The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


lsituita quidem movet dolorem, sed desinit maturius, humour in ed promote3 puin, but it couses earlier, nisi exulceravit quid. MagnuS tumor, uuleo it has-ulceruted any thing). A great tremefaction, si est sine dolore, et siccus, est sine ullo is it-is without puin, and dry, is tolthout avpericulo: si quidem est siccus, sed cum dolore, sere

exulcerat; et nonnunquam fit ex eoiἐ-ulcerates; und sometimes it happens from thoc caSu, ut Palpebra glutinetur cum Oct ilo. Dccident that the ve-lid may-beslutinated with the me. Est timor ejusdem exulcerationis in palpebris ve Zore-is fear of the sanie ulceration in the γρ-Kδε orpupillis, ubi super magnum dolorem, in the pupily, where above besides) great puiu, lacrimae Sunt salsae que calidae; aut etiam, Si, the lears aro sale and hot; or uiso in tumore jam finito, lacrima cum pituita the tumefaction ulreuo beingonderi the tear mith humour profluit diu. Est etiamnum pejus, ubi has, med orth a long time. D-i8 eveniet wOrSe, where pituita est pallida aut livida, caput calet, dolor the humour is pale or livid, the heud is hol, the puin pervenit a temporibus ad oculos, nocturna vigilia rouchra from the templea to the ve8, nightly u utchingurget: siquidem sub his oculus Oppresso et Sincc-thul under theae symptoms) the veplerumque rumpitur; que votuin-est ut mostly D-buirat; and it-k-to-be-wished thuι xulceretur tantum. Febricula juvat oculum it may-ι ulcerated on0. Si hi ever prosita the taeruptum intus: est Sine auxilio si ruptus


Si est asperum et crassum, relinquit aliquod vestigium U.itia rough and thita, itis leave3 8ome tra

etiam post curationem. even after the treaiment. Vero vetustissimus auctor Hippocrates prodidit But the most ancient author Hippocrates hu3-hando idolonmemoriae oculos curari detractione sanguinis,to memor' the πω to be-trealed by withdrawal 9 blood, medicamento, balneo, vino. Sed explicuit by medicino, by buth, by wine. But he has-e Dined Parum tempora et Causas eorum: in quibus est titilo the times and causes of them: in whioh is Summa medicinae. Neque est minus the total essentials) of medicine. Nor D-there iras auxilii saepe in abstinentia et ductione-alvi. Interdum os uid osten in abstinenoe and in clystering. Somelim igitur inflammatio occupat hos: ubi est dolor there fore in flammation 3iezes thege: when there-is palacum tumore in his; que cursus pituitae sequitur,toith tumidity in these; und a running of humour folio ,

nonnunquam Copi OSior Vel acrior, nonnunquam Sometime3 more- copiou3 Or more-acrid, Sometimes moderatior utraque parte. In Casu

more-moderate in euch part respect). In an accident ejusmodi prima omnium sunt quies et abstinentia. of this fore thostrat Vasi things are rest and abstinence. Ergo primo die, debet cubare obscuro Therofore on tho frst Gy, he ought to lie ,in an obscure loco, sic, ut abstineat quoque a Sermone: place, So, that he may-abstain even frona diseourae; assumere nullum cibum; si potest fieri, ne-quidemto iuste no food ; ν it-D-able to be-done, not- en aquam ; Sin-minus, certe quam-minimum ejuS.wuter; but-f-otheriolae, certainly as-littimus p Sibis of it. Quod-si Sunt graves dolores, sanguis eSt mittendus But-f the re-are heata palas, blood is to be-let commodius secundo die; tamen Si res more-advantageou80 on the second Oν; yel f the thing


urget, etiam primo; utique si venae in preMes, rern On-theolrst; evectally y the veitis in fronte tument, Si materia superest

firmo corpore. Vero si minor impetus th0ra) in a strong body. Aut is a sinulter attachrequirit minus acrem curationem, Oportet alvum requires le Severs trestimoni, il-beboves the bellyduci, sed non nisi secundo veto bc-drumn clystered), but nol vide on the second ortertio die. At modica inflammatio desiderat neutrum third Gy. But moderato in lumination requires neither

auxilium ex his; que est salis, uti quiete cid oul- of thrae; and it-is εὐβiolent, eo use eoith quietet abstinentia. Neque tamen est longum jejunium and with abstinenoe. Nor pol is long justis necessarium in lippientibus, ne pituita


aquam. Et quidem talis ratio victus est maxime-neceSSaria. mater. And in ed δuch a rule V diet is most-ne emata. Autem protinus primo die oportet excipere Bue immediate 'on the si das it beloves to receive croci p. H. I. et candidae sarinae quam-tenuiSSimae σε ron p. Η. I. and of white meat asinne-as ponible P. H. II. albo ovi, donec habeat p. Η . II. in the white os eo, untii it-may-have crassitudinem mellis: que illinere id in linteolum, the thiolnera 9 honta: and to smear that upon a litt&-linen, et agglutinare fronti, ut, venis

