The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


vini. Ubi curatum-est utrolibet modo, esto' triae. LVIO it has been-trected inerether moner, it-is reponendum intus; que contrita plantagoto be place again itit hin; and bruised plantain imponenda, vel solia salicis cocta in aceto; tum to bemut-on, or Daves 9 willoto boiled in vinegar; thon linteolum et lana a littD-linen und wool deliganda, . CruribHStobe-bandage , tho legasuper; que ea sunt over; and thege are devinctis interbelag-bound among

an ulcer

to a mu8hroom is-accu8lomodnasci in eadem sede.

est fovendumto uriae in the sum

Thatis to be omente leget Ida

aqua, si est

aliud tempus: dein squama aeris notior time: Uterwards soalo os bran is in in8pergenda, que supra ceratum factum exto be urinkDLon, and above that) a corate made out-0 myrteo, cui paulum squamae, suliginis, calcis myrtis oll), to whioh alitile of soalo, of δoot, os lime adjectum-sit. Si tollitur non hac may-have-been-adde l. V it-k-tahen-away not by this ratione, eSt aduretidum vel vehementioribus method, it-is to be-burni either etcith 1,uoi myowerfulmedicamentis, vel serro. opplications, or twith iron. Autem vetera ulcera digitorum IX Buι old ti ers of thesing ei commodissime aut lycio, aut most-advantseously eillor mith lycium, or

toith boiled utrilibet.


ungue in iisdem cum magno dolore: the nail in the fame with great puin o Graeci appellant πτερυγιον pte son). Oportet

liquare rotundum Melinum alumen in aqua, donecto meu round Melinian alum in water, untilli abeat crassitudinem mellis : tum insundere it may-have thothichness of hontae then to psur-in tantundem mellis quantum suit ejus aridi, jus uδ-much of honta a8-much-as there-wa3 of it dry, et miscere rudicula, donec color satand to mis sit) with a spatile, untii the colour may-be-madcsimilis croco, que illinere eo. Quidam malunt Me to 3 ron, and to amear-on with D. Some wish-rather decoquere simul ad eundem VSum, cumto boli togethor to sor) the sume uSe, whenmiscuerunt paria pondera aridi alumInis et mellis. they have-muod equat we his os dry alum and of hono. Si ea exciderunt non hac ratione, Sunt IV theso have-fallen- not by this method, thoy-are excidenda: deinde digiti fovendito be-out-osse asterwarda th ngors sare) to be omented aqua eX-Verbenis, que medicamentum factum rei h wator b0iled) wita vervains, und the composition madeita imponendum super: chalcitis, malicorium, thus to bemut-on overe chalcitis, pomegranat borkSquama aeris eXcipiuntur pingui fido scale Ubrays are received sincorporaled) withfat fec0cta leniter eX- melle; aut combustae cliartae, bollod gently with honta: or of burni paper, auripigmenti, sulphuris experti non ignem, of orpiment, UbrimStone laving - perienoed not thesre,

Par modus miscetur cerato tacto ex an equul quuntis is-mired to cerate malle out-ot myrteo; aut rasae aeruginis P. H. I. Squamae


pares portiones Saxi-calcis, chalcitidis, auripigmenti equul portions os limestone, . 9 clialcitis, of orpiment miscentur. Quidquid horum impositum est, estare-mired. Whatever of these has-beenmut-on, is tegendum linteolo madefacto aqua. to be-covered with a litt&-linen mad wet with t ater. Tertio die digitus resolvendus, et, Si

similis curatio adhibenda. Si vincitur non, the lihe trea ent to b applied. IV it-D- conquered noti est purgandum Scalpello, que adurendum tenesbusi is to be-oleansed with a εoulpet, and to-be-burne with thiuserramentis, et est curandum sicut reliqua iron8, and is to be-trected as remaining other)usta. At ubi ungues sunt scabri, debenthurni things). Aut when the natis are 3oabrouδ, they ought aperiri circum qua contingunt corpus: to ιρ-opened oround in rchat part they touol the bo lytum Super eos aeque imponi ex then ovor them ought) equully to bosut-on some) out-σhae compositione: sandarachae, sulphuris, singulorum this compogition: of εandaruch, of brimstone, of euch P. H. IV. liquidae r inae P. H. VIII. que id est p. H. IV. of liquid resin p. H. VIII. und that is resolvendum tertio die. Sub quo medicamentoto he-unbound on the third dv. Under inhioh applicationvitiosi ungues cadunt, et meliores renascuntur Atho violous natis fuli, und bottor arise-uguri

in locum eorum.

