The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


sunt diducendae eo: deinde exigua penicilla are to be Oawn-vari ιν ite asterwards 8mali compro8Ses interponenda, donec exulceratio ejus loci are) to bellaceLbetween, untii the ulceration Ofthat placefiniatur. At ubi palpebra inhaesit may-be-ended. But when the ve-lid has-adheredalbo oculi ipsius, Heraclides Τarentinus to the white of the oe itsely, Heraclidra belonginq-to-TarentremeSt auctor, Subsecare adverso scalpello is theauthor, to cu under Mith the opposite εculpol initticum magna moderatione, ut neque quidquam

eX Oculo, neque ex palpebra abscindatur; out-of the γ' nor out-of the ve-lid may be out uway ; ac, si est necesse, potius exund, is it-is necenary, ruther 80mething may be cut) out os palpebra. Post haec, oculus inungatur the ve-lid. Aster thrae things), the Ue may-be-anoincedmedicamentis, quibus aspritudo curatur: with the applications, wilh which roughness is troate lopalpebra vertatur quotidie, non Solum the ve-lid may-be-turned dato, nol onlymedicamentum inducatur ulceri application may be- Lon applied) to the ulcer, etiam ne inhaereat rursus: que etiam praecipiatur also test ii may-adhere againe and also it maν- e- directe fel . ut attollat eam saepe duobusto lum the patient) thαι he may raiso it osten wi h two digitis. Ego memini neminem restitutum esse gera. I have rememberest no-one to huve-bo -restore lsic. Meges pr0didit mem0ride se quoque thu8. Meges has-delivered to memory himself also' tentasse multa, neque unquam profuisseto havo-triod many things), nor ever to haveir ted quia palpebra inhaeserit semper iterumhecause the υθ-Id may have-adhered amus a cin



1 Etiamnum in angulo qui est proprior

enset sm0reover) in the comer which is nearer naribus, ex aliquo vitio quasi parvato the no8triis, out-j εome vice sinaiady) αδ-is v smollis Stula aperitur, per quam pituita destillat assidue: fistula is oponed, through whioh humour distiis constantly :Graeci vocant αἰγὶωπα saigilopa). Que id habet the Greehs ostia sit) aigilops. And that has

male assidue oculum: nonnunquam etiam OSSeiu amicis) oonstantly the tae': δomethnes also the bone eXeso, penetrat usque ad nares Atquebeing euton Out, it penetrates tantii to the nostriis. Andinterdum habet naturam carcinomatis: ubi venae sunt Aometisnes it has the nature os cancer o rchen the vein3 aro intentae et recurvatae, color pallet, cutis est stretohed avd curved, the colour is pale, the shin is dura, et irritatur levi tactu, que eVOcat hord, and ly- irritated by a si hi touch, and calisinorthinflammationem in eas partes quae Sunt conjunctae. insummationem into thoso puris et hich aro contioine l. EX his est periculosum curare eos qui habent Out-of these it- is dangorous to treat those toto have quasi carcinoma: nam ea reS - quoque maturat mortem. cly-is cancer: for that thing even accelerates deuth. Vero Supervacuum eos quibus tendit

ad nares: enim neque Sanescunt. Atto tho nostriis r jor neither they beoome-hea D. Lutcurat io potest adhiberi quibus id est in angulo; trouiment i/-ubie to be-opplied to whom that is in tio comer i cum eo, ne sit ignotum

esse dissicilem ; que quanto id seramen est propiusto ho disticuli; and by-how-muoh that opening iε nearer angulo, tanto dissicilior est; quoniam est to the comer, by 3o-much more docuit it ia; becuus there-is Perangustum in quo manus possitu very-norrow space) in t hich tho haud moy be .uble


