The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


modicus, sed est exulceratio, paulum mellis is) moderate, but there-is ulceration, a littio σhonta est adjiciendum cremori sursurum ad gargarigandum, is to be-added to the oream os brans to sor gurgling, que ulcera illinenda hoc medicamento: tres and the ulcers to be-8meared withthis preparation: three heminae quam-dulcisclini passi coquuntur ad heminae of the gweetesimossibie ruisin-wino are-boiled tounam ; tum thuri S P. H. I. croci, mΥrritae, one; then offranhinc Re p. H. r. σε ron, myrrh, Singulorum p. N. . adjicitur; que omnia servescunt j euch p. Η . π. D-adaed; and ali are-made-hot leniter rursus. Ubi ulcera Sunt pura, est gently ogain. LVhen the ulcera are olean, it-is gargari Zandum eodem cremore sursurum, Vello bowurg Dd with the fame cream 9 bran8, Orlacte. Atque hie quoque est opus lenibus withmiu. Anu here also there-is need withmild cibis; quibus dulce vinum potest adjici. foori; to tolich stoeot wine is-able to be-added. Autem ulcera oris, Si sunt cum

inflammatione, et sunt parum pura et rubicunda, lassummation, and are litile clean and red, curantur optime iis medicamentis, quae are-trouted best withthose applications, ichichposita supra fiunt ex punicis-malis: que

a repreSSing cream is to be-retulaed osten in the mouth, cui paulum mellisto ithioh a litile of honeyUtendum ambulationibus, itis) to-be-used with wuuingo,


antherai. OV quare bubuia, Vmyrrh, of Randarachalumrius, pareS PortioneS: aut croci, murrhae 9alum, equul portiora: or ossa ron, of myrrhi, singulorum P. R. iridis, scissilis aluminis of euch p. Η. II. σι δ, of ScisSile alum, Sandarachae Singulorum p. Η. Iv. quadrati junci o Mos randarach, of euch p. H. IV. of round bubuia p. Η. ura. aut gallae, myrrit BP, Singulorum D. H. I. I. or 9 nuisau, of myrrh, Ueuia P. E. I. scissilis aluminis P. H. H. soliorum roSae D. H Iv9 3οι iis alum p. Η. II. V Daνω of roSo p. IV. Autem quidam miscent croci p. N. F. scissilismri 9 δ ron p. H. σε i iis

os δandarachmyrrhae, of myrrh, singulorum

quadrati of 3quare junci P. bubus4 P.


IV. Priora insperguntur arida, h0e V. The formor armvrinhie Lon dry, this si alter illinitur cum melle; neque tantum ulceribus, i&-εmeared-on with honey; nor aud not) ons for ulcer8, sed etiam tonsillis. but also for tonsillae.

Verum ea ulcera sunt longe periculosi8Sama, But those ulcera are is ur mo6t- ngerou8,

quas Graeci appellant α aphthas); sed in which the Greeis culi aphthai; but in

Pueri S: enim saepe consumunt hos. In viris et childro: for 9ten they destroy theye. In men and mulietibus est non idem periculum. Haec ulceia women there is not the sanie daser. I hese ulcera incipiunt a gingivis: deinde occupant palatum, begin froni theguma : afterwarda they occupy the palute, que totum os; tum descendunt ad uvam queund the whole mouth; then they descend to the uvula and fauces; quibus obsessis, fit non facile, ut fauces; whioh being-beset, it-D-mado not eau, that Puer convalescat. Ac est etiam

minus aliquod remedium potest imperari. Sed the Iesa Someremo in-primis nutrix est cogenda in-the rstolace the nurge is to be-forcedet ambulationibus, et iis operibus, both by wulkings, und by those wsrh8, superiores partes: mittendathe repper puris: site is) to be-sent splaced jubenda ibi perfundere

to be eaeroised quae

que iandmovent moveiti balneum, into tho buth, mammas calidatho breusis tolth hola tua: tum alenda lembus cibis, etu utero thon she is) ιο-be-nourished with milii foods, undiis qui corrumpuntur non facile; potione with thoae tolich ure corrupted not eusis; with drish


febre, diluti vini; ac si alvus subsistit fover, of muto wine; und w tho bel0 stops is constipaled)nutrici, est ducenda. Si pituita coit in

eodem modo, in tho fame manner, Succus quorum coquitur

possit evocari. Vero si puer est

jam firmior, debet gargarigare sere iis, ulready Strongor, he ought to gurgie mostly with those

quae comprehensa- sunt Supra. AC, si

things), whioh hume-been-comprehended above. Anc flenia medicamenta proficiunt parum in eo, ea dini id opplications cloail litile tu thn, tiose sunt adhibenda, quae adurendo inducant crustas are to be-upplied, which by burning mv-bring-on crustS


ulceribus; quale est Scissile alumen, vel chalcitis, to the ulcers; lihe-as is 8oi3yile alum, or chalcitisy vel sutoriuin-atramentum. Etiam. sames prodeSt et Ur coppera3. Also hunger prosiis andabStinentia, quanta- maxima potest imperari. Cibus abStinence, Wreat-as is-able to bo-ordered. The food debet esse lenis: tamen interdum caseus eX-melle ought to be mild yet metimos cherae milh-honeydatur recto ad ulcera purganda.

