The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


maxilla movetur loco. Quo id fit etiam the jam is-mouod from the place. And that is-sione evenmajore periculo in superioribus dentibus: quia with greater danger in the u er ieeth: b cau3c potest concutere tempora ve oculos. Tum estit is-able to 3hiae the temples or the v . Then it-is excipiendus manu si potest fieri; sito be-tahen-out by the hund is it-is-able to ho-done; Uminus, forfice: ac Si eXeSuS-eSt, ιess sis not), with the nroeps: and w it has-been-eaten-ou id foramen est replendum ante Vel

bene accommodato, ne

linamento, vel plumbo th sint, or with Dad meu adusted fitted), Dει Confringatur sub sorsico. Vero forfex ostri may-be-brohen undor the forceps. But the forceps is ducenda recta, ne radicibus inflexis rarum iobe-Garon 8tra hi, test the roots boiny-bent the rare. οβὲ . deHS inhaeret frangatur thin) bono to wlioh the tooth adheros may be-brohen aliqua parte. Νeque ideo est nullum

periculum ejus rei; utique in brevibus dentibus,cangor of that thing; especialty in Hori ieeth, qui sere habent longiores radices: enim saepe sui sexwmch mo3tly halo very-long roois r for osten the forcep3

cum possit non comprehendere dentem, aut when at may-be-able not in tale-hold-9 tho tooth, orcomprehendat frustra, prehendit et frangit os may-takθ-holsos it) in vula, εeietes und broales the bone gingivae. Autem protinus, ubi plus Uthegum. But immediato0, when more veru much)8anguinis profluit, licet scire aliquid ex of blood fotes orth, it-D-allowed to know δome thing) out-9O88e esse fractum. Ergo testa quae recessit the bono to-be brohen. There fore the Heli whios, haε recedod


protrahenda vulsella: Si Sequitur non, gingivato be-drownforth teith placers; f itfollowa not, the gum debet incidi, donec labans testa ossis ought to be-incised, untii the toltering l0ose) uehetl of the bon

ibi: tum gingiva debet incidi. Quo luc promoted) there: thon the gum ought to be-inois d. Atio

pus profluens multum est nota ossis si acti.

Itaque etiam tum convenit id extrahi. Thersore even then it-is it that to be-drawn-0ut Nonnunquam etiam, eo laeso, fistula fit, Somethnes also, that being-injured, a fistula is mad quae debet eradi. Autem scaber dens esti hich ought to be-erased. Aut afurred tooth is radendus qua parte est niger, que illinendusto be-εoroped in rohat part it-is blach, and to be-εmeare contrito flore rosetae, cui quarta pars gallae with bruised sower inrose, to which ufourth puri Unuisa et altera myrrhae adjecta-Sit: . . que meracuvand another of myrrh m--have-been-adride and pure vinum continendum crebo ore. Atque iit ine sis) to be-retained frequently in the mouth. Ana ὲ

eo casu caput Velandum, est utendum multa

that Oaso the head is) to be oovered, it-is to be-used Mith mucambulatione, fricti0ne capitis, non acri cibiwalhing, mill ruboing oy the lenii, not stili aemu foo At si aliqui dentes labant eX ictu, vi Aut is εο ne toeth totier are l00se) ouι-os a blow, o alio casu, sunt vinciendi auro cum iis, hy other accident, they-are to be-bound with gold with thoi


haerent adhere continendato be-retainedmalicorium

bene; que reprimentia toeli; and repressing ingredients are 're, ut vinum in

in the mouth, as wino indeCoctum-sit, ant in quo

quotidie digito in locum prioris, donec culo b ic/ 4 t4σfinger into tho place of the formor, tintilperveniat ad justam magnitudinem. rt may-arrave to a just proper) sire Quotiescunque dente exemto radix relicta-est, ys. 9ten-as a tooth helag-talen-out the root has-been-les, Protinus ea quoque est eximenda sorsice immediately that asio is to be-tahen-out wita a forceps quam Graeci vocant

si Autem oportet' But it holoves evellereto pull-out tonsillas tonsita circumradere digito et to scrupe -around with tho snger and quae induruerunt post whict have beoom hard after inflammationes, autem appellantur a Graecis em ammations, bul they aro-called by the Greeti antiades, cum sint sub levi tunica: si resolvuntur

tum eluerethen to toa8h-out


ulcus aceto, et illinere vulnus the uloer with vinegar, und to be31near the wound medicamento quo Sanguis Supprimitur.

