The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


quaedam permanent tecta suo capillo: que sereyome remula covered with their hair : und mostly sunt sine dolore. Quid habeant intus, utare tosthout pala. What they mv-lave mithin, sopotest praesagiri conjectura, sic poteSi non

et most y either δome things) luo to litt&-stones aut concreti que conserti pili reperiuntur in iis, quae

or mutted and collected halas arefound in thos' whichrenituntur: vero in iis, quae cedunt, aut aliquid

simile melli, nut tenui pulticulae, aut quasi rasae he to honey, or to uia potiage, or αδ-is to scrupedcartilagini, aut liebeti et cruentae carni: quibus alii quecurt/lage, or to sill and bloo 'εhto whioh ouer ondalii . col0res c0nsuerunt esse. Que sereother various) coloura haυe-beon-aocustomed to-bo. And moStly ganglia renituntur: quasi tenuis pulticula subest ganglia r isto as-f thin potiuge D-underatheromuti: liquidior humor meliceridi ;to tho atheroma: a more-liquιd humorer to the meliceris ;que ideo pressus circumfluit: quiddam anu on-thut account heing mreysed it w3-about: scu e thing)Pingue steatomati: que id consuevityut is under to tho steatoma ; und that has-beon- accu8tomed

Patere lati SSime, que resolvit totam cutem to extend mo3t-widely, and relates the wholo εlia SuperpoSitam, Sic ut ea labet

place mover, thut it muy-totcer beloose); cum sit adstrictior in ceterinwhen swhereas is may-bo tighter in the res oportet incidere per medium olimsa, It oohoves to incise through the miolo ali filiose), derasa ante, Si conteguntur canillis


Sed tunica quoque steatomatis est Secanda, Bul the tunio uiso of the steatoma ia iobe-cut, et quidquid coiit intus effundatur; und whutever has-oollected within may bemoured-out iqnia ea separatur non facile a cute et bocau3e that is muruted nol easib fom the 3kin and carne subjecta: in ceteris tunica ipsa est sh Did-under r in the rest the tunio iueis is servanda inviolata. Autem protinus alba et to boir erved inviolato. But immediately white undintenta ostendit se. Tum est diducenda astret hed itfheros iise . Then it-is to be-Gawn-apari from cute et carne manubriolo scalpelli, que

ejicienda cum eo, quod tenet intus. Tamento be-beoted with that, tot oh it holds witlin. I et si quando musculus inhaesit ab inserioreis at-any-time a mustae has-adhered irom on) the lower parte tunicae, ne is laedatur, superior part of the tunio, irat that may-b huri, the per pars illius est decidenda, alia relinquenda part ofit is to he- ut-away, the other to be testibidem. Ubi tota eXempta-est,

Orso committendae, que fibula injicienda the ei es are) to be-closed, and a classe to bo pluoed-on his, et glutinans medicamentum est dandum to these, and a glutinutiis opplication is to bewioeu super. Ubi vel tota tunica, vel aliquid oner. When cithor the wIole tunio, or Somo thing)ex ea relictum-eSt, movenua pus

sunt adhibenda. are to be-applied. . Sed ut haec distant multum inter' Lut as these dister much among se, neque genere Viui, neque ratione


curationis; Sic in oculis, quae inethod) of treuiment: so in the oyes, those) whiohpostulant manuin, sunt et ipsa comund the trunci surgical operation), are both them8elves diversa, et curantur aliter que aliter. dsforent, and are-treated otherisDe and otherwis variousty). Igitur pingues que graveS Vesicae

