The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


CXcaecatorum, per quae humor

serebatur. Tamen medicina est valentior, ubiwa8-borne. I et the medicine is moresowerful rehon Venae sunt tenues que conditae, que ideo the volas are thin and hi en, and on-that-account possunt non legi, cervice deligata eodem are-able not to be- colleclec the nech beis-bound in the Samo modo, que Spiritu retento ab manner, und the breuthiny being-retained by the patient)ipS0, quo venae prodeant magis, notare iamrein by which the nelas may-go orth more, to markeaS atramento contra tempora, et inter them Oth-inh opposito the templo, and bettoeonverticem ac frontem: deinde cervice the tos-9-the-head and foreteade asteriourri the nech resoluta, incidere venas, qua notae bel*-Dosed, to inci8o the vetiis, in what pat t) the murhssunt, et mittere Sanguinem : ubi fluxit satis, oro, and to 3 d let) blood o tolen it has Zowed enough, adurere tenuibus serramentis: contra temporato burn with thin iron-instrumentie opposite the temptra quidem timide; ne musculi subjecti, qui tenent indoed festimul0; lest themu3cles subjacent, roh oh Mid maxillas sentiant: vero inter hontem et

verticem vehementer, ut squama secedat the top-9-the-head violently, that 3cule may recedo ab osse. Tamen curatio Afrorum est

from tho bone. I et tho treuiment of the Africans is etiamnum effcacior, qui adurunt verticem eveniet more- cacisuS, who burn the-tυ-σ-the-heudusque ad os, sic ut remittat squamam. Sed tintil to the bono, So thut it mu remit 3cale. Bue nihil est melius quam quod fit quoque in Gallia nothing is beller than whul D-done atio in Galliα Comata, ubi legunt venas in temporibus et in Lomatu, where they collect the volns in the temples und in


quando Sanguis eruperit, medicamenta esse at--y-t s blood 3hul have-burat-out, the medicines to-he inhianda quae supprimant Sanguinem Sic, ne rubbemon whroh may Suppress buod εο, testa imant. Autem quemadmodum

they may burn that they may not burn). Bue horo venae sint deligendae, que quid sit laciendum

varices crurum.

varices of tho lego. Viii. Inrum ut 0Quli exigunt multiplicem curationem, L mi as the ves require mansold treaiment, etiam manus : Sic in auribus sunt admodum pauca Don V the hand; in the ears thore-are very fow lus tractentur in hac parte medicinae. mala lies) which may-be-treated in this part os medicine. 1 amen solet evenire vel protinus a I et it-D-acouεtomed to humen either immediatob fromprimo natali die, vel postea, exulceratione tacta, the nutal Gy, or aftertoarct, ulceration belW-made,


deinde aure repleta per cicatricem, ut Sit terwariis the ear beingslled by the goar, that there-mv-be nullum soramen in ea, que ideo careatrio vening in it, and on-that-account may be-without usu audiendi. Ubi quod incidit, est tentandumt4e use of hearing. When which has humenod it-is to ιθ-tried specillo ne id sit repletum alte, an is a probe, whether that may-be sued deγω, ortantum glutinatum in summo. Νam si est

alte, cedit non prementi: si est in

Summo, recipit protinus specillum.

the h hest, it receives admits) immediately the probe. Oportet illud non attingi; ne distentio It beloves that former) noe to be-touohod; irat distentiounervorum oriatur sine spe effectus, et eX of the neroes may-arise without hope of ech and out-σea sit periculum mortis: hoc curatur

that there-may-be danger of deuth : this latter) is troated facile. Nam qua cavum debet esse, vel easily. For in totae spart) the holum ought to te, either aliquod medicamentum ex adurentibus est Some application Out-of the burning causti es) is imponendum, vel aperiendum candente serro, to belut-on, or it is, to bo-opened by a burning iron cautery , vel etiam incidendum scalpello. Que cumor even to be-incised by the scalpel. And wheu patefactum- est, et ulcus jam purum, pinnait has-been-opened, and the ulcer is ulready olean, a quilest conjicienda eo, illita medicamento is to be-oast introduced) in it, brameared with an application inducente cicatricem ; que idem medicamentumbring ing-on a scar cicatrization ; und the Sume applicatioudandum circa, ut cutis circa pinnam is) to be-eloen si laced) uround, thut the 3 in around the quiuSanescat: quo fit, ut, eamv-be me-healtis: by wlich it happens, that it


