The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


eX-Scilla, retentum ore, proficit satis

adversus haec ulcera: et acetum rursus mixtum Salingulast these ulcerra: and vineyur again nruod to suuC0Cto eX-aceto, Sicut dem0nstratum-eSt supra. Sed

boiled with vinegar, as has-Leenmolate out above. But Si neceSsarium et continere utrumlibet diu, it is nece ary both toretain each a long tisne, et fac e id bis aut ter die, proutand to ao that twice or thrice in a Gy, accordis-as malum est Vehemens. Quod-si ebi puer cui

demittendum in medicamentum, et tenendum to-be-lowered steeped) ilato the preparation, and iobe-helia Super ulcus, ne per imprudentiam devoret over the uicor, sest through imprudonoe he may-δwallour

adurentia. Si est dolor in gingivis, quo the burning causti s). V thor is pala in the gumδ, undaliqui dentes moventur, Oportet eos refigi somo treth ur moves, it hehoves them to bo-unfled nam impediunt vehementer Curationem. Si extracted) for they hiandor violently the treuiment. θmedicamenta proficient nihil, ulcera erunt adurenda. o liculions wil avait nothing, the ulcer8 wil bo iobe-hurni Quod tamen est non necessarium in labris se hich yet is noe necessata in the lipsiduo, . quoniam est commodius ou-thD-account, bocauδe it-is niore- convenient excidere. Et id quidem, aeque adustum, to out- them)-oui. And that indoed, equully boing-burni, atque excisum, potest Π0n implere, sine ea und hoing -out-out, iS-abis noe tosili, withoul that curati0ne, quae adhibetur corpOIi manu.


nudantur ustione in perpetuum ;duction os flesti), are-made-bore by burnis unio perpetualenim neque caro increscit postea. sor ever); for neither thes h grow3-on aliter curri. Tamen lenticula est imponenda adustis, donec I et lentit is to-bemul-on to the burni sparis), untii recipiant sanitatem, qualis potest esSe. they mv-receive tho health, Such-a8 is-oble to be. Haec fere egent medicametitis in Capite. The8e mostly need wιth upplications in the heud.

Vero παρωτIες Solent oriri sub auribus But parotides ore-aocustomed to arise under the eui 3

ipsis; modo in secunda valetudine, inflammatione themselves ; Romelimes in favor rabie health, inflammationorta ibi; modo post longas febres, having-arisen there; Sometimes after long severa, impetu morbi converso illuc. Id est tho violenoe of the dis ase belU-turned thither. That is genus abscessus ; itaque desiderat nullam novam n linit os abscon; there fore it requires no neto

curationem. Tantummodo habet hanc animadversionem troatment. Ons it has this observation necessariam; quia si id intumuit sino necenary; because is that hu8-become-stoollen without morbo, experimentum reprimentium est primum:

diseuse, the triat os reprening things is thosnt; si ex adversa valetudine, illud est inimicum, que estis out-os adverse health, that is hostile, and it-is

commodius maturari et quam-primum, moro-convenient lar it) to bo matured und us-δoon-as possibis, aperiri. to be-open d. Vero ad prominentes umbilicos, ne

sit utendum manu que

serro, est tentandulii ante,


ut abstineant; alvus ducatur previ0usty), that thoy may-abstulis; the bel0 may-be-clysteredhis ue id imp0natur super umbilicum, quod con Statio these; that muy-bemut-on ovor the navel, which consistsex his: cicutae et suliginis, Singulorum P. H. I. out-of theser olfhemlook and of 8oot, 9 euch p. H. I. elotae cerusSae p. Η. IV. eloti plumbi P. H. VIII. ytou kod ceruse p. Η. of toashed Dad p. H. VIG. duobus ovis; quibus etiam succus solani adjicitur. with two egos; to which also Dioo 9 nightshade is- ad sed. oportet lioc esse impositum diutius; et hominem Il behonea this to be put-on very-los; and ths mauconquiescere interim ; uti modico cibo, Sic, ut to re8t meantime; to use with moderate fo0M δo, that Omnia inflantua vitentur.

