The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


fistulam: ne simul et id sanescit, the fistula: and ut-th same-time both that heoom -heultis, quod est relictum a lino; et id quod which is test by the threud; and that inhita mordetur ab eo, inciditur. Haec ratio is-bit lield) by it, k-cut. This rule curationis est longa, sed sine dolore. Qui ostreuiment is long, hut mithout puin. Tliose) wLofestinant, debent adstringere cutem hasten are in hurry), ought to tighten the shinlino, quo Secent celerius; que tith threud, by wh oh they may-out sit) more-quichly; and demittere intus noctu quaedam tenuiato let-Gwn introduce) witiun is night some thinex penicillo, ut cutis things) out-os a tent a plece os tent), that the shinextenuetur hoc ipso, quomv-be-extenuated by this much) itaein by which by bo extenditur. Sed haec movent much) it is- tended. Aut these things) move cause)dolorem. Aliestur ecteritati, sicut quoque patri. It-D-addod to the quichnesy, aS aiso tormento, si et linum, et id quod est to the torment, is both thethreud, and that whioh is

ex t penicillo, illinitur aliquo

introduced) out-of the tent, is-smeared with Somemedicamento ex iis quibus posui preparation Out-of those by which I hane Doed belare)callum exedi. Tamen potest fieri, callus to bo-eaten-out. I et it is-ubie to be-done ut sit veniendum ad curationem to happen), that it-may-he to be-come to the trestiment Scalpelli etiam

illo loco, si fistula sertin thul placo, is the fistula heurs multiplex. Igitur specillo mansold. There foro the probe haec genera, cutis est incidenda these hin G, the εhin is to be-inoised


duabus lineis; ut medIa admodum-tenuis habenulam two fines , that the middie very-thin litt9-str,

inter eas ejiciatur, ne orae Coeantetueen them mv-be, cast-oue, test the e es may-unire

Protinus; que sit aliquis locus linamentis, immereratos; and there-mv-be 3ome place for sint quae quam-Paucissima Sunt superinjicienda; quewhfch as sim monible are to be-cast-on-above; and . sacienda eodem modo quae ali sthings are) to bo-done in theyume manner tchichDosita-Sunt in abscessibus. Uero Si erunt hove beensiacod in absoθεεθε. But is there. εhul os Plures sinus ab uno ore, recta fistula many δinus from one mouth 0rifice), the stra hi fistula erit incidenda scalpello; ceterae, quae

intus, quo serrum poterit non pervenire within, hy whiol tho iron hnise) wili be-able not to urrive tuto, collyrium erit demittendum. Autom3UHy, a tent toti be to be-kt-Gwn introduced). Butli umidus cibus debet dari in omn7bus casibus moisi food ought to leginen in au OG ejusmodi, sive ngetur manu, Si Veof this ri, whether it 8hal ho acted by the han or medicamentis ; potio liberalis, que aqua diu. opplications ; the drini liberal, and water for-a-long -time. Ubi jam caro increscit, tum demum erit When abea y thesesh inor ses, thon at-long th it-wil heu tendum raris balneis, et cibisto he-used with rure occasional) batis, und withfoodsimplentibus


haeserunt corporibus intus, ejiciuntur Saepe masino have-adhered tu boHea within, are-ejected osten with great negotio. Que sunt quaedam dissicultates bustne trouble . And there-are δome dissoultira arising ex generibuS eorum; quaedam ex iis sedibus out- ο ιὶθ μδε υ them; somo out-of thoSe Seuis in quas illa penetrarunt. Autem Omne telum into whιch they havemenetraled. But every weapon extrahitur, aut ab ea parte qua venit

ιε-extracted, either from that part by which it came, aut ab ea in quam tetendit: illicor from that into which it has-strotohodo thore in theipsum secit sibi viam qua ruely Λ -mude to lues a way by whiohuic accipit ahere in the luiter) it receivra sone) irom Nam caro inciditur contra thes 4 D-incised opposite-to Sed si telum insedit non But is the weapon has etlled notin Summa Carne, aut Certe

nihil est melius quam evellere id quanoular is bellor than topul out that by what Way venit. Uero Ri est plus, per qu0dri came. But f the dist nce) is more, by whic hest revertendum telo. quam i tit-ὶε to ho-returned by the weapon, than which is Perrumpendum, quo jam id transiitto h boru-through, and atroady that hassono-heyondvenas que nervos, est commodius aperire quod the verna und nerv , rt-ἐ8 mors iactantveou3 to open what superest, que extrahere ea. Nam

space) remums, unil to extruct sit) by that ny). Foret petitur propius, et evellitur tutius : et


the wevon δγ0int. alte, et est


in majore membro, si mucro transiit in a greuter limb, is the weasonmoint haysone-beyondmedium, quod est pervium sanescit tho mi te, that) whioh is perviouε hecomes-heultis facilius; quia fovetur utrinque more-ea3ily s hecause it-P-cleriuod on-euch-Νi medicamento. Sed, si telum est recipiendum totth tho applioation. But, is the weapon is to be-talen-bach retro, plaga est amplianda scalpello: backwaris, the wound is to be- larged with the scalpet quo id sequatur sacilius, O tollia that mis ollo in morc-eaSily, minor inflammatio oriatur: seu in mmation may-ariss e major si corpus laniatur

ex alia parte, debet esse queand tuae

vulnus the wound laxius quo

quam thau out-of another par ut amplietur telo postea transeunte. that it-mυ-be-enlarged by the weapon intorwarri punis.

