The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


Vero oportet fovere exulceratas nares

eXpressa atque admota, et vase

angusti oris, repleto Calida aqua, os a narrow mouth, filed with hot water, subjecto. Post id lamentum, ulcera Sunt heingvlaced-undor. ter that fomentation, the ulcera are illinenda aut recremento plumbi, aut Ceru8Sa,to be-smeared either tolth refuso 9 Dad, or with ceruSe, aut spuma argenti ; cum aliquis conteritor withynum os silver; when some person) bruises quodlibet horum, que dum conteritur, adjicit any of these, and whilo it-i3- being -bruiseri addaei invicem vinum et myrteum-oleum, donecto it ultemulely wine and myrtu-oic untillacerit crassitudinem mellis. Sin-autemhe may-have-made the thiokn 8 σhoney. But-Uea ulcera sunt circa os, que habent plures those ulcery are abolit the mouth, and lave very-many crustas et Redum odorem, quod genus Graeci

cibus Inodicus, neque acer neque valentissunus. Tum thesod moderate, netsher acrid nor very-strong. Then


mel cum exiguo modo resinae

terebinthinae conjiciatur in narem ipsam, belonging-to-turpentine muy-be-injected into the nostrii hyeg,

is succus attrahatur spiritu, donec gustus that Dios may-b Gawn with the breuth, tintii the t te ejus sentiatur in ore: enim sub his of it may-be eit in the mouth r for under these means CruStae reSolvuntur, quae debent tum elidi the cru8ts are-Dosened, which ought then to beforoesout per Sternutamenta. Vapor calIdae aquae est through εneeaino. Steam of hot water is subjiciendus ulceribus puris : deinde autio bestaceiunder to ulcera being) olean: a terwarda either lycium dilutum ex-Vino, aut amurca, aut omphacium, aut lycium diluted with wine, or Oil-leri or verjuice, or Succus menthae, aut marrubii adhibendum ; aut

Sutorium-atramentum, quod candefactum, deinde Comerαλ which belv-hoateri Uterwarda contritum-sit: aut interior pars scillae may-have-been-bruised; or the inner part of squill contrita; sic, ut mel adjiciatur cuilibet bring -hruised; εο, that honey may-be-added to any-one horum: adm5dum-exigda pars cujus debet esse in of theso : a very mcli part of whioh ought to-be in ceteris; in atramento-sutorio tanta, ut the othors; in the cospera3 3owreut a portion), that ea mixtura sit liquida: cum scilla usque major that muture 1nυ-be liquid; mith squill truly the greater pars. Quo specillum est involvendum lana, et pari. And a probe is to be-torvpes Mith Mool, and tingendum in eo medicamento, que ulcera Suntio be-dipped in that preparation, and the uicors ars implenda eo: quo rursus linamentum involutum ιο beoilled Mith it: and again a litile linen wruppeLup


et oblongum illinendum eodem medicamento, auu obsong is) to be-smeared withthe 3anie proparation,


thrice. Uero interdum But 3ometim per through In narem, et lato the n tril, and inferiore parte. Quethe lotor pari. Andhiemem et vere winter and in uringo statem et autumnum summer and autumn

etiam uiso mammis

naribus, que emthe nostriis, and those sunt carnosisSymae. are tho moSis D. quae

quaedam carunci lae similes 89me carunci tile muliebribus nascuntur in holonginq-to-toomen ariso in inhaerent imis partibus, adhere to the loro t parre, oportet curare has It-beloves to treue thrae adurentibus medicamentis, sub quibus consumuntur Urtii Pu tW a lications, under v ita they-are-oonSumedeX-toto. Uero Polypus est caruncula, modo entiares. Aut Polypus is a cui unote, Sometim alba, modo. Subrubra, quae inhaeret ossibus white, Sometrmes 8omewhat-red, which adheres to the bones narium; ac modo tendens ad labia the no8triti; und δomotimea atretohing to sto variis) the lipsi plet narem, modo increscit adeo retro ius tho nonrι εometimes it inoreases εο buchwarda, seramen, quo spiritus descendit a rough that verture, by which tho brotith d oenri frona naribus ad sauces, ut possit consi Icillo nostrati to the fauces, that it muy-ιe-ahle to be-seen



nares, the no8triis,


non not

quidem indoedat tingi. to be-tou hed. aliudother genus

inarescit, si Curaturis- treatodest tamen

Illud Thut


additait dri -υ, is there-is added introduced) intoper linamentum aut penicillum ea by a litti linen or quae habet Sinopyciwhich has of Sinopian Sandarachae, Singulorum V εundarach, of euchseremsstly interdum