Proxima sunt ea quae pertinent ad Nym' TD neit mala sies are those which pertutu t0Obscenas partes; Vocabula quarum apud Graecos et the θbscens paris; the numes of which with the Gree s both habent se tolerabilius, et have themsolves more tolerabs sare less offensi ve), and jam accepta-sunt usu; cum jactenturaiready huve-beon-received in use; since they-may-be-to edin sere omni volumine atque Sermone publi3hed in ulniost every volume ianit discourye medicorum: apud nos verba sunt foediora, of phyaloiona: with us Romans) the wor 3 are moresbul,

ne-quidem Commendata aliqua consuetudine not-even re ominen led by-any uδuge loquentium verecundius: ut haec explanatio

those) veni ny moro- modostly : SO-that this e. lunationsit dissicilis servantibus simul et muy-be dispoult to those) preserving at-the-8am -time both pudorem, et praecepta artis. Neque tamen ea modeaty, and the preceptε of the uri. Nor yet that res debuit deterrere me a scribendo: primum, thing hus-ought to doter me from utriling: fa St,


ut comprehenderem Omnia, quae accepithat I might-comprehend uti things), which Ihune-rooeived salutaria; dein, quia learned to be) salutarν; aftemcardδ second ly), hecauδe

Curatio eorum est etiam

the troatment of those maladies is enen cognoscenda in Vulgus, quae quisqueto bo-hnoton into among) the commonuis, which euchinvitissimus ostendit alteri. person) mo3t-unwillis Hews to another. Praecipue evectullycoles

the penis


the plore is

Vero ubi but whenaqua eSticuter isque cutem

and the Rhino Igitur si Therefore is

ex-inflammatione, queout- -inflammation, and reduci, aut inducito b druwn-baost, or to be-draton-onfovendus multa calida aqua: to be omented with much hol Mater e glans contecta-est, calida the a rn glans) has been-oovered, hut inserenda quoque inter eam

to be-insorted sinjected) uiso h tween iloriculario-clystere. Si cusis, sic mollita et with an ear-Syringe. V tho εhin, thus bring inflenis and extenuata, paruit ducenti, e. rtenuated, ha3-obved to the person) dra cing it), reliqua curatio est expeditior: si the rernuining treatinent is moro- peditiores: fiuinor vicit, vel lenticula est imponenda, tho stoolling has-conquered, either lentit is to beFut-on, vel marrubium, vel solia oleae cocta eX-vino, sic utor horolouniri or Daves of olivo bollis tolth-wine, so tiat paulum mellis adjiciatur cuilibet eorum, dum alitile of honey may-be-addes to any of thrae, tollis teritur: que coles est deligandus sursumit-is- being)-rubbod: and the periis is to-be-bound vicariis ad ventrem, quod est necessarium in omni curatione to the bel0, rohich is necessury in every treatinent


debetvam eius: que is homo debet continere se, et of-it: and that man ought to restrum himsely, anu

abstinere a cibo, et vindicari a siti ixum to abstain froin food, and to be-dejended yrom thirst onlyp0tione aquae. Postero . die rursus

lamentum aquae est adhibendum iisdem re fomentation of wuter is to be-applιed rationibus, et . . experiendum re on8 manner), and it is) to be-tmed

EUHI u. erit concidenda leviter

Scalpello: nam cum sanies profluXerit, with the scalpel: for when sanies 8hult havesoro d99 πιι,

that locus extenuabitur, place wil be-uttenuated, tacilius. Autem sive mor e i0. But whether hoc modo, Sive nunquam in this manner, or neverreperientur vol in ulteriore et cutis duceturand the shin will-be-led victa-erit it-shall-have-been-conqueredrepugnaverit; ulcera may-have-reδiSted; ulcera

will bebound either in thesarther part 9 the δktu, or mulande, ve ultra eam in cole: quae eSt necesse the glans, or beyond it in the penis: which rt- ιδ nece8sarysint aut pura que sicca, aut humida et purulenta. may-be either olean and dry, or humid and purulent. Si sunt sicca, primum sunt fovenda calida IF they-are dry, si si they-ure to be omented torthhota tua: deinde lycium eX-Vino est imponendum, auticuler: Uter ruris lycium Mithroine ιδ to-bemut-on, oramurca cocta cum eodem, aut butyrum Cum rosa.

