The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


oculus est lavendus lvapore calidae aquae, et the .e is to be oment diicith steam 9 hoe water, and inungendus lenibus medicamentis. to be-anointed with mild application3. Autem callosa tubercula in albo oculi Aut caluus tuberctos in the white Utho voV0cantur clavi; quibus nomen est a similitudineare-called clavi ; to which the nume is from the lihen a figurae. Est c0mmodissimum perforares the shve. It-is mo8t-advantageous to perforais acu ad imam radicem, que excidere infra with a ne die to the lottest root, and lo cut-out heneutheam, deinde inungere lenibus medicamentis.

it, afterwards to unoint sit) wiu milii applications. is Feci mentionem jam alias

L have-made mention abeady elaewhere suffusionis, quod cum inesdit recens, σε usion cataract), which rehen ii h -hoppened recently, quoque di8cutitur saepe medicamentis: sed, ubi uiso k-discussed sten is applications: bui, wheu lacta-est vetustior, desiderat curationem manus; it-ha3-heooms older, requires the trouiment of the h d; quae potest haberi inter subtilissenias. whioh D-able to be held rectioned) umong the mo8t- elicute. De qua antequam dico, natura Concerning whi h before-thul I3υ speali), the nature oculi ipsius est indicanda paucis ue

cognitio cujus, cum pertineat ad the knowle o θ which, whon although) it muy-pertula toplura loca, tum vel praecipue pertinet ad very-many pluora, then syet) eνen evectuls pertains tollunc. Igitur is habet duas summas tunicas : this. Ther fore this the eye) hus two h hest tunios


extenuatur loco pupillae. Interior estit-D-attenuated in the place of thepupil. Irae inner tunic) is adjuncta huic media parte, qua Pupilla est,tidbolaed to this in the middie pari, in inhioh the pupil is,

Concava modico foramine, tenuis

it is) con avo with a modorate osoning, sit is thincirca, ipsa quoque plenior ulterioribus partibus :urounc itfelf also fuller in the further saris:

quae nominatur a Graecis Hae duae wUoh D-numed by the Greehδ chorioeides. Those two tunicae, cum Cingant interiora oculi, tunic8, tohen they may-3urround the inner sparis) Oftheeye, rursus coeunt sub his , que eXtenuatae et suin unite under thrae; iand belW- Ptenuated angcoactae in unum, Perveniunt Per foramen, quod collected in one, arrivo through an oponis, et lichest inter ossa, ad membranam cerebri, queis hettoeon the bones, to the membrane of the bruin, and inhaerescunt ei. Autem sub his, qua parte adhere to it. Aut under theSe, in wlut pari pupilla est, est vacuus locus: deinde inhathe pusit is, there-is an empty placeo afterwards below1ui Sus tenuissima tu luca, quam Heroplillus nominavit again a vcry-uin tunio, whita Herophilus numed αραπαπιδη arachnoeide). Ea media

arachnoeides). That miGD in the middie)subsidit ; que continet eo cavo quiddam, Ninhε- wn ; and containa in that hollow place) sonae lli ing)quod a similitudine vitri, Graeci vocant υαλοειδ ες.whioh from tho lihenen osylusa, the Gr eis culi hualoeides. Id est neque liquidum, neque aridum, sed quasi Thut is neither liquid, nor dry, hut aό-fconcretus humor: exa concrcted humour: out-of Doua color pupillae est vel the colour of the pupit is either

Summa tunica sit cum

colore cujus tho colour 9 tolyhniger, Vel caesius; blach, or grey ; tota alba.


Autem membranula But a mall-1nembrano

parte includit id. Subpari incloses that. Under similis albo ovi; si e to the white os an ogg; from videndi proficiscitur: nominatur n8eeing prooeeda: it-D-named

hrustalloeides. Igitur humor Superveniens ab interiore comis-over froin the inaer his est gutta hum0riS, theso is a Gos of homorer, a qua lacultas tolloh the porcer Graecis

Vel either sub duabus tuniciS, qua Therefore the humour undor the two tuni , in rotat proposui vacuum locum eSSe, concrescit L have-οroposed the en ty placo to be, concretes eX morbo, vel ex ictu; que is out-j dlaea8e, or OuMos a bioto; and that paulatim indurescens, opponit se interiori -littυ- nimiitile beooming-hard, oppos itsely to the inne, Potentiae. Que sunt plures species ejus vitii: polcer. And there-are very-many species of that vice quaedam sanabyles, quaedam quae admittunt malady) : εomo curabie, Rome whioh admitNam si suffusio



exigua, Si immobilis, smuli, is hirmoveabie,

aliquem sensum fulgoris sonio fresing of brighinesssuperest. Si est magna, Si remulas. V il-is grout, in naturali figura amiSSa, tha natural 8hve boing -Dδ color suffusioni the colour to the suffu3ὶ cataract) is similis auro, si labat, et egithe suffusion cataract) is habet colorem aquae has the colour of wucernitentis ferri, et relinquitos Rhining iron, und Duves a latere, Spes