Somelimes narem the nostrila tent

mini Um, P. H. p. κ. Compositio that compositionchalcitidis, calcis,

of chalcitis, of time,

Autem tu dolore dentyum, qui ipse qu0que But in pnin Ofthetoeth, which itfey also

potest annumerari marimis tormentis, vinum is-able to be-numberemto to the greatrat torment8, wine est circumcidendum ex-toto: primois to b cut- debarred the use os) entiretyr atinrat tuoque abstinendum cibo, deinde open it is) to be-abaluinod from food, aft warils it is utendum eo modico que m0lli, ne to be-used with it, being) moderate and sost, sestirritet dentes mandentis: tum it may-irritate tho te th sos the person) ohemis: thenvapor calidae aquae admovendum extrinsecus per theytoam in hol mater is) to be-opplied externutly ιν spongia , que ceratum factum eX cyprino a Sponge, and cerate modo out-j prii et solliaut irino, que id comprehendendum lana, or iris 0il und that tobo ombruced by trool spread


imp0nendum, que caput est velandum. Quod-sionW0ol), iobe put-on, and the heud is to be-oovered. But- is dolor est gravior, et alvus ducitur

utiliter, et calida cataplasmata injiciuntur superuse fully, and hol cataplasm3 are-applied overmaXillam, et calidus itumor cum aliquibus medicamentis thebro, and hol liquor Uith somo medicines

inore, que mutatur Saepius. in the mouth, and D-changed very- ten.

cujus rei et radix quinquefolii 9 whiol thing both the root of oinquefolimixto vino; et radix hyoscyami coquitur mired triae; and root of honbane is-boiled vel in posca, vel in mixto vino, Sic ut paulum Saliseither in posca, or in mirod wine, εο that a litile of sau adjiciatur liis; et cortices papaveri S non may-be-added to thrae; and burk8 poppy notnimiusn-aridi, et radix mandragorae eodem modo. too-dry, and root of mandrahe in the yamo manner.

Sed in his tribus est utique vitandum, ne Bul in these three it-is evecial0 to bo-avoided, le8tqu0d erit haustumwhut εhall-be Goton received into the mout h)devoretur. Quoque cortex radicis exmay-he wallowed. Atio bari of the root out-σalba p0pulo coquitur in mixto vino recte in hunc the whito poplar D-boiled in niued wino rightly unto this

uSum ; et ramentum cervitii-Cornu in aceto; et

use; and the εhavis 9 hartε-horn in vine ur; undnepeta cum pingui teda, ac item pinguioat-mini v ita fui sappy) Inno-wood, und uiso with futficu, vel in mulso, vel in aceto et melle; exfg, or in hydromet, or in vinegur anil in huney; out-σquibus cum scus decocta-est, is humor iu) whita tolen theig h--booη-boised, that liquor percolatur. Quoque specillum involutum lana ιδ-8tram d. Aiso . a probe wroppod with toool