compressis, cohibeat impetum pituitae. belv-comprenec it may-ohech the violance of the humour. Si est non crocum, thus facit idem. V there-is not ε ron, fra hincense Ges the Same. Interest nihil, excipiatur It-difers nothing, whether) it may-be-received linteolo an lana. Vero oculi debenton-a-littD-linen or On-wool. But the ves ought Superinungi, Sic, ut croci quantum potestio bo-anointed, εο, that os austron as-much-a3 D-able comprehendi tribus digitis, sumatur, myrrlim adto be-oontainod with throe singors, may-be-tulem os myrrh tomagnitudinem sabae, lacrimae papaveris ad

lenticii lae, que ea conterantur Cum

passo, et inducantur Super oculum Specillo. ruisin-wine, and may-he-applied over the ve with a probe. Aliud ad idem: myrrliae P. H. I. SueCiAnother to sor) the Rumor of myrrh p. H. I. Vjuico mandragorae P. H. I. lacrimae papaveris p. H. H. soliorum mandruste p. Η. I. of toar spoppy p. Η . II. V uves

rosae, Seminis cicutae, Singulorum P. H. III. RCRCimos rose, σεoed inhemloch, of euch p. Η . m. of acacia P. H. IV. gummi P. H. Vm. Et baec quidem p. H. IV. Ofgum p. H. VIII. And these indoed


intermu: Vero noctu, quo

superimponere interiorem partem candidi panis subactam to put-over the interior part of wlite broad sub edex-vino: nam et reprimit pituitam, et, si mixed) with toine: for both it repre83es the humour, an Fquid lacrimae processit, absorbet, et

patitur non oculum glutinari. Si id videtur graves era not the tae to beglutinated. IV that 3eems heavet durum, propter magnum dolorem oculorum, et and harc on-account-of the greut puin of the ves, both album et vitellus ovi est desundendum inuet ite and thoyou of an egra is to-bemoured-Gwn into Vas, que paulum mulsi adjiciendum eo, queavesset, und a litile of hydromet to be-added thither, and id permiscendum digito: ubi unitas that to be-thorough0-mued with the singor: when an unionsacta-eSt, mollis lana bene carpta debethuy-be -mude, ε t wool weu pluohed carded oughι demitti, quae excipiat id, queto be-lowered siseped in it), which may-receive that, a dimponi Super oculos. Ea res est et levis, et to besut-on over the πω. That thing is both light, undrefrigerando coercet pituitam, et eXarescit non, et is coosing restruin3 the humour, and be m - y not, and patitur non oculum glutinari. Quoque sarina it-xussera nol the ve to be-glutinaίed. Atio mealh0rdeacea cocta et miXta cum cocto

Cotone0-malo, imponitur Commode. Neque quince, Amut-on a renis u30. Norabhorret a rati0ne, etiam potissimum utiis-it-abhorrent from reaSon, uiso evo ivlly to uso penicillo expresso ex-aqua, si impetus


est levior; si major, ex-posca. Priorata very-δlight; is greater, hi-posca. The former applica- sunt deliganda fascia, ne cadant ti0ns) are to be-hound with a ban ge, i l thv may ull

to beFut-on, booau3e both it-k-able to be replaoed by himsel Comm0dissime; et, cum inaruit, eStm0δι-a antageou30; anil, whon it has booom -dry, it- is iterum madefaciendum. Si est tantum mali, ut suo to be-wotted. IV there-is so-much of mala ly, that prohibeat somnum diu, aliquid eorum it-mvirevent diem a long -time, δomething of thoὀe est dandum quae Graeci appellant οἰνωδυνα.

ipsum primo dic, nisi inflammatio est modica: it/eg on thesi si day, uniosa the insum ution is modorate eenim sappius pituita concitatur eo p0 uS quam for very-9ton the humour is- cited by thut ralher than minuitur. A secundo die, succurritur recteis dimini*hed. From the yocond du, i D-δuo ured rightly

quoque gravi lippitudini per indita medicamenta, also to a heany lippitudo by injected modioines,

ubi jam vel sanguis missus-est, vel alvus when ulreud ' oithor blood has besen-let, or tho bellyduCta, aut est manifestum neutrum esse nec eSSarium. cly3tere , or it-is munis i noliter to bes neceSNary. 6 Autem multa collyria que inultorum auctorum Sutit


novis mixturis; cum lema et modice reprimentia wit4 nem mixtures; sinoe gentie and moderate* repre ingmedicamenta misceantur sacile et varie. Ego medicines may-bo-mised eaεily and variovaly. I exsequar nobilissima. HallyoVoto the moyt amou3.1 Igitur est Philonis, quod habet There ore there-is that) of Philo, inhira flua

elotae cerussae, Spodii, gummi, Singulorum P. H. I. Mashed ceruse, ot spodium, of gum, of euch p. Η . L. combustae lacrimae papaveris p. H. H. Oportet Scire in burni tear Upoppy p. H. II. It hehove8 to knoio illud, hic quoque omnia medicamenta teritiis, horo also au the medioines to homoto tered primum singula per se, deinde iterum mixta, 'si 8ingle by themselves, afterrearda again miseri vel aqua adjecta vel alio humore paulatim :eit4sr water belv-added or other liquor is litt&-anmittite reum gummi habeat quasdam alias lacultateΘ, ainoe salthoughὶ gum may-have εome other quatili , Praestare hoc maxime, ut ubi collyria.ῖ sactato perform this chi Hy, that when collyria mundiu inaruerunt, sint glutinata, neque a long-time have-beoom dry, they may-ιe glutinalec nor

