The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


modo oculum ipsum, modo angulos aut somelim the tae it3eg, somelime8 the corners orpalpebras, Sic, et Si quid hum0ris prodit, vo si δε, thus, und y uny thing) of morer go Jorth, extrahitur, et si quid est juxta, repellitur.

i k-αrtracted, and is any is neur, it-D-repellod. Vero oculi consuerunt nonnnunqUam But theves have-been-accu3tomed gometimes caligare ex lippitudine, nonnunquam etiam Sinetobecome cim out-os lippitude, somelimes also without hac, propter senectutem, vel aliam imbecillitatem. this, on-account-of ol Gage, or other Meahnera.

Si id vitium est ex reliquiis lippitudinis, V that complaint is ore of the remalas of lippitude, collyrium quod nominatur Asclepios adjuvat; id,

At si id But is thur malady)


miscereto mirveteris

Unam Onc

olei, oi melle, honey, Tamen Votest

ex Senectute, Ve

recte inungi, Et

right y

to bo-unolato both et cyprino, etandreith privet-oicandest commodissemum partem pure aut

balsami, of butium, cyprini, privet-oit,

et duas partes und two parta tres partes


quam-acerrimi mellis. Uthe-εtrongesimonible honey. quae comprehensa-Sunt whioh have-be -comprehended Quoque medicamenta Also the medicines Proxime ad

caliginem, que quae Supra dimneu- -yight, and whioh have been advised) ubone ad cicatrices extenuandas sunt utilia huic to sor) soars to be-attenuated are usmul for this Vero cuicunque oculi caligabunt, malady). But to tohomsoever the vos ghall-be-dim, erit opus huic multa ambulatione atque there toti be need to him reith much wauing andeXercitatione, Dequenti balneo, ubi quidem totum eineresse, with frequent buth, whon in ed the whole corpus est perfricandum : tamen praecipue caput, et

velandum, nec detegendum antequam Sudor et to be-COvereri nor to-be-uncovered besoro-that the Stoeat undcalor conquierint domi. Tum utendum

ircat may-have-consed at-home. Thon it is) to be-used acribus et extenuantibus cibis, que aliquibus with sto, id und with attenuating foods, and 80me diebus interpositis, gargari Zandum eX-SinaPi. ys heing interposed, to be-gargled with-mustard. Qu0que suffusio, quam Graeci nominant Also suffusion cataract), which the Greeis nameυπόπισιν hupochusin) interdum opponit se potentiae hupochuyis εomelimes opposes itsolf to the soli eroculi qua cernit. Quod, si

inveteraverit, est curandum manu.


ex fronte vel naribus, adurere venas inout of the foreheud or nostriis, to burn the velas in temporibus, evocare pituitam gargarizando, suffumigare, the te nples, to coli orth tho pituita by goryling, to fumigate, inungere oculos acribus medicamentis. Optimus victusto anoint the Ues with uorid medicines. The best diei est qui extenuat pituitam. is stliat) which attenuates the pituita.

Ac ne-quidem resolutio oculorum, quam And not-even relatation of the Vos, et ichGraeci nominant παράλυσιν paralli sin), est curanda the Greeti nume paratusis, is to be-trected alio modo victus vel aliis medicamentis.1nith other manner os diei or mith other medicines. Est satis tantum exposuisse genuSLt-is a cient only to have-e Lined tho hindvitii. Ιitur interdum evenit, modore the malu . There foro Sometimes it happens, gomethnes in altero oculo, modo in utroque, aut eX in unother sone) eye, Somettara in eaol, oither ou of aliquo ictu, aut ex comitiali-morbo, aut exsome blow, or Out-j epilγου, or out-σdistentione nerVorum, distention ον the nome3,

qua Oculus ipse

ut is possit neque δο-that it may-be-able netther intendi . quoquam, nec ConSi Statio bo-strotohed directed) αγυ-whero, nor may-StπOmnino, Sed moveatur huc ve illuc bo hept fixed) at-au, bul may-bo-mouod hithor or thither sine ratione, que ideo praestet ne-quideminithout re on, and on-that-ac unt may- ord not-evenconspectum rerum.