solent nasci in superioribus palpebris; are-a customed to arise in tho u er .elida; quae vix sinunt attollere Ocul0s, quewhich scaroely auster the patient) to ratio the vra, and movctiit leves sed assiduos cursus pituitae move cause si hi but constant runnings of pituita in oculis. Vero sere nascuntur in pueri S. in the ves. But mostly they arise in bus schildren). oculo compresso duobus digitis, atque ita The tae bellig-compressed by two frigora, and thus cute intenta, oportet incidere transversam the shin belW-stretchod, it beloves to incise a tranδverae lineam scalpello, manu Su8pen Sa leviter, ne line with a εoulpol, the lund boing-suspended light0, ' lese veSica ipsa vulneretur: et, ut locus tho vesicle iraeis may-be-wounded: an , whon a place patefactus-est ei, ipsa prorumpit. Tum ha3-been-open d for it, itεeg bur;&-forth. Then it belloves)apprehendere distis, et evellere eam. to selao with the sngors, and to pul out it. Autem sequ7tur facile. Dein debet Aut it follows eusPy. terwur is it-ovght superinungi aliquo collyrio ex iis,to be-anointed over with Some collyrium out f


oculi Superinunguntur: que

PaucissImis diebus cicatricula inducitur. Est in very ewdo

vesica incisa est: enim more-trolibi ome, aehenthe ve8icle hu3-been- incisod


estunditit potir3-Out postea, afterwarct, sorte bychunos humorem; the humorer;


that Corum est


neque potest colliginor D-it-ahle to be-collected estit-is admodum very tenuis. Si

incidit, aliquid has-ha enec εome one imponendum, quae sunt purito besut-on, whici are for pusto be-moved ssor pr0m0ting pu8).2 In eadem palpebra parvulum tuberculum in the sume eyelid a very-δmnia litt&-tubercle nascitur super locum pilorum, quod, a amo tibove the place oy the halas, whies, homsimilitudine hordei, nominatur a Graecis the i honera os barDy, D-numed by the Greeti hi ithe. Quid iam, quod maturescit disticulter. est Δome thing), whioh becomes-mature disioultly, is

c0mprehensum tunica. contuined in the tunio. vol calido Pane, eithor itith hot breud, calefacta, Sic ne

It belopes that to be-fomente luel cera subindeor ttith tcai occaεionaltyis calor sit nimiuS, that fleat may-bs toO-much, sed sustineatur laesie ea parte: enim haebul may-be-supported eastly by that pari: for by this ratione saepe discutitur, interdum concoquitur. rea on means) osten it k-disper8ed, Sonaetimes is-concocted.

Si pus ostendit se, debet dividi scalpello, V pus has-εheren itsem it ought to be-divi ted by the sculpet, et quidquid humoris est intus, exprimi:

and whutever of humorer is tolthin, to hemresyod-oute deinde foveri quoque postea e0dem thon to bes omented uiso Uter card8 with iles fame Vapore, et superinungi donec perveniat aducum, anil to ιο-anointed-over uniit it inv-arrire tosanitatem. leuith.


s Quoque quaedam alia non dissimilia Aiso δome other tubercles) not unlihehuic nascuntur in palpebris; sed neque to this latter) arise in the veliri; but notther

utique ejusdem figurae, et mobilia, simul-atque tru0 of the εume Mure, and moveabis, a8-SOon-as impelluntur huc vel illuc digito: que they are-impellod hither or thither with the rere and ideo Graeci vocant ea χο λώβα. Haecon-Gat-account tho Greeis cuia them chalagia. Thesedebent incidi, si sunt Sub cute, ab ought to bo-inoised, is they-uro under tho Ain, fram exteriore parte : Si Sub cartilagine, ab interiore: theouter parte is under cartilage, frona the inner dein sunt diducenda ab part): afterwarri they-are to he-drawn-vare fromintegris ' partibus manubriolo sculpelli. Ac sitho εound puris by the hundio of the scalpol. And is plaga est intus, inungendum primo the wound is toti hin, sit is) to be-onointed ut sirat lenibus, deinde acrioribus: si

extra, emplastrum superdandum

est nervosa membranula oriens ab angulo, is a nervous 8matbmembrano arising from the comer

