The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


balneo majorem the bath greuter attulerat

Sed si quis sensit in Aut is ony person has eis iuperturbationem oculorum quam perturbation of the ves than

quod solet

redire ad usum balnei. Tamen soletio return to thes u3o of ths bath. I et it is-aooustomoue venire nonnunquam, sive vitio


incidit, que res est jam matura vetustate happen8, and the thing is ulready mature is veipso, auxillum est petendum ab his eisdem, itfest, uid is to be-wught from tho8e Sume id est, balneo ac Vino. remedies), that is, Dona tho buth and wine.

Enim ut haec sunt a lena in recentibus malis, For as these are unsit in recent malassies, quia possunt concitare et accendere ea be auδρ they-are-able to eicite and in sume them sic in veteribus, quae cesserunt nullis aliis εο in old Ones), which hane-yieldod tono other auXiliis, consuerunt esse admodum emeacia: uiri, thesthavo-been accistomed to te very efficaciores: videlicet hic quoque, ut alibi, cum Secundanamoly hero aiso, as olfewhoro, tolen favourable things suerint vana, contrariis adjuvantibus. Sed viv-have-been vaim the contraries a isting. Aut convenit ante tonderi ad cutem: deinde it-is it be fore to be-qhorn to the Rhin; a theraearis in balneo fovere

in the buth tofomentquamplurima calida with-αδ-much-asmonille holutrumque penicillo, eaoh with a comprera, irin0-unguento: que contineremita iris-oiniment; and to rotain Caput atque oculos the heudandvectaqua: tum


thento u ipe

et ungere Caputandio an6int

omnis calor, qui conceptus-eSt, finiatur, queau the heat, which has-been- conccived, may be-endod, and sudor desinat, qui necessario collectus- est the Sweat may-cease, which necosyaritu has-boon- collected in capite: tum veniendum ad idem genus

in the hoad thon it is) to bo-oome to the sume hin lcibi que vini, sic uti potiones sint meracae offood arid ofwine, so that the drinis may-be pure; que caput obtegendum, et quiescendum.


donec sanitas restituatur eX-toto.untit health may-be-restored entirely. diebus pluus reddit nihil, est ys the bel0 rendera nothing, it is quo Superiores partes leventur oportet idem fieri perit-behoves the fame to be- ne throughSi iisdem V in the gumcducenda; to-be clystered; magis. Autem by which the higher paris may-be-reliered more. But nonnunquam ingeris iussAmmatio erumpit tanto εomelimes gre at inflammation bu=rare orth with aowreat impetu, ut propellat oculos sua sede: violence, that ic-mviropei the ποδ from thoir seat e

Graeci appellant id πλπτωσιν proptosin, quoniam the Greeti cali that proptoSis, because Oculi procidunt. Est ut7que neceSSarium tho ves fui forwarri. D-is evectul0 necessam sor)sanguinem mitti his, si vires patiuntur; si bisod to be-let to these, is the strong tha 3 er; fid potest non fieri, alvum duci, quellae is-able not to be-done, tho bel0 to-be-clystered, undiongiorem inediam indici. Autem est opus longer in ling to be-orderessi Aut there-is need leuissimis medicamentis: que ideo quidam tith the mildest mediolae8 : and on-Gat-account some utuntur collyrio Cleonis, quod positum-est e with the collyrium os Cleon, which has-beensiacedante ex duobus. Sed

Nilei est optimum; neque convenit magis deos Nileus is the b l; nor is-it-ogreed moro concernis ullo inter omnes auctores. σην umong ult author 3.


Id habet Iudici nardi, Thut has ofIndian nardi, singulorum P. Η.-. gummi p. N. of euch p. Η. - . Ugum P. Η

recentium soliorum roSae P. H. IV.

Campanam Sertulam lacrimae papaveris,

malicorium, Velpomegranate-rinil, freX-Vitio, deinde Campantun-tittiosariand melilot) with-wine, a flerwaris conterere; aut miscere nigram myrrham cum soliis