Oil-De boiled with the sume, or bulter wuh rose soll). Si levis humor inest iis, Sunt eluenda V sl hi humour is-in to thom, they are to be-wushed-out vino: tum paulum mellis, et quarta pars resinaricishicine: then a litile σhoney, and afoui th puri os resin


terebinthinae est adjicienda butyro et Oelong mg-to turpentine, is to bo-αGed to butier und


σε ron, quaeto bomut-on, whichhabeant crassitudinem mellis. thv may-have the thicin s of honey. compositio est accommodata tonsillis, madenti uvae, composiston is adapted to the tonsiti, to molat uvum,

ulceribus Oris que nairium. Aliud adto ulcers of the mouth and of the nostriis. Another to sor eadem: piperis p. H. V. myrrhae P. H. V. croci therame: of pepper M. H. T. Vmyrrh p. Η. T. σε ron P, costi misy p. Η . i. combusti peris P. Η . . 9 boiled misy p. H. Vburnt brassP. H. II. quae Conteruntur primum ex-austero vino;

p. Η. Ir. whiol uro-bruised frεt with-rough wine; deinde, ubi inaruerunt, iterum teruntur tergarri, when thoe hare-becomo-dry, again are-ιruised ex-tribus cyathis passi, et incoquuntur donec urish-throe cyaths U-ruirin-wine, and aro-hoiled tintilhabeant crassitudinem visci. Quoque aerugothey may have the thichnes3 of viscus. Atio et erillaris cum cocto melle, et ea quae

compreliensa-sunt supra ad ulcera ori S. haPe-been-comprehended abone to sor) uicors of the mouit, curant. Aut compositio Erasistrati, aut Cratonis, cure. Ur the composition os usistratu8, or Oi Crato, imponitur recte super purulenta naturalia. isFut-on rightly ovor purulent natural paris).


os lycium

est there-is solia oleae

aves of olivellis adjicitur to these is-ad sed

plus puris, more of PUS,

coquunturare-boiled scissilis aluminis

of scissile alum

mellis sesquicyathuS :σhoney a cyath-onLa-halyrid medicamentum thul applicationcyathis cyaths

diluituris-dilutodex-melle; si minus, eX-vino. Illud est perpetuum Mith-honey; F lera, totu-wine. This is a perpetualpost curationem, dum inflammatio manet, rule) Uter trea erit, while in summation remulas, dare super CataplaSina, quale est positum to gioo apply) ovor the catuluRm, ide-us is p ceu

supra, et quotidie Curare ulcera eadem ratione. αιope, and Lily to troat the uisors by tho fame reumn Quod-si et multum pus et cum malo odore

manner . But-w both much pus und with had odoti, coepit profluire, debet elui cremore

hu3-beyun to w orth, it ought to be-washed-out with oroam lenticulae, sic ut paulum mellis adjiciatur et :os sentit, so thut ulictio of honey may-be-added to it; aut solia oleae, Vel lentisci, Vel marrubium, ostor Duves of olive, or of mastich, or horehound, i decoquendum, que utendum eo humoreto be-boiled, and sit-is) to be-usod with that liquid eodem modo cum melle; que eadem in the fame manner Mith honey; and the sume things aru)imponenda; aut etiam omphacium cum molle; aut idto bemut-on; or aiso vel juiCs with honey; or that quod si ad aures ex aerugine et melle -whita i/-made to r) tho oui 3 Out-j verdigris and honos i aut compositio Andronis; aut anthera, sic utor the composiliou V Andro; or anthera, so thut paulum mellis a cliciatur ei. Quidam curant omniau littio of honey may-he-added to it. Some trout allulcera, de quibus dictum-est adhuc, the ulcera, concerning whicis it has-been-said lithorto,


lycto ex- vino. Vero si ulcus serpit with lycium mitt-wine. But iis the ulcer creeps latiuS atque altius, debet elui more-widoly and more- reply, it ought to be-waylod-out eodem modo: vero imponi, aut in the sume manner : but these ought) to be put-on, either aerugo, aut Omphaesum cum melle; aut compositio verssigris, or verisioe with honta; or the composition Andronis, aut marrubii, myrrhae, croci, Cocti