remota, postea sit facultas audiendi. herng-removed, afterwarri there-may-be theseower Uhearing. At ubi aures, puta in Viro Gut wlon the ear3, 3ν Οεe sor instance in a mau, perforatae-8unt, et offendunt, est satis hau been meryorated, and ostend are offensi ve), itis Russcient

trajicere id cavum celeriter candente acu,

to preroo that hollow cavityin quichly with a burning ne die, ejus ulceretur leviter; aut etiam

that the e res offit mu-be-ulcerated si hilyp or evenexulcerare idem adurente medicamento: deinde Io ulcerate the Ramo by a burnis modioine: thon

postea imponere id quod purget: tumn terwariis to put ou that wlita muy-cloanser thon that quod repleat eum locum, et inducat cicatricem. whroh mufi us that place, and way-bring-on a Scar. Quod-si id foramen est magnum, sicut solet esse flut opening is great, as is-acorestomed to bem iis qui gesserunt majora pondera auribus,anthose who have-oarmed toowreat weight ringsin m the eur oportet incidere quod superest ad eXtremum :rt boloves to inciso what remalas to the extremo sextremi ty) edeinde exulcerare Supra Oras senipello, et torto G to ulcerate ovor the e es with the Soalsel, and Postea Suere, ac imponere medicamentum quo uret warsis to δew, and to put-on an vplication by wlichid glutinetur . Tertium est, si est hut may-bewlutinated. The thisil operation) is, is thermis quid curti ibi sarcire ony thing) of curtoiled sany muti intion) tiore, topatol. ζ'm quae res p0ssit seri in

lepair it) : Sinoe which this may-be-able to hvsen in labris quoque et naribus, etiam habeat eandem the Dps also and nostriis, aiso may-have tho Ramerationem, est explicanda simul. 1 uson sinode os treatinent), it is to-ιρ- ρDined together.

I ik. Igitur curta in his


tribus, ac si qua paria Sunt parva,

possunt curari: Si qua sunt majora, aut armubie to be-trealed: f any are veryWreat, either recipiunt non curationem, aut de rinantur they-receive admit) not trealment, or are-deformedita per hanc ipsam, ut fuerint so by this treaiment) irae , that thv may-have-been

minus indecora ante. Atque in aure quidem et λεῖ unbecoming before. And in the ear indeed and naribus deformitas sola potest timeri: vero iuin the no*triis deformisy alone is-able to be oured: but in labris, si sunt contracta nictum, jactura usu8tho lips, is they-are contra ted too-much, the loss of their use quoque fit necessario; quia et cibusatio habens necenari*; beoause both the f6odaSSumItur, et Sermo explicatur minus

is talen, and the Ueeta is unifolded articulated Dόs facile. Enim neque corpus creatur ibi, sed adducitur εαεi0. For neither hody D-orealed there, but is-hrought ex vicino: quod in levi mutatione, out-j v ne hbouring part) : whiol in a 3l hi clange, et potest eripere nihil, et sallere oculum: both D-tillo to-3natch-away nothing, and to deceive the tae; in magna potest non. Autem neque Senile in a great schatige) it is-able not. Aut neither an agedcorpus neque quod est mali habitus, neque in

quo ulcera SaneScunt i dissiculter est idoneum huic

medicinae; quia nuSquam cancer Mediolae streatment) ; hecuu3e nowhore cuncer gangrene)occupat celerius, aut tollitur dissicilius. attacti more-quichly, or A-tusten-uwv more-di ouuly. Ratio curationis est ejusmodi: redigere id The method of troatmont is of this-δorte to reduco that quod est curtum in quadratum: incidere transvers'. whio4 is curtu ed into a Square serm): to incise transvercto


lineas ab inferioribus angulis ejus, quae diducant lines from the interior corners of ii, which may-Gawmparaex-toto citeriorem partem ab ulteriore; deinde entirely the hither pari froni thesarther; UtertcarisaddUCere ea, quu resolvimus sic, into drato-to those sparis), which tne have-Gosed thus, into unum. Si junguntur non satis, immittere

