neque rodentibus causes), that it-mv-be to be-υεed nesther with gnawlagmedicamentis, neque adurentibu8, corrosive) medicinos, nor inith burning caustic meos ob id ipsum dicines , and on-account-of thur, ibing) ireelginducentibus crustam ; quamvis pleraque ex his bring lagon a crust; although mo*t out-of these Supprimunt Sanguinem: Sed, si semel decurritur suppreis biood: buti is onoe it-i run- wn re- ad ea, iis potius, course is had) to them, we must use) with those ruther, quae essiesunt idem mitius. whioh oot the 8ame more-mιω0. Quod-si illa quoque vincuntur profluvio, But-f those remedies) uiso are-conquered by the uae, venae quae landunt sanguInem sunt apprehendendae the eeins which potur the blood are to-he-Seiaed, que deligandae duobus locis circa id quod

and to-be-bound in two places about that whiohictum-est, que intercidendae, ut ha*-been-εtruch, and to be-cut-bettoeon the ligatures , thotet ipsae coeant in se, et nihilom7nus both themselves may-unite into Memseloes, and neverthelen habeant ora praeclusa. Ubi

res ne-quidem patitur id, possunt tho thing case not-even εν ers that, they are-able aduri candenti ferro. Sed etiam satisto bo.burned with a hol iron. But also εu solently

inulto sanguyne effuso ex eo IOCO,

quo est neque nervus neque muSculus, Ut in which thoro-is notther nervo nor mu3CD, αδ

puta in fronte, vel superiore suppose ser instance in the forehead, or in the .per


parte capitis, tamen est commodi 8Simum, admovere Ort y the leari yet it-D msSt-advantveous, to a lycucurbitulam a diversa parte, ut the cvpmg-H3trument from the opposito puri, ' that curSus Sanguinis revocetur illuc. the course 9 tho blood may-be-reoalled Vither.

auxilium in his: autem adversus ursi in thoye above-mentioned illings): but against inflammationem in cui Su ipso Sanguinis. D Zammation there is aid) in the oourse ityelf 9 the blood .. , . Ε' potest timori in haemorrhage itselo. It inflammation) k-able iobeseared

ubi os laesum-est, vel nervus, Vel cartilago, tohen a bone hu8-heen-injured, or a nervo, or a Curtilage, vel musculus - aut ubi parum sanguinis pro Or a muεole; or rehen litile of blood introportion-to modo vulneris duxit. Eruo

ebrietas praecessit id into cution has-procedod that videbitur laesus, erit shut 8eem in red, it-wil bo


23. percussus, est m0rtiferus; praecisus, recipit bellig-struci, it-is fatal; being out-through, it-receiUe3


Autem vel sanguine suppresso, si nimius

per Se, est longe optimum vulnus

glutinari. Autem id potest,to be-glutinated. Aut that is ablo to be glutinaled)quod est vel in cute vel etIam in carne, whioh is either in the Hrin or enen in thesesh, si nillil mali praeterea accedit: caro dependensis nothing of il besides accedes: fesh hanging - wn alia parte, inhaerens alia. poteSt; in another one) puri, uilherlag in other, is-uble sto betamen si est etiamnum re-united); yet j it-is evenset

fovetur conjunctione corporis. is-cherished by the connetion of the body. etand tuae glutinantur, est duplex curatio. which ureslutinatori there-il a twofold treciment. integra,

Vero in iis Aut in those

Nam Forsi plaga est in m0lli parte, debet sui; que the wound is in a sost pari, it-ought to ιρ-seu ed; and

maxIme Si ima auri S discissa-est, esseololly f the lolcest ear the iobe os the ear) has-been-cut, vel imus nasuS, Vel frons, or the loweu nose lo est pari os the nose), or freheuit, vel bucca, vel palpebra, Vel labrum, vel cutis circa or choest, or velid, or ij, or SNn about mitur, Vel venter. Vero si vulnus est iu the throat, or thebetiy. But is the wound is in carne, que litat, neque orae attrahuntur facile theseueh, and ityopes, ncither the ei es are-di arcn easib


butin unum, Sutura quidem est aliena

imponendae, quae contrahant Oras, tamento-ο pu on, ichich mu'draw-togother the e eL yet but paulum, quo cicatrix postea sit

adhuc alienatum, poStulet Suturam, anasset alienated separated), may-require δewis, Orfibulam. Neutra ex quibus debet imponi antea clam. Λeither odit-of which ought to belut-on bessore quam Vulnus purgatum-est intus; thun the wound has-been-olounsed within; concreti sanguinis relinquatur ibi. Volotted blood may-he-lest there. vertitur in pus, et movetis-turned into matter, und moves causes et prohibet vulnus glutinari. und hisders tho wound to be-glutinate Hlinamentum, quod inditum-eSt causa wa3-put-in for the-εaherelinquendum inibi: nam to be-lest there o for