quae nonnunquam pervenit quoque ad pupillam, quewhioh gometimes arrivra even to the pupit, undossicit ei. Nascitur saepius a parte obstruore to it. It aris more osten frona tho part si dei narium, interdum etiam a Parte temporum. of the nostriis, sometim alas fr9m the part of the temples. Est non dissicile discutere hunc recentem


medicamentis, quibus cicatrices in oculis ιν the applicationi, by which εoars in the ve extenuantur: Si inveteravit, que crassitudo jam are-attenualedo is it has-become-old, und thichnera circa accessit quoque ei, debet excidi. Vero post has-acceded also to it, it ought to be-cut-out. Bul after abstinentiam unius diei, is homo est collocandus vel an ab3tinenco Vone Gy, that man is to bomiuoed either adversus in sedili contra medicum, vel Sic opposite in a Seut over-WainSt the phy3ician, Or δοaVerSUS, ut resupinus effundat turnesaway, that lying-on-thc-bach he maymour-out recline, caput in gremium ejus. Quidam volunt

collocari adversum, si vitium est 4n sinistro

oculo ; resupinum si in dextro. Autem oportetve; lyiW-on-the-bant f in the right. Aut it behones alteram palpebram diduci a ministro, the othor sone) velid to be-Gawn-part by the attendant, alteram a medico: Sed inferiorem ab hoc, tho other by tho physiciano but the lotoer one) by this si ille est adversus ; Superiorem, Si

supinus. Tum idem medicus debet lyiW-on-the-bach. Then the Rame physiciun ought subjicere extremo ungui acutum hamulum, to put-under to the extreme unguis a 3hu p littD-hooh, mucrone recurvato paulum intus, que infigeretho potnt bel*-hent-bach a litile inithin, and t fi-in eum; atque tradere quoque eam palpebram alteri: it; and to deliner atio that melid to the olleripse, hamulo npprehenSo,

leVare unguem, que trajicere eum acu


acum, apprehendere duo capita lini, the needio, to selae the two heady ends) Ofthe threud, et ungue . erecto per ea, si inhaeretand the unguis boinrraised by these, is it adheres oculo qua parte, diducere manubrioloto the tae in any pari, to draw-apart with tho haniae scalpelli, donec veniat ad angulum: deinde

ut sic et initium ejus et finis angulit e thus both the boginning of il und the end of the oo erreperiatur. Enim est duplex periculum, ne may-be ound. For thermis a Gulle tanger, iratvel aliquid . ex ungue relinquatur, quod otther εomo thing) out-of the unguis muy-be lest, rohicheXulceratum vix recipiat ullambem ulcerialed Scaroely may receive admit) onyquoque caruncula abscindaturatio a lillisse8h may-be- Maway quae sequitur, si unguis ducitur

tollat foliores, is the unguis is dratonvehementius ; que ideo decipit. Abscissa,

soramen patefit, per quod Semper poStea an opemng ls-ma -open, through tolich alwayε Utortourri humor descendit: Grarui vocant aυάδα rimada).a humour c oenrio tho Greeis culi it) rhuas. Ergo verus finis anguli utique ostd heroforo the truo real ena of tho comer evectul* is noscendus: ubi qui constitit satis,to ιθ-hnownd when which huy-bocome-orident ε olenti νscalpellus est adhibendus, ungue adducto non the scalpet is to bo-upplied, tho unguis bolay-Guwn notnimium; deinde ea membranula excidendatoo-much ; a terwaria thut litt&-membrano to bo-out-out Sic, ne quid ex angulo laedatur