duas alias lunatas, et conversas ad two other si ines) lunated crescent-lihe), and turned toplagam, ultra lineas quas secimus ante, the wounc beyond the lines inhioh t e have-mado be fore, quibuS tantum summa cutis diducatur; enimis inhioh ovly tho h h l shin mu-be druwn-vari; forsic fit ut quod adducitur, sequitur facilius. thus it happens that whut is drawn-to, follow8 more-e Py. Quod est non cogendum vi, sed ita adducendum, L ioh is not to be compelled byforce, but 8o to be-Gawn-to, ut subsequatur eX-sacili, et dimissum recedatthat it may olloto east y, and being-lelso nita recede Non multum. Tamen interdum cutis haud adducta noe muoh. I et Somotimes the uin not botW-draton-to Omnino ab Qtera parte reddit l0cum

ultogether irom the other one) pari rendera the placequem reliquit deformem. Altera pars loci whioh it has-lest deformed. The other one) part os a place

hujusmodi est incidenda, altera habenda intacta. of this-sori is to be-inciaec the other to be-held untouched. Ergo tentabimus attrahere neque quidquam ex Thermore me-shall-try to druw-to nestare any thing) out-ofimis auribus, neque ex the Ditest ears si oui the lower pari os the ears), n0r out-σmedio naso, ve imis partibus narium, neque the widdie nose, or tho lowest paris of the noStriis, norex' an dis labrorum. Quae tamen interdum ou of the corners of the lips. II hich homorer Sometimes Consuerunt esse curta etiam duobus locis: sed have-been-a customed to bo curtuiled even in two pDoeg: but


ratio curandi est eadem. Si cartilago eminet Ze method of treoting is thesanie. V cartilage is-prominent in eo quod incisum-est, est excidenda; tu that spart) whioh has-ι en-incised, it is to be-Cut-out; enim neque aut glutinatur, aut trajicitur for neilher either k-iislutinate Q or is pleroedacu tuto. Tamen neque debet excidimith a neeille ε ely. I et noluer ought-it to be-cut-out l0nge, ne coitus puris possit fierior, irat a collection ot pus may be-able to be-made utrinque inter duas oras liberae cutis. On-both-sides bettoeen the two edges 9 the free l0ose) 3kin. Tum orae junctae inter se sunt Thon the edges being oined betwem thenaseives are Suendae, cute apprehensa utrinque: et to be-set ed, the uin belW-ta en-holLy on-both-δides; and qua priores lineae sunt, ea qu0que Suturae in relut spart) the former lines ore, in that aiso sutur sunt injiciendae. Siccis locis, uti naribus, Spuma ars to ὀρ-cast in. To dry plac , αδ the noStriis, Ioum

liuamentum est dandum in ulteriores que sint is to ho-ginen placed). into the farther and lunatas plagas, ut caro increscens impleat vulnus. unoted wounds, that s h inopeusing mv- μυ the wound. Que quod Sutum-est ita, ESSe And what hvs-been-seu ed thus, to be that it is)tuendum Summa cura, Potest apparere exto be ruar d with h hest cure, is-able to appear Outeo quod p0sui supra de cancro. that whiel f hunem cod above concernis cancer gangrene . Ergo etiam quoque tertio die erit lavendum Therefore utio on eaon third Gy it wil be to bofomento lvapore calidae aquae; que rursus idem medicamentum mith εteum of tot wuter; und Quin the Rame cpplication

injiciendum: que sere est glutinatum Will be) to be-oust-on: und mostly u-is glutismed


septimo die. Tum suturae eximi tho εeventh dv. Then the futures ougiit) to be-talen-σ et ulcus debet perduci ad sanitatem. and the ulcer ought to be-DLthrough to lealth.

Vero posui jam alias polypum, qui But I have laced atready elaewhere polypus, whichnascitur in naribus, praecipue curari serro. arises in the nostriis, especialty to be-trealed by the iron Ergo oportet resolvere hunc etiam ab

linise). Thermore it heloves totoose this alao si omOSSe acuto serramento, facto in the bone reith a εhars iron instrument, made tinto aster)modum spathae: diligentia adhibita, ne the manner of a spatula: diligenoe bolag-applied, test cartilago infra laedatur; in qua curatio the cartilage beneath may-be-injured; in whioh the treaimentost dissicilis. Ubi abscissus-est, est extrahendusis di oult. When it has-been-cut- , it-is to be-Gawn-out unco serramento. Tum implicitum linamentum, with a hooked iron-instrument. Theu twisted lint, vel aliquid ex penicillo, est respergendumor εome thing) out-9 a penicillum, is to be-sprinhled medicamento, quo Sanguis Supprimitur, queti ith an opplication, O tolich blood D-suppressed, and naris implenda leriter eo. Sangu7ne

Suppresso, ulcus est purgandum linamento. hemg-εν re sed, the ulcer is to be-oleansed with sint.