I hut whiol the Greeh3 culi inudi iusis distat non multum ab hoc malo. Pupillac fera not muta from illa flatter euit. The pupil


effunditur et dilatatur, que acies ejusismoured-out relaxed) and D-diuted, and the si hi init hebetescit, ac pene caligat. Id genus becom -dim, and almost hecomes- rh. Thul hindimbecillitatis cliditur dissicillime. Uero inof weah ness k- sheLout scured) most- oultly. Aut in utraque, id est et paralysi, et mydriasi, est euch, that is both in paralysis und in mydriasis, it-is

pugnandum per omnia eadem quae

praecepta-Sunt in caligine oculorum, paucis tantum havc-been adolaod in dimn s of tho ves, v feae onsmutatis: siquidem interdum acetum, interdumbeing -ohangede since-that gomethnra vinegari SometimeS nitrum est adjiciendum irino ad caput, Verouilre is to be-adsed to the iris-oil to lar) the heud, butest satis oculos inungi melle. it-is susscient sor the cyes co be-anointed with honey. Quidam in posteriore malo usi- sunt) calidis aquis

me in the latior mala have-used with hot watersque relevati- Sunt) : quidam obcaecati-Sunt und have- been-relieved: εomo hane-been-ma δε-blindsubito sine ulla manifesta causa. Ex quibus sud lon0 without any manifest cause. Out-of whom nonnulli cum vidissent nihil aliquamdiu, somo wheu thoy-might-have-rem nothing jor-εome- time, receperunt lumen repentina profusione alvi:

quo videtur minus alienum, et recenti re, by whioh it-seem y lera uint, both in a recent thinget tempore interposito, quoque moliri case), and timo belU-interposed, aiso to produce dejectiones medicamentis, quae depellant omnem noxiam purgings by medicines, which may repei every injurioua materiam in inferiora. matter into the lower paris). Praeter haec est imbecillitas oculorum, ex Besides theso there-is weuknen Ofthe cyra, Ouι-σ


qua quidam cernunt satis interdIu, nihil noctu, aehioh some discern ευiciently by-dis, nothing by-n hi, quod cadit non in seminam, menstruis whio4 fatis happens) not unio a Moman, the monthlyrespondentibus bene. Sed oportet discliarges) anywering weli. Aut it-behoves laborantes sic inungi sanie

bolonging to-a-8hegoat) being-oaughi, when that heing-roasted qui tur: atque quoque jecur ipsum debet odi. D-coohede and alio the liver inelf ought to be-easen. Tamen licet etiam uti non inutiliter iis

I et it-D-allowed also to use not ugesens tolth thos medicamentis, quae extenuant vel cicatrices Vel medicines, which attenuate either Scars oraspritudinem: quidam adjiciunt mel contrito semini romlnera: δome a d honey to the bruised seed portulacae, eatenus ne id destillet ex-specillo, of pursiano, εο ar irat that may- ρο-σ froin themrobe, que inungunt eo. Est utendum quoque his, and anotat with it. It-is to be-used also by theae iisdem exercitationibus, balneo, frictionibus, patients , with the 3ame exorcises, buth, frictions, gargariZationibus. Wlin .