quae nascuntur in latere ejus, durant diutis me. tolioΛ ariso in the side Vit, la8t very-long. Que est videndum, num uJIquis acutior dens And 4-is to be-seen, whether some very δhurp tooth sit contra, qui saepe sinit non ulcus eo may-be opposite, tolich Uton sufers not the ulcer in that loco sanescere; que ideo est limandus. place to hecome-weli; und on-thuGaccount is to besti d. Etiam interdum quaedam dolentia tuberct ita Ν '' Also somelimes sonte pula fui tubercles solent oriri in gingivis juxta dentes : Graeciare-accustomed to ariso in thogums notir the leoth: the Greel; appellunt παρο-δας sparoulidas). Op0rtet perfricaroculi paroulides. D-b hoυ to rub-overteniter haec initio contrito Sale; aut

combusto fossili sale, cupresso, nepeta, mixtis inter inith burni fossil sali, curras, cut-mini, mited among se; deinde eluere OS cremore thenaseives; aftera ards to wa3h-out the mouth toith oream lenticulae, et hiare inter


haec, donec satis pituitae

profluat. Vero in majore inflammatione est musoto orth. Aut in neuter inflammation it-is utendum iisdem medicamentis, quae Posita-Suntio be-used with the fame applicationi, which have-beenmlacedSupra ad ulcera oris: et paulum mollisabove to sor) ulcera 9 the mouth: and a litile of s llinamenti involvendum aliqua compositioite ex sine to be-rolled with sonae compoSitioλι oul-ofiis, quas dixi vocari ανθηρας antheras); queth G whιoh I have-εuid to b called antlierat; and id demittendum inter dentem et gingivam. Quod-Sithat to be-let doton belween the tooth and the gum. But ferit durior, et prohibebit id, calidus vapor it shul be very-hard, and 8halimrevent that, hot εteam erit admovendus eXtrinsecuS Sponia, que ceratumio u-be to be-applied externalty witi a sponge, and cerate imponendum. Si suppuratio Ostendet se, to bemut-on. V Suppurntion Shall-δhoto riSely, iit illoe utendum eo vapore diutius; et calidum mulsumto he-used trith that fleam longer; and hol hyssi omelin quo ficus decocta-sit continendum in which. fg may-have-be -boiled to be-retamedore que id incidendum in the mouth . und that sis) iobe-inoised while Subcrudum, ne Si pus permanserit soniore hui-immature, le3t f the pus may-have remamedi bi diutius, laedat os. Quod-Si is tumor there longor, it m v injure the mouth. But-f that tumorereSi major, totus exciditur commodius, sic utiδ greator, the wholo is cut-out dens liberetur ex the tooth may-be roed out-9eXemto, si plaga heing -tuhen-oui, is the wound

continere calidam aquam to rotain tot water more-Conveniently, So thut utraque parte. Pure euch pari. est levis, est

ligit, it is


in the molith, etia id

The pus Satis a vicient

fovereto foment


extrinsecus eodem vapore ; si est major, uti externalty with the sunto δteam dii is it is greuter, to use cremore lenticulae, que iisdem medicamentis with oream in sentit, und withthesume applications quibus cetera ulcera oris curantur Quoque inith which other ulcera osthemouth ure-troated. Atio alia ulcera plerumque oriuntur in gingivis; quibus other ulcers mosis arise in the gums; to whio eadem Succurrunt, quae the sanie things) succour, which sare emploSed sor ulcers)in reliquo ore: tamen oportet maxime in tho remuining ollier part 00 mouth: yot it behoves Ohiolymandere ligustrum, que continere eum SUCCUm Ore . to choro privet, and to retain that juioe in the mouth. Etiam sit interdum ut ex ulcere gingi Vae, Also it happens somelimes that out-os an ulcer of tho gum, Sive fuit παρουλὶς, sive fuit non, PuSichether it has-hoen par ulis, or it ha8-been not, PUSseratur diutius: quod consuevit may bo-borne very-longa which h - been-uocu8toni devenire aut denteto happen either a tooth vel osse aliteror the bone Othoriolae Corrupto, aut si acto,being-corrupted, or brohen,

Vitiato, que id boing-ini red, and that maxime per fistulam. Ubi incidit, locustatem thror I u fistula. When it happens, the place sis

Comprehensum-est supra in curatione aliorumh -been-comprehendod abous in the trealment of other ulcerum. Vero si gingivde recedunt a dentibus, ulcer3. Aut is the gum3 recede frona the toeth.


