The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


os. Deinde si specillum labitur ibi, the bone. Asteritariis is the probe glutes there,

aequali, est an equat place), there-ia levis: si

si labitur non, Sed

caries quidem, Verum caries in ed, butinaequale quoque et anunequal also and innititur


sedes ipsa docet; que esSe perventum the seat siluation) itfey teaoheq; and to-be arrived ad eam, patet ex and that the disestse has arrived) to it, is-evident out-ofrenisu. Et ex his the resistance to the probe). And out-9 these lliings quidem Sedes, spatia, noxae fistularum in ed theseare, thesmacra extent), the injuries of fistulae c0lliguntur. Vero p0test cognosci exure collected. Aut it-k-able to be-known out-σm0do puris eae sint the manner quantity) of the pus hetherin those mu-be Simplices, an diducantur in plures partes r4imple single), or muy be-divided into more paris e cujus

si plus

sortUr, quam

plureS sinus. Que cumto be that there are)monysinus. And vhon since insere sint juxta

si h undi nerve, and aliqua

quales tunicaeque


quoque num plures sinus perroserint uiso whether the Mony sinus splur.) may have-cori deddi ver8a genera corporis intus. Siquidem eX the d orent hin s of body withia. Since-that out-UCarne pus sertur laeve, album, δὴ ite pus is-borne discliarged) smooth, wlite,C0PI08lus: at ex nervoso loco ejusdem Tery- plaus: but out-os a nerio place it is) Utheaumec0l0ris quidem, sed tenuius et minuS: eX colour in ed, lut thinner and iras: out-σner, o, pingue et non dissimile oleo. Denique, o nerve, sit is) sat ond not unlthe to Oil. Lastly, Inclinatio corporis etiam docet numise inclination saltitude of the bo also tea es refletler fistulae penetrarint in plures Partes, fistulae may-havevenetraled into very-many puri8, quis decubuit αυ person) has-recline collocavit membrum aliter, hasilaoed the litab otheriolae, jam desierat, incipit iterum aDeady had-oeaSed, begina agamque testatur, non Solum

alium sinum esse ex quo descendat sed another Sinus to be out-j which it-may-descend, butetiam eum tendere in aliam partem Corporis. also it to-tenil into another part of the bo . Sed si est et in carne, et recens et

Simplex, ac neque rugosa neque caVR3imple single), and netthor wrinhiod nor Sede, neque in articulo, sed Neut siluation), nor in oboint, but membro, quod immobile per Se,

non nisi cum toto corpore 3 emplastrum qu 'dnot unis 3 with the re hole bolo; the plaster re hic4 queand


moveturis more i


alumen, ulums, vel

dum habeat vel salem, vel ωhilo so that) it-mv-havo eluer Salt, or

vel squamam peris, Vel aeruginemor δcule Vbrun, or vero ris,

aliquid ex metallicis :εome illing) out-of the metullio substances :eX eo Collyrium debet fieriout-of re a tent ought to be-made altera parte, paulo-plenius altera, 'ontheother part side), a litu fuller on theolher, oportet id demitti in fistulam, ea parte it-behovos that to be-lowered into the fistula, that partantecedente, qua est tenuius, donec purusgoing-before, in which it-is thinnor, tintii pure sanguis Ostendat Sed quae sunt perpetuablood moy-shew itselfo which rules) ure perpetuat in omnibus collyriis fistularum. Deinde idem in au tenis of fistulae. Astericorda the Rameemplastrum Superimponendum in linteolo, queplosior is) to beῬut-onover in son) linen, undSpongia ante demissa in acetum esta vove before sprevi0usty) lowered into Cinegar is injicienda supra: que est Satis to-be-c t-on sput On) above: und it-is δε olent sor it)solvi quinto die. Genus victusto be-Dosed talien OM Onthe th div. The Liud offood adhibendum est quo docui

carnem ali Ac si fistula est longius hes h to be-nourishod. And praecordiis, est frona the praecordia, it is jejunum esse radiculas fustis to eui rudiu Vomere. Pistula fitis the fistula is very arvecessarium

eX-intervallo, deindeat-intervati, aftermurils chllosa vetustate.