307 t

versari. Tamen est tacilius mederi reconfito ι emploed. I et it-is emicr to cure in a recent

est excipiendum hamulo; deinde totumis to bo- ωk - with a-licue-hooh; afterwarda tho who id cavum, sicut dixi in fistulis, excidendum that holloto cavi ty), as I have-yaid in fistulae, to be-out-out usque ad os; que oculo et ceteris partibus uniιl to the bone; and the ve and the other paris JHl eti8 . . . Obieetis bene, Os est joinod alcining belag-covered well, the bone is adurendum serramento; que Vehementius, Sito be-burat wιth an iron-instrument; and more-violently, is vexatum-eSt, jam Carle, quo u has-been- ioted atroady tolia curioεisy, by whioh in ordercrassior Squama abscedat. m. depuri may separate). adurentia ut burning ingredients), αδ chalcitidem, vel ra8am chalcitis, or Scrupediardius et non idem. that) a thioster Scale Quidam imponunt


remisit non se quoque simul ;hus remitted relaxed) not itself also together; modo alius ordo subcrescit sub naturali noto Some times) another itine grow3-under under the naturalordine pil0rum, qui tendit protinus intus ad oculum. sine of hcirs, whioh tensis immediately within to the tae. Hae sunt curationes. Si pili nati-sutit, qui debuerunt These are the treatments. IX hairs have-arisen, ichioh oughι non, tenuis ferrea acus, lata ad similitudinem spathae,not, a thin iron needis, broad to the lihene83 0 a Spatula, est conjicienda in ignem : deinde, palpebrais to be-cust placed) into thesire e Dyteritards, the Ue-lid sublata, sic ut perniciosi pili ejus veniant inbeing-raised, εο that the pernicious hvirs of il may come into OnSPectum curantis, est immittenda the vieto os the person) treatlag, itis to be-sent. in Candens, ab angulo sub radicibus ipsis hol, beginning) from the comer under the roois them3elves Pilorum, ut ea transeat tertiam partem

ythe hiars, that ii may go-through a third part palpebrae: deinde iterum, que tertio usque ad of the vo-lid; after arri regam, and thirdly untii toalterum angulum: quo fit, ut omnes radices the other comer : which it happens, that ali the roolspilorum adustae, emoriantur. Tum medicamentumof the hairs being burni, may die-awv. Then an applicationa est superimponendum, quod prohibeat inflammationem :is to bemut-on-Over, which may prevent inflammation datque ubi crustae exciderunt, perducendum and when the crusu hau fullon- , sitis to le-Dd-through ad cicatricem. Autem id genus sanescit facillime. to a scar. Bul that hind hecomes-healtis moSt-oasily. Quidam aiunt oportere exteriorem partem palpebrae Some ευ to bellove the outer part of the .e-lid transui , acu juXta Pil03, . que eam to he-εewed-through with a-needle near the hairs, and it

transmitti ducentem duplicem capillum to b sent-through leastii draWing) ει ubio huis


muliebrem; atque ubi acus transuit, helonging-to-u-woman; and when the needle hasgone through, pilum esse conjiciendum in sinum

attrahendum per eum in superiorem partem to-be draton through by) it unio the rvper part palpebrae, que ibi agglutinandum corpori, et of the me-lid, and there to be-glutinated to the body, and medicamentum imponendum, quo soramen an a cication to bemut-on, by tohich the opening glutinetur: enim sic sore ut is may-beglutinated: for thus to be-about-to-bo, that that pilus spectet postea in exteriorem partem. Primum huir may-Moh afterwarda unio the outer pari. Fit δι id potest non fieri, nisi in longiore pilo;

when hereas) mo3tly they mv-arise εhori in that place. Deinde, si sunt plures pili, est necesse