into tho place of them.


sEPTIMUS LIBER. THE SEVEΝPH BOOK. Esae et vulgo notum, et propositum a me, ΙΤ-IS both common* hnown, and placet before is me, tertiam partem medicinae esse, quae Curet tho third puri os medicine to bo, which may treat manu. Ea quidem omittit non . medicamenta by the hanii. Thul in sed omita not medicines. atque rationem victus: Sed tamen praestat

Plurimum manu: que effectus ejus est

evidentissimus inter omnes partes medicinae. the mo8t-evident among au the puris of medicine. Siquidem cum fortuna conserat multum in Sinoo tohen Wliereas) fortune may-confer much in morbis, que eadem sitit saepe salutaria, diseases, and the Samo medicines may-bo osten Salutary, saepe Vatia; potest dubitari, secunda osten vain; it is-able to be-Gubteri favoui ablevaletudo contigerit medicinae, an beneficio health may-havo-happened to medicine, or to the hin e

corporis. Quoque in iis in quibus ythe bo constitution). Also in those cases in ichion

nitimur maxime medicamentis, quamvis prosectus we rely chieri on medicines, although the advantage est evidentior, tamen est manifestum et Sanitatem is more-evident, yet it-is manifest both health quaeri per haec frustra, et saeve reddito be-εoughl by these in-vain, and osten to be-restore i Sine his : sicut quoque potest deprehendi inwithout thesor as also is-able to be-detected in

oculis; qui vexati diu athe γοε; . ichich aster 'being-larassed a long-time is


medicis, interdum sanescunt sine his. phyricians, Rometimes hecome-healtis without these At in ea parte quae Curat manu,

medicines). But in that part which treats by the laod, eSt evidens, Omnem prosectum, ut aliquidi is evident, are the a antage, although me thing)adjuvetur ab aliis, tamen trahere plurimum may-be-assi8ted by other thinga), yet to draw moδι hinc. Autem cum haec pars Sithonoe. But when although) this puri mu heVetustiSSima, tamen exculta-est magis ab illo the mo3t-ansient, yet it way-cullivatod more by that parente omnis medicinae Hippocrate, quam a prioribus:

parent of uli medicine Hippoorates, than is formerdeinde, posteaquam diducta ab physicians) : uiscerwarri, after-that belW-8eparated Irom

quoque increvit in AEgypto, maxime Philoxeno alio itincrealed in pecial0 Philoxenus being auctore, qui comprehendit banc partem diligentissime author, icho comprehended illa part Surgery most- cur ullypluribus voluminibus. Quoque Gorseas et Sostratus, et in many volum . Atio Gorgias and So8tratus, and Heron, et duo Apollonii, et Ammonius Heron, and the two Apollonii, and Ammonius Al xandrinus, que multi alii celebres viri, helonging-to-Aleaeandria, and many other celebrated mea, singuli repererunt quaedam. AC quoque

Romae non medi0cres Prosessores, que maXime

of at) Romo not moderote prose orae, and rapericlit' nuper Tryphon Pater, et Euelpi8tus, et, ut potest lutoly Tryphon tio futher, und Euelpistu' anc as is-αι intelligi ex scriptis ejus, eruditissimusto ho-underatood oul-of the writingo of him, the most instruoted horum Meges, quibusdam mutatis in- melius


adiecerunt aliquantum ei disciplinae. Autem chirurgus have-added sonaewhat to that εtui . Aut a gurgeon debet esse adolescens, aut certe propior adoleScentiae ;ought to be yous, or certainly very-near t9 y0uth;

