The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


tepefactus in cortice ipsius, exigita parte murritae mad tepid in thebarh officiem altillo part oi myrrhadjecta. Etiam miscentur recte

myrrhae, quam cognominant mrακτην. Stat ten), p. Η. I. of myrrh, i ita they εurnanis Stat te, p. H. croci tantundem, amarae nuces XX v. mellis of 3 ron just---much, bitter nuta XXV. Vhoneysesquicyathus: quae contrita, cum esta-cyathinnisa-hago which being bruised, whon it-is utendum, tepefiunt in cortice Punici-mali. to be-used, cre- made-tepid in tho bark of a pomegranate. Quoque ea medicamenta quae componuntur causa Also thoye applicaticar 3 which are-compoSed for-the-sale exulcerati Oris, aeque Curantos an ulcerated molith, equully CursSi quae sunt vetustiora, et V which uro very-old, and fluit, est apta comp08itio

ad Erasistratum auctorem: to Erasistratus fas) the author dulcera aurium. uicors of the earS. multa fames much sanies quae resertur

Singulorum p. H. I. combusti aeris P. H. II. Haecos euol p. Η. of burni bra33 p. Η. II. There teruntur ex-vino: deinde ubi inaruerunt, e-brulaed wilh-wine I afterwur 3 when they-havmbe ome-dry, tres heminae passi adjiciuntur, et incoquuntur three heminae in ruisin-winc are-addod, and aro-boiled simul: cum est utendum, mel et vinum

together: when it-is to be-uδod, honey and wine adjicitur his. Est etiam medicamentum Ptolemaei 13-added to thrae. Ther is uiso an opplication VPtolemychirurgi, quod habet lenti Sci P. H. m. gail aethe surgeon, which has of m Stich p. H. -. of nut-ο au P. H. . Omphacii P. H. I. succum Punici-mali. p. Η. - of Omphacium p. H. I. juico in pomegranato.


CaStorei P. H. H. myrrhae, croci, lacrimaeos caStoreum p. Η. II. of myrrh, σε ron, of tear Papaveris, Syriaci nardi, thuris, 9 poppy, of Syrian nurd, in fran incense, malicorii inferioris partis ex ad yptia 9 pomegranatς-riud, of the inner part out-U Egyptionsaba, amararum nucum, quam-Optimi mellis, singulorum bean, of bitter nuts, 9 the-bestio33ibia honey, of each P. Η . IV. quibus, dum teruntur, p. Η . IV. to whies, whilo they are- being) -rubbed, quam-acerrimum acetum adjic7tur, donec crassitudo the Stronge3tvoniblo vinoror is-added, untii the thichneas passi fiat in his. Est Cratouis: of pa88um mv-be ade in these. There-D iliat of uto: Cinnamomi, Casiae, Singulorum P. H. m. lyCii,

nardi, myrrhae, Singulorum P. H. I. aloeS P. N. M.

Vnurd, of myrrh, of euch p. Η. I. V aDe p. H. G. mellis tres cyathi, vini seXtarius: ex quibus os honoy three cyathy, of wine a sextarius : out-j whichlycium decoquitur cum vino, deinde alia the lycium is-boiled with tho mine, afterre arda tho othersmiscentur his. At si est multum puris que ore mited to thrae. Bul f there-is much of pus and malus odor, raSM aeruginis, thuris, a bud odorer, of sorved Nerdigris, of transtinceme, Singulorum p. N. D. mellis duo cyathi, aceti 9 euch p. Η. II. 9 honta tuto vul/3, of vinegarquatuor incoquuntur simul : ubi est utendum, dulce your ore-boiled togethoro ichon it-is to he-used, surret vinum miscetur. Aut scissilis aluminis, lacrimae papaveris, wine is-1niaeod. Or σε es iis ulum, of tear of poppy, succi acnciost par Pondus miscetur, que 9 juice υ acacia tin equat wo hi is-mixed, and


adjicitur portio dimidio minor, quam unius ex there-D-added a portion is half Dδε, than os one out-σSuperioribus; que ea trita diluuntur the above singredients); and the3e belw-bruised are-dilutedeX-vino. Quoque Succus hyoscyami per se prosicit