Autem Summa cura

parte, ne Dei VuS,

part case), irat a nerυe, arteria incidatur. an artory may-bo-in Dod. detectum-est est has-beun-dis ovored it-isti amo, que abducendum est habenda utraque

iae major Vena, ne sest a greater

Ubi aliquid

excipiendum retusoto bo-tahon with a bunte iscalpello. Autem ubi hooh, und to bo-with awn from tho sculpet. Aut when incisum-est satis, telum est eximendum :it has-beon-ino sed sus olently, the weapon is to b -tak--out: tunc quoque eodem mod0, et eadem curathon uiso the sume manner, and the Same cure

habita, ne sub eo quod eximitur, aliquidbeis-huic leuet under that which is talen-out, rome illing)


eortini laedatur, quae proposui

osse tuenda.

to be to bosuarde Hes Haec communia. Sunt These stliings are) common general). There-are quaedam propria in singulis generibus 80mo particular stliings) in the severat hinis tel0rum, quae subjiciam protinus. Νilii lwea pons, which I εhau subioin immediat 9. Nothingconditur in corpus, tam facile quam sagitta,/8-hid spenetrates) into thebo , go eastly aδ an arroW, que eadem insidit altissime. Autem haecond the fame aetti most de p0. Bul theso lliings eveniunt, et quia illa sertur magna Vi, et homen, both because it k-borne reith great force, and quia ipsa est in angusto. Itaque est be aure iueg is in narrow is alender). Therefore it-is recipienda saepius ab altera parte quam eo be-ωk--bach more- ten from the other pare than that Ex qua Venit; que praecipue, quia serecrat-j wΛια it-came; and evectasim beoau3e mostly cingitur spiculis; quae laniant magis, Sirl-M-1urrounded with daris barbs) ; which tear more, is trahuntur retro, quam Hi contra. Sed irata ar Oawn bachwarri, than is drawn oppositely. But aperta inde, caro debet diduci


80lum alone estis intu8, mucro debet apprehendi vel githin, the potnt ought to be-Seizod either digitis vel forfice, atque ita educi. ivith the svers or by the forceps, und thuε to be-drawn-out. Neque est alia ratio extrahendi, ubi Mither is-there unother method os extracting, wheu placuit magis evelli ab ea parte, it-has leuaed moro Dr it) to be-pulleiiout from thut pari, qua venit. Nam vulnere ampliato magis, by whioh it canio. For the wound heing enlarged more,

aut arundo,

apparuerunt, que barbs) have-appeared, and tenuia, debent comminuithin, they ought to be-brohentelum vacuum ab his inest, est evellenda; aut it-k-in, is to be-pulled-out; oripsum. Quod si

ea Sunt brevia tho8e are Hortibi sorsice, thero by the foro S, educi: si spicula

th econtegendato be-covered Sunt they sircne lacerent lest they may lacerat Et haec observatio Sunt majora que Valentiora, are verysreat and very-Strong, fissis scriptoriis-calamiS, ac,

with vile toriting-roelia, ren quid, sunt sic evellenda. ony thing), are thus to bemulled-oui. And this observatronesi quidem in sagittis .is necessary, in ed in arrowδVero si latum telum

non educi notconditum-eSt,

ab alterato be-drawn-out from the other

trat parte,

vulnus vulneri

mound to the woun being)evellendum quodam adjiciamus quoque ingens we may-add otio a grest ipsi ingenti. Ergo ' estiis V rreat. Ther fore it-is genere serramenti,to hemulsed out by a certain kinis of iron-instrument,


ichom I huneulcoed ulready to have-been among the ancientque maxImos medicos. Lamina vel serrea, veland greatest physicians. Aptate either iron, oretiam aenea, habet ab altero capite

altero duplicata lateribus, que On the ouer solded turned lap) on the sidey, and extrema leviter inclinata in eam partem, the eitreme part) 8lightly inclined unio that par

quae est sinuata, instiper est etiam per ratat hita is bent, moreover it-is also perforate libi. Haec demittitur transversa juXta telum: there. This is-lowered transverSe near the et evon deinde ubi ventum-est ad imum mucronem, terwarda when it has-been- me to the lor est meaponvoint, torquetur paulum, ut excipiat telum suo it-D-ticisted a littis, that ii may-receive the weapon in iis

vening : whon the weaponsolat is in the hollam duo digiti subjecti uncis alterius cavity), two sngera placetunder to the hools of the other partis, simul et extrahunt serramentum

