The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


ex-sarina est quoque superinjiciendum, quae froni-meat is also to be-cast-on-over, reti hcoacta-sit frigida aqua, que Cui may ave-bem-incorporated wsith oold mater, and to whichaut succus acaciae aut cupressus adjecta-Sit. either juice of acacia or cur 3 may-havc-been-added. Quoque cucurbitula accommodatur recte, Atio the o ping-instrument is-applied rightly, vertice inciso; aut sanguis emittitur

ex temporibus. Vero debet inungi eo sut-of the temples. But it-ought to be-anointed with that quod habet squamae aeris, lacrimae papaveriS, Singulorumwhich haa σεoale σbrasy, Utear of poppy, of euckP. E. I. combusti et eloti cervini-cornu, eloti P. H. I. 9 burni and ofwushed har&horn, of w hedΡlumbi, gummi, Singulorum p. H. Iv. thuri S leuit, of gum, oseuch p. N. IV. offranstinc se P. H. XII. Quia hoc collyrium habet cornu, P. H. XII. Becauso this collyrium has horn in it), Momitiant δια κέρατος. Quotiescunque adjicio non quod theynome sit) dia keratos. -- ten-us I udd not what genus humoris sit adjiciendum, volo aquam

lind of liquid may-be to be-addest, I wish water intelligi.

i - Ad idem Euelpidis, quod To sor) the sume sis that) of Euelpides, whichnominabat In eo sunt lacrimae hedidnume memigmenon. In that there-are ostear

papaveris, et albi piperis, sin ilae unctae, of poppy, and of whito p iser, δingle ouno an Ounce os

gummi libra, c0mbusti et eris P. H. I. S. Autem ench), ygum repoung Vburni braδS p. E. I. S. Aut inter has curationes, POSt aliquam intermissionem, among these troalmenra, si r δ9me interminion, balneum et vinum pr0Sunt. Quo cum cibi,


Crassiorem, Sicut in hoc genere materiae est

maxime promtum; est confugiendum ad ea mo3t ready usual) ; it-is to besed to those quae quia adstringunt ventrem corpus

At ulcera, si sunt non ulcera, is thoy-are not

--, conSuerunt eSSe aut supercrescentia, the in lammation, have-uocustomed iobe either overgror is aut sordida, aut cava, aut Certe vetera.

lang0us), or foret, or holloto, or certaino oldEx his supercrescentia Out-of these the overgrowing langous)optime collyrio quod vocaturbest by the collyrium, whioh D-oalud Sordida purgantur et eodem, et The foui ore oleansed both by the fame, and

sinition. inveterate). reprimuntur


Id quoque Euelpidis, quod appellabat That also in Euelpides, whioh he dimoali

Phynona, est utile huic. Croci p. H. I. lacrimae Phynon, is u3eful to this. γε ron p. Η . I. of tear PapaVeris, gummi, Singulorum p. H. II. Combusti et Upoppy, of gum, of euch p. Η . of burni undeluti aeris, myrrhae, singulorum P. H. Iv. albiw-hed brara, of myrrh, of eao4 p. H. IV. of white piperis p. X. VI. Sed hoc est inungendum

P. H. I. M. PiperiS Sex grana, elotae cadmiae, P. N. . of puper δi.ν gru/uδ, of to hed cadmia, myrrhae, lacrimae papaveris, Singulorum P. H. H. Croci


vino; deinde decoquuntur cum tribus heminis wino, after arta they-are-boiled with three heminae passi, donec sit unum corpus: que idos ruisin-wine, untii it-may-bo one bo : and that medicamentum fit essicacius Vetustate. memorne is-made more-efficaciou8 rege. qa Vero ex iis quae p0Sita-sunt Supra, But out-of those tolich iuve-beensiaced above,

Sphaerion, et id quod vocatur Philalethes, the Sphaerion, und that whita is-oulsed Phidalethes,

implent cava ulcera commodissime. Idem sill holloto ulcers most-advantageou80. The SamsSphaerion succurrit optime vetustis ulceribus, et Sphaerion εuocoura best to olae ulcers, and those vix venientibus ad cicatricem. roarcely coming to a Scur.