39. yiMe quidem oriuntur in corporibus And theso maladies) in ed ariso in the hodies

ipsis: vero interdum ictus sie laedit oculum, nithoniselo e but εomotimos a blow So injure3 tho vo, tholsanguis suffundatur in eo. Huic nihil est

commodius quam inungere sangu7ne vel


id fit sine causa, cum Reles that is- ne without cause, sinoe the 8 hi extrinsecus, tempore belW-inyured ea ternalty, timeliarum

interpOSlto,boiny-interPsyed, redeat in antiquum statum, quemv-return into iis) ancient εtate, . and hirundinis celerrime. Unde etiam locus

Ergo Sanguis e0rum tuetur commodissime Thermoro the blood of them de nri most-a antageouεω quoque nostros oculos ab externo Casu, hoc Ordine, uiso our . Irom externui uocident, in this order,

ut hirundinis sit optimus, deinde so-thut that υ tho si calloto may-be the brat, olerwarri palumbi: columbae minime efficaxoy the woo se oon that) 9 the pigeon leuει usicaciora et illi ipsi et nobis. Vero est non alienum both to it itfey and to us. But it-is not usiti inponere etiam cataplasmata Supra oculum PerCUSSum, to put-on alao catapla8m3 abous the tae botng-Struch, d inflammationem leniendam. Ammoniacus Sal,

to sor) the insiammation to be-Mothed. Ammoniac sati, vel quilibet alius, debet teri quam-optime, or any otior, oright to be-bruised as-wel classossibis, sic ut oleum adjiciatur paulatim ei, donec εο that Oil may-he-added by litt&-anillille toti, untii crassitudo strigmenti fiat. Deinde id the thichnen of/trigmento may-be-made. tergariis thal


medici prodiderunt, potest facile apparere physicions have-handeLGun, it-is-able eaxij tobe-uppurent cuilibet. esse vix ullum vitium Oculito any person), to os Scuroely any mula 'U-the-tas ex his quae coinprehensa sunt Supra, quod out-of thoδe which have-been-comprehended above, whies possit non submoveri simplicibus et quoque may-be-able not to be-removed by simple and uiso promptis remediis.

natura dedit nobis

the eam,

aliquanto majus periculum:

forvitia oculorum nocent intra ipsos; the maladios of the ves hure Mithri themsolves are con- inflammationes que dolores fined to the eyes thenaseives); inflammations and palis aurium interdum praecipitant etiam ad of the oars 8ometimes precipituto the patient) even to dementiam que mortem. Quo magis estina eas and Gath. By which reason the more it-is protinus succurrendum inter initIu, ne immodiutoly to be-succoured among the beginnines, lege sit locus majori periculo. Ergo ubi there-may-he pluus for greator singor. Therofore inhonprimum aliquis sensit dolorem, debui abstinere strat εοme sperson) lux ut puin, he oughe to abstula et continere se: postero die, si malum


est vehementius, tondere caput, que perungere id is moremowerfui, to es, tho heud, and to tinoint it calido irino-unguento, et operire. At magnus with hol iris-oiniment, and lo oover. Aut great dolor cum febre que vigilia exigit ut quoque puin with fener and watching competi that also sanguis mittatur: Si aliquae causae prohibent id, blood may-bo-let: is some cauSes provent that, alvus est solvenda. Quoque calida cataplasmata

CX-mulso. Etiam spongiae expressae ex calida

milh hydromel. Atio sponges proned-out out-of holaqua Subinde admoventur recte. Tum, dolore water OccaSionalty are-applied right0. Then, the pain levato, Ceratum factum ex ii Ino aut cyprino

heing-relieved, a cerate mado out- iris oil in or priora debet circumdari: l tamen in quibusdam, oll) ought to bovut-aroundo vel in Somc, quod est ex rosa proficit melius. Si

vehemens inflammatio prohibet somnum ex toto,niolent insummation prevent8 8lem cutirely, cortices fricti atque contriti papaveris debent

adjici cataplasmati, sic ut sit dimidia pars to be-addod to the fouitio' so that thore-mv-be a hulf partex his ; que ea tum decoquuntur simul out-of these; and these lliings) thon are-boiled together CX-miXto passo. Uero oportet infundere aliquod with-m ed roisin-toine. Aut it b hoves to pour in sonas medicamentum in aurem, quod conVenit semper preparretion into the ear, which it-last alitus tepefieri ante, que instillatur commodiSsimetobo made-t ped he foro, and it-D- instilled moδt-adrantv eousty