Ainterward' f there-are very-many haira, it-is ne narylonMum tormentum, acu trajecta tolles,tio long torment, the neeiae heing panomthrough So-9ten, moveat magnam inflammationem. No 488ime, cum may-move cause) great inflammation. Lastly, when aliquis humor subsit ibi, oculo et affecto Somc mour may-bo-undor there, tho ve both boivg- ooted ante per pilos et tum per foraminabe fore is ino hairs und then by the openings palpebrae, potest vix fieri, ut gluten of tho γο-t d, it is ablo scar ely to bo done, that the glae


laxioris palpebrae quae frequentatur ubj a too-Do3e ve-nd which is frequented spracti sed in is omnibus, habet nihil dubii. Siquidem, oculo usi, has nothing of doubjul. Since-that, the-Ne

Contecto oportet apprehendere digitis beinroovered .it helones to tale-hol LV with thesngera mediaua cutem palpebrae, sive ea est Superior Sive tho mi le shin of the Ue-lid, whether that is the Uper orinferior, ac levare: tum conSiderare, quantulo the lower, and to 1 alae it) : then to consider, how-litile detracto sit laturum, ut habeat heing-withdraton it mo-be abolit to-be, that it may-have Se naturaliter. Siquidem hic quoque duo periculaitaeg natural0. Sinoe-that here aiso two dange circumstant: ne si nimium fuerit excisum, surroundo sest is too-much shal have-b en cut-sui, Oculus possit noti contegi; Si parum. ne the-ve may-be-able nol to he- vered; is too-litile, testnihil actum-sit, et ali fisnothi; ' may-have-been-a ted effected) und some person)Sectus-Sit frustra. Deinde quamv-havmbeen-cut in-vain. terwardi in what spari videbitur incidendum, est notandum atramento it Shal seem to bo-eut, it-is to be-marhed with inhper duas through two quae contInet which oontainstineas, Sic, lino, δυ, pilos, et the lairs, and

ut inter oram,

that belween the edge, lineam propiorem ei, the line nearer to it, aliquid relinquatur, quod acus possit ome thing) moy bo-lest, relich the nee lis may-he-ablep0Stea apprehendere. His constitutis, terwards to tu e-holim . These things) heing uri angeli, Scapellus tho sculpol palpebra,eye-lid, ipsis,


initium laciendum in sinistro oculo, ab eoa-be inning sis in to b mode in the lest Ges, froni thalangulo qui est propior tempori: in dextro. ab corner whita is nearer to the templo; in the right, irom qui naribus: que id quod estuat whroh is nearer) to the noεtriti; and that rehioh is

inter duas lineas excidendum. Deinde oraebetween the two lines sis) to be-out-out. terwarri thee es vulneris committendae inter ses the wound are) to be-uniled among themgelves simplici sutura, que oculus est operiendus ; et, Si is a 8imple εuturo, and the ve is to be-oovered; anil, is palpebra descendet Parum, SUtura, the ve-lid εhau descend too littis, the auturo is)laxanda; si nimium, aut adstringenda to be-Dosened; is too-much, sit is) oithor to he-tighfeneri aut etiam rursus tenuis habenula excidenda abor also again a thiu 'litile tris sis) to bo-eioiseu from

liaee, . linea est incidenda sub these sthings), a fine is to ho-inoised underipsis in superiore palpebra, ut themselves in the umer v lid, thaldiducti ab inferiore parte spectent





tollendae, et to be-talen-owo, und sit is)collyrio quod reprimittoith the collyrium which repre rainflammationeS. inflammatio . 9 Autem nonnunquam, cute excisa nimium But sometimes, the 8hht yeing-cut-out too- nuchsub hac curatione, evenit, ut oculuS contegatur under this treuiment, it happens, that the tae may-be-Coverednon: que id interdum fit etiam de alia causa. not: and that εometimes havens algo from another Cau8e.