manu Strenua, Stabili, nec unquam

intremescente, que promptus ea non minus Sinistratrem bling, and ready with it noe lora the Dysquam dextra; acri que clara acie oculorum, thau tho right; with shurp und cloar sight y ve3, intrepidus animo, misericors, sic ut velit intrepid in min compassio nato, so that he may-wAheum Sanari quem accepit, non ut motus him to be-oured whom ho h -re ived, not that ιeing-mo edclamore ejus, vel properet magis quam by the cry of him, either he may hasleu more thaures desidera, vel secet minus quam eStthe thing requires, or may out tera thau is nece38e; Sed laciat omnia perinde-ac-si nullus necessary; but may-do ali things) just-us-j no affectus oriatur ex vagitibus alterius. eotion impression) may-arise out-of the cries Vtheother. Autem potest requiri, quid sit vindicandum But it-D-able to be-inquired, what niυ-be to be cluimed proprie huic parsi; quia chirurgi vindicant poculiarly to this puri; because SurgeonS claim sibi curationes quoque vulnerum que multorum to themselves the treatments also of wounda and 9 munyulcerum quas executus-sum alibi. Ego ulcera tolloh I have ollowed strented os) elselehere. Iconcipio eundem hominem quidem posse praestare conceino the 8ame man indeod lo be-ubio to performomnia ista: atque, ubi diviserunt

se, laudo eum qui percipit quamplurimum. them8eloes, I pruise him inho perceives the mosimoniole. Autem ipse reliqui huic parti ea


in quibus medicus facit vulnus, accipit ibings) iis ionicis the physiolan mahea the wound, receives non ; et in quibus vulneribus ve it) uot ready made) : Ond in which wouniis orulceribus credo plus prosici manu quam ulcera I bellave more to be-availed by the hund thun medicamento: tum, quidquid pertinet ad O medioine: theu secondiy , tolutevor pertulas is Ossa. Quae deinceps aggrediartho bones. IVVoh lliingsin stericarda I ahall-attempteXequi; que ossibus dilatis, into follow explain); and the bonos belW- ferred tinto aliud volumen, explicabo cetera in hoc ;another τolume, I Rhali explain the other matters) in this; que iis propositis, quae fiunt in ond those maladies) heingvlaoelibe fore, whioh huppen in

qualibet parte corporis, transibo ad ea quae any part of tho bo , I shal go-over to those whiohhabent proprias SedeS. have particular SectiS. Igitur luxata, in quacunque parte Thorefore vrained limbs), in iolaterer parccorporis sunt, debent curari quamprimum, of the body they oro, opght to be-treate la8 800n-aSῬ66Sibi' sic ut qua dolor est, ea cutisso that in uolat part) the putu is, in that tho shinincidatur crebro Scalpello, que Sanguis may-be-incisod frequently with a sculpol, and the blood profluens detergeatur eodemnowing orth mυ-be wiped-away with the sumeaVerSo. Quod-si subveniturbetng-turvoLaway with iis baci ). Lut-is it-D-suocoured paulo tardius, que jam e8t etiam rubor. hy-a-lit ilo tuo-slow0, audati eady there



idem auxilium s 3-accede I, tu inhalevor spart) that


est optimum. Tum reprimentia

incision) is the best. Thon repressing ingredients)sunt superdanda; que maxime Succida-lana ore to begiv - placed)-over; and evecιatly greaU-w00leX-aceto et oleo. Quod-si is casus fleeped) with vinogar and oll. But- that accident est levior, 'eadem imposita possunt mederi, is very-l hi, the fame things) placed-on are-able to cure, etiam sine scalpello: et, si est . nihil even without the scalpel: anc is there-is nothing otum quoque cinis, maxime ex sarmentis; si is

elSe), uiso ush, especialty ou of vine-twiga; is that est non, quilibet alius coactusis not. to be had), any other collectod incorporaled)

Verum hoc quidem est promptum.