per strigilem. Ubi auris repleta-est. mollis lanathrough u strigil. When the ear ha8-b en Uled, sost Mootest addenda super, quae contineat humorem intuS. D to-be-addod over, whita may-retain the liquid tolthin. Et haec quidem sunt communia. Vero et And th o indoed ure common remedies). But both

rosa et Succus radicum arundinum, et oleum iu

quo lumbrici cocti-sunt, et humor expreSSUSwhioh orma iuve-been bolled, und liquor pr Sed-out eX amariS Ducibus, aut ex nucleo Persici

out-j bitter nut' or out-of hernol Oftho Petreian mali est medicamentum. Vero haec fere Sunt Upse speacb) is a preparation. Aut thrae mo3tly arccomposita ad inflammationem que dolorem leniendum : n ounded to sor inflammation and Fain iobe-soothedecastorei, lacrimae papaVeris pares portiones conteruntur, 9 castoreum, ore lear of poppy equul portions ars-bruised, deinde passum adjicitur his. Vel par terre ardy ruisin-wine is- ad sed to th e. Or an equalmodus lacrimae papaVeris, croci, myrrhae

teritur sic, ut invicem modo rosa, modo is-bruised δ' that alternately εomethnes rose oil , εometimes passum instillatur. Vel id quod estralatn-wias semouretin- -drops. Or that whichiis amarum in AEgyptia laba, conteritur, rOSahittor in the Egyptiun beari, is-bruised, rose Oil)adjecta: quibus quoque paulum myrrhae misceturbela -udded: to which also a littio Umyrrh is-mlaeda quibusdam, vel l*crimae papaveris, aut thus hy δome, Ur Vleur of poppy, or Danlincensecum lacte muliebri, Vel su Cus amararum milh milh holonging-to-a woman, or juice of bitternuCum cum rosa. Vel caStorei, myrrhae, scissilis nuta with rose scil). Or incastoreum os myrrh, of scissile aluminis, singulorum P. H. m. quibus, cum utrem, 9 euch p. H. ω. to which, when


feruntur, tres cyathi passithey uro- being)-rubberi three cyaths of misin-wine mi Scentur paulatim minus-cyatho mellis: are-miared by-litti anilitile with k33-than-a-cyath of honta: que id est ex primis medicamentis. Vel

lacrima papaveris ex- aceto. Euam licet utilour Upoppy with-vi negar. Also it-k-ullowed touse compositione Themisonis, quae habet castorei, with a composition os Themison, which has of Castoreum, opopanacis, lacrimae Papaveris ex-aceto, Singulorum

P. H. II. Spumae lycii p. H. Iv. Quae contrita p. H. N. offoum Ulycium p. H. IV. Which boing-bruisedeXcipiuntur passo, donec habeantare-received in raisin-wine, untii they mv-have Crassitudinem cerati, atque ita reponuntur. Ubi the thichn s of cerate, and thus ure placed-aside. Whenusus requirit, id medicamentum teritur rursuariSe requires, that preparation is bruised again Specillo, passo adjecto. Illud est perpetuum, with a probe, raisin-wine bella ad GH This is a con8tant quotiescunque medicamentum est crassius quam rule), - ί - a preparation is thicher than

ut possit instillari tu aurem, eum thut it-mv-bo-able to be-droppe Lin lato tio ear, that humorem ex quo id debet componi esse liquid Out-of whioh that ought to be-composed to-benliciendum, donec sit liquidum satis. to be-added, untii it-mv-be liqaid enough.ri Vero Si aures habent pus quoque, lycium But is thoears have pus uiso, lycium insunditur recte per se, aut lianum unguentum, is surcimis rightly by iuori or tris-oiniment, aut Succus porri, cum melle; aut Succus centaurii or juice of ear, with honta; or juice of centaurycum paSSO; aut succus dulcis putesci-mali with ruisin-wine dii or juloe σεweet pomegranato