The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


quod exigua plaga patet diutius ad pus because a 3mali toound Γ -open longer to ser) the pus

At si nervi sunt juxta, ignis est alienus; ne Blit is nerves ure neur, si e is fore n improper) ; leuet

vel distendantur, vel debilitent membrum: eislor they may-ιο-distendes, or may-wealen the limbrVero opera scalpelli est necessaria. Sed etsam but the work of the scalpet is nec δαγ. Aut also cetera possunt aperiri subcruda: Otho, hinds) are-ahlo to be-opened Somere lut immuture: inter nervos ultima maturitas estum g tho nervos the last ulmost) moturisy is expectanda, quae eXtenuet cutem, que jungatio be-waited or, whioh may-uttenuate the δkin, and maysompus ei, quo reperiatur Propius. Quethe pus to ii, by which it mu-bo ound nearer. Andjam alia desiderant rectam plagam. In pane, ulready ouora requiro a Struight wsund. In panis, quia sere extenuat cutem vehementer, tota ιθoauso mostly it attenuates the δhin violonis, the wholoea Super pus est eXcidenda. Autem Semper, thur spart) ubovo the pus is to be-Cut-out. Aut amus, ubi scalpellus admovetur, id eSt agendum, inhon the yoc et i applied, that is to bo-acted essected), ut sint et quam-mininam et

Succurramus necessitati, et in modo,

we-mv-8ucobur to the nec Sis, both in munirer quantity) et in numero. Nam majores sinus sunt incidendi und in number. - For greater SiuVS Plur.) ure to be-inoisodlutIus; interdum etiam duabus aut tribus lintiis. more-widely; εomothnes even istaeo or in threo linos. Que opera danda, ut imuS sinus And laborer scare is) to beetlacn, thut the loro t sinus


habeat exitum et ne quis humor. iis io est part) may-have an exit; lest any humour subsidat intus, qui sinuet may-subSi e u ithin, wlioh'. muy-wind sorin a sinus)rodendo pr0XIma et adhuc sana. Estis corro ing the neareat and asset healthy paris . It-is etiam in natura rerum, ut cutis sitatio in the nature of thingo, thul the Ahin may-be excidenda latIus. Nam ubi post longos morbosto be- cised mor tridely. For whon after long illae eshaliatus totius corporis est vitiatus, que Sinus the habit of the whole hody is vitiated, and Hesinus suffudit se late, et jam cutis pallet in eo, has-spreud it8oy widely, and olready the S in lamnis in it, licet scire eam esse jam emortuam, et it-D-ullowed to knoto it to be ulready dead, and suturam inutilem: que ideo est

commodius excidere ; maxime, si id evenit more-oonvenient to cut- sit)- ost'; especial0, is that happens circa majores Iarticulos, que fluens. alvus

exhaurit aegrum cubantem, neque quidquam

hausta the ylia sperson) Uing dou n, nor any thing accedit corpori per alimenta. Sed debet cooedes is added) to tho body by utimonis. But it ought excidi ita, ut plaga fiat ad similitudinem

to be cut-oy εο, that the wound may-bo-made to the liheneumTrtei-solii, quo sanescat facilius offa myrtio-leas by tohich it muy-be ome-healtis more-eas lyrique id est perpetuum, ubicunque et de quacunqueand that is perpetuat, et chorerer and from u laterer scauSa medicus excidit cutem. Pure cause tho physiciun culmos the shin. The pus effuso, est non opias linamento in alis vel beingvoured- , there-isnot need with linen in tho armo is oringuinibus: spongia MX-Vino est imponenda. in the groinse a 3ponge stoeped) u ith-wine is to beFut-on.


In ceteris partibus, Si linamenta Sunt aeque Supervacua,

In the other paris, is linen3 are equuls Supersu0uδ, paulum mellis insundendum causa purgationis; alitilo Ofhoney is) to bomoured-in fortho 8ahe Voleansing ; dein glutinantia Superdanda: Si terwarda glutinaring ingredients are) to bemut-over : ν

a Uunge expreSSed steeped) with-wine in the εame manner debet dari. Autem quando sit ought to be-giv applied). Eut tolen ther may-be opus linamentis, quando sit non, dictum-eStneed with linens, tolen there-mv-be not, huS-been-Saidalias. Suppuratione incisa, cetera eademetiewhere. The Suppuration belW-incised, the other Sume

sunt lacienda quae proposui esse illings are to be-dono whioh I havemmoed-before to befacienda ubi rupta-est per medicamenta. to be- done when it ha3-been-bui si is applicationδ. iii Autem quantum curatio essiciat, queBut howmuch treaiment may- eot, audquantum debeat aut sperari aut timeri, how-much may-ought eithor to be-hosed or to be eared, potest intelligi protinus, ex quibusdam is-able to be-undorstood immediate , out-of 80me signis; que sere iisdem, quae EXpOSi ta-Sunt 3 ns; and mo/tly by the fame which havmbeen- pluinea

in vulneribus. Nam bona Signa Sunt, Capere Somnum,

lastidire cibum; si fuit febricula, vacareto Dothe food; is thero-has-boon litile ever, to bo ree

