The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


si cancer occupavit colem ipsum, aliqua ex V cancer has-occupiod the penis iise , εome out-η adurentibus sunt inspergenda, que maxime the burning caustics ure to be-γrinllod-on, and Ohie id quod componitur ex calce, chalcitide, auripigmento. that whioh D- composed out-9 lime, chalcitis, Orphnent. Si medicamenta vincuntur, hic qu0que, quidquid est V the applications are-conqueret here uiso, whateuer is corruptum debet praecidi, sic, ut trahat corrupted ought to be-Cut-away, εο, that it-rnv-drato tahe

etiam aliquid integri. Quoque illud est vitii it) ulso sonae thing) of the found. Also that this) iaperpetuum, cancro exciso, vulnus perseetuat a generat rule), the cancer heing-cut-oret, the wsundesse adurendum. Sed give crustae occallueruntio bo to be-burni. But whether the crusu have-beoom Caluus medicamentis, Sive ex-serro, est magnum Periculum,

is opplications, or by the iron, there-is great danger, ne his decidentibus, profusio sanguinis insequatur

ex cole. Ergo est opus longa quiete oret-y the penis. TZerefore there-is need with long restet paene immobili corpore, donec purae cru Sideund amoεt with im oveubie bo , unlii clean crust resolvantur leniter ex ipso. At si aliquis

vel volens, Vel imprudens, dum ingreditureither belU-toilling, or being ignorant, whilo he walis immature, diduxit crustas, et sanguis fluit, immaturely, has Sepuruted the cruδυ, and blood sowy, frigida aqua est adhibenda: si haec Valet parum, est cold wutor is to be-opplied: f this avalis little,' it-i decurrendum ad medicamenta, to be-run- loton recourse inust be bad) to applieations quae suppirimunt sanguinem: Si ne-quidem haec succurrunt. υ h.oh suppress the blood: is not-mon thrae 3uocour, debet aduri dilige uter et timide: neque estis ought to ιe-burni careolly und seuryullyr nor is


locus dandus eidem periculo postea ullo place to besisen to the fame danger Utertouris by any

motu . motion.

4 Ν0nnunquam etiam id genus cancri, quod Sometimes also that hind of cancer, whichnominatur a Graecis φαγέδαινα, solet oriri

is-named by the Greekε phagedaina, is accustomed to ariseibi. In quo minime disserendum,

sed protinus adurendum iisdem medicamentis, but immodiutoly to be-burni toith the fame application et si valent parum, serro. Etiam est quaedam und w tho aruit littD, with iron. Atio there-is Somenigrities, quae Sentitur non, Sed serpit, ac, si blaokness, whioli is elι not, but creeps, anc' sustinuimus, tendit usque ad VeSicam, neque we havs Supporled, 8tretohos untii to the bladder, nor potest succurri postea. Si id est in summa D-ubie to be-εuocoured afterwards. V that is in the h hestillande circa fistulam urinae, tenue Specillum est glans abolit the pipe of the urino, a illiu probe isdemittendum in eam prius, ne claudatur; to be-sent-domu into it provisus0, test it-mv-be-c sed: deinde id adurendum serro: Vero Si terreariis that to be-burni reith iron but is penetravit alte, quidquid Occupatuin-est, est

- Etiam interdum aliquid occallescit in Aiso gometimes εοme thing) be mes-ocilaus inc0le; que id caret paene omni sensu: quod the penis; and that is without ulmost ali feelingo whichipsum quoque debet excidi. Autem carbunculusitself uiso ought to be-cut oui. But a carbuncle