with an oppiloution by whita buod is 3 pr seco Uva, si descendit cum inflammatione, que The uvula, is it has-descended with in lammation, and est dolori, et subrubicundi coloris, potestis to vitii) pula, und of a somerohat-red colour, is-able

non praecidi sine periculo: enim solet not to be-out-σ without danger: for it is-accustomedeffundere multum sanguinem: itaque eSt meliusto pour orth much bloodo ther fore it-is bessi uti iis quae proposita-Sunt aliaS. to use inith those things) which have-beon proposed eiser here. Vero si quidem est nulla inflammatio, autem nihilominus But is indoed there-is no inflammation, bul neverthelessea deducta-est a pituita ultra justum it has-beea-drown- wn by the pituita beyond the just sproper modum, et est tenuis, acuta, alba, debet praecidi: manner, aud is thin, Shurp, white, it ought to be-cut-osseque item, si ima livida et crassa;

Summa est tenuis. Neque est quidquam

Commodius quam prehendere vulsella, quemore-a Ganing olis thun to-tahe-holitos sit with pincer, and excidere sub ea quod volumus. Enim neque estio cut-out under it what we-wish. For nesther i uero ullum periculum, ne plus Ve minus praecidatur: any dunger, test too-much or too-littis may-be- t-osi; cum liceat relinquere tantum infra Vulsellam, Since it-may-be-ollowod to leuoe so-much below the pincer, quantum est manifestum esse inutile: que praecidere αδ-much-n3 it-is mun fest to-be usol εἰ aud lo cut-

debet esse naturaliter. Post curationem eademit ought to be natural0. Aster the treat noni the same


sunt facienda, quae posui proxime in things) oro to be-done, ichioh I pluoed tutely intonsillis.

Vero lingua quibusdam juncta-est cum ' But the tongue to sonae spersons) has-been Oined with Parte subjecta a primo natali die; qui ob the puri subjacent frona thesrst natat Jay; who on-account-9 id possunt ne-quidem loqui. Extrema lingua

that are-able not-even to Speah. The extreme longue horum est prehendenda extremity os the longue) of thrae is to be-tahen-hol LoqVulsella, que membrana sub ea incidenda: with tho pincer, und tho membrane under it to be-incised magna cura habita, ne Venae quae Sunt great cure belag-held stat en), test the vetiis whioh are juxta violentur, et noceant profusionenear may-be-violuted, and may-huri is a pouring orthsanguinis. Reliqua curatio vulneris

quidem loquuntur, ubi conSanuerunt. indoed speuk, t Phon they have-become-heau aster the Autem ego cognoVi, qui, operation). But I have-hnoron a person) who, lingua succisa, cum promeret eam the tonrue boing-cut-under. whon ho might pulsorth itabunde Super dentes, tamen consecutus-eSi non abundantly over the teoth, yot attained nottacultatem loquendi. Adeo in medicina, etiam ubi 'the potoor of veuking. M-much in medicine, even wheu

est perpetuum, quod debet fieri, that) is perpetuul universal), which ought to b dono, tamen id quod c0nvenit sequi est nonyet that whioh is si tu foliolo is not


