The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


thuris, singulorum P. N. I. sulphuris expertios rankincense, of eacis p. Η. I. offulphur haviW-tried non ignem tantundem, liquidae resinae not the re just- -much, inliquid resinterebinthinae P. H. XX. sarinae lolii sext. bolongis-to-turpentine p. H. XX. Umeul of darnel 3eat. m. gith tres cyathi, crudae picis sextarius. III. Ofgith throe cyath3, Vorudo pitch a sextarius.

iii Qu0que Vitiligo, quamvis affert nullum periculum Aiso leproην, although it bringo no dungerper Se, tamen est et foeda et fit ex

malo habitu corporis. Sunt tres Species ejus. a bud habit os bo . There-are three vecte3 ofit. Vocatur ubi color est albus, sere It-k-oalled alphos, when the colour is relito, moδtly

subasper et non continuus, ut quaedam gometohat-rough, and not C9ntinuou8, δο- that Somo

quasi guttae videantur esse dispersae: interdum etiam ω-w droya may-8eem iobe dispersed Sometim uiso serpit latius et cum quibusdam intermissionibus it-creep8 more-widely and with some intermissiona. differt ab linc Colore,

quia est niger, et Similis umbrae: ceterabocause it-is blach, and like to a 3hario the othor mari si sunt eadem. Λευκή habet quiddam simileare the saino. The Leuhe hi te has /onio thing) lihealpho, sed est magis albida, et descendit to the alphos, bul is more ichito, and draceniri altius; que in ea sunt albi pili, et similes more- γ0; and in it are wlito hulas, and like lanugini. Omnia haec serpunt: sed celeriusto uou n. . Au these creep 8pread) : but more-quichi in aliis, tardius in aliis. Alphos et Melas in Some, more-3lowly in olherra. Tho Alphos and Melas ot oriuntur et desinunt in quibusdam variis


temporibus; quem Leuce occupavit, dimittit non rimos speriods); whom theLeuce ha relata, it leavra nottacile. Priora recipiunt non dissicillimam curationem: easily. The former receive noe a very-disiculi cure: ultimum vix unquam SaneScit; ac, Sithe last scaroely ever beoomeδ-healtis; an quid demtum-est ei Vitio, tamen any thing) has-boen-talen-ut v from that vice, yet

color redditur non ex-toto Sanus. Autem

the colour ig-rendered not entire healthy. Bututrum aliquod horum Sit sanabile, an sitv hethor any one) of these may-be curabie, or may-bs non, colligitur facile eXperimento. Enim cutis not, is collected eastly by- periment. For the εlla

debet incidi, aut pungi aqu: si Sanguis Ought to be-cut, or to berarioled with a nee iter is biood exit, quod sere fit in duobus prioribus,

go -oui, which moatly is-done in the two former, est locus remedio; si albidus humor, potest there-is place for reme ; is a white humour, it-D-able non Sanari. Itaque est abstinendum quidem nol to b curessi Therofore it is to be-absiainod in Gedab hoc. Vero lenticula mixta cum sulphurei, om this lalter . But lentii mited with brinasione et thure, sic ut contrita-sitand with franhino se, so that it may-have-he -hruisedeX-aceto, imponenda super id, qu0d recipit in-vinegar, is) to bemut-on over that, which receives curationem. Aliud ad idem,

quod refertur ad Irenaeum Buctorem.

is that) whioh D-referred to Irenderes as) the author. Alcyonium, cuminum, arida soli a fici paribus Alcyonium, cunila, dry leaves OLM in equul

Vitiligo perungitur his in sole; deinde Theleprosy k-unointed with these in thesun; aftericaris


non ita multo-p0St, eluitur, ne not very) much- ter, it-D-washeso , sese erodatur nimis. Quidam, Myrone auctore it-may-be-eroded too-much. Some, Myro baingin theauthor perungunt hoc medicamento proprie eos

p. R. in. scis lis alumini S P. H. m. nitri P. H. m. m.