Autem callus sallit neminem, quia est durus, But callus deceives no-one, hecause it-is hard, et aut albus aut pallidus. Sed tum est opus and either tohite or palo. But thon there-is need validioribus medicamentis : quale est, u ith moremowerfui medicin rhabet lacrimae papaveri S p. has ostear Upst y p-Η. III. M. Cadmiae p. H. Ira. m. Oscadmia p. Sutorii

os verissigris, of Sandrach, of sentian alum, of euchp. N. I. combusti atramenti-8utorii p. Η. H. aut

p. H. I. of burni cosperu8 p. H. D. or that)quod constat ex chalcitide, et saxo calcis; which consista out-os chalcitis, and tho 3tone os time; quibus adjicitur dimidio minus auripigmenti quam to whioh is adsed by huy leues of orpiment thun est in singulis prioribus, que ea there-is in euch the former, und these articles excipiuntur cocto melle. Autem arc-received incorporaled) with boiled honey. Aut

VMeges, to brui3o pori der) p. H. II. scroped verit ris, deinde liquare p. H. ii. thymiamatis-ammoniaci tergarri to dissolve p. Η . II . of gum-ammoniacaceto, que eo infuso cogere in-vinegur, und that heing Foured-in to collect incorporate icieruginem: quo id est ex primis

Η. I. gummi p.

H. I. Ofgum p . . IV. atramenti


medicamentis. Sed ut haec sunt maximi medioisi applications . Aut αδ thrae ars Oftheg reaiest effectus, si ista adsunt non cui, este thore areorerent sat hand) not to cutamen est facile erodere callum person), yet it-is ecu ' to corrode callus quibuslibet adurentibus medicamentis: que est Mith any burning caustic) applications: and it-i satis illinere vel intortum papyrum, vel aliquid enough to meur-on either troisted papyruS, or Sonis ex penicillo adstrictum in ili ing) out-os a compress bound into faster)modum collyrii. Scilla quoque, cocta et mixta themanner osa tent. Squill also, boiled und 1n ed Cum calce, exest callum. Vero si quando a ith lime, eats-out callus. Aut is ichon sat any time)fistula est longior et transverSa, specillothesistula is very-long ond trun*ver8e, the probe demisso, est commodissimum incidi contrabeis- t-Gwn, it-is moSt-udvantseou3 to be-out opposite

principium hujus, et collyrium demitti the be)inning of this flatter), und the tent

On-both-sides sat eacti operiiug). fistulam esse duplicem vel the fistula to be tw old orut sit brevis, At But

multiplicem, munito id,

that it muy-be εhori not deep), und within consilied t0 collyrio; inith the tent; reliquas:

o dem arida medicamenta the 8ume dry medicines Scriptorium-calamum, que is uP RDUUS Ori

aptandus ori quod


compellantur intus: aut eadem sunt liquandamv-be orced withine or the sume are to be-dissoloedeX-vino; vel si fistula est sordidior, ex-mutSo;

refrigerent et reprimant, Sunt Superponenda: nam mv-osol and may- repre , ars to be-put-overe foriete quae Sunt circa fistulam habent mo/tly the paris) whioh oro about a fistula have aliquid inflammationis. Neque est alienum, ὸomo sthing) of inflammettion. Nor is-it unWt, ubi quis resolverit, wben any person may-huye-unloosed the dressings ,

antequam conjiciat rursus alia medicamenta,

b ore- that he may-ocat sapplyὶ Quin othor opplications, eluere fistillum per clysteremto wush-out the fistula through by means Os) u Sringe oricularium, si plus puris sertur,uSedyor-the-ear, is very-muta ot pus ει-borne discliarged), Mino; si callus est di ior, aceto; si/oith wine; f the callus is very-hurd, with vin gur; in Purgatur jam, mulso, vel aqua, init-D-cleansed ali ea , with hydromet, or with trater, in

qua erVum Coctum-Sit, Sic ut paulum

ichich vetoh may-huοθ- boen-boiled, so that alitile mellis quoque adjiciatur huic. Veroo' honey also muy-be-added to this latter). Lutilare sit, ut ea tunica quae modiis it i/-made sit happens), that that tunio, whicά est inter foramen et integram i3 betwecu the opening os the fistula) and the found

Carnem, Victa medicamentis, eXeat tota,


quod contigit, glutinantia sunt imp0nenda; which has-happened, glutinant ingredients) are to bemut-on; que praecipue Spongia illita cocto melle. and omectuls a monge ameared with boiled honey. Neque ignoro, placuisse Aor am-I-ignorant, to haveoleased sthat it has-pleased)multis, linamentum compositum into many, clar) linen lint) composed into aster modum collyrii tinctum melle demitti :lle manner os a tent dipped in honey to-bo-lowered to sed id glutinaturbe introduced): bul thut hind os ulcer D-glutinuted

celerius quam impletur. Νeque est more-quiohly thuu it-is illed incarnaled). Nor is-ie Verendum, ne purum corpuS junctum puro

Corpori Coeat tion, medicamentis quoque essicacibus θυο may-unite not, modicinea atio efficacious

exulceratio ulceratione0s in them into unum, nisi prospeximusone stogether , uni 3 we have-looked forward stat en

magna Cura.


glutinosus et purulentus humor sertur; re glutinous and purulent humorer D-horno discli arged); nec tamen pervenit ad justam maturitatem. nor yet do -il-urrine to ju8t spersect) maturis. Si est divisum, multo plus corrupti

apparet intus quam in furunculo, que descendita eara within thon in v both and it descenda altius Fit raro nisi in capillis. more- γ0. It - is via de li appens) Seldom unle83 in the Dii 3.