caedem antherae r succurrunt. Est etiam utile the Rame antherae Rucoour. It-is also use fui mandere non permatura pira aut mala, et continereto chew not very-ripe pears or a les, and to retain eum humorem ore. Que acetum non uerethul molature in themouth. And vinegar not acrid retentum in ore potest praestare idem. b ing-retulaed in tho mouth is-able to sord the Rame. Quoque vehemens inflammasio uvae debet Aiso τιolent linummation of the uvula ougni terrere. Itaque in hac et abstinentia estio frighten. There fore in this both abstinenoe is

neceSSaria, et Sanguis recte mittitur, et si aliqua

nece ury, and blood rightly issent stet), and w Romeres prohibet id, alvus ducitur utiliter: quething hindors that, the botly D-olystered use ful*; undSuper haec caput est Velandum,

et habendum sublimIus: tum gargarizandum

ηqHR, in qua et rubus et lenticula mih icuter, in v hioh both brumbio und lentii decocta-sit simul. Autem uva ipsa may-lave-been-boiled together. But the tipula itse is)illinenda vel omphaeso, vel scissili alum7ne, to be-8meared eitior tolth nebulori or with Solastis Ulum, sic ut mel adjiciatur cuilibet eorum. 30 that honey moy-he-added to any 0ne υ thrae. Est etiam medicamentum aptum huic, quod TZere-is alao an appliootion se for this, ichich Ppellatur Andronium. Constat ex his: Seissili


donec crassitudo mellis sit his. Quoqueuntii tho thiolnera of honta may-be to these. Aiso uva illita, per cochleartho uvula heing δmcared, by by means os) uvoon SUCCO Chelidoniae, maxime prodest. Ubi uva withjuice of elidony, eveoialty prosis. When the uviata illita-est aliquo horum, sere multa pituita hay-been-δmeared Mith gomo of these, moδtly much pituita decurrit: que cum ea quievit, gargari Zandum rum- wn : and when Gut has-rested, it is) to be-gus dex-calido vino. Quod-Si inflammatio est minor, est with hot wine. Aut- the inflammation is les' it-is satis terere laser, que adjicere frigidam aquam ei, sussicient to bruise laser, and to adit cold water to is,

que subjicere eam aquam exceptam cochleariand to place-under that water received in a Spoon uvae ipsi. Ac quoque si igida aqua, subjectato the unum it3em And uiso cold toater, placed-undereodem modo, reprimit eam, tumentem mediocriter. in the Same manner, repre83es it, belW-Swollen moderato0. Autem est quoque gargari Zandum eX-eadem aqua But it-is also to hewuryled with the 3ame mater quae Subjecta est uvae hac rati0ne, whioh has-be mucefunder to the uvula in this reason vel cum lasere vel Sine eo. manner), either with laser or without it. k. Autem si quando cancer invasit ulcera Due is at-any-time cancer has attached ulcersoris, est Primum conSiderandum, num of the mouth, it-is strat to be-considored, whetherque

habitus corporis sit malus,

occurrendum ei : deinde ulcera ipsato he-opposed to ite Uterwariri the ulcer3 themseloes sare)curanda. Quod-si id vitium est in summa parte, to be treuted. Aut-f thoi vice is in tho si hesi porι 'anthera inspersa arida humido is superficial), anthera hein vi inhio Gon Gy to a hum d




proficit satis; illita siccioriovalis εussciently; boing-εmeare mon to a stercum eXigua parte mellis: si paulo

altius, duae parteS combustae Chartae, una pars

more-δεγ0, two puris υ burni paper, one par tauripigmenti: si malum descendit penitus, treSos orpiment; f themula ly has-descended inmur ly, three partes Combustae chartae, quarta pars auripigmenti; aut puris of buriit puper, o Durth pari os orpiment; orpares portiones fricti salis et Dictae iridis ; aut item equul portions of ried sau und of fried iris; or also pares portiones chalcitidis, calcis, auripigmenti. Autem equul portions Uchalcitis, Ulime, 9 orpiment. Aut

est necessarium tingere linamentum in rosa, et it-is necessata to ius a littu-linen in rose oll), and imponere Super adurentia medicamenta ;to put-on over the burning opplications; laedant vicinum et Sanum locum. thv may-injure the ne hbouring and 8ound place. quidam conjiciunt Dictum salem in heminam acrissonae cast fried sale into a hemina ostiendaceti, donec desulat tabescere; vin gur, untii it may- euso to w t auro dissolve); deinde coquunt id acetum donec exsiccetur; afteriour is they boil that vinegar untii it may-ιe-dried; que inspergunt eum Salem contritum. Autemund thv vrinhD-on that suu bring -bruised. Aut quoties medicamentum injicitur, et anteum ten-us the application is-oast-on applied), both bejorect post, os est diluendum Vel cremore aud inter, the moreth is to bo-rinsed either inith oream lenticulae, vel aqua in qua aut ei Vum, aut oleae, lentii, or idith toater in which either vetch, or olives, aut Verbenae decocta-sint, sic ut paulum mellisor verUaius may-have-boen-boiled, εο thret a littD 9 honta misceatur cuilibet eorum. Qu0que acetum to any one) of thosc. Aiso tingar