i. cient ly. a Vero Asclepiades composuit commune Bul Asclepiades has-composed a common general)auxilium adversus omnes CaSus aurium, queuid against ali uocidents of the ears, and one)jam comprobatum usu. In eo Sunt utreo opprored by perienoe. In it there-are Cinnamomi, CaSiae, Singulorum p. H. I. floris rotundi OfCinnamon, Oscassia, oseuch p. H. I. V ower Vround junci, castorei, albi piperis, longi, bulrush, ot castoreum, of white pener, ossis spepper), amomi myrobalani, singulorum p. H. U. maSculi amomum, of myrobalan, of euch p. Η. II. Os male thuris, Syriaci nardi, pinguis myrrhB2, croci, Spumae frankincense, Syrian nurd, o ut myrrh, σε ron, offoum nitri, singulorum P. H. III. quae contrita Separatim, Unitre, 9 euch p. H. III. which boing-bruised Reparalely,

heim-miaed again, are-bruiged with-vinsar; undita condita, ubi est utendum, diluunturthus heingvreservet rchen il-is to be-νsed, they-are-dilute laceto. . Eodem modo sphragis Polybiu ith vinegor. In the sume munner the sphragis of Polybus liquata ex- dulci vino est commune auxilium diuoloed with-δweet u ine is a common uidauribus laborantibus: quae compoSitio continetur for ears heing. icted: which compo3ition ia-oontained

priori libro. Quod-si et sanies profluit m the former book. But-ν both sanies sows orthet est tumor, est n0n alienum eluereund uer is si celling, it-is not uine to wash-out


mixto vino per clysterem the ear) with ted utine through a Urange oricularium; et tum insundere austerum vinum belonging-to the-ear; and then to potir-in rough wino mixtum Cum rosa, cui paulum spodii

adjectum-sit, aut lycium cum lacte, aut Succum may-have-been-added, or lycium mith mira, or juice Sanguinali S-herbae Cum rosa, aut succum punici-mali

cum eXigua parte myrrhae.

mith a smali part of myrrh. 4 Si ulcera sunt quoque Sordida, eluuntur V the ulcers are also foui, they are wayhed-out meliuS mulso; et tum aliquod ex iis better mith hydromel; und then Rome one) out-of those quae Scripta-sunt Supra, quod compositions whioh have-been-written above, which

magis, et caput utique est tondendum, et more, both the hoad trus is to be-shorn, and persundendum multa calida aqua, et estio bomoured-over with much hoι toater, and il-is gargarigandum, et ambulandum usque ad lassitudinem, et to be-raryled, and to be-toaued untii to wearino , and utendum modico cibo. Si cruor quoqueto be-usod with moderate DoL IV blood otio apparuit eX - ulceribus, lycium cum lacte debet has-a meared out-of the ulcery, lycium mithia mill ought infundi; vel aqua, in qua rosato bo povred-in; or Mater, in v hich rsse a decocta-sit, succo aut Sanguinalis-herbae . may-haze-becn-boiled, the Di e either of Olood-herbreut acaciae n lecto. or os acacia botv-adde l. Quod-si caro increvit super ulcera, quo enLIut- fleshihaswrown-on oner the ulcera, anda it


sundit saniem mali odoris, debet elui pours orth sanies Vbad odour, Dought to b wushe out tepida aqua; tum id insundi initi tepid water; thea that composition) to homoure in

quod fit ex thure, et aerugino, et whioh D-made out-os frankincenδ' and verssigris, and aceto, et melle; aut mel incoctum cumvlawar, and honey; or honey boiled withaerugine. Quoque squama aeris contrita cumverdigris. Atio scale of brara bruised withsandaracha instillatur recte per fistulam. sandarach D-dro ΡLin rightly through a pipe., ero ubi vermes orti-sunt, Si sunt juxta, But when worma lave-arisen, is they-are nerer, sunt protrahendi oriculari0-specillo: si they-are to be-drawn orth with an ear-probe: f they are)longius enecandi medicamentis que

caVendum ne na8cantur postea. Album eo besuardeLagain3t lest they may-arise asterwardy. LV ite veratrum contritum cum aceto proficit ad