curationem; cure sex angulo,out- of the comer,


Deinde linamentum ex melle est superdandum terre ards lint out os honey is to beWiven-overe0, que linteolum supra, et aut placed-over) thither, and a litt&-linen above, und either Spongia aut succida-lana: que proximis diebusa 6POnyct Or greav-t Ool: and in the neri danoculus est diducendus quotidie, ne palpebrae the ve is to bo-druwn-apart daι0, DAt the ve-ΓΔ glutinentur inter se cicatrice; Siquidem may-bowluti sed lettoeon themselves by a scar; since-that id quoque accedit tertium periculum : que eodem thut uiso accedes as) a third danger: and in the Same modo linamentum imponendum: ac DOViSSlme, manner lint sis) to bemul-on ι und lan0, inungendum

perducunturare-brought- throughcollyrio, quo ulceratoith a c0llyrium, Θ whioli ulcera

ah cicatricem. Sed ea curatioto a Scar. Aut that treatinent debet esse vere, aut certe ante hiemem:

ought to be in uring, or certainly before urinter :'de qua re, pertinente ad plura l0ea, concerning tohich thing, pertainbur to very-many piscUS, erit satis dixisse semel. it mill-be s olent to hau -guid Onco.

duo genera curati0num: alia in quibustico hin δε of treulmonis: uno hor one 3 in whut persons licet non eligere tempus, sed est utendum it is-ullomod not to soleot the time, but it-is to be-used eo quod incidit; sicut in vulneribus, et with that which huy-hapsoned; as in trounis, undin fistulis: alia, in quibus nullus dieS Urget, in fistulae: another in iohat persons) no day pr Sses, ct est tutissimum et facile expectare: Sicut ex enitund it-is very-safo and eayy to wait; as hvpens in iis, quae et increscunt tarde, et in theso maladi es), whioh both inor se alowly, anscruciant non dolore. Iu his ver est expectandum. torment not teithpuin. In these vring is to be-t nitemssor


aut, si quid pressit magis, tamen autumnus estor is any thing) lusur sed more, yet autumn is mel Ior quam aestas vel hiems ; atque is bellor thun Summer or et inter; and that autumia)ipse mediu8, aestibus jam stactis, laself the midiae, the heuis ali eady being-brohen diminished), Digoribus nondum Ortis. Autem quo the colis notiet having-uris . Aut by whiol by ho v magis necessaria pars erit quae much) more nece83ury the part RhalAbe inhio tractabitur, hoc quoque est subjecta

ratio tempori S Servabitur.

I have εaid, vices maladies) arise, solent oriri quoque de aliis causis. Enimare-accustomed to ariso uiso from other ouus . Forinterdum tuberculum fit in angulo, ungun metimos a tubercto i8-made in the comer, tho unguis


respergendum Vel cadmIa, vel atramento-sutorio; to he Urinhled either with cadmia, or Mith co eruS ;que inserendum in eum angulum, palpebris und to be-insertod into theti comer, the me- ΓΔ diductis, que deligandum supra eodem modo: being - awn-vari, and to be-bound above in the fame monereque proXimis diebus nutriendum similiter; und on the nexi Gyε to be nourishod dreaged) similarly ; tantum ut primis foveatur egelida

vel etiam frigida aqua. or even with oold water. Interdum palpebrae coalescunt inter Se, Sometimes the ve-liri unite betaeeen themSelves, que oculus potest non aperiri Cui malo illudand the Ue is-able not to bo-opene l. To whioh evil thuquoque solet accedere, ut palpebra cohaeresCatalso is-acougtomed to accede, that tho v lid may adhere cum albo oculi; scilicet, cum ulcus in utrovismith the white of the ve; numely, when a licer in either fuit curatum negligenter. Enim SaneScendo, hos-been trected caret sty. For in Mooming -healthy,

quod potuit

et debuit diduci,

Palpebrae tantum cohaerentes inter Se, The De-li δε only adheris belween themsolves, diducuntur non dissiculter; sed interdum frustia; rere droton repari nos difficult0; but somelimes in-vain; nam glutinantur rursus. Iamen opollet eXpetiit, for thoy-aro-glutinated again. I et it-behoves tu try, quia ros spoliuiis cedit bene.