p. H. m. of δCiniis alum p. H. m. of nitri p. H. Σα. α acetabulum aridae contritae myrti, deinde in an acetabulum os dry bruised myrtis, Uterwards in balneo inspergunt farinam ex laba super vitiliginem, Gobath theyurinlle meat out-of bean over the leproU, tum inducunt haec. Uero ii

T ea insperguntur sine oleo in


de iis vitiis, quae

concerning thoSe diseaευ, whiohper totum through the wholemedicamentorum: nuneos medioines: nowCorpus, desiderant boo, require veniam ad ea I shal come to those consuerunt incidere non nisi in nave-bccn-accu*tonnod to happen not tintras in orientia arisingauxilia the aida quae


partibus, orsus a capite. In hoc igitur paris, havis-commenced Irom the hoad. In this there fore Succurritur maXime capillis suentibus,

quidem radendo Saepe. Autem ladanum mixtum iu ed by ohaving osten. Aut ladanum mited cum oleo adjicit quandam vim ad continendum. with oil addes Some poli er to restruining it).

Nunc loquor de iis capillis qui suun t w I veat conoerning those hairs whioh soto tali OD

sere post morbum. Nam potest succurrimostly after a disca3e. For it-i3-able to-be-8uccoured nullo modo, quo caput nudetur minus in no manner, by which the head may-bo-made-bare lesa quibusdam aetate.

not) to some by rege. Autem porrigo est, ubi quaedam quasi ' Aut porrigo is, tolere δome as.

sqamulae Surgunt inter pilos, que eae litt&-1oales rise belween the hvira, and those resolvuntur a Cute; et interdum madent, tire-Dosed irom the Shin; and Sometimes they-are-iret, multo saepius sunt siccae. Que id evenit modo by muoh Utener are dry. And that happens somelimes sine ulcere, modo loco exulcerato: quoque without ulcer, Sometimes the place being-ulcerated: also modo malo odore, modo nullo accedente sometimos withbad odour, Somotimes none accedit

huic. Que sere id fit in capillo, rariusto this. And mostly that humens in the lair, seli merin barba, aliquando etiam in supercilio: actu the bearii, sometimc8 even in the ve-browe and neque nascItur sine aliquo vitio corporis, notther it-arisos without sonio vice di sorder) υ the bi, ly, neque est ex-toto inutile. Nam exit non, capite nor iS-it entirely usetras. For it-goe out not, the head bene integro: ubi est aliquod vitium bellig) weu roundo when there-is Somo disorder


in eo, est non incommodum, summam cutem

in it, it is not disui unlogeous, r) the h hest shinpotius Sul inde corrumpi, quam id quod n0cet

ratior occasional to bo- corrupte M thon thut tolich injures verti in aliain partem magis DCCeSSariam. to be-turned into another pari morc neceSSary. Ergo est comm0dius repurgare pectendo There fore it-is more-advantagosus to recte so combingsubinde, quam prohibere id ex-toto. Tamen si occuδional0, thun to Uιndor thut entireb. Vel mea res offendit nimium, quod p0test fieri that Gis isten δε too-muel, whiol is-ablo to he. ne humore Sequente, quetae hu=nour foliorcing, and mali odoris), caput 9 bud o ur , thohoad magis, Si is etiam est more, is that otio is est saepe radendum; is osten to be-8haven ;deinde id adjuvandum super aliquibus loricariis that sis) to be-assisted over more0ver) mo ex seviter reprimentibus; quale eStοκι-γ δ ghtly ropreasing ingredients); lihe-us is nitrum cum aceto, vel ladanum cum myrteo et nitro with viuegor, or ladanum with myrile soll) and vitio, vel myrobalarium cum vino. Si proficitur Win , Or myrobalanum mith wine. V it-is rosted parum per haec, licet uti velle mentioribus; ille by these, il-k-ullowed to uSe with moremoweyul , Cum eo, ut SciamuS, eSSe utique with this condition), that wo may-hnom, that) to be trulyinutile in recenti vitio..s hurisul) in a roocnt discuSo. iii etiam ut Curi, quod a similituditie Thoro-ia uiso an ulcer, schich hom the r emblancoici nominatur a Graeci S σύκωσ M. Cato α' k-nomed by tho Groesta sui Osis The siesnxcrescit : ct id quidem est generale. UerorowS-outo iand that indeod is tho general sign). Butub eo sunt dum Specie8. Alterum est durumnder, thut there-ure two veri . The one is u hurd


et rotundum ulcus; alterum humIdum et inaequale. and round uloer; the othor molat und unequat.