Quoque interdum aliquid abscedit Atio Romelimes εomo thing absced Arms sub lingua: quod sere consistit in

abscess) under the longue: whioh moεtly consisu in tunica; que movet magnos dolores. Quod, Sintrenis; and moves causes) great pulas. Whioh, fest exiguum, est satis incidi semel: si majus,u-is ymuli, it-is sufficient to be incised onoe: is greater, Summa cutis usque ad tunicam est excidenda, the hi host shin untd to the tunio is to be- t-ον dein des orae excipiendae utrinque terwaris the edge8 sare) to be-takO-U On-both-8ides hamulis, et tunica, undique Circumdata, i ith littD-hoois, und the tunio, on-al sides given placed) around, est liberanda: magna diligentia habita

s Autem labra saepe finduntur; que ea But tho lips osten are-vlit schapped) : and that res habet cum d0lore etiam hanc molestiam, quod Sermothing hus with puin atio this trouble, that veech prohibetur; qui subinde diducendo easismi evented; which oo Rionally by- at ing-opart thoye rimas cum dolore citat sanguinem. Sed est olesu cli aps) with puin excites biood. Aut it-is commodius curare has medicamentis quae more a Pantageous to troat these with the applications whichfiunt ad ulcera oris, si sunt in are-made to ser) ulcers of themouth, f thcy-ore in

Summo: vero si descenderunt

aluus, eSt necessarium adurere tenui


quasi transcurrere, non imprimi. Postea IS- to run-over, not to be-impressed. Astericari eadem sunt facienda quae expo ta-Sunt the sume things) ure to be-done whioh have-been--plainedin auribus adustis.

in the eurs bolag-burni cauteriged). At in cervice, inter cutem et aSperam FVδ' But in theneoh, betioeen the uin and the rougkarteriam, tumor increscit Graeci vocant artery the trachea), a tumour increa8es the Greeis coli it)βρογχοκη ν brogcb0helen , quo, modo hebes Caro, bronchohele, in which, ευmetimes duil fesh, modo aliquis itumor similis melli ve aquae, metimes gomo humorer lihe to honey or to mater, includitur; interdum etiam pili immixti minutis is-enclored; gometimes also halas mingled to vitii) mollossibus. Ex quibus quidquid est, contineturbones. Out-of which whutener it-is, it-D-containediunica. Autem potest curari adurentibus in a tunio. But it-iε-able to be-trected by burnin medicamentis; quibus Summa cutis cum

subjecta tuiesca exeditur. Quo iacto, Sive the εubjacent tunic is-eaten-out. Which being-done, whetherest humor, profluit; sive quid densius, thoro-is humour, it sotos orth ; or uis sthing) moro-thio educitur distis : tum ulcusit is-Gawn-out torth the sngors: then the ulcersanescit sub linamentis. Sed, curatio hecomes-healtis under lint8. But the treatinent scalpelli est brevior. Medio tumore una linea of the scalpel ly εhortor. In tho mi ille tumour one lino inciditur usque ad tunicam: deinde vitiosus is-inoised untii to the tunio tergariis tho vitiat dSinus separatur ab integro C0rpore d gito, que


eluitur aceto, cui aliquisit D-w he Lout with vinegari to whioh δome person in adjecit vel salem vel nitrum: que orse hos ad ted either Rali or nitro ; and the edg junguntur una Sutura, que eadem cetera are Oined together is a Ruture, and the same other things superinjiciuntur, quae in aliis Suturis: are-cusimn over, which sare applied) tu other sutures :deinde deligatur leniter, ne urgeat fauces. Uterwaris it-iR-bound gently, lege it may-oppren the sauces. Autem si quando tunica potuerit non Aut ij ut--y-time the tunio εhult have-been-able noteximi, adurentia inspergendato be-taken-out, burning applications are) to be-vrlahDHon intus, que id est curandum linamentis, et

k Etiam sunt plura Vitia circa' Atio there-are very-mav vices complainis) ahout umbilicum; de quibus, propter raritatem,