natus ibi, husing -arisen there, ut-primum apparet, est when-' 8t it appears, is eluendus per clysterem oricularium: to be-waεheLout is a Syringe belonginς-to-the-eare deinde ipse quoque urendus medicamentis, quo Uterinaria itae alis to be-burnt with applications, undinaxime chalcitide, cum melle, aut aerugine cum clieWy with chalcitis, with honey, or Mith verssigris inith cocto melle, aut Stercore ovillo fricto et boiled honey, or with dung belonging-ω-εhev fled audcontrito cum eodem melle. Ubi is excidit, est bruised with the sume honey. When it has alien- , it-is utendum liquidis medicamentis, quae componunturto be-used mith the liquid applicationδ, which ur composed ad ulcera ori S. to Ar) ulcera of the molith. Vero si qua inflammasio orta-est in testiculis' Aut is au insummation has-arisen in the testioles sine ictu, sanguis est mittendus ex talo: without a blato, blood is to be-εent stet) out-of the anile abstinendum a cibo: sarina ex faba cocta

eX-mulso, Cum Cumino contrito et cocto ex melle

facto eX rosa; aut Semen-lini, contritum et made out-o

linseed, bruisedandcoctum in mulso; aut farina




durities est jam vetustior, radix agresti8-cucumeristho har en is abeady very-old, root of wild- cucumber Cocta ex-mulso, deinde contrita, maxime

imponendum; aut ea compositio, quae habet is) to be put-on; or that composition, which has cocti nitri p. Η. I. reSinae pineae, Cumini, of boiled nitre p. Η . I. of r in belonginς-tomine, 9 Cumin, Singul0rum P. H. tamimpe-uvae sine seminibus of euch p. H. II. Ustavosacre without tho seeri P. H. IV. mellis quantum sit satis ad p. Η. IV. Ofh9ney αδ-much-as may-be ε olent to sor)ea cogenda. Quod-si aliquid these to be-collectod incorporaled). But-f some lliing desit testiculis ex ictu, sere pus may-be-wanting to the t ticles out-os a bioto, mostly pus quoque incre8cit; neque potest succurri aliter, uiso incremes; nor is-it-able to be-Succoured othermise, quam Si, Scroto inciso, et pus thun is, the scrotum heing-incised. both the pus emissum-est, et testiculus ipSe excisus. has besen-emitted, and tho testiolo it8ey cut-out. - Anus quoque respit multa mala The anus also receives admits) tnany euiisque plena

habet cur tiones of wearinera,


primum cutis struet the 3kiuplusibus locis;

desidere into sit- wn in scinditur saepe in eo, et quidemis-cut ostin in it, und indeod Graeci vocant ξαγάδιδε. Si

homo debet quiescere, et the man ought to rrat, and calida aqua. Quoque ova hot water. Alio eg 3

columbina sunt belonging-to themigeon arcinduruerunt, th. havo-become-hard,

deinde alterum Ut wa 3 another one)Coquenda, et ubito boboiled, and when purganda:

to be-cloansed sos their shell): debet jacere in bene ought to ite in stellcalida aqua, locus laveri very) hot water, the place ought) to be omented

altero calido, sic ut aliqui S utatur Uith another ineing) hol, so that εome sperson may-ure invicem utroque. Tum tetrapharmacum, aut mutuatly with each. Then the tetrapharmacum, orrhypodes, est diluendum rosa; aut re etiS

oesypuin miscendum cum liquido cerato sacto ex oesvpum to be-miaed with liquid cerato made out-UrOSa; aut elotum plumbum adjiciendum eidem

liquido cerato; aut myrrha resinae terebinthInae: liquid cerate ; or myrrh to r in belongis-to- turpentine; aut vetu8 oleum Spumae argenti; et idor old Oil to foum os silvor; and that perungendum quolibet ex his. Si quidquid is) to bo-anointed with any one) out-of thrae. U whatevertaesum-est est extra, neque reconditum has-been-injured is without, nor and not.) hiddenintus, linamentum tinctum eodem medicamento eStwithin, lint dippod in the fame preparation is superdandum, et quidquid adhibuimusco be given-οver placed over), and whutever toe havo- applied


ante, contegendum cerato. Autem in hoc casu, ιefore, si s) to be-oovered with cerate. But in this caSe, utendum neque acribus cibis,. neque asperi8,

nec comprimentibus alvum: ne-quidem

nor illi those) comprening the bel0: not-even quidquam aridum est satis utile, nisi admodum ony illing) δεν is ε. olent ly υδmul, uniora very paulum. Liquida, lenia, pinguia, glutinosa, Sunt titile. Liquid, mild, fui, glutinous aliments), ure meliora. Νihil prolubet uti leni vino.