et undaeruginis P. H. II. est adjiciendum cSatho verssigris p. Η . II. is to-be-adsed to a cyathdimidio mellis, que incoquendum, et Utenduma hulf of honey, and to-be-boilod, and itis to b usedeo. Quoque iris cum melle proficit idem. with it. Also tris mith honey prost8 the fame. Item galbani p. H. u. myrrhae, et sellis Also of galbanum p. H. D. Vmyrrh, und of galltaurini, Singulorum P. H. m. ., Vini. belonging-to-the bull, 9 euch p. H. - . - ., of Minequantum est satis ad myrrham diluendam.

oportet considerare aurem ipsam: enim aut it behoves to consider the ear irae r jor ei ther

Crusta, qualis innascitur Super ulcera, aut coitus a cruSt, lihe-as growS-on Over ulcerct, or a collectιon

sordium apparebit. Si est crusta, autos sordes tolli oppear. V there-is a cru8t, etther calidum oleum est insundendum, aut aerugo cum liot oil is to-b moured-in, or vordgris v rthmelle, vel succus porri, aut paulum nitri honey, or juice ofleest, or a litile 9 mire mulso: atque ubi crusta, jam recedit hydromel: and when the crust ali eady recedes a Corpore, auris est eluenda tepida from theboi , the ear is to be-washoi out wιth ιγι i tea diducta per Se

lacilius oriculario-specillo. Si more-eusily by the eur robe. que eae molles, suntand those aint, therare


eximendae eodem specillo: at si suntio be-taken-out with the same probe: but is they are durae, acetum et paulum nitri cum eo est hard, vinegar and a littis of nitre tolia it is Conjiciendum: quo cum emollitae-sunt, oportet to be-ibooted: and when they-have been-ε tened, it-be oves aurem elui eodem modo, que the ear to b washeLout in the mme manner, una purgari. to be-clea=Med. idem est the Same is Quod-si graVitas But-V heavinentondendum, et to be-Horn, and capitis manet,

of the head remula perfricandum leniter, to be-rubbed geret y, sed diu, vel irino vel laureo-Oleo but a long-time, eilher tris soll) or laureLoit adjecto, Sic, ut paulum aceti miseeaturbetng-addec εο, that a litile of Dinwar may-be-mued utrilibet; tum ambulandum diu, queto cither; then sit is) iobe-waged a long-time, anu caput fovendum leniter post unctionem calida the head to he omented gently after anointing mith hoe aqua; que utendum cibis exwuter; and it is) to be-used withfoods out-o imbecillissima et media materia; que dilutae the weal e and midiae materiai; and diluteupotiones magis aSSumendae sinks sare) mors to b takeu;

gargarigandum. Autem castoreum to besargled. But Castoreum nonnunquam efit Somelimes it-i

cum ' aceto et

with vinoriar audiaureO-oleo, et succo corticis radiculae, infundendum lauro Oil, and juice ofbain os radisi, to bomourei in in aurem; aut Succus into the eur; or Dicecontritis soliis rosae adjectis. bruised leavea os rose botw-added.

immaturae uvae cum TOSA

8ntis adversus surditatem.

instillatus, prosicit druped-in, aratis


Est aliud There is unother ipsae 80naut intra themselves found wiuinquoque fit,niso it hvs S, Est

levissimum ubi id ubi aures tolere the eurs

Atque hoc And by this


sound. D-is lia test when thalthe externalest

ex gravedine: prius, ubi incidit ex morbo, out-j rheum: mor8o, when it hapyens out-os diseuse, ve longis doloribus capitis: PeSSimum, or long pains of the head: worrat, ichcnproveΗit, magnis morbis venientibus, it-comes orth, great diseas ' comin maxime comitiali- morbo). Si est ex gravedine, euepocialty the epilepsy. V it-is out-of rheum, oportet purgare aurem, et continere Spilitum, it-hehoves to cieanse the ear, and to retain the breuth, donec aliquis humor exspumet inde. Si exuntu some humour may froth-out thenoe. IV υut-o morbo vel dolore capitis, quod pertinet adpuin y the heud, what portuitis toque