verisimile, id praetermissum sesse) a quoque, quod

probabio, that to havs-beenmusscd-over each, whic hipse cognoverat non: id fictum sesse) a nullo, himsely hod-hnown nolo that to huvo-beense ned by no-One, quod viderat non. Est commune omnibus, whioh he had-yem not. It-is common to ali theSe com umbilicum prominere indecore: cauSMplainis), the nolet to be-prominent unboconiiugly e the cauεes requiruntur. Meges posuit has tres: modo fre-Soughtfor. Meges Κιε-placed these three: remetime intestiuum irrumpere eo, modo omentum, seu intestine to burst-in in that place), Romelimes the omentum, modo hum0rem. Sostratus dixit nihil desometimes humour. Sostratus haδ-3uid nothing concerning


carnem interdum increscere ibi; quo eam modo 'sh mmetimes to increaye there; and that εomethnes esse integram, modo Similem carcinomati . Gorgiasto be sotthd, Romelimes lihe to cancer. Gorgias

ipse quoque omisit mentionem omenti : sed himself also has-omittod mention of the omentum : but CauSatus eadem tria, qu0que dixit haviW-alleged the samo other) three, sitio has suid Spiritum irrumpere eo. Heron, omnibus his the air tu hursi in in that place.) Heron, ali Iheso quatuor positis, et habuit mentionem omenti, Dur heing placed, both h -held mention Ofthe omentum et ejus quod habuerit simul et und of that whita may have-had at-the-sume-time both Omentum et intestinum. Autem quid horum sit, omentum and intratine. But whi h of these it may-be, cognoscitur his indiciis. Ubi intestinum is known by these tokens. When the intestine prolapsum-est, tumor est neque durus neque mollis ;h -prolapsed, tho tumorer is notther hard nor sost; minuitur omni frigore; crescit non solum subit is-diminished is ali coid; it increus not only under omni calore, sed etiam spiritu retento, interdum ali heu hut also the Oroath beiny-retainod, δometim 380nat; atque, ubi siquis est resupinatus, it foren δε; anil, when Some person) is lying-on-the-bach, intestino delapso, ipse the intestine havingwlided-down, itsoly the tumcur)desidit. Uero ubi est Omentum, cetera 3inkε-down. Aut tolen it-is the omentum, tho Othor things)sunt similia; tumor est mollior, et latus abare lihe ; the tumour is Soster, und broad fromima parte, extenuatus in verticem; si quis


indicia quoque sunt mixta, et mollities inter the tokens uiso are miled, and the 8 in s belween utrumque. At caro est durior, que etiam Semper eooh. Aut the fusi is harder, and even algustumet corpore reSupinato, que cedit nonis-8wollen, the bo ly being-Dission-the-book, and ii yielda notprementi, prioribus laesie cedentibus. Si

est vitiosa, liabet easdem notas quas exposuiit is nitialed, it has the sume murhs whita I have- plainedin carcinomate. Autem humor, si premitur, Circumfluit. in cuncer. Aut humorer, is it-is presse sow3-around. At spiritus pressus cedit, Sed protinus redit: ut stir belU-preMed yiel Δ, but immedialely returna :quoque corpore re Supinato, tenet tumorem inalso the bo heing-Diiomtho-bata, it-holda the tumour in

eadem figura. Ex his, id vivum quod est the samo Mure. Out-of theso, that vico malady) tolioh is

ex spiritu admittit non medicinam. Quoque caro out-os uir ut iis not medicine. Also feshsimilis carcinomati tractatur cum periculo: itaque est like to cancer i&-troared with danger: therofore is omittenda. Sana debet excidi ; que id lo be-omitted. Munil flesb) ought to be-cut-oui; and that vulnus curari linamentis. Quidam effundunt wound to bo trected dressed) with linis. Sonio polir-out

humorem, Summo tumore

tho humour, tho h hest tum tur the top os the tum6ur)inciso, et curant vulnus iisdem heing-inoised, and trout di ess) tho uound with the fame

linamentis. In reliquis, Sentensae Sunt variae. Ac linis. In the rest, opinioris ars variou8. Andquidem res ipsa teStatur, corpuS eSSe

resupinandum ; ut sivebody ought to be) to be placed-on-the-bach; that whetherest intestinum, sive omentum, delabatur init-is inte8tine, or omentum, it muysii δε- loton into