The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


uterum. Vero sinus umbilici, tum the bellν. But the sinus hullo of the navet, then vacuuS, est eXceptus a quibusdam duabus en ty, is iusten-U embraced) by εome with two regulis, que capitibus earum rutos spieces os Wood), and the heuda ends of them deligatis vehementer, emoritur ibi: a quibusdambeing-bound powerfully, it dies-utoay there: by gomeacu trajecta ad imum

a noedie bpingma ed through to at) the lowest spari ducente duo lina, deinde partes Dudiis scarrying) two threari, aftericordδ the paris adstrictae diversae duobus are) t hiened disserent the opposite Ways) with the two capitibus utriusque lini ; qu0d quoque fit in heads ends) of euch thread; relich also is-dono in uVa oculi: nam sic id quod the grve of the ve staphyl0ma) : for thus that whiohost supra vinctilum, moritur. Quidam adjecerunt, ut, is above the bond, dies. Some have-addec that, antequam vincirent, inciderent summumbe ore-that they might-binil it), they might-inoire the h hestuna linea; quo digito demisso part) in one sine; by which the gor belag-sent-doronsacilius, depellerent, quod

Sed est abunde jubere Bul it-is abundantly sussicient to ordor ille patient)continere spiritum, ut tumor ostendat seto retain the broath, that tho tumorer may aheto isset quatituS-maXImu3 poteSt eSSe: tum notare imam assi eat-ns it-k-abis to bo: thon to mark the lowest basim ejus atramento ; que homine reSupinato, haso Vis with ink; arid theman being -DiGon-the-baok, premere eum tumorem digitis, 'ut, si quid


nota atramenti est, adstringere Vehementer

lino: deinde adurere Superiorem partem aut with threadr o terwards to burn tho repper part either medicamentis aut serro, donec emoriatur: atquemith medioines or mith iron, untii it may-die-awayr and nutrire ulcus ut cetera usta. Queto nourish dress) the ulcer os other burni oundsin. Andid non solum ubi est intestinum, Vel omentum, Vel that not ono whore it-is the intestinct, or omentum, Orutrumque; Sed etiam proficit optime ubi est euch ; but also it prosis very-welt where there-is humor. Sed quaedam sunt visenda

onte, ne sit quod periculum ex vinclito. Nam h fore, test there-be any d ger out-of the bon l. Forneque insans, neque aut robuStus annis,neither an infant, nor Oillor a man) robust in yeatra, aut Senex est aptus curationi; sed sereor an olimman is si for the trestiment ; but mostly a Septimo anno ad quartum decimum. Deinde

from the seventh year to the fourteenth. Astermariis id corpus est idoneum ei quod est integrum: at

taut body is propor for it which is foundo hut quod est mali habitus, que quod habet thal) whioh is os a bad habit, and wlioh has

papillas, impetigines, que Similia, est non idoneum. pimple8, totie=ra, and tho lde, is not proseeν. Quoque subvenitur sacile levibus tumoribus : ni Also it-D-suo ured e ij to si hi tumouira: ἰut est periculum in curatione eorum qui sunt there-is dangor in the treuiment of tho3e which are Dimis magni. Autem et autumnale et hibernumtoo great. Aut both autumnul und wintry


tempus anni est vitandum : ver est maxime timo Uyeur is to be-uvoided: vring is most idoneum, ac prima aestaS eSi non aliena. Praeter proper, and ii 3t summer is not uost. Besides haec, debet abstinere pridie. Neque est id theεe, heought to abstain the-any-b fore. Nor is that satis: sed alvus quoque est ducenda susso ent but thobolly utio is to ιρ- aron clvstered)ei : quo omnia quae eXCeSSerunt,

considant sacilius intra uterum.

water to bo-emitted to those i ho are Urowkal. It-is nunc dicendum quemadmodum id fiat. Autem noto to-be-δaid holo thal may-be-done. Aut quidam consuerunt sacere id sub umbilico, somo have been-accu8lovied lo do that under the nave ,

sere quatitor digitis interpositisubout four Angei 3 being interpo3ed ut Dur fingers distance

a sinistrafrom the lest perforato :boingverforate leparte; puri; quidam,


the uehindeinde interiore abdomine terre ardes the interior abdomen quod divisum-est pertolat has-boeu-dini sed by Autem serramentum umbilico ipso the navel itfeyprimum adu Sin, s)rat beivg-burn inciso; quia, boing-in Dod; becauSe, ignem, coit minuS Celeriter. Fre, unitra lora quichly. demittitur magna cura But an iron-D3trument iδ-lowered intr0duced) grout cure habita ne qua vena incidatur. Id debethelag-had sest ony υcin mu-be-incised. TZat outheesse tale, ut latitudo mucronis impleat sere


ut quoque transeat membranam, qua Carothat also it musan the membrane hy whioh theseshfinitur ab interiore parte: tum plumbea is-endod bounded) from the interior parto then a leaden aut aenea fistula est conjicienda eo, Vel or brazen pipe is to be-cust introduced) in-it, either labris recurvatis in exteriorem partem, tho lips edges) belW-curveLbuch unto the exterior pari, vel quadam mora circumsurgente in media; or Rome delay swell) rising -uround in the midiae; ne tota possit delabi intus. Ea pars Irat the whole may be-able to glido-λwn within. That parthius quae intra debet esse paulo l0nfor