aut sarinam cum Succo acaciae, Vel paSSO, autor meat with juice of acacia, or with ruisin-wine, ormulso; quibus si quoque soli a papaveris adjiciuntur, hydromel; to whioh is uiso leaves odi poppy are added, anni aliquanto valentiora. Aliquo horum they arc by-Somerohat morsuom fui. Some one) of theae praeparato, oportet fovere oculos penicilloboing mrepared, it-beloves tofoment the v with compressexpresso eX-calida-aqua, in qua solia vel expressed dipped) inlot-water, in κhich leaves eith myrti vel rosae decoctae-Sint ante : deinde, odi myrile or UroSe may-have-been-boiled before: afterwarδε, aliquid ex illis imponi. Praeter haec, some one) out-of those to besut-on. Iesides uese things), cucurbitula est admovenda, cute incisa the cupping-in3trument is to be-applied, theshin belU-incisere ab occipitio. Quod-si oculus IestitutuS-est Irom the back-osthe-head. Lut-ν the tae hu3-been-reStore non in Suam sedem per haec, que Permanet not into ita seul by these things , und remotas prolapsus eodem modo, Oportethuuing-εlipped forward in the fame manner, it-betores


scire, lumen esse amissum; deinde

futurum, ut is aut indurescat, aut about-to-be thut it the eye) either may-become-hard, orvertatur in pus. Si suppuratio Ostendit Se,mv-be-turn d into pus. IX δuppuration δhoros itfessi, ab eo angulo qui est propior tempori, oculu3from that co er u hich is nearer to the temple, the vedebet incidi ; ut pure essuSO,

ought to bo-inoised; that pus bellumsureLout, inflammatio ac dolor finiatur, et tunicae the inflammation und putu may -ιρ-ended, and the tunica residant intus, quo facies Sit postea

iisdem collyriis ex-lacte aut OVO; vel CrOCO, with the εomo collyria with milh or ego; or δ ron, cui album ovi misceatur. At si

verteretur in pus, Sic, ut Summa tunicaiί ghould-be-turn d into pus, go, that the h hest tunicnpprehendatur hamo, deinde scalpellus incidat muy-bo-εiezed with a hook, tortourda the sculpol may incise infra id: tum eadem medicamenta erunt conjicienda, ιelow it: then the samo applications wili ho to bo-oast donec omnis dolor fiuiatur. Est utendum injected), untii overy yain may-ιρ-ended. δε-is to bmused quoque iisdem medicamentis in eo oculo, qui otio with the Rame applications in that tae, whichprimum procidit, deinde fissus-est frει hassulten oricurd, Uterwards Λιι,-been-dioided per plura loca. through many placeae.


16 Etiam carbunculi solent nasci ex

Atio carbunctis are-accu3tomed to arise out os inflammatione, nonnunquam in oculis ipsis, inflammation, sometimos in the ves themsese , nonnunquam in palbebris : et in his ipsis, metimes in the me-liri: and in these themselves, modo ab interiore, modo ab exteriore metimes from the interior, δometimes from the exterior parte. In hoc casu alvus est ducenda;

sart. In this accident the bel0 is to be-olystered; cibus minuenduS 1 lac dandum potui, ut thesood to be-diminished; mill to bosiven for sint, that agria quae laeSerunt, leniantur. Quod acrid lliings) whioh hane-injuris, may-be-ma .mild. What pertinet ad cataplasmata et medicamenta, utendum pertains to catapl nas and applications, sit is) to be-used iis quae proposita-sunt adversus inflammationes :with those whioh have-boonmroposed against in lammationS :atque hic quoque collyrium Nilei est optimum. and here also the collyrium V Nileus is best.

Si, tamen, carbunculus eSt in exteriore parte V, however, the carbuncti is in tho eiterior part palpebrae, lini-semen coctum eX-mulso est

of the ve-lid, tinfoed boliod with hν romel is aptissimum ad cataplasmata; aut, Si id est non, fit e to ser) cataplasma; or, is that is notlarina tritici cocta eodem ' modo. to be liad), meat of wheat bollod in the fame manner. 1 i QR0que pustulae interdum oriuntur ex

inflammatione. Quod si incidit protinus inter inflammation. Whiol is it humens immediat ly amovinitia, sunt etiam magis the commeno 'menty, those illings) are even more servanda, quae proposui supra deto be-obsorved, which I have proposed above concernine sanguine et quiete : sin serius quam ut sanguis


possit mitti, tamen alvus est ducenda: may-ι able to be-let, yel tho bolly is to be-olystered: si aliqua res quoque inhibet id, utique ratio ιν Some this aiso preventδ that, esse tally rulei ictus est servanda. Autem hic quoque est offet is to be-ohserves Aut here albo there-is opus lenibus medicamentis, quale est Nilei

quale Cleonis.

huic. Myrrhae, lacrimae papaveris, Singulorum P. Η. r.