Ubi est purum, pinna illita medicamento, When it-is olean, a quili besmeared wita an application, quo cicatrix inducitur demittenda by which a sostr cicatrigation) D-brought-on is to-be-loweredintus eo eodem modo quo positum-est withia thither, in the fame manner in tolich it has-be flared supra in aure, donec id sanescat eX-toto.

a bove in the eur, untd that vita bocome-heultis entia ely. Autem quemadmodum, id vitium quod Bul in-whut-manner that vice disease), whic h


Voeatur a Graecis ομινα, esset curandum is-oalsed by the Greeis OZaina, might-be to be-trected manu, Si cederet non medicamentis, reperi

non apud magnos chirurgos: Credo,

quia res raro proficit satis ad sanitatem, hecauae the thing seldom uvatis δussciently to heulth, cum habeat aliquod tormentum in et hen Whereas) il may-have sonte torment in curatione ipsa. Tamen positum-e8t apud

Scriptorsum-calamum enodem esse conjiciendum a roriting-reed free rom-lmois to be to bo-castin narem, donec perveniat Sursum ad

os : tum tenue Candens serramentum esse

the boner then a thin burnis bon-lastrument to hedandum per id ad os ipsum: deinde

to besinen through that to the bone itfego Uterwarda adustum locum esse purgandum aerugine et melle: the burni place to be to bo-oleansed with vordigris und honeyrubi est purus, perducendum ad sanitatemwhen it-is olean, to bo-brought through in healthlycio. Vel narem esse incidendam ab reith ircium. Or the nostrii to ιθ to be-inoised fromima parte ad Os, ut et locus the lowost puri to tho bone, δo that both the place possit consp7ci, et candens serramentum muy-ιρ-ctis to be-vkwed, and the burnin iron-instrumen tadmoveri sucilius. Tum narem deberoto be- applied moro-eaεi0. Thcn the nostrii to ought sui; et aduAtum ulcus curari quidemto be-s wed - and tho burni place to be-treated in Ged

Cadem ratione: vero Suturam illini in the Sume mannor r bret the Suturo to be-3m ured


vel spuma argenti, vel alio either withfoum os liver litharge), or with another


esii 1 QV0 lud quaed m in Ore curantur' Also εome complainis) in the mouth are-treatem manu. Ubi imprimis dentes nonnunquam by the hand. Where in-thes; simiace the ieeth somelimes moventur, modo propter imbecillitatem

radicum, modo propter vitium Of the roof8, Sometimes on-uccount-of the vice sanit)gingivarum arescentium. In utrolibet oportet of the gums beooming-Gy. In either case) it-heloves admovere candens ferramentum gingivis, ut to opp0 a burnis Don-kεἰrument to the gums, that attingat leviter, insidat non. Adustae gingivae it may-touch si hily, nata sint-in not. The burni gum3 sunt illinendae melle, et eluendae are to be-δmeared with honey, and to be-wa3hetout mulso. Ut ulcera coeperunt eSSe pura, with hydromel. When the ulcers have begon to be clean, arida medicamenta ex iis quae reprimunt sunt dry medicines ouDof those which r prora are infrianda. Vero si dens movet dolores,to be-rubbeLon. But is the tooth move3 causes in patiis, que placuit eum eximi, quia and it hasvleasod the patient) it to be-tahen-ovi, b cause medicamenta adjuvant nihil, debet plications assist nothing not at all), it-ou hicircumradi, ut gingiva resolvatur ab eo; to bo-Scruped arounit, that the gum may be-Dosed froni it ;tum is est concutiendus: que ea lacienda, then te is to be-shahens and those things are) to be-dones, donec moveatur bene: nam dens haerens tintii ii may-ιe-moved tociar for a tooth adherine

evellitur Cum summo periculo, ac nonnunquam