nigra pars oculi, the blaia puri of thetae, vertit in aliam, si turn3 into unother, fest caeruleus, aut azur , or. movetur hae


atque illac, vix linquam Succurritur. Vero side) una on-that, Roaroely eber it-D-Succoured. Butfere est pejor, quo Orta-eSt= Stis re-rs worεα by whioh by li 0 v mucli) it has-arisenex graviore morbo, ve majoribus doloribus capitis, out-of a heavior disease, or fomyroater purus Oftheload, vel vehementiore ictu. Neque est senilis aetas Or frona a more v/olent buto. Nor is the aged ageidonea curationi : quae Sine novo Vitio,


netther sed me isa inter has. age) but tho middie botroeen there. eXiguus neque concavus oculus est SatiS Opportunus a Fmuli n0r concave tae is εν ciently convenient curationi. Atque est quaedam maturitas lit) Ior treaiment. And thore is

suffusionis IPSIUS

Some maturis Igitur est Thermore it-is non fluere,

modico cibo, bibere aquam triduo; mith moderato food, to drini re uter for-three- y3; pridie abstinere ab omnibus. Post haec the Gy-b fore to obstuin frona ali stliings). tor V e . t. ζ0ll0eandus in adverso sedili lucido things) he is to boolaced in an opposito seat in a light

loco, adverso lumine, Sic, ut medicus placo, torti an opposite right, εο, that the phyόiciun sedeat contra paul0-altius: autem minister may-διt oppoSite a- litt&-llher: but the attendant Contineat

caput ejus qui curabitur the head of him ullo 3hall-be-trealed


posteriore thes hindor

parte, prer utilat motu motion

acus est adm0venda, aut acuta, aut sorte nona neessie is to be-vphec eriter δhurp, Or perhus notnimium-tentiis, que ea eSt demittenda, Sed rectatoo-thm, und that is to b loto ed, but stra hi, per duas summas tunicas medio l0co inter


ibi leniter, et deducere eam paulatim there gently, and he ought) to Dwer it by-litt&-ani litile insta regionem pupillae ; deinde ubi transiit besito the region of thopvit: afterward tolen it hasma edeam, impi mi vehementius, ut

it-may-εkk-in to the lower pari. V it hu3-adhered, curatio expireta-est: si redit subinde, est the ouro has-beon usirido is it returns occasionalis, it is concidenda eadem acu, et dissipanda iuto ho-cut with the sume noedis, and to be-dissipated in Plures partes ; quae singulae et

conduntur sacilius, et ossiciunt minus late. Postare-hidden more-easily, and obstruot less widely. ter haec acus est educenda recta, que

theso stliings the noedia is to be- awn-out 8tra hi, undalbum ovi exceptum molli lana imponendum, et white os ego received on Sost roooli is) to besut-on, undsupra, quod coerceat inflammationem, atque abone, something) which mu roStruin insummation, anuita devinciendum. Post haec est

thus it is) to bo-boun Lup. ter thrae things) there-i opus quiete, abstinentia, inunctionibus lenium need with r i, with abδtinenco, with unoistings 9 mil medicamentorum, cibo qui datur satis applieationa, Mith food whioh i given sustolently mature postero die) primum liquido, ne maxillae

laborent; deinde, inflammatione finita,may-lubour; afterwariis, the insummation boing -ended, tali qualis propositus-est in vulneribus. εθith suoh s00d) hu3-beenilaceHbe fore in rcoun s. Quibus accedit necessario ut aqua Tb iohioh things) uocedes sis added) nece urily that water quoque bibatur diutius.


i- Qu0que de Cursu tenuis Also concernis a runnis of thin

pituitae, qui

humour, whita medicamentis, with medicine explicui jam. Nunc veniam ad ea, I lave- plained alaea . Ilaw I shul Pome to those things , quae p0Stsilant curationem manus. Autem which demand trestiment of the hand. Butanimadvertimus Oculos nunquam Siccescere quibusdam, we perceive the vra never to be-dry to Somo persons , sed semper madere tenui liumore: quae reSbut alwυε to be-wet with a thia humour: whioh thingcontinuat . aspritudinem, et ex levibus momentismah -to-continue the roughnras, and out-of εl hi cauδ

excitat inflammationes et lippitudines, denique infestat citra insummations and lippitudes, lasis it infests totam vitam hominis. Que id potest adjuvari in the whole life of a man. And that is-oble to be-aidod in quibusdam nulla ope, in quibusdam est sanabile. sume is no assistance, in Some it-is curabis. Quod discrimen oportet Wi uel distinotion it beloves

ut succurratur thut it may-be-δuc ured injiciatur non alteri S.