Est etiam collγarium, quod cum There-is also a collyrium, which tolen salthough valeat ad plura, tamen videturit may-cvail to λr) very-many lliings), yet 3e 3 proficere plurimum in his ulceribus : reserturto prost most in theso latter) ulo se it-is-referrodad Hermonem auctorem. Habet longi piperis

p. Η. I. Ribi P. H. Cinnamomi, costi, p. of whilo p. N. of cinnamon, yc0Stum, singulorum P. H. I. atramenti-sutorii, nardi, caesae, of euch p. H. I. of copperus, of nurd, of caoia, castorei, Singulorum P. H. H. gallae p. Η. V. V castoreum, of euch p. H. II. of tWau p. H. V. myrrhae, croci, thuris, lycii, ceruSSae, of myrrh, σε ron, offrankino δα ot lycium, of ceruδs, Singulorum p. Η. Vm. lacrimae papaveris P. H. XII. aloes, of euch p. H. VIII. Utour Upoppy p. Η . XII. V aloe, combusti deris, cadmido, Singulorum P. Η. XVI. RCaesae, Uburni bra , of cadmia, of euch p. Η . XVI. of acacia, stibis, gumini, fingulorum P. Η. XXV.


25. Sphaerion

AsclepIOS. AsclepiOS. Sagapeni, ero cicatrices factae ex ulceribus periclitantur But 3oars mado out-os ulcera are-H-dungor du0bus vitiis; ne aut Sint cavae aut crassae.

iromto favus; test either they may-bo hollow or thiost. Si sunt cavae, id quod dixi vocari V they-ure hollow, that whioh I havesaid tole. Ued Sphaerion potest implere eas, vel id, quod nominaturis able tosti them, or that, which is-named Habet lacrimae papaveris P. H. II. It has of tear of poppy p. H. II.

opopanacis, singulorum p. Η . m. aeruginiSos sagapenon, of opopanax, of euch p. H. III. συ digris P. H. IV. gummi P. H. Vm. piperis P. H. XII. p. Η . IV. 9 gum p. Η. VIII. 9 yener P. H. XII. elotae cadmiae, ceru8Sae, Singulorum p. Η. XVI. At ofwa8hed cadmia, of ceruδe, of euch p. Η. XVI. But si cicatrices sunt crassae, Vel Smilion extenuatis the goars are throh, either tho Smilion attonuat them vel collyrium Canopite: quod habet cinnamomior the collyrium Cati0pite : which h incinnamon,

acaciae, Singulorum P. H. I. elotae cadmiae, croci,

elotae cadmiae p. H. IX. Tamen id videtur maxime of wa3led cadmia p. Η. IX. Yοι taut δωms m cly


V verssigris p. N. I. of Safron-dreg p. Η. IV. Est etiam genus inflammationis in qua, Si. There is uiso a hind of insum ution in which, in oesili cui tument ac distenduntur cum the ve8 to any per80n) aro-8wollen und are-distended with dolore, eSt neces8arium Sanguinem mitti expuin, it-is necessary ssor) blood to b let out-0 fronte; que fovere caput atque oculos multa the foreheud; und tofoment tho head und ves withmuch

ficii inungi acribus medicamentis of to bo-anointed with the acrid applications

comprehenSa-Sunt Supra; que m i me eo

Atque quoque alia sunt utilia, quae fiunt Anu also the othors are use ulquae

t ita quod with that whioh

roughness) I shall-veah immediately. Autem haec sequitur sere inflammationem

oculorum; interdum major, interdum levior. of the oea; somelimes itis) greater, Sometimes tigrater. Nonnunquam euam lippitudo fit ex aspritudine ; metimes uiso lippitude is-made ore of roughnera ;deinde auget aspritudinem ipsam, que ea torwariis it-increases the roughncSS itSely, ana thut fit in aliis brevis, in aliis l0nga, et qui ebe mes in othera some shori, in othera long, and whic hvix unquam finiatur. Iu hoc genere valetudinislcarce0 ever may-be-ended. In this hin i 0 heutih


quidain eradunt crassas que duras palpebras, et me sorve the thici and hard oe-lida, both solio ficulneo, et asperato specillo, with DV belonging to-thefg, and uith a roughenod probe, et interdum scalpello; que suffracantand εometimes mith a scalpel; und rub-under them)VersaS medicamentis quotidie. Quae