Uero collyrium Dionysii est: Bul the collyrium os Dionysius is: papaveris combuStae donec tenerescat poppy burni untii it-mv-beoomo-8Ut combusti thuris, gummi, singulorum 9 burni frunkinconse, of gum, of euch spodii P. H. IV. spodium p. H. LV.ὰ Cleonis admodum





P. H. I. quibus, cum teruntur adjicitur p. H. I. to which, when they are beingin rubbed, is added Succus rosae. Aliud valentius ejusdem: juice Vro3e. Another moremowerfui sone, Uthesume: Squamae aeris, quod appellant στομωρία, P. H. I. Vacalo odi rara, which they cali stomoma, p. H. L. cr0ci p. H. H. spodii p. N. IV. el0ti et σε ron p. Η . D. V podium p. H. IV. Uxu4hed and c0mbusti plumbi p. Η. VI. gummi tantundem. burni Dad p. H. VI. Ugum juSt- -much. Attalium quoque est ad idem, marime ubi

multa pituita profluit': castorei P. H. . RlOUS much humorer floros orth o castoreum p. Η.-. 9 alae P. H. m. Croci P. H. I. myrrhae p. N. H. lycii P. H. VS ron p. H. I. of myrrh P. H. II. Ut cium P. H. III. Curatae cadmiae p. H. vus. Stibis p. H. III. Ucured cadmia p. H. VIII. V olivionytantundem, Succi acaciae p. N. XH. Quod hoc ju3t-αό-much, of juice of acacia p. H. AVI. BecauSe this

habet non gummi, servatur liquidum in pyxidicula. Vero Λαδ not 9gum, it is-kept liquid in v ymall-boae. Aut Τheodotus adjecit huic compositioni combustae lacrimae Theodotus adsed to this composition Vburni tear Papaveris P. H. I. combusti et eloti peri S p. H. D. V poppy p. H. I. V burni und washed bran p. H. II.

combustos nucleos palmarum numero XX.

burni herneis of palms dates) in number A . gummi p. H. XII. V gum p. H. XII. . At Theodoti ipsius. quod nominatur But that) of Theodotus hims V, which .s-namedn quibusdam ὐάρ στον, est ejusmodi:

by 89 o achariston is Q the Same-Sort ecastorei, Indici nardi, singulorum P. H. i. lycii Ot caStoreum, UIndian narii, of euch p. Η . I. ot lycium P. H. m. laCrimae papaveris tantundem, myrrhae P. H. - of tear of poppy juδt-aS-much, oi myrra


Autem Euelpides, Bul Euolpid 3,



cadmiae, et stibis, singulorum P. H. XII. V cadmia, und of anthnony, of each p. R. XII. 8ucci acaciae p Η . XXVI. gummi lautianslem. 9juice of acacia p. Η . XXVI. Ugum juSt-aS- nuch. Vero quo gravior quaeque inflammatio, But is tolloh by h0W much) heavier euch inflammation, eo magis medicamentum debet leniri, by that mucli) more tho upplication ought to be-made-mild, vel albo ovi, vel lacte muliebrielther with white 9 ego, or wishmiu belonging-to-a-womanadjecto. At Si neque medicus nequeb ing-added. But is velther aphysician normedicamentum est praesto, utrumlibet horum messiorne is at-hand, eluer of these insusum in oculos penicillo factum adbeing moured lato the γω with a compreues made to rinid ipsum saepius lenit id malum. that illing) it/eg very- ten mah -mild that rei Vero ubi aliquis relevatus-est, que jam But whon Rome person) has-be -ro eved, and atrea cursus pituitae constitit, balneum et vinum the running inhvmour has stopped, a buth and wine discutiunt reliquias suturas fortasse leviores. dissipate the remuina abolit-to-be prehus lighter. Igitur debet lavari, perfricatus leviter There fore lo-ought to be-wayled, belU-rubbed si hily

que diutius in cruribus et aud longer in the lego anu vere oculos multa calidato foment the taes with much hola sua; deinde persundi pe caput prius

water; after arri to be polired-ovor over-the-head previsu80 calida, tum egelida: a

balneo cavere ne laedatur quo frigore veth bath to beware test he may-be-injured by any colit orassiatu: post haec uti paulo-pleniore draught: after these things) to use with a litti uulter