Graeci appellant in lagophthalmous Tho Greel; ouil such patients) lagophthalinoi

In quo si nimIum palpebrae deest, i. e. haro-ved. In which f too-much of tho Ue-lid is-wanting, nulla curatio potest re8tituere id: si exiguum, io treuiment D-alle to restore that: is litile, licet mederi. Cutis estit-D-allowed sit is possibie) to orere sit). The shin is incidenda paulum infra supercilium lunatato be-inoisod a litile beloto tho ve-broto in a lunated crescent figura, corivibus ejus spectantibus deorsum. Altitudo like) εhopo, the horna Uit Doling Hownwurri. The depihplagae debet esse usque ad cartilaginem, illa ipsa of the wound orght iobe untii to the cartilago, that itfel laesa nihil: nam Si ea incisa-est,

palpebra concidit, neque' potest postea attolli. the vo-lid fulis, nor i8-able Uterisuris to be-rnised Igitur cute tantum diducta fit, ut There fore the 8hin only boing - awn-vari it happens, that descendat paulum in ima ora oculi; it may-descend u litile in son) the Durrat ei e of the tae ;scilicet, plaga hiante Super; tu quam linamentumnum ly, tho wound guping ubono; into which lintest conjiciendum, quod et prohibeatia to be-cust placed), which both may pro ent


diductam cutem conjungi, et citet the drown-upari εhin to beboined-ωJether, and may eicito Carunculam in medio; quae ubi the titi sesh granulation) in the muldie; sthioh when postea octilus operitur terwarda the tae is-ooverodimplevit eum locum,


right y. io Autem ut est . Vitium superioris palpebrae,

Aut as there-is a vice desect) Ofthe umer volid, quo descendit parum, que ideo contegitvwhich te descend3 too-littis, and on-that-account cover3 non oculum; sic inferioris quo nol the ve; εο there is a desect) Uthe low eyelid) by whichattollitur sursum parum, sed pendet et hiatu is-rursed Uwarda too-litile, but it hangs and que3, neque potest committi cum superiore. Atquennable to beboined with the timer. Andid quoque evenit interdum ex simili vitio that aiso hamens Romelimes out-os a like vice sauit)curationis, interdum etiam senectuse. Graeciostr alment, Romelime3 atio from ol Hage. The Greel s

medicinae eSt eadem, quae POS ita-eSt SuDra: messicine is the εame, whita IZ νtantum Cornua plagaeonly the horna ον the wound maxillas, non ad oculum. the jaw-bon , not to the ve. Senectute, totum id est Ol age, the tololo that is tenui serramento, deinde I Ugomum metie ' crina tuin tron-instrument, afterwarri iobe-anointed with hono: a quarto die sevendum vapore calida

adurendum extrinsecusto be-burni externalty inutigendum melle; E e


aquae, que inungendum medicamentis perducentibus adroater, and to be-unointed with upplications Dading to

cicatri Cem.

a Rcar cicatriZation). Haec sere consuerunt incidere circa These mosis have-beon-aocustomed to humen around oculum in angulis que palpebris. Autem in oculo ipso the ve in the corners und the taetitis. But in the Ue iise nonnunquam Summa tunica attollitur, Sive aliquibus Rometimos the h lest tun o is-ruised, either sonae membranis ruptis intus, sive laxatis ; et membranea belU-brohen toti hin, or being-relared; and figura fit similis acino: unde Graeci tho Mupe beoomes lihe to a prope-stone; whenoe tho Greem Vocant id oπαφι ωμα. Curatio est duplex: cuia thal staphiiloma. The troatment is two Moaltera, transuere per medium ad radices

the othor one), to sow-through through the niti te to the roota ipsas acu ducente duo lina: th semes mith a neodie Dadis dra ving) two threari; deinde adstringere duo capita

alterius lini ex superiore parte,

alterius ex inferiore inter se; of the other out-j on) the lower belween theniselves; quae paulatim secando eXcidunt id: altera, whioh by litt&-und-litile by outting cut-out that: the othor, excidere in summa parte ejus ad magnitudinem to cut-oul in the h hest part of it to the si elenticultae; deinde infriare spodium aut cadmiam. V a lentit; afterwarda to rub-on Spodium or Cadmia. Autem utrolibet facto, album ovi

excipiendum lana et imponendum, que posteato be-received on wool and to boout-on, und afterre arris