sunt neque lacienda ni8i in magna que Vetustaetre nesther to bo- ne tintera in a prout und oldaspritudine, neque saepe: nam perveniturr g Inera, nor then) osten: for it-D-arrived eodem melius ratione victus et

idoneis medicamentis. Ergo utemur, proper medicines. Theresi e we-8hal Merxercitationibus et frequentiore balneo ; queu ith exercisos und with a more frequent buth; and fovebimus oculos multa calida aqua: autem ins-3hal smont the ves trith muoh hol water: butyumemUS acres et extenuantes cibos; at id Te shal tale uorid and attenuating foods; but thalnedicamentum quod vocatur Caesarianum. Habet plication which D-culled Cresarian. Li-husitramenti-Sutorii p. Η . I. misy p. Η . se. albi piperiss comer* p, Η. I. of misy P. A. m. of white pepper . H. m. m. lacrimae papaVeriS, gummi, singul0rum Η. m. . of teur 9 Poppy, of gum, of eucis . H. II. loim cadmiae p. Η. m. Stibis λ. N. II. of to Rhed cadmia p. H. III. of antimony . H. VI. Que constat satis, hoc collyrium esse λ. Η. VI. And it-D-evident onough, this collyrium to he

Omne genus valetudinis


Id quoque quod nominatur Hieracis That uiso whioh D-numed os merui ad aspritudinem. Habet myrrhaesis essicaci ous) to sor) roughn s. In has of myrta

P. H. I. thymiamatiS-ammoniaci P. N. D. raSaep. Η. I. of gum-ummonias p. H. II. V Scruped. aeruginis p. H. IV. Id est etiam idoneum adverdigris p. Η . IV. Thut is uiso proper to λr)idem quod vocatur Canopite, et id quod the 8ame whioli is-oallod Canopite, und that whioh his called Smilion, et id quod Pyxinum, et id Smilion, und that whioh is called) Pyxinum, and that: quod Sphaerion. Si composita medicamentaa IF compounded applications

Curatur commode satis

u kiud Graeci appellant ξηροφθαλμίtho Greelsoculi

aridae lippitudinis: os dry lippitude :ιν Xerophthalmian).

Xerophthalmia. rubent,

inhaerescunt adhere quanto by how-much tanto --muchneque tument, neque fluunt, sed tantumlineither ure-Swollen,

u heurynoctu praeis night by rouson-o minor impetus k13 violenoe there is)minus expeditus est finis Dys expeditior pituita:

humour que

huic generi, to this hin QIn hoc tho end. In this vitio est necessarium ambulare multum, eXerceri complaint necessury toti alle much, to be- ercised multum, lavari saepe, que desudare much, to be-wMhod to bathe) ten, and to sic t


ecommodatum eodem.

cissilis f δcissile

eris P rara P


Cerussae, Singulorum P. H. VI. Tamen nullum est mel

Psoricum ; sed aliquid chalcitidis, et dimidio pii ipsoricum; but something o chalcitis, and by lay mc

Cadmiae conteruntur Simul ex-aceto, que idiost cadmia ure-bruised together wiuvinogar and thi additum in fictile-vas et contectullhelay-added sput) ilato an eurthen-v sei and covered sculneis-foliis, reponitur Sub terra, qῖwith M-le aves, iamluoed under the eurti, amsublatum post viginti dies teritur rursus, et belW-withdruton after tu enty dam is-bruised sala, arsic appellatur. Verum quoque in collyrio basilIccthua is-oalled. But uiso in tho collyrium basilicco convenit, id esse idoneum ad omnes affectus it-D- reed, that to-be proper to lar ali offectionoculorum qui curantur non lenibus medicamenti: of the vos whioh aro-troated not with-mild medicines.

Autem ubi sunt non composita medicamenta, et But when there-are not compound applications, botinet et vinum laevant scabros an illos: que Succurrit honey and wine rotiove the εcabis corners: und itδuccour

et his et aridae lippitudini, si quis imponi both to these und to dry lippitudo, i any person puta oti

panem subactum eX-vino Super oculum. Νant