into demittitur

is omented with D. illinuntur in

calidum hololeum, que dens ipse sic and the tooth itfey Quin etiam quaedam quasi cataplasmata Bul atio εome a8- is catapl ms dentem ipsum : ad quem uSum the tooth iis V to r) which use interior pars malicorii ex acido atque arido the inner pari os pomorranate-rind out-V asour avd dryPunico-malo conteritur cum pari portione et pomeg ranate is-bruised with an equai portion both gallae et pinei-cortycis, que minium miscetur 9 nut-guli und of pine-bari, and minium is-mire litis; que ea contrita cogunturto theso; and these things) heing-bruised ore-incorporat, Pluviatili-aqua : aut panacis, lacrimae paPaveri S, with ruin-wator; or of panaces, of terer Upoppy, Peucedani, taminiae-uvae sine seminibus pares V peucedanum, of 3tav acre without the See δε equalΡ0rtiones conteruntur; aut tres partes galbani, portion8 are-bruised; or three parra in galbanum, quarta pars lacrimae papaveris. Quidquid est admotum a fourth puri 9 toar of poppy. Whatover is applieddentibus, nihilominus ceratum supra maXillam, qualeto the leoth, nevertholora tho cerato ovor thebato, like-as positi supra, debet esse Obtectum lana I have placod above, ought to bo ooverod with wool. Quidam etiam illinunt linteolo, myrrhpe, cardamomi. Some atio measeon to littD-linen, of myrrh, of cardamom, Singulorum p. H. I. croci, pyrethri, Partes ficorum, of eaoh p. N. I. VS ron, of pellitota, purra V, 3, Singulorum p. H. IV. sinapis P. H. Vm, que V euch p. Η. IV. of mustard p. H. VIII. and imponunt in humero ejus partis, qua


levat dolorem: et cum levavit, protinus relleves Vesula; and when it has-rellaved it), immediatelyest submovendum. Vero Si dens est exesus, it-is to be-removed. Lut is thetooth is eaten out carious), est non necesse festinare ad eum eximendum, it-is not necessary to hasten to lar) it to ιρ-tahen-oret, nisi res coegit: sed tum quaedam valentioresuviora the thing has oroedo but then εome mor powerjuleompositiones sunt adjiciendae Omnibus lamentis Compositions are to-he-added to ali the fomentations quae posita Sunt supra, quae levant dolorem; whioh havo-been placed above, which relieve thspala; qualis est sei Q. Autem habet lacrimae papaveriS

P. H. I. piperis P. H. H. Soreos P. H. N. quae p. R. I. Ut per P. N. II. 9 Sory p. N. X. whichcontrita exeipiuntur galbano, quebeis-bruued are-received incorporaled) with galbanum, undid circumdatur. Aut Menemachi, maxime

p. Η . I. Cardamomi, suliginis, thuris, partes p. H. I. V cur mom, of Soot, offrankincense, puris ficorum, Pyrethri, Singulorum P. H. IV SinapiS P. H. Vm. of pelli ory, of euch p. H. IV. UmuStardp. H. VIII. Autem quidam misc ni Pyrethri, piperis, elaterii, Bue somo mu 9 pellitory, Vpmper, υ elaterium, singulorum P. R. I. ScisSalis aluminis, lacrimae papaveris, of euch p. N. I. of 3cisSilo utum, of tear of poppy, taminis0-uvae, Sulphuris experti non ignem, 9 stavrauore, of brimδtono huving ea orienced nol thos, . bitumitiis, baccarum lauri, sinapis, Singulorum 9 ιιtumon, 9 berri of Murci, VmuSturd, of euch P. H. H. Quod-Si dolor cogit eum eximi, p. R. II. Bul-w thoptitu for 3 it to be-tak -out, et semen piperis liberatum c0rtice, et baccu


hederae eodem . . . , m040 C0Πjecta in soramen olus 9rta ruthe Sume manner casi into theopening ofitiindit dentem, que is excidet per testas: et

pastinacam, Graeci τρυγωνα triagona), torretur, pastinaca, the Greel; call) trugdn, D-rousteda deinde conteritur, que excipitur reSina, quae ueterwarri is bru/8ed, and D-re eived with resin, whichcircumdata denti, solvit hunc: que scissilo Oeιng-ylace around to thetooth, Doses this it): and scisaile alumen conjectum in id soramen citat dentem. alum Omnς-ou3t lato that venis excites the tooth. Sed tamen est commodius id involutum Uut yet ri-ιs more-convenient ser) that heing-wrvsed lanula demitti, quia in a litt&-wool to be-let down introduced), be usedente servato levat dolorem. the tooth bemgur erved, it relisura the palmsunt accepta a medscis. remedies in are received physiolans.cognitum- est experimento agrestium, si h -bo--known by the experiencs of rusti , dens dolet, herbam mentastrum tho tooth is-inmain, the herb tollimmine evelli cum suis radicibus, et mittito be-torn-out with ita rooty, and to be-sent sput) intopelvem, que aquam insundi supra, que collocaria haSin, and water to bomoure in over, and to bolla edjuxta homInem sedentem contectum undique nostr tho man sitiing being-covered on-al sidos VeSte: tum silices candentes demitti irit4 u gurinent; then sinu being-leuted to be-let dou nin Pelvem, sic, ut tegantur aqua, queinto the baSin, So, that they may-be- vered Mith water, and hominem excipere eum vaporem hiante ore, the man to receivo that s eam Mith ς opis mouit,