Ex duro quiddam exiguum et glutinosum Out-of the hard hind) aomething smali and glutinous

exit: ex humido plus, et mali odoris. goe oule out-of the morsi moro, and ofabad odour. Utrumque iit in iis partibus, quae conteguntur Euch happens in those parta, etPhita are-covered

pilis: sed id quidem quod est callosum et mith hairs: hut that indoed tolloh is cultous androtundum, maxime in barba; vero id quod rounc chlyry in the beard; but that which sis)humidum, praecipue in capillo. oportet imponeremost, evectul0 in the hala. Il-behoτ to put-on elateirium Super utrumqud, aut lini-semen contritum claterium over euch, or linseed bruisedet coactum aqua, aut ficum decoctam

in aqua, aut emplastrum tetrapharmacum Subactum in Mater, or the plaster tetrapharmacum Rub edeX-aceto. Quoque Eretria terra liquata Worhed-up) with-vinegar. Also Erotrian earth melle sex- aceto illinitur. Uith ninegar A-8meare mon. Quoque sunt duo genera Arearum. Est γ' Also there-are two hinds of Areae. It-is commune utrique, quod summa pellicula emortua,

common to euch, that tho h hest litt&-δkin belU-dea pili primum extenuantur, deinde exesdunt; ac, the haira fr8t aro-thinnec afterit ard3 falbos; ani si is locus ictus-est, liquidus sanguis, et is that place has-been truci, liquid blood, and mali odoris exit: que utrumque increscit in aliis Ubud odour goes-outo and euch increases in some celeriter, in aliis tarde. Est pejus quod quiestly, in others flow0. That) D toorso tolichfecit cutem densam, subpinguem, et eX-t0t0hG-mado the 3kin thiol, aometh hutyut, and entii Hy


capillo, He hair, similitudine

ab occipitio; Sed ea But that sub qualibet under any severy)et in barba. and in tho beard. Serpentisos a serpent quae

figura. Fit et in δhope. δε-hapsens both in Vero id quod a But that whioh fromappellatur οφίασι ς, incipitis-oalsed Ophiasis, hepius excedit non latitudinem Irom the hmdermari-osth head; it Moeedanot the breuditi duorum digitorum; serpit ad aures duobus capitibus; υ tu o fingors ἰ it Ureari to the oara by two heads; quibusdam etiam ad frontem, donec duo capitato Some even to thesoreheud, untii the two heada committant se in priorem partem. Illud may unite themselveου lato the formor pari. That Di mer)vitium est in qualibet aetate, hoc sere in

insuntibus: illud vix unquam finitur Sine infanu: thul δ reely ever A-endod without Curatione, hoc Saepe per se. Quidam exasperant treuiment, this of by tu in Some male-rough haec genera arearum scalpello: quidam illinunt these hιnda os areae with a 3calpel: Some smeamouadurentia . ex-0leo; que maHine combustam

chartam; quidam inducunt resinam terebinthynam puer; 80ms VP0 r in holonging-to-turpentino cum thapsia. Sed nihil est melius quam radere

is lotior than to 8hauccum paulatim


Autem est satis id, quod raditur subinde. I ut it-is enough Mi in that, inhies is 3haven occasionalty, illi ut scriptorio-atramento. to be-smeared with writing inst. Sunt paene ineptiae curare Varos, et Thoy-are almost folli to treat pimples, und nticulas, et ephelidas: Sed tamen cura sui eutiis, and ephelides: hut yet a cure of theirdultus potest non eripi seminis. drosa beauty) D-ubio not to be-lahen-away from momen. Autem ex his quae pr090sui Supra, vari Aut out-of thrae t hich I haveo ac d-before above, pr leaque lenticulpe sunt vulgo notae; quamvis ea SpecieSand lentiis are common noton; although that veri est rarior, quam Graeci vocant Semion ; cumis more-rare, which the Greeti culi semion; when since)ea sit rubicundior et inaequalior lenticula. it mu-be redder und more-unequat than the lentil.