the hund Ac primum curatio And Arsi treulmentest Supervacua in iis qui habent id vitium libis superfluous in those who hane that malui fromiti tantibus: quia est necessario manSurum usque infanta; b cause it-is necenarib abolit-to-rematu untii diem mortis. Deinde non necessaria etiam

in iis quibus est non multa, Sed acris pituita: in tho8e to whom there is noe muta, but acrid humour si quidem adjuvantur nihil manibus: hince-Gut they are-ussisted nothing by the handa surgicalperveniunt ad sanitatem medicamentis, et operations) : they-urrive to Multo is applications, und


ratione victus, quae reddit pituitam crassiorem. Etiam by rulo ore diei, which rondera the humour uioler. Atio lata capita vix patent medicinae. Etiambroad leari scaroesy lie-open are subject) to medicine. Aiso interest venae, quae Sunt inter calvariam it dissera swhether the peins, whioh are between the stultet cute in emittant pituitam; an quae

inter membranam cerebri et calvariam. Ferebetween the membrane of the brain and the shuli. Mostly superiores rigant octilos per tempora; the uiser vesseis) water the taes through the temples . inferiores, per eas membranas quae tendunt ab the loroer, through those membranes rolich εtretch from Oculis ad cerebrum. Autem remedium potest adhiberithe ves to the brain. Bul a reme D-able to be-applied iis quae fluunt supra os: potest non iis to thoso which foto abono the bone; it-D-ablo not to t se quo sub Osse. Ac succurritur ne quidem inhioh lioru) under the bone. And it-k-δαocoured not- euiis quibus pituita descendit utrinque; quiato those to whiel humorer descendS On-both-sides; beoause altera parte levata, nihilominus altera the otior One) part helagretioed, noverthelera the other infestat. Autem cognoscitur quid sit infosis. But it-is-known disc0vered) which it may ehac ratione. Capite raSO, ea by this reuson method). Thohead Miny-εhared, those medicamenta, quibus pituita suspenditur in lippitudine, medicines, O inhiol humorer is-εuspendod in lippitudo, debent illi ui a superciliis usque ad Ought to be-8meare i-on irona the vehrow3 untd to Verticem: si oculi coeperunt esse sicci, the top-of tho-leade is the Ges hau bsun to be dry

apparet irrigari perit uiscurra to ι mut rod that illey are iv tered, throua Λsunt sub cute: si nihilominusis noverth leses


si quor


celebre non in Graecia fumou8 not in Groece aliis gentibus: adeo ut other nation8: εο that madent, est manifestum descendere sub thev are-wet, it-is manifest the hum0ur to descend underosse : Si eSt . hum0r, Sed levior, est duplex the bone: f thore-is humour, but more-3l hi, it-is a doublevitium, Tamen plurimi ex laborantibus malai . I et most out-9 person s) labouris reperiuntur, quos superiores venae eXerceant ; amicted) are orenti, ichom the usper voln3 may Merciseque ideo etiam licet opitulari halasci); and on-Gut-uo uni utio it-k-allowed to uidpluribus: Que id ostio the morer And this istantummodo, Sed qu0que in θ, but also in nulla pars medicinae eXposita- sit magis Perno pure os medicine may have-been- ea posed moro quasque nationes. Reperti sunt the severat) nutions. Physicians) hau beenfoundiu. Graecia qui inciderent cutem capitis novemm Grecoe who would inciso the uin ytho load with nino lineis: duabus vectis in occipitio, una reith two Hruult in the book-U-the-hea , with onetransversa Super eas: dein duabus Super aureS, transverSe over thoseo aftergar δ with two over the ears, una transversa item inter eas; tribus rectis mih one trun8ver3o auo belloeen those; toith three δtra Itinter verticem et frontem.


aure ad mediam

ear to the middie naribus ad the nostriis to committebantur linamenta, ut neque antiqui fines cutis sinu, that nesther the ancient lordera of the shincommitterentur inter se, et caro incresceret m hi be-united botu ren themyelve' and s h might-inor Vin medio, quae adstringeret venas ex quibus in tho mi D, whita migrat-t hien the veina out-V whichhumor transiret ad oculos. Etiam quidam duxerunt the humour m limara to the γ . Aiso sonae led drere

duas lineas atramento, a media

alteram aurem, deinde aother ear, afterwarri fromverticem: tum ubi lineae the top-U-the-heade then where the lines urere-united

inciderunt scalpello; et post, sanguine they inoised mith a scalpel; and Utergariis, thebuod

effuso, adusserunt os ibidem. bein poliretolii, Mey-burni the bone iu-th -δamemtace. Autem nihilonisnus admoverunt idem candens serrum

But neverthel a they applied the εame burnis ironeminentibus venis, et in temporibus et interto the prominent velns, both in the temples and belween frontem atque verticem. Est frequens the forehead and the top U-the-head. D-is a frequent curatio adurere venas in temporibus: quae seretreaiment to burn the volns in the temples: which mostly quidem tument in malo ejusmodi: iudeed are-εwollen in an evit of this-sori ecervix est deliganda modice the neok is to-be-bound moderate0

inflentur, que OStendant Se se m Uthey mv-be- inflated, and may εhew themselyra more: and Vende sunt adurendae tenuibus et retusis

the volns are to be-burnt with thin and blunted serramentis; donec cursus pituitae in oculis iron-instruments; untii the running of humorer in the eyea conquiescat. Enim id est signum quasi itinerum may-rrat. For that is a sigri aδ- oy the roadssed tamen,

ante, ut

before, that magis : que