eloti plumbi, Samiae terrae, quae Vocatur α-κνυ washed Dud, of Samian earth, whioh D-called aster, tragacanthae, Singulorum P. H. IV. cocti stibis Ostragacanth, oseach p. H. IV. U-hoiled antimov. amyli, Singulorum p. H. VI. eloti spodii staria, of euch p. H. VI. 9-waShed Spodium, elotae ceruSsae, Singulorum P. H. Vm. quae excipiuntur of wuδhed ceruse, of euch p. Η. VIII. which aro-received pluviatili-aqua. Usus collyrii est,rn raru-water. The use of the collyrium is tbis collyrium

is used), either mithego, or mithmith. Ulcera interdum fiunt ex pustulis, que ea

Ulcera RometimeS are-mails out-os puStules, and thes recentia aequo sunt nutrienda


singulorum p. Η . r. eloti spodii, thuris, of euch p. H. I. 0 wa8hed sp0dium, of frunkincenso, combusti et eloti stibis, myrrae, gummi, of burni and of wasled antimony, of myrrh, of gum,

singulorum P. H. H.

V eaon p. Η . II. Evenit etiam, ut oesili, vel ambo vel It-happens aiso, that the ves, either both orsinguli, fiant minores quam debeant single singly , may-be me less than they-may-ougheesse naturaliter: que et acer cursus pituitae into be natural*: and both an uorid running 9 humour in lippitudine officit id, et continuati fletus, et ictus lippitude os cis that, und continued memings, and blows parum bene curati. Quoque in his est utendum litt& not) weli trected. Also in these it-is to be-used iisdem lenibus medicamentis ex-muliebri lacte: with the a me mild applications with-womcn's milh vero iis cibis qui consuerunt maXImo but with thoso fori which have-been-accustomed most alere et implere corpus; que causa quaeto nourish and tost v thebody; und a causo whichexcitet lacrimas, que cura domesticorum mnν- cite learra, and cure os domestio concerns invitanda omni modo; quorum etiam si quid is) to be-avoided in every manner; of which even ν avtale incidit, subtrahendum notitiae such happens, sitis) to be-withdraton fomlhe hnowle e ejus. Atque quoque acria medicamenta, et acres cibi 0 him. Anu also uortii oppiloations. and acrid foodi nocent his, non alio nomIne quam quod huri to the3e, not by other name reason) thun b causo

Quoque est genus vitii quo pediculi


ex malo habitu corporis, raro procedit non ultra: frona a bad labit of Oo O, soldom prooee δε not farthere sed sere, tempore interposito, acerrimuS CurSUS but mostly, time belW-iὴterpo&ed, a mo8t-obstinate running pituitae sequitur ue que oculis exulceratis vehementer, of humorer follows; and the ves being ulcerated violently, quoque corrumpit aciem ipsam. His alvus estutio it destroys the sight iraelin To these the helty is Caput the head tondendumto bo horna long-t me ducenda ;to be- 08terod; Perfricandum diuto be-rulbed utendum his

it is) to be-used by theso diligonis

diligenter ambulationibus quemith =ralhings and gargari Zandum

it is) to be-gargleuet pinguis ficus

caput fovendum in balneo the head to bosomented in the both

acridqueand multa calida aqua; withmuoh hot water; utendum lacte

it is) to be-uyed wita mill bibendum liberalius quam

to O drunt more reely thau quidem lenia medicamenta sunt


3andarachae P. H. I. taminiae-UVae p. H. I. terunturos sandarach p. H. I. of StaveSacre p. Η. I. are-rubbed simul, cpie vetus oleum atque acetum paritogether, and old oti and vin gar in equulportione adjicitur, donec crassitudo mellis sit portion is adsed, untii the thichnen ον honey may-be

Hactenus morbi oculorum nutriuntur Thus ar diseases of the ves are-nourished strealedilenibus medicamentis. Deinde sunt alia wita mila opplications. Asterwarri ther are other genera quae desiderant diversam curationem; que sere hisds whioh require a di erexi treaturent; and moεtly nata ex inflammationIbus, sed manentia quoque having-arisen out-j inflammations, but remuining eventiis finitis. Atque inprimis theso sinflammations) belagrended. And in-theyrsi lacein quibusdam cursus tenuis pituitae perseverat. in some u running of thin humour Contὶnues. Quibus alvus est evocanda ab anseriore

cummi P. H. I. cerussae, Stibis, Singulorum p. H. H. Cum p. N. f. 0 CoruS , Uunttm0v, 9 euch p. N. G. et elotae spumae argenti P. H. IV.

Sed et ea spuma coquitur eX-PluViatili-aqua,

ι haec arida modicamenta conteruntur eX-Succo