ι iter. Nothing hin ira to uεe with mild wine. 9 Autem condyloma est tuberculum, quod solet But a condyloma is a tubercle, whioh D-uccustomednasci ex quadam inflammatione. Ubi id ortum-est,to ari,e out-j gome inflammation. When that hos arisen, quod pertinet ad quietem, cibos, que potiones, eadem chat pertainδ to rest, fori, and drin A the Same debent servari quae Scripta-Sunt things) ought to be- observed which havo-be -wristen proxime. Etiam id tubercsilum fovetur recteliast. Also that tuberole ly monted rightly iisdem ovis: sed homo debet desidere antemith the Rame egres: hut the man ought to εit-Gwn be fore in aqua, in qua verbenae ex reprimentibus in mater, in which vervulas out- of the repressing hinds)decoctae- sunt. Tum et lenticula cum exigita parte have-been-boiled. Then both lentii with a smali partiuellis, et Campana sertula cocta

ex-vino, et solia rubi contrita cum cerato facto with-wine, and Daves of brambis bruised with eerate made ex rosa; et vel cotoneum-malum cotitritum

cum eodem Cerato, vel interior pars malicoriimith the sumo cerato, or the inner part of pomegranate-rindeocti ex-vino; et chalcitis cocta atque contrita,


deinde excepta oesypo ac TOSa; Uterinariis received incorporat ed) with oesypum and rose et ex ea c0mpositione quae liabet dil) ; und some) out-of that composition which has thuris p. H. I. sciSSili S alumini S P. H. M. offunkincenso p. H. I. of SCAδile alum, p. Η. II. CerUSSAE P. H. III. Spumae argenti P. H. V. quibus, 9 ceruδs p. N. m. offam os Silver p. Η . V. to which dum teruntur, rosa et vinum instillatur .while they are beino h sed, ro8e oll) and wino is dro ed- in invicem. Autem vinculum ei loco est quadratus alternately. Bul the bandage to that plaee is usquared linteolum aut panniculus, qui habet duas ansas litt&-linen or littD woollen-oloth, which has two loopa ad duo capita, totidem lasesas ad

duo altera; que cum subjectuS-est, the two other ends) ; and when it has-beenilace under, ansis datis ad ventrem, lascim

adductae a posteriore parte conjiciuntur b ing-Gawn from the hinder pari are cu8t inserted)in eas, atque, ubi arctae-Sunt, into them, and, tolen they have-been-tightene , dexterior procedit Sinistin, sinisterioriae more-right one) prooeeda on the lest side), tho more-l ιdeXtra, que circumdatae circa alvumon the right, and boing-place around abolit the bellynovissime deligantur inter 8e.m03t-netoly lastly) are-bound umong uomselv together). Sed si vetus condyloma jam induruit, Lut is an old condyloma already ha3-be ome-hard, neque desidit sub his curationibus, potest nor 3ubsides tinder these treulmenta, it-is-ubleaduri medicamento, quod cons ut ex histo be-burni v ith u preparation, which confisis out-of theseaeruginis P. H. II. myrrhae P. H. IV. tbings): of Oerdigris p. Η. II. 9 myrrh p. N. IV.


gummi pos gum I

Η . VIII. thuris Η . VIII. offraniincense lacrimae papaveris, Reaciae,

P. N. XII. p. Η. XLI. singulorum

Quo medicamento quidam etiam With whioh propuration 8ome atis ulcera, de quibus dixi the ulcerra, concerning whioh I have-suid Si hoc proficit parum in condylomate, IV this auuiis titilo in a condyloma, adurentia vehementiuS . P0SSunt uiso preparations) burning moremowerfully, are-ubis

est transeundum adit-is to bemauefover tos Tertium vitrum Thethird mala

the molithy haimorrhoidas).haimorrhoideS. etiamatio opplicationS.


