The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


Propter haec On-account-6f theserecte, atque etiam rightly, and evendi gerantur; et medicamenta may-be-dispersed; and medicines est

auctor Se


quoque in mammis seminarum. also in the breasta V

etalbum Veratrum datur

both white helleboreis givensaeptus,

very Uten, donec Sauntii theyimponuntur, quae ctrctou on, ichichdissipent humorem;

mo diu rete the humour; quoque quidam

vel educant, vel either muy-draw-Out, Orquorum mentio facta- est supra. Vinich mention has-been-made abobe. utuntur adurentibuS,

eXedant, que adstringant eum locum crusta: may-eat-out, and may bind that place with a crusto vero tum curant ut ulcus. Autem quaecunque but thea tho treat sit) as anuloer. But whateυerest ratio Curandi, ulcere

donec perveniat ad tintii it muy-orrive tomediet doceant quae, physiolans may-teach ichioh things), experimento quorundam ruStiCorum, O the perience of ε0me ruSticS, quem struma habet male, Hi

tuberculum cum inflammatione et tubercle with inflammution undmaxime ubi vertitur jam inoli 0 tolen it-λ-turned is turning) ulready into Cum

Cognitum- est)it hvs-been known eum liberari, hinn iobe reed, edit anguem.


Qui ubi est adapertus, et pus exiit, Whioh rehen it-is Uenec und the s uS haSsone-sui, pars carnis Subter apparet Versa in pus, pare Utho si h beneuth oppears turnod into pus, Pars puri Corrupta subalbida, belag-corrupted gomowhat-whito, quem quidam nominant ventriculumwhioh somo namo the litt&-bel lyeο est nullum periculum, etiamsithis there-is no dangeri even- subrubra;

surunculi. In

of the boll. In

nulla curatio no treulmentadhibeatur: enim maturescit per may-be-applied: for it becomes-mature su Gates) bySe, atque erumpit. Sed dolor efficit ut iuris and bursis orth. Bul thepain causes that medicina sit potior, quae liberet maturius. mediorne may-be preserabis, whioh may ree euriter. Proprium medicamentum ejus est galbanum:

Theproper medicine the specificὶ ofit is galbanum:

sed alia quoque comprehensa-sunt supra. Sibut ollers also have-be -comprehended abone. Ucetera desunt, primum, emplastrum

non pingue, debet imponi, ut reprimat noe fui, ought to beFut-on, that it may-reprenidi deinde, si repressit non, quodlibet that: afterwariis, is it has-repressod noι, any plaster accommodatum puri movendo;

si ne-quidem id est, vel resina, telis not-euen that is obtainable), either resin, orsermentum. Pure eXpreSSo, nulla curatio leaven. The pus heing rene lovi. no trealmenι ultra est necesSaria. orther is nec Sary. Vero tuberculum nominatur φυμοι Simile uirunculo,

But a tubercle is-named phuma like to a boicsed rotundius et planIus, etiam saepsi majus. Νambut rounder und salter, also osten greater. Por


furunculus raro explet magnitudinem dimidii-ovi,

nunquam excedit: phyma etiam consuevit never Moeeri r ue phyma even ha3-been-accustomed

patere latius; sed inflammatio qne dolorto e.rtend more-widely; but the insummatιon aud suin sub eo sunt minores. Ubi divi Sum-est, under te are te . When it has-been-dioided pus apparet eodem modo: 0pened), tae pus appeara in thesume mannere Ventriculus, qui in furunculo, invenitur non:

Verum Omnis corrupta Caro vertitur in pus.

hul asi the oorrupi si h i turned into pus. Autem id et nascitur saepius in pueriS, et Aut that both arises ostener in bus, and

tollitur facilius: in juvenibus oritur rarius, et is tu emaway moreeusilye in youths itarises geldomer, and curatur dissicilius: ubi aetas induravit,it.k-cured more-di culilye when the age has-hardenedne-quidem nascitur. Uero in advanced age), not even it-arise3. But PropOSitum-est Supra, quibus medicamentis it 1 -beensropoεed above, with wlae medicines discuteretur.

it Hould be-discuraed. io. Autem φυγιθλον phugethlon) est tumor, Due the phygethion is a tumour, non altuS, latus, in quo est quiddam nol high, broud, in ichich there-is some thing)simile pustulae. Dolor que distentio estide to a sustulo. The pain and tension . is vehemens, et major quam Pr0 magnitudine violent, und greater thun in-proportion-to the sire tumoris; interdum etiam febricula of the tumour; εomolim uisu there is) si hibet er , que id maturescit tarde, neque una thul Oecomes-mature Suppurates) 8low0, nor


alis, the armotu, magnopere in PHS. greatly into pus.

mostly either in Autem But

aut inor in aut in inguinibus. Nostrior in the groina. Our countrymen)Vocant panem, ad similitudinem Π it) panis, to On account os) the resemblance figurae. Atque demonstravi supra quo of the ιhve. And I have potnteueout above by-what medicamento id ipsum tolleretur. medioine that ityelf might be-tako-away. . Sed cum omnes hi sint But when salthougli) ali these may-benihil nisi . minuti abSceSSUS,

a broader more vitium spectans ad

suppurationem trahit generale nometi. suppuration dratos assumesin the generat name.