nihil, nisi quaedam asperitas et durities mali nothing, unies' a certain roughnera and har eo os a bad coloris. Cetera non nisi in lacte: lenticula colour. The othera arise) not unlera in the facer the lentii solet nonnunquam nasci etiam in allia parte ;

concerning which it-3oemed not the price of labour scribere per se in alia parte. Sed

imp0sita, cui adjectum-est scissilis aluminis non b ing mul-on, to which hu/-boen-added 9 scissile ulum notminus quain est ipsa, et Paulum mellis.

Galbanum et nitrum tollutit lenticulam, cum Galbanum and nitro tahe-uway the lentii, wheu


mellis. Corpus illinendumos honey. The bo is) to-be-εmeared pluribus horis interpositis, est

very-many hour3 being-interposed, it-is mane, que ungendum leviter contrita-Sunt have-been-bruised ad crassitudinem to the uitane his, et, with thrae, arid, eluendumtO-be-toashemos oleo. Resina,

ea Compositi O Potest, that composition is-able semcacious), Tryphonem patrem, Ructorem.

colorandas-cicatrices, colourrW-Scara, quae resertur ad whioh D-referrod toIn ea Sunt In that thermar pares portiones magmatἰ8 myrobalani, Subcaeruleae

eqtuu portions of magma myrobalan, of Romewhat-blue Cimoliae Cretae, amararum nucum, sarinae hordei atque chara, of hilter nuta, of meal of barita undalbi struthii, 9 whito struthium, Cimolum

Coguntur melle are-incorporaled with hono

os Compuniun

ut i Sed haec quidem Sunt medi0ecta. Uero But these indoed aro moderate maladies). Aut nostri oculi patent ingentibus et variis casibus

our πω ure--posed to great and various accidenis cum conserant magnam partem διnce they mv-Confer a greaι part

qui, whi M


simul et ad nsum et dulcedinem vitae, at-the fame-thne both to the use and Rueetnc83 of life, Sunt tuendi sumina cura. Autem lippitudineare to be-guarded tolth h hest care. But lippitude

quibus p0ssimus colligere


situ histh


Nam si simul

et lacrimRabout-to-happehi. For is ut-the-εame-timo both tearet tumor, et crassa pituita coeperint; humidi ty) und tum foetion, und thichthumour mu-hav -ιegunsi ea pituita est mixta lacrimae, neque lacrima estis thut humour is mi ted to the tear, netthor the teur is calida, vero pituita alba et mollis, tumor hol, hut the humouriwhite and 8 t, . the tumefactionnon duruS, est Dori metus longae valetudinis. At si

not hard, there-is not soar os long illness. But is lacrima est multa et calida, paulum the teur lium idi ty) is =nuch and hol, litile P tuitae, modicus tumor, que id est in uno of humour, moderate tum faction, and that is in oneoculo ; id est futurum l0ngum, Sed sine periculo. me; that is abolit-to-ho long, hut without danger. uiae id genus lippitudinis est minime cum dolore; Sed

vix tollitur ante vicesImum diem: acar ly i3-tah n-away be fore the twentieth dis enonnunquam durat Per duos menses. Que quando sumetimes it lasu through two montis. And whensi nitur, pituita incipit esse alba et mollis, queit-D- ded, the humour begins to-be white und 8 t, audiuiscetur lacrimae. At si ea invaseruntis-miuod to tho teor. But is those sympionis) hove- attached Simul utrumque oculum, potest esse brevior, ut- the Sume time eaoh tae, it-i3-able to be shorter, sed est periculum ulcerum . Autem sicca et arida but thoro is ungor of ulcers. Dut dry aud arid