. Tertium genus telorum quod interdum The thlad hiud oficerepon8 whies somelimes debet evelli, est plumbea glans, aut ought to hepulle Loui, is alea n acorn bullet , orlapis, aut aliquid Simile, quod, cute a stone, or somo sibing) imitur, et ioh, tho uiu


perrupta, insedit integrum intus. In omnibus heing-burst-through, has-εottiad entire tolthin. In auliis, vulnus aperiendum latius, que id, thrae, the wound sis) to bempened more-widely, and that, quod inest, est extrahendum sorsice, ea,

whioh is-in, is to be-extracted with forceps, by that spari qua Venit. Vero aliquid accedit by whioh it-oame. But sonae stiling) uocedes is added dissicultati sub omni ictu, si telum vel to the disioulty under every bioto, is the weopon either inhaesit ossi, vel demersit se in articulo has adhered to the bone, or has plused itsoly in uisint

inter duo ossa. In osse est moVetidum uSqueb tween two bones. In the bone it-is iobe. mouod untileo, donec is locus laxetur,

qui momordit mucronem; et tunc

telum est extrahendum vel manu vel the weapon is to be-eaetracted eitior is hand orlarsice: quae est ratio quoque in dentibus by the forceps whioh is the rule also in treth ejiciendis. Vix unquam telum Sequitur non to bo-0ected. Marcely ever the wevon fossore a notita: sed si inorabitur, p0terit quoque thus: but is it Mull-delay, it uill-be-able uiso excuti, ictum aliquo serramento. to be-3hahen-oui, being-Struch by Some iron-inStrument. Ultimum est, ubi evellitur non, sorare The Lar ili ing) is, when it lymul foret not, to perforate juxta terebra, que ab eo soramine, exciderenear urith a trepan, and ironi that opening, to excire OS contra telum, ad speciem literae tho bone opposito the weapon, to the uppearance of the letterV, sic, ut lineae, quae diducuntur, Spectent V, 30, that the lines, which are-Gawn-vari, may look tend)ad telum: eo iacto, est neceSSUto tonards) the wevon: that heing -done, il-is neceSSurre


id labet et lacile auferatur. Vero sithul mis tolter, and earib may-be-talen-away. But 9 perruperit per articulum ipsum interit εhau have burst-through through the joint iiself bet Oeenduo ossa, duo membra circa vulnus

two bones, the two limba about nead the wound are)deliganda fasciis v ve habenis, et Suntio be-bound . toith bandages or mith atraps, and aredi ducenda per lias in diversas partes, ut to be-drown-apart by these into disserent paris, that distendant nervos: quibus extentis, they may distend the nerves: whioh being extenderi Spatium inter ossa est laxius, ut telum the vace belween the hones is Doger, εο-that the weapsu

recipiatur sine dissicultate. Illud est videndum,may be tak -baok without disiouuy. This is to be-εeensicut posui in aliis locis, ne quis lo0hed-to , as I have placed in other pluora, irat avnervuS, aut Vena, aut arteria laedatur a telo,nerve, Or vela, Or artery may-be-injured by the weuson,

dum id extrahitur: scilicet, eadem ratione, quae while it is- tractode numely, by the Same re on rule), ichich

b At si quis ictus-est quoque Venenato Aut ij uny sperson) h -been-struol also is apoisone ltelo, omnibus iisdem actis etiam wev0n, to ali the 8ame things belag-ucted done) evenses tinantius, Si potest fieri, curatio est more-hastily, is it-D-able to b dono, the trea ent is adjicienda, quae adhibetur, vel veneno epoto, to be-udded, whioh D-opplied, oither polaon being drM A vel ictis a serpente. Autem teloor to pers0ns) 3truck Serpent. But the weapon extructo, est non alia medicina vulnerisbeing- tracted, there is not another mediolae Ofthe woundiPSius, quam quae esset, si nihil


de qua

corporis: reliqua habent certas sedes. De of tho boor the rest have certain Seuis. Concernis quibus, dicam, OrSus a Capite. whioh, I shali δυ, havis- mmenoed iram sivitii the hostis Iu hoc multa que varia tubercula oriuntur: nominant In this many and variores tuberoles arise: they nam

αθερώματα; que alii discernunt atheromata ; und othera distinguishaliis vocabulis: quibus with otior names e to whiohQuae quamvis solent ego

meli herideS, quaedam etiamnum


steatomata. Whita although they-are-accustomed to ariseet in cervice, et in alis, et in lateribus; alyo Dι the nech, and in tho arm piis, and in the fides; tamen p08ui non per se; cum Omnia yel f have pluoed nons by themselves; sinoe allista habeant mediocres differentias, ac neque those mυ-have modorate tristing) dis renoes, and netther terreant periculo, neque curenturmv-frightendivei SOBut ollet increscuntund increaS includuntur by dunger, nor

ista et incipiunt those loth begia diu que a long time and

sua tunica.

by u disserent hind.

ex parvulo, Orit-os a very-litile, Paulatim, et is littω-an sitito, and ure-inolosed in their-owu tunio. Quaedam ex his sunt dura ac renitentia, quaedam me out-of these are hard and r isting, Somemollia que cedentia: quaedam nudantur Spatio, si und yiel lingo Some are-made-netled in a vacci