Alterum est minus, eminens Super corpuS, durum,

Tho other is iras, projecting a ove the bo , hord, latum, Subviride, Subpallidum, magis exulceratum: broad, Ssmewhatwrcen, Somere hiatiale, mors ulceratode Siquidem sunt Dramina ad radices singul0rum Since-that ther ure openings to at) the roots of the Reverat pilorum, per quae glutinosus, subpallulus hui, ε os eaeli hair), through which oglutinous, gomewhatmalo humor sertur, reserens cra8Situdinem mellis, humorer k-borne, resembling the thio aras of honey, aut visci, interdum olei: si inciditur, caro or of Vi Scus, Romelimes of Oil: is it-D-out, the si hintus apparet viridis. Autem dolor et inflammatio withiu uppeur8 green. Aut thepatu und insanimationest ingens, adeo ut c0nsuerintis great, So thaι they-may-have-been-accuStomed quoque movere acutam febrem. Super id uiso to move cause) acute sever. Over thut quod est exasperatum minus crebris

hind) whicia is mode-rough leo mi h frequent foramiDIbus, et arida ficus imponitur recte, et openingo, both dry fg ismut-on righis, undi ini-Semen coctum in mulso, et emplaStra, aClinseed hoiled in hydromel, and pDδterra, and malagmata educentia materiam, aut malagmata dratoing-out matter attractive), or those)quae posui supra pertinentia proprieu licia I have luced obone pertaining particularly


Super alterum, et eadem mcdicamenta, hether. Upon the other si ind), both the sume opplicationδ, Ct sarina cocta ex-mulso, sic ut dimidium and meat bolied with hydromet, δo that has resinae terebinthinae misceatur ei ue et ore , in bolongis-to-turpentine muy-be-mbed to it: and fcus decocta in mulso, cui paulum contriti

t g. But-is applications utrolibet genere, oporteteither hinc it Oehoves

usque ad sanam Partem. of Stav acre ad dproficiunt parum in prosttotum the whole Ulcere Tho ulcercitiis linulcus excidi ulcer to be-out-out untii to the healtis pari. ablato, medicamenta sunt dandubetv-tulen-away, applications are to be laen


Verrucis,to waris, Super VulnUS, ovor the wouni

deinde, terwarδε, impleant. may AI incarnanis). ero Sunt quaedam similia Aut ther aro εο no tu movi s) like nomina quorum sunt diversa, ut vitia. the nam es 9 which ure disserent, as the vices diseases).2raee: vocant ἀκροχορδονας salirochordonas), The Greebs catl those) ahrochordones, ubi aliquid coit sub cute, durius

when some thiug) collocis undor the Shin, very-hardet interdum paulo asperius, ejusdem coloris: und a nolim a litile rosher, of the Same colour tenue infra, latius ad cutem; que id ιhin beneuth, broador to sat) tho Min; und that est modicum, quia raro excedit magnitudinem is moderate, because Seldom is eroeeda the εize


Vix unum tantum nascitur

eodem Donnunquam lomelimes Sub under

Iasius broadereXestant they eicite qua etiam whioh evenmediocrem inflammationem ;moderate inflammation convertuntur in Pus. they-ure-turned into puS.

repraesentat colorem forisqueandeminet projecis ad cutem,

et perasperum in and very-rougis id summum

repre8eni3 the colour of the 'trer of thyme, ichen est nomen ei: quo ibi finditur sacile, is tho name to it; und there it-A-divi ted easily, et cruentatur ; nonnunquam landit aliquantum and D-made-bloody; sometimos it poura some-Πtile sanguinis: que sere est citra magnitudinem Ubiood: unil mo&tly it-is on-this ide the siet AEgyptiae sabae, raro majus, interdumos an Egyptian bean, Seldom greator, Sometim perexiguum. Autem modo unum, modo Plura very mali. But Sometimes One, Somettara mors nascuntur, vel in palmis vel in inferioribus arise, cither in the palma or in the loto Partibus pedum: tamen pessima sunt in

sanguinem . Autem vocantur