ea; que item habere puS album, laeve, non Irom/t; und uiso to have the pus white, εmooth, not


spiritus, sitis, fastidium cibi, labris, pus nigrum, of ιroathing, thirst, Dathis offood, fuer, tae pus ιluch,

aut speculentum, et scedi odoris: item curationeor sculent, und offoui Odour; also the treuiment procedente eruptio sanguInis; aut Si, antequam procoering an eruption of blood; or in boore-that sinus impleatur carne, orae fiunt the sinus muy-bestiad withsesh, the e ges are-made carnosae, illa carne ipsa quoque hebete, nec

firma. Tamen pessimum Omesum est

animum deficere, vel in curatione ipsa vel the minit tofuit sto laint), either in the treaiment issest orpostea. Quin etiam morbus ipse, Sive terwards. But also the disense iiseri u hethersolutuS-est sutato, dein suppuratio it has-heen reed sud n0, afteruar 8 3uppurationexorta-est; sive pure effuso permanet, non ha8-arisen; or the pus heine moure orth it remains, notinjuste terret. Que est inter causas timoris, usust y frightens. And it-is among the cau3eS offar, si est non Sensus rodentium in

vulnere. Sed ut fortuna discernit haec the wound. Bul as fortune determines these sibi tigsὶ ipsa huc ve 'illuc: sic est partium themaelves hither or thither; so it-is of the pares ille duty)medici, eniti ad sanitatem reperiendain. of the physician, io 8trive to sor) health to be ound

Ergo, quot7es resolverit ulcus There fore, aS- ten-as he may-havs-unbound an ulcer


erit purgandum, mulso; que rurSusit si Π-be to be-cleanseri totia hydromel; and quin imponere eadem. Ubi humor videbiturto put-on the fame applications . When the humour ahali stem jam repressus, que ulcus erit abeady reprenod, and the ulcer 8hall-be

purum, olean, Conveniet carnem produci, et vulnus

it wPl-bo t sor) thes h to be producet und the wound laveri pari portione vini ac mellis,to hefomented with an equat portion V wino und of honey,

que spongiam tinctam ex-vino et rosa imponi and a sponge dissed in-wine and rose soll) to beῬut-on Super. Per quae Cum caro

producatur, tamen, ut diXi quoque alias. may-ιemroduceri yet, a3 I have-8uid uiso eLewhere, ratio victus confert plus eo; id est,

rule os diei conduces more thither to iliat); that is, febribus jam solutis, et cupiditate cibi the yθvors atready being reed, and the d ire off06d reddita, rarum balneum, quotidianuheis-restore , a rare sonly occasional) buth, Oilysed lenis gestatio; cibi que potiones aptae huc gentis gestation; fooda und Glari se corpori faciendo. Omnia quae for thebo to ι made nourished). Au tohioh things)Sequuntur quoque, Suppuratione rupta per follow ulso, the suppuration heing-burst Omedicamenta: sed, quia liceta sicutions: but, beouuse it-D-allowed possibie, vix mederi magno malo sine ferro, sciat coly to cure to a great mutuo wit ut the iron laneot)


ad ultrinas si sunt to the lust lowest paris), is thoy-ure multiplices, est majus praesidium inmuni old, there-is a greater 8UQuard inquam in medicamentis: que operation), than in opplications ; a d Operae, Si seruntur transversae 9 Dbour, is they are horne tranδPerScsi tendunt rectae intus. Igitur, Si ν they stretoh atra he withia. Thereforo, ffistilla est transversa sub cute, specillum the fistula is transverse under the 8hin, a probe debet demitti, que ea incidi supra id. Si ought to be-lowered, and that to be-inoised abono it. Vtortuosae, si tortuous, f

est minus there-is te sub cute, tinfr theia n, quam than

flexus reperiuntur, hi quoque sunt persequendi mindinm are ound, uere otio ure to he ollowod simul specillo et serror que idem at-the-Same-time is probe and Diron lini se): and the sume is)faciendum si plures, quasi ramuli ostenduntio bo-done F very-many, --is litt&-branches Rhorsqueand

of the fistula,

it medicamentum an repplicationtendit rectait xlrelchos specillo, by the probe, Ubi ventum-est ad fines When it has-been- come to the enda totus callus est excidendus ex the whole callus is to be-cut-σ out-offibtilae dandae Super, et

fibulae to be-givon placed) over, and quo glutinetur. At si is toltch it muy-bowlutinated. Aut in