Autem est majus negotium in iis Cure). But there-is greater busine83 trouble) in tho quae intumescunt per se, et spectant ad inhioh beoome-3wollen by themselfes, anil look tend) to vitio

Othin. suppurationem, 3uppuration, Propositi alias omnia ea esSe genera I havomlaoed-bofore ela where ali these to be hiniis abscessuum, que eXeentUS Smn medicamenta

idonea his: nunc superest, ut dicam quae proper for theae: noto it 3 cmains, that I may v what debeant' fieri manu in iisdem. things may-ought to be-done with the hand in the sanie. Eino priusquam indurescant, oportet Thorefore before-that they may-be me-harit, it beloves incidere cutem, et accommodare cucurbitulam, to incise the ahin, and to opply the Cupping-instrument, uuio extrahat quidquid malae que corruptae materipeii hich mv-extruct wlutever of bad und of corrupi matter


coiit illuc: que id fit iterum, que has-collected thither: und that i/- ne oram, undtertio ' recte, donec omne iudicium inflammationis α-thii stime right0, untii overy token os insummation excedat. Neque tamen est , non may-d pari. Nor yet is-it nos possibie lar)cucurbitulam agere nihil. Enim the cupping-instrument to iaci effect) nothing. Forinterdum fit, sed raro, ut quidquid abscedit

Antiqui nominabant id tunicam. Meges dixit, The ancients did name . that the tunio. Meges hc8 Suid,

quia omnis tunica est nerVosa, nervum tiaSci non besauso Gery tunio is nervov8, nerve to b born notsub eo vitio' quo caro conSumeretur,

under that vioe malady tolles thes h migra be-consumet Sed, Vetustiore pure jam subjecto, callum hul, very-old pus ulready beismico munder, callus circumdari. Quod pertinet ad rationem to hesicen placed haround. Which pertulas to the reasoucurationis nullo loco, quia quidquid debet rule in os trea ent in no place. hecause whatever ought fieri, si est tunica, idem sito be-done, is it-is a tunio, the sume Ought to be done) fest callus. Neque ulla res prohibet, etiamsi estit-is callus. Mither any this prevenis, even-s il-is callias, tamen, quia cingit, nominari tunIcam. callu3, yet, becuuse it Surrounδε, to be-named a tunio. Tum quoque haec consuevit interdum esse Thea uiso this haδ-been-uocuatomed 8ometimes to uematurius piare; que ideo, quod est euriter than the pus; and On-that account, hecause it-is Sub ea, potest non extrahi under ii, il-A-able not to be- tracted

cucurbitulam. Sed id intelligitur

the cupping-in3trument. Bul that is-undorstood per


ubi illa admota mutavit nihil. Erg0,when that heing-applied has-changed nothing. Ther ore, sive id incidit, sive est jam durities, est whether that hapsons, or there-is atready har 3, there ibnihil auxilii in hac; sed, ut scripsi alias, nothing of uid in this; but, as I have-written elaewhere,

materia concurrens eo est vel avertenda

the matter meeting thither D either to be-turne away vel digerenda, vel perducenda ad maturitatem. or to be dispersed, or to be-lemthrough to maturi Si priora contigerunt, nihil

Praeterea est necessarium. Si pus maturuit besides is necessam. V the pus hu3-become mature,eSt raro secandum quidem in alis . et it is seldom to be-out in ed in the armoris anilinguinibus : item ubicunque abscessus est mediocris: in the groins r also whereuer the absces8 is moderate. item quoties vitium est in summa CUte,

uiso as-Ulon-as the vice malady is in the hshest shin, vel etiam .carne; nisi imbecillitas . or even in thesesh; tintera the tweuhnen os the patient)cubantis cogit sestinare: que est . lying - loton competi us) to haδten: und it-is suisι rentessicere cataplasmatibus, ut pus aperiatur peIto es ot is cataplasms, that the pus may-be-opened ιν se. Nam sere is locus potest esse Sine itself For mostly that place is-uble to-be trithout

cicatrice qui expertus-est non serrum. a scar tolich huδ- perienoed not the iron lance). Autem si malum est altius, debet considerari,

ne is locus sit nervosus, an Sit non. Namu hether that place may-bo nervores, or may-be not. Forsi est sine nervis, debet aperiri candentiis it-is without nerves, it-ought to-be-opened Mith burning serramento; gratia cujus est liaee,