scissilis aluminis, aridorum soliorum rosae, gallae, εoi iis alum, os dry leaves of ro8e, in nutWall, Singulorum p. H. I. Sinopici minii P. H. II. qUM of euch p. Η . I. in Sinopian minium p. H. II. whichteruntur primum singula per se; deinde aro-rubbed fr3t ouoh by thenaseives; aftericariis iterum juncta, melle adjecto, donec habeant sum being oinet honey being-added, untii they-may-have crassitudinem liquidi cerati; tum coquuntur lenitertio thichness of liquid rerute; then they-ore-boiled gently

in aeneo vaSe, ne superfluant; cum jam in a brazen verael, test they-may - w-over; when atready guttae indurescant, Vas removetur ab the drops may-beoom harii, the v sol i8-removed Domigue; que id medicamentum, prout est the fre; und that medicine, accordi W-as there-is opus, liquatur aut ex melle aut ex-vino. Autem neod, is dissolved either with-honey or milh-wine. Aulidem est utile per se etiam ad fistulas. Etiam

interdum ulcus solet descendere ad 39methnes the ulcer is-aocustomed to descend tonerV03; que multa pituita profluit, tentiis sanies tho nervo: and much humour jlows orth, a thin Saniesque mali odoris, non coacta, at


recens; que is locus recently; and that place Punctiones. Quamvis id pristings. Although that

purulenta, tamen est

habet dolores, ethus puina, and genus est interhiad is amovcurandum lenibusto be-treuted with mild medicamentis; quale est τετραφάρμακον applications; lihe-as is tetrapharmation) emplastrum liquatum eX-rOSa, ths tetrapharmacum plaster dissolsed with rose soll),8ie, ut quoque paulum thuris misceatur , that also a litile offranhinc se may-be misellei; aut id quod fit ex butyro, TOSA, to it or that whioh D-mudo out-os bulter, rose 0il),

reSina, melle; vero positum-est SuPra a me. rrain, honey; but it-has-beenotaced above is me. Que praecipue id ulcus est fovendum multa And especialty that ulcer is to bo omented tolth much calida aqua, que Velandum, neque committendum hot water, and to be-covered, nor to be-oommitte lsrigori. Autem interdum coles exposed) to the M. Aut somelimes the penis exesuS-est sub cute per ulcera ipsa, haS-been-eaton-out under tho εhin is uicors themselves, sic ut glans excidat. Sub quo casu 30 that the glans may fall- . Under inhioh accident cutis ipsa est circumcidenda. Que est perpetuum the shin iisest is to bo-oircumcised. And it-is perpetuat quoties glans aut aliquid ex cole, u3- ten-as the glans or 8ome thing) out-of the penis, vel excidit, vel abscinditur, hanc non esse either falla-ossor iS-cut-away, this not to-b Servandam, ne conSidas, que agglutinetur to-bc-hepi, sest il-may-Settie, and may-bes utinated ulceri, ac p0Stea possit neque to the ulcer, und afterwarda may-be-able netther


reduci, et fortasse quoque claudat fistulam to be-DLbach, and perhus uiso may-δhut the pipe


9 the ur/ns. Etiam tubercula, quae Graeci vocant φυματα. Atio tuberoles, whioh the Greeis cau phumata, oriuntur circa glandem: quae aduruntur Vel arise about the glans: whroh tire burne either medicamentis vel ferro; et cum crustae siti oppiloations or mira iron; und when the crustδeXciderunt, squama aeris inspergitur, ne quid hoves alien- , Acule of bran D-vrlahlemon, irat avincrescat ibi rursus. thing) mv-grow-on there agam. Haec sunt citra cancrum ; qui cum

a nigritie: quae si occupavit Cutem,

protinus specillum Subjiciendum, que ea est immediately the probe sis) tu be lucet under, and it is incidenda; deinde orae prehendendae in bo-inoised; Uterwariis the edges are) to be-seizod vulsella; tum, quidquid est corruptum, eXcidendum, by tho foroeps; then, whateuer is C0rrupted, to be-cut-out, Sic, ut quoque paulum ex integro So, that also a litile out-of tho sound part)dematur, que id adurendum. Quoties

quid ustum-est, id quoque sequitur, ut 'uny thing) hus-boen-burni, thul atio follows, that lenticula sit imponenda; deinde, ubi crusto

lentii may-be to bemut-on; Uterwarct, toton tho crusta exciderunt, Curentur Sicut lilia ulcera. At