Haec These

lchen debereto oughι


inclusum undique, ut dictum est supra. Nam heing-ino sed on-al Side' aS has-boon-εuid above. Foret plurimus sudor sequitur, et c0ntinens pituitaboth very-much εweat follows, and a continuing humour defluit per Os; que id semper praestat wε- wn through themouth; and that always ord annuam bonam Valetudinem, Saepe longiorem. annual sor a Tear) good health, osten longer. Vero si tonsillae intumuerunt per Bul f the tonεiis have-beoorne-εwollen throughinflammationem sine eXulceratione, Caput est insanimation without ulceration, the head is velandum; is locus fovendus extrinsecus calidoto be-covered; that placo to be omented ea ternalty withhot Vapore ; utendum multa ambulatione; caput

aleam: itis tole-used with muco wal ing; the letidhabendum sublime in lecto; que gargari Zandumto b -held high in bed; and sit is) to besurg sed reprimen abuS. Quoque ea radix, quam v ith repressing medicines). Atio that root, v hic happellaut dulcem, contusa et decocta in passotho ouil εweet liquorice), bruised und bolied in passumve inulSO, praestat idem. Que est non alienumor in hydromo orri tho fame. And it- is not tinfit eas illini IenIter quibusdam medicamentis; sor) them to bo-ymeared gently with Some medicines; quae fiunt hoc modo. Succus exprimitur inhioh ore-mode tu this manner. The Dice iamrossessiout ex dulci punico-malo, et sextariuS ejus coquiturout-j a 8weel pomegranute, and a sextarius of it is-boile

in leni igne, donec crassitudo mellis sit in on in agentio stre, uniit tho thiostneδδ σhonta must heei; tum croci, myrrhae, Scissilis aluminis, ιο it; thou of so ron, of myrrh, of Sciuile ulum,

Singulorum p. H. H. conteruntur per Se, que duo


paulatim; deinde ista miscentuis littD-an titile; a temocrils those things in aremi e priori Succo, et rursus incoquuntur leniter : auto the fo=mor Dico, and Guin are-boiled genis: orsextarius ejusdem succi Coquitur eodem modo,usextarius of the 3 me juice is-boised in the 8ame manneratque haec trita eadem rationeund theso things) being-rubbed in the fame re on method adjiciuntur ;

in cinnu'non, Autem haec But theso auribus et nardi P.


p. H. L. myrrhae, casiae, singulorum P. H. I.

curs and nostriis. Also in hac valetudine, De

quoque eadem sunt accommodata et purulentis Same are adaptod both for purulent naribus. Quoque cibus debet esse lenis the food ought to he mildeXasperet. Quod-sim tuὶδ illnera, legi it may-irritate. But-finflammatio est tanta, ut impediat spi Atiam, the insummation is sowreat, that it may-hinder the breuthis, conquiescendum in lecto; abstinendum cibo, it is) to-bθ-r ted in bed; to-be-abstained from food, neque est quidquam assumendum praeter Calidam aquam: is any tb ing) to be-taken ei est hol roater alvus est ducenda; gargarizandum thebolly is to-bo-olystored; itis to besarhledet mulso; mel cum omphacio illinendum; withri und hydromel; hono with ver juice to be-8meare Lon; calidus vapor admovendus extrinsecus, Sed aliquantoto be-applied eaeternuis, but by-30meu latea Suppurent, et aperiantur theSs may-8uppurate, and may-be-UenedSi pure substante hi tumores IV the pus eiistis thrae tumoursrumpuntur non, sunt incidendi: deinde arc-burSt noti they are to-be-inobed: ayter carri sitis)gargari Zandum ex-calido mulso. to-besurgiod with hot hydromel.