Que id sere fit aut post febres, And that mostly is made happens) either after severs,

aut post dolores alicujus partis, que minime eosor rester palas offome pari, and m tly thosequi infestarunt ventrem. Que Saepius eStwhioh hane-attached the bel0. Anil more- ten it-is expositum oculis; siquidem aliquid latius exposed to thetae8; sinoe-that some thing) very-broad intumescit ad similitudinem ejus quod Stoelis to the resemblanoe of that whichproposui Vocari posisse, que rubet Cum I have-placed-be fore iobe-called phuma, and is-red inith calore, et paulo post etiam cum duritia, quehent, und a litile oster even with har inras, and indolescit magis nocentur, et eXPrimithecomesoui ui more injuriously, and expresses causesin sitim que vigiliam. Interdum tamen nihilthirse and wahesumess. Sometimes however nothing


horum potest deprehendi in cute; que maxime, Ofthese is-able to he- tected in the Min; und Ohiosj, ubi pus movetur altius: Sed where the pus is-moved formed) very- γ0. butaliquae punctiones sentiuntur intus, cum siti que somo prictius ure eit within, with thirse undvigilia. Et quod est non durius watobulae . Anil that) which is not verν-hard de-subito, est melius: et quamvis rubet non, εu enly, is helter: and although it-i3-red not, tamen est coloris mutati aliter. Quae yet is os a colour chused otherisDe. Whiohsigna nascuntur pure jam Oriente: tumor Signs aremroduced Me pus abeady arising : theεwellingque rubor incipiunt multo ante. Sed si and the reta a bsin is much before. Bue flocus est

the place is

avertendusto be-turnelaway byet reprimunthoth repre proposuis hau placeὐbefore ante in erysipelatebejore in ery8 ela8. mollis, aditus materiae est Sos, the access of matter is per cataplaSmata, quae simul cataplasm8, whi h at-the-δanne-rimo et refrigerant: qualia

and coolo . lit axet alias et paulo both elsewhero and by u-littis Si est jam durior, V it-is ulready very-harg

digerant, et may-disper8s, and contusa; aut truised; ordid

those applications qualis est arida dry

quod sit


suilla; aut radix cucumeris, cui belonging-toQhe-wine; 0r r99t Ucucumber, to whi duae partes ex farina, decoctae


galbanum, pr0polim, viscum; que adjicere dimissio galbanum, bee-glue, visou8; and to add is hal minus pondus myrrhae, quam erit in singulis len weight of myrrh, than wil be tu euch prioribus. Atque emplaStra quoque et malagmata, the forme, . And the pMStera alao and malagmata, quae explicui supra, essiciunt idem. Quod whioh I ea latued above, oot the sume. IV ut

hordeacea-sarina, Cocta ex-aqua miscetur

recte, est imponenda. Autem haec eadem righis, is to hemut-on. But thrae same things)fiunt recte, quoque in minoribus abscessibus, are-done rightly, atio in the trafer a68cesses, nomina que proprietates quorum reddidithe numes and peculiarities of which I have rendere Supra. Que Curatio Omnium eadem:

related) ubove. And the treulment of ali sis) the fame distat tantum modo. Est crudum, in is-di ora only iumeusure. That) iis immature, in

quo est quaSi major motus venarum, inhioh there-ia --y a ga cater motion of the vein'εt gravitiis, et ardor, et distentio, et dolor, and heavine8s, and heat, und tenSion, und pula, et rubor, et durities; et si est in Orond re es3, and hari era; and w it-iS a very-greulabscessus, hortor, aut euam febricula permanet ;aι3cesa, ShiPering, or et en si hi ever remalas;


que suppuratione Condita penitus, si proand tho suppuration heing-conoealed entirely, is insteaGUhis, quae cutis ostendit alibi, sunt thrae sympionis , which the uin Shews elsemhere, there-are punctiones. Ubi ista remiserunt se,prichino. LVhen these symptoms) haveremitted themSelves, que is locus jam prurit, et est aut und that place ulready icohes, and D either sublividus, aut subalbidus, suppuratio est somelchat. livid, or Somowhat-while, the suppuration is matura ; que ubi ea aperta-est vel permature and whon it has-been opened either is medicamenta ipsa, vel etiam serro medicines themyelves, or even hytheiron instrument , pus debet emitti. the pus ought to be-emitted. Tum si

qua in alis, Vel inguinibus,

Sunt any iu tho armmitS,

they-are nutrienda sine linamento.