Succus radiculaetho juire Vradishqueand frictionem, perfusionem, frioιion, perfuSion, eadem Sunt lacienda tho sanie lliingsὶ are to be-done rnori nisi extenuantibus cibis: not unless with attenuating foods: Cum rOSa, Vel cum radice with rose oll), or with the root ex agreSti-cucumere, dandus si aurem,out-of the wild ovoumber, to hostv lim ected) into the eaν, vel castoreum cum aceto et laureo-Oleo. Quoque vinegar and laurei oti. Also eX-aceto, deinde excipitur with vinegar, Uteraeariis is-received et collyrium factum inde and a collyrium made then

or Castoreum mith veratrum conteritur

hellebore is-bruised cocto melle, honey,


demittitur in aurem. Si coepit sine his, queis-D Gwn isto the ear. RIV it ha/-begren trithout these, undideo terret novo metu, CaStoreum Cum

tu aurem; aut castoreum mixtum tuto the ear; or castoreum mired

mFrrha et myrrh unduitrum, cum rOSa et aceto. Tamen in hoc nitre, mith roso oll) and vinegar. I et in this quoque ratio Victus prosicit plus: que malady) also rulo 9 diei uvatis more: and eadem, quae comprehendi supra, Sunt the 8ame things), tolich I have-Comprehended above, arcfacienda, quoque cum majore diligentia: et praetereato be-done, alao with greater diligenoe: and besides abstinendum a vino, donec is sonus it is) to be-obstoined from wine, untii that mundii uiatur. Quod-si simul est et 80nus,may-bo-ended. But-ν' at-tho-εame-time there-is both sounil, et inflammatio, est abunde conjecisse und inflammation, it-is abunduntly enough) to have-injected

laureum-oleum, aut id quod exprimitur ex lauro Oil, or that which is pre eLouι out-9 amaris nucibus; quibus quidam miscent vel castoreum bitter nura; to tirhich so ne mix either castoreum vel myrrham.

b Etiam aliquid, ut calculus, Ve aliquod Also some ili ing), as a litt&-Stone, or Someauimal solet interdum incidere in aurem. Si animal i/-aocustomed Sometimes to fulbin tuto the eur. Hpulex est intus, paululum lanae est compellendum asea is mittis, a very-litilo 9 wool is to be-thrusteo; quo is ipse subit, et simul thitior; in v lioh it itεelf enterό, und ut-the-δamc-limg


extrahitur. Si secutus-est non, ve est aliud D-drawn-out. V it-has1ollowed not, or it-is unother animal, specillum involutum lana demittendum animul, a probe torcpped toith toool is) to bo-lou eredin resinam quam-glutinosissimam, que maxime dipped) into r in -glutinous-u4mosδissis, and chiesbterebinthinam, que id est conjiciendum inbelonging-to-turpentine, und that is to be-oast into aurem, que Vertendum ibi: enim usque comprehendet the eur, und to be-turned there: for truly it tolli-aeiete et eximet. Sin est aliquid exanime,

eSt protrahendum oriculario-specillo, aut retuso it-is to be- awn orth by an-ear probe, or by a blanted hamulo paulum recurvato: si ista proficiunt

little-hook alitiis curved-buohe w those tbings lavati nihil, potest protrahi eodem modo

nothing, it-k-able to be-draton orth in the Same mannerreSina. Quoque Sternutamenta admota elidunt idis resin. Aiso sternutatories heing-applied foroe-out that commode, aut aqua compulsa vehementer intus conveniently, or water impelled violontly within Oriculario-clystere. Quoque tabula collocatur media D an ear yringo. Also aptant is laced the Middie inhaerens, capitibus utrinque

pendentibus, que super eam homo deligatur versus hanging, and over it the man k-bound totouriis in id latus, auris cujus laborat eo modo,unto that side, the ear of which D-assioted in that manner, Sic, ut emineat non extra tabidam: tumso, that it may-project not without the plant: the caput tabulae, quod est a

pedibus, seritur malleo: atque the foet towards bis laet), is-struo 'withahammer: undita aure concus8a, id quod inest, exesdit. thus the ear bring -shahen, that which iS-in, fusis- ut.