of the velim capitulis, que saepe littD-hea s, whioh osten

Que id consuevit And that has-uocustomedin ore vulvae foeminarum. in themouth of the womb Vwomen. quibusdam supprimitur Parum tuto ;xomo i is upproned littis not at all) any 0; incidereto hoppen


fiunt non imbecilliores profluvio are-made noe weaster is the sui habent hanc Purgationem, non tho have this fas a purgation, notideo quidam curati,

on-that-account Rome belW- cureri haberet non exitum, materia inclinata inmight-have not an exit, the matter bring -inclined unio praecordia aC viscera, correpti-Sunt subitis the praecordia und Viscera, have-been-Selaed by εuddensanguiRis: enim

morbum. Quea diseus . Andcum Sanguis when the bl d


et gravissimis morbis. Veroand by most-heavy diseus . But cui, is debet to any person , he ought

in aqua


contritum cum aridis soliis rosae; aut aliqua bruised with dry leave3 of ro8o; or Sonis ex iis, quae supprimunt Sanguinem. out-of those things), which suppr g tho buod. Autem inflammatio solet oriri, maxime But inflammation D-uo stomed to aris ' eve lallyubi dura alvus laesit eum locum. Tum est toton a lard bel0 has injured that placo Then il-is desidendum

to b fomented in dulci aqua,

in siseel et ater,

digito; si extra, est imponendum superillitum inith theingor; is mithoui, it-is to bo put-on SmeareHoverpanniculo. Quoque ea medicamenta quaeto a litt&-woollon-oloth. Atio thoso applicationa inhiohSunt posita recentibus scissuris sunt idonea hic. Veroare placod for recent Scinureδ uro proper here. Butest utendum iri hoc casu iisdem cibis quibus it-is to he-used in this case toith the sume foods with wskhin prioribus. Si ista juvant parum, in the forme, cases). V thrae tbings) uniat titile

adurenua medicamenta imposita solent absumere burning application3 place Hon GrU-a CVStomed eo dotrovea capitula. Ac si jam sunt vetustiora, thoso litt&-hoadue. And w ulready they-are vory-olu, sub auctore Dionysio, under the author Dionysius under the auth0rityos Dionysius .


Sandaracha est inspergenda ; deinde Sandarach is to he prinkleson; Uterwardsi inponendum quod constat ex his: squamae that) to bemut-on whioh consist3 out-of thrae: of a lederis, auripigmenti, Singulorum P. H. v. saxi-calcis of brusA Vorpiment, of euch p. N. V. of lim si e P. H. VIII. ; P0Stero die compungendum

aeu. Capitulis 'adustis cicatrix fit,toita a noessio. The litti θ-heads belW-burni a scar D-mad , quae prohibet sanguinem standi. Sed, quoties whioh hindera the blood lo bomoured. But, aS- len-aSiS Suppre8Sus-est, ne asserat quid that ha3-been-Suppre83od, lest it-mυ-bris any thing)periculi, materia est digerenda multa dungor, the mulier is to be-dispersed by mu hexercitatione; que praeterea et Viris, et seminis, ea ercise; and besides both tomen, and to women, quibus menstrua proveniunt non, interdumto whom the monthly courses) come oria not, Somotimes sanguis est mittendus ex brachio. buod is to be-let out-of tho arm.

ib At si anus ipse, vel os vulvae, Bul f the unus iuriri or the mouth oy the toomb, procidit nam id quoque interdum fit)has ulten ortocrit inor that also Sometimes habens debet considerari ne id sit purum quodit ought to be-oonsidered whether that may-be cloan wlich

Si est purum, homo debet desidere in aqua, V it-is olean, thomurn ought to Sit- wn in reater, aut salsa, aut incocta cum verbenis vel either fuit, or boised inith vervains ormalicorio: si humidum, est Subluendum