Enim id et

Forthat hoth inflammationem. inflammation, Νe-quidem

Not-even Sanguinis

of the blood id quoque

that also the linen, whichsupprimendi, estis bo suppr Sed, is inflammat. cou8 -inflammation. ero Oportebit Aut it toti bolove not only the δkin, but aiso εome ex carne, ubi haec suberit,

comprehendi sutura, Vel fibula; quoto-be-embruced by the Reu ing, or is the clav; by whion non tantum cutem, sed etiam aliquid


haereat valentius, neque abrumpat in Order that) it mo uictere more-δtrongly, nor muy-breah Cutem. Utraque est Optima ex molli acta, non the shin. Eaoh is best made) out-9 30st threud, nottorta nimis, quo inaidat twisted too-muia, is inhi in order that) it-mussit Corpori mitius. Utraque est injiciendato the bo more-mild0. Eata is to be-cast-in inserted)neque nimi S rara, neque nimis Crebra. neither too rure separated), nor too frequent close . Si est nimis rara, continet non: Si 9 it-is too rure separated), it hol δε-together not: Uest nimis crebra, assicit vehementer, quia, it-is too frequent sci08e), it offecta violently, be uδ' quo Saepius acus transuitis inhioh by hois much) more- ten the nee lle Seros-throughc0rpus, que quo plura loca

injectum vinculum mordet, eo the cust-in bond inserted thread) bit holds), by that mucli)majores inflammationes oriuntur ue que magis deState. greater inflammations arise; und mors iu summer. Etiam neutra desiderat ullam vim; Sed eatenus Aiso notther requires ony riolonoe; but only) thus ure3t utilis, qua cutis subsequitur ducentem it-is use fui, by whioh the 3 in follows the person) drowing quaSi Siaa- sponte. Tamen fibulso sere it) as- is by itf-own-uocord. I et clavs mostly patiuntur vulnus esse latius: sutura jungit oras, niloto the twound to be toider e setoing joins the edges, quae ipsae debent ne-quidem contingere intertfhich thomselves o /ght not-even to touch betu en Se ex-toto; ut si quid humoris themsolvos enti, eo; that is ony illing) 0 humour concreverit intus, sit may havesrown-logether within, there-may-ιe a Way)qua emanet. Si quod vulnus recipitis icticli it muyylow-out. V any wound receives admits


neutrum horum, tamen id debet purgari. notther of theye, yet that ought to-be-clean3e . Deinde primo Spongia eXPreSSa lomarri in tho 3t placo a vonge expressod dipped)eX aceto . est imponenda omni vulneri : si s of in) et inegar is to belut-on to every wound e staliquis potest non Sustinere Vim aceti, 3onre sperson) D-ablo not to Support the force of vineyur, est utendum vino. Levis plaga etiam juVatur, it-is to be-used mith wine. A si hi wound atio i ussiste , si spongia expressa ex frigida aqua

imponitur. Sed quocunque modo ea est imposita, dumi put-on. But in whutever manno it is put-on, while madet, prodest: itaque, est non committendum, it-is-wet, it prinuo ther oro, it-is not to be- committe lut inarescat. Que licet allo ed), that it may-be me-Gy. And it-D-lato fulcurare vulnus Sine perigrinis, et possible to cure a Mound without fore n, and conquisitis, et c0mpositis medicamentis. Wht-together rare, und composed elaborate) medicines.

Sed si quis confidit parum huic, But m any pers0n) tru/is titilo to this method),

debet imponere medicamentum quod sit compositumhe ought to put-on a medicument whioh may-be composed sine sevo cx iis quae mithout yuet out-of thoeso ingredients) whiohproposui esse apta cruentis vulneribus ; ques havemluoed-above to be si for bloo wouuri; and maxime si est Caro, Barbarum, si

tiemi, Vel cartilago, vel aliquid the nerves liave been incunded), or Curtilago, or 3ome one ex eminentibuS, quales aures, vel out-of tho prominent sparis), lihe-αδ the eura, orlabra sunt, sphragidem P0lybi. Quoque viride the lipa ure, the sphragis Polybus. Aiso the pro



nervis :

inhiohthe εhin Alexandrinum est Alexandrian plaster) is propereminentibus partibuS, QR . . for the prominent puris, thut composition)Graeci vocant iάντουσα raptousan). Etiam cutis the Grecta culi ruptousa. Also solet findi exigua parte is-acoustomed to be-out Only in v smali parte degree , corpore colligo. Ubi quod incidit, the bo being - shod confused). When whioli humen

sunt adhibenda quod inings) ore to be-upplied whiohhumorem leniter; que ex . hi , the humour gent0; und out-of thrae, quod proposui

Εtiain est non alienum, ubicunque Vulnus est Aiso it-is not unm, whenmer the wound ta

iuvetur, circumdare insuper Succidam-lanam ex may-be-a iSted, to surround mor ver greav-woolaceto et oleo; vel cataplaSma, S,

Praecipue id pectes that