without lint. Atio in ceteris partibus, si est

exigua in other parra,

Smali plaga, si suppuratio fuit mediocris, sircounc is the Ruppuration ha8-beon moderate, is penetravit non alte, si est non labris, it ho penetraled not dem y, is there-is not sever, si corpus


valet, linamenta Sunt aeque is-δtrong, lint, aro equullyin reliquis, debent in the rest in other cases), they-ought tamen parce, nec, nisi plagayet spuringly, nsr, unDS8 the wound est magna. Vero lenticula eX-melle, autis great. Aut lentii Mithhoney, ormalicorium coctum ex-Vitio imponitur commode pomegranufe-rind boiled with-wine Amut-on a vaniugeousty vel super linamenta, Vel sine his; quae either over linis, or without these; wlioh


sunt idonea et per Se, et

ingredients) are se both by themselves, and

them Si qua circa sunt duriora, ad V ony paris) around ure very-hard, tomollienda, vel contritato be-ε tened sto sosten them), either bruised malva, Vel semen Graeci foeni vemallow, or the εeed of Greet hv sceniagreeh) orlini- semen coctum ex-passo est. Superdandum. senseed hoiled with ruisin-toine is to hemia emover. Deinde quidquid est impositum, debet non terwariis whateuer is put-on, ought notadstringi, sed deligari modice. Decet to be-t hienec but to be-bound moderate0. In becomes neminem decipi illo, ut utatur nomerson to be- eoeived in that this), that he may-use cerato in hoc genere. Cetera, quae

pertinent ad ulcus purgandum ad implendum, ad pertain to an ulcer to be-oleansed to to-beslled, tocicatricem inducendam, conVeniunt, quae a Scar cicatrigation to be-brought-on, arest, inhichexposita-sunt in vulneribus. have-been-set orth in litoren δε. Autem nonnunquam fistulae oriuntur ex But somelimes fistulae arise out-σabscessibus ejusmodi, et ex aliis generibus absce83ω of this-sori, and out-os other hiadsulcerum. Id est nomen alto, angusto, calloso os ulcera. Thut is the nume to adem, narrow, callouctulceri. Fit sere in omni parte ulcer. It-D-made happens) mostly in eoery partcorporis: que habet quaedam propria Ofthebo : and has sonte peculior Symptotus)in singulis locis. Dicam prius de

in the Severat places. I ahal say previ0VS0 concerning communibus. Igitur sunt Plura generathe co)mmon. Therefore tiere-are very-many hiuiis



of fistulae :penetrant penetrato

siquidem aliae sunt breves, aliae sinoe-that others 80me) are εhori, othera altius; aliae feruntur rectae very-deep0; othei 3 arc-borne εtruight intus, alIa que multo plures cithin, othera and by much the more the greater number transversae; aliae Sunt Simplices, aliae duplices vetra verae; otherra ars Simple, ouers Gubia ortriplices, quae sunt intus orsae ab triple, which ar made within fluviW-commenoed Domuno ore, aut etiam dividuntur in pluresone mouth orifice , or even ure-divided into more sinus : aliae sunt rectae, aliae flexae, bosomΘ sinus): other8 are δtra hi, others bent, et tortuosae; aliae desinunt intra carnem,

aliae penetrant ad ossa aut Cartilaginem, aut, othera penetrate to the bon or the cartilage, or, ubi neutrum horum subest, perveniunt ad

when neither of thrae si alter) D-under, Moy urrive to interiora: deinde aliae curantur sacile, the interior sparis) : Uterwurδε otherδ are-cured easily, aliae cum dissicultate, atque quaedam reperiunturothers with di ouisy, and Some ure ormedetiam insanabiles. Curatio est expedita in simplici, even in rabie. Curo is expeditiouδ in a simple, recenti fisicia, intra carnem : que Sirecent fistula, within confined to) thes fir und i corpus est juVenile, Si firmum, aliivat ipsam. the body is yout ut, is strong, it a ista it. Contraria his Sunt inimica: que item, The contrary things) to theSo ure hoδtile: and also, 'si fistula laesit os, Vel cartilaginem, vel f the fistula ha injures a bsene, Or a cartilage, ornervum, vel muscul0S; Si occupavit articulum ,

a nervo, or muSol ; is it lu3-occupied a joint; 'si penetravit Vel ad vesicam, vel ad ij it hasmenetraled either to the bladder, or to


pulmonem, Vol ad vulvam, vel ad grandes venas the lungo, or to the womb, or to the greae Deinave arterias, vel ad inania, ut guttur,or arteri , Or to thoempty cavities), as the throni Stomachum, thoracem. Quoque e8t Semper 3tomuch insophagus), the est. Atio it-is amausPericulosum, Saepe pestiferum eam tendere addangemus, osten futut sor) it to tend extend) to intestina. Quibus multum mali accedit, the antestines. To whioh things) much 9 evit uocedes, si corpus est vel aegrum, vel senile, vel maliis the bo is either stok, or πω, or osa bad

habitus. Autem ante Omnia convenit


Aut is a bono

est in vicino, id quoque potest in in unour place), that iliis) titio is-able disci, si fistula jam penetravit eo, tobo-Darni, is the fistula ulready hasmenetraled thuler,

Νam si est molle quod contingitur For U that) is suist whiol is-touole fultimo specillo, vitium by the lu3t probo by the end os the probe , the vice disease)est adhuc intra carnem: si id is asset milhin confined to) thes h f this

renititur magis, ventum-est ad resistes more, it hvs-be -come sit has reachedi to