Subter, ubi exploratum-est under, when it has-heen-δearched quo maxime serat, is

debet excidi; . dein fibula est Ought to be-cut-oui; aflorwarda a fibula is injicienda oris cutis, et aequeto he-cast-on sput on) to the edges of theslin, onii Gualty glutinantia medicamenta sunt superdanda; rlutinuting opplications are to os givon- blaced)-over;


aut, Si ulcus est corruptius, quod interdumor, is the ulcer is very-corrupi, which Sometimes fit osse vitiato) ubi id qu0que holmens the bone belW-vitiateo when thul utis

ha8been-treuted, ingredientsὶ moving prom0ting) pus. , Autem fistulae solent exire Subter But fistulae aro coo tomed io go out underinter costas. Ubi quod incidit costa est aurong the riis. Fhen which hapsens Ihe rib is praecidenda, et eximenda eo lucoto be- ut-through, and to be-tahen-out in that placent, utraque parte, ne quid corruptum

relinquatur intus. Solent, ubi may-be-lest within. They-arma Customed, wheu transierunt c0Stas, violare id Septum. tho havesone-bvond the ribs, to violato that incloSure, quod traiis versum discernit

intestina a superioribus viceribus. Quod potest the intestines from the timer viscera. 'hita ι8- thletiitelligi et ex loco, et exto be-understood both out-j by the place, and oret-os magnitudiue doloris; et quia nonnunquRm the greatn s of the pain; and beoauSe sonactim spiritus prorumpit ea cum quasi bullant the uir όursu orth in thut spart) with us-s a bubolim humore, que maxime si ille continuit

hunc Ore. In eo est

nullus locus medicium. Verono placo ιυ mediciae. Aut sunt Elinabilia circa COStas, ure curabie aboui the riba, sunt inimida: licet utiare hostile; it-iε-allowed to use

in ceteris, quae in the others, whichpiugula medicametita fui upplications ceteri8. quae with tίe othord, whi h


acc0mmodantur ad vulnera: tamen sicca linamenta

a= e- adapte i to r) wound/d yet dry linens imponuntur optime. vel si aJIquid videturare-put-on best, or is rome thing) frenis purgandum, tincta in melle.

b Nullum os subest ventri, sed admodum No bone is-undor to the hol0, but very perniciosae fistulae fiant ibi: adeo ut Sostratus perniolous fistulae are-made therer εο that Sostratus crediderit esse insanabiles. Usus may-hau belloed stliem) to bo incurabis. Ea orienco ostendit id non habere se ex-toto ita. Et has-sheton that not to have itye inentirely thus. Andquidem, quod potest videri maxime-mirum fistulatu foed, whita is able to δeeni naost-toonder' i a fistula contra jecur, et lienem, et Ventriculum est Opposite-to the livor, and vleen, and 8tomach is tutior quam contra intestina: non quo Sufer than opposito-to the intestines: not by whichsit perniciosior ibi, sed quo

comprehendunt Nam Fortelo, by a weapsu,


Saepe venter

osten the bellyque intestinannis the intestines


abdomen, licet excidere eam, que conjungere the abdomen, it is-allowed lo cut-out it, and to join Oras Sutura. Vero si ea fistula patuit the o θεε by a suture. But V that fiStula has-lain-open

is extensive) within, relinquat latius

membrana membrane

nisi permagna vi, utiqueuntem tolth very-great violenoe, evectallyinteriore parte, qua quasi quzedam the inner pari, in rchiol as-y a certain quam Graeci Vocant περιτοναιον, finit whioh the Greehs culi peritonuiora, en x abdomen. bounds) the abdomen. Coepit. ingredi

Ergo, ubi aliquis

manser e

ut sit pereundum homini. that it--υ-be to hemerished to by) tho man. res habet non desperationem omnithing has nol deveration ia every que ideo curatio est adhibenda and on-thut-ao sint troatment is to be-upplied tenuioribus fistulis. to thinner smallei fistulae.

etiamnum propriam cυenset a purticular demisso in has, bein*-Dt-down into thrae, sunt in ano, desiderant aro in tho anuS, require

animadversionem. Specillo ob*orvulion. A probe cutis debet incidi ad the ylia ought to be-incised toultimum caput ejus:


Sequente, quod sit conjectum in following, which =nυ- should)-ia cast introducedi into aliam partem ejus, perforatum ob id theother pure ofit the probe), perforateis for timi ipsum. Ibi linum est prehendendum, purp0se) ityes There the throad is to be-taken,

que vinciendum cum altero capite, ut teneat und to be-bound with the other heud end), that it muy-soldlaxe cutem, quaeloosely the shin, whichid linum debet e8Sethat throad ought to-beest super fistulam: queis over the fistula: undCrudum, et duplex veoru ne ), and ubie ortriplex, Sic tortum, ut unitas tacta-sit. treble, εο twisted, that an union may-hau been made. Autem interim licet agere But meanwhile it-D-ollowed sto ille patient) to aetnegotia, ambulare, laVari, capere cibum,husine es, to et aia, to be-wushed bathe), to tu e food, perinde-atque Sani Ssimo. Tantummodo id just-us to the heuluioat sperson). Only that linum est ducendum bis die, nodo throad is to be-draton tioice in the y, tho knot si, eing)salvo, Sic, ut parS quae fuit Superiores e suntled), εο, thret the puri lchich way i per subeat fistulam. Νeque est committendum. may -go-under the fiStula. Nor i8-it to be committed ut id linum putrescat: sed allowed , that that threud nιυ-bccome-roiten: butnodus est resol Vendus quoque tertio die, et the knor is to be-untied on eaon third day, and recens linum alligandum uiroεΛ threud to be-bound que vetere educto,nnd the old heing -drawnfistula cum similitho Astula with a liho paulati in incidit

Enim sic


quae est Supra the Shin,