quam quae extra; ut procedat

ultra interiorem membranam Per hanc humor heyond the interior membrane. Through this the humour est effundendus: utque ubi major pars ejusis to hemorere ovi: and when the greater part of it evocata-est, fistula est claudenda, linteolo has-been- alle out, the pipe is to be-olosed, a litt&-linen demisso; et relinquenda in vulnere, Si

id ustum-est nou. Deinde per insequentes that has-been-burni not. tergarit, through the foliore in dies emittendum circa singulas heminas, ys sitis) to be-emitted about single heminae sabout a he- donec nullum vestigium aquae mina each time), untii no trace of mater appareat. Tamen quidam, etiam cute non usta,nιυ uppear. I et 8omo, even the Shin not bola -hurat, protinus recisseunt fistulam, et deligant expressam immodiutoly taho-buch the pipe, and bind an expressed Spongiam super vulnus: deinde postero wet) vonge oner the wound terwar δε on the foliore ingdie demittunt rursus fistulam, qu0d recens vulnus


diductum paulum patitur ; ut si quidheing drawn-upare a lituo ullo es; that is any thing)humoris Superest, emittatur ; que sunt ore humorer remaing, ii may-be-emitted; and thory aro contenti fecisse id ita bis. content to lave-done that thus itoice. Mi. Autem n0nnunquam Venter perforatur aliquo But somelimes the bel0 ismemoraled by δome ictu; que sequitur, ut intestina evolvantur. blow , and it ollow3, thut the intestinos may-be-rollesolit. Ubi quod incidit, est protinus considerandum, en which h -happened, it-is immediately to be-conSidered, an ea sint integra: deinde an Suus whother theSe may-bo εounde Utermurils whether their color maneat iis. Si tonuius proper colour may-remain to them. V the thinnerintestinum perforatum-est, retuli jam, intestine has-beenserforatet I have-related abea ,

Latius intestinum potest sui: non quod The brouder intestine is-able to be-sewede nol that sit certa fiducta; sed quod there-may be certam considenoe sos cure); but becauso dubia spes sit potior certa desperatione: ubful hope may-be preferablo than certain despuire enitui interdum glutinatur. Tum, si utrumlibet for gometimes it-D-glutinaled. Then, is either intestinum est lividum, aut pallidum, aut nigrum, quibus intestine is livid, or patri or blach, to which


ero si ea Sunt But y theso are

succurrendumto be succoured

adhuc Suicoloris,

stillos their proper) colour,

magna sestinatione :enim


alienantur momento circumdata eXterno they are-altered in amomoni bolag-3urrounded by the eaeternalet insueto spiritu. Autem homo estand uncocustomed uir. But the man is TeSupinandus, coxis erectioribus; et, si

VulnuS est anguStius quam ut intestina the wound is narrower than that the intestinos refundantur ' Commode, eSt

intestina sunt jam sicciora, sunt perluendaths intratines ars ulready very-dry, they-are to be-w hedaqua, cui paulum olei adjectum-sit. Mith water. to which a litile of Oil may-have-been-adde l. Tum minister debet diducere oras vulneris TZeu the attendant ought to Gaw-apart the e es of the wound leniter Suis manibus, vel etiam duobus hamis, injectis gently with his hauri, or even with two hooti, cas in interiori membranae: medicus introduced) to the innor membrano: the physiciancondere semper intestina priora,

quae prolapsa-Sunt posteri0ra, Sic, ut

Servet locum Singulorum orbium.

he maymreyerve tho place of the severat orbs convolutions). Omnibus repositis, homo est concutiendus leniter: Au ning - repluoed, the man is to be-shulo gently rquo fit, ut singula intestina by-which it happens, that the se erat intratin diducantur per se in suas SedeS, et may bo-drawn-apart by thenaseloes into thois Seutδ, and considant in his. His conditis,may Settie in these. These belης-hiddon replaced). Omentum qu0que est considerandum: ex quo, siue Omentum utio is to he-considered: out-os tolles, f


est iam quid nigri et emortui, debet there-is ulready any illing) σblata und of Gud, it-ought

intestinae Autem Sutura neque Summae Cutis,

the intestine3. Lut the 3uture netther of tho h hest uin, neque interioris membranae, proficit Satis pernor of the interior membrane, prosus εufficients by se, sed utriusque: et quidem est injiciendaitae but of euch: and indoed it-is to be-cust-iu duobus linis, spissior quam alibi ; et quia with two threada, thioster than eLewhere; both boouuse

potest rumpi facilius motu ventris, it-is-able to be-burat more-eaatly by the motion Ofthebetiy, et ea parS eSi non aeque exposita magnis and thut part is not equuls expo3ed to great inflammationibus. Igitur fila conjicienda insummatio . Thor fore the throads are) to be-cast ui- in duas acus, que eae tenendae duabus troduced) into two needles, and those iobe-held in the two manibus ; et sutura est injicienda prius lanis ; and a suture is to be-ca8t-in previsustyinteriori membranae, Sic ut sinistra manus to the interior membrano, so that the Din hundorSa a principio vulneris inhvving-commenoed frona the beginning Ofthe wound in dexteriore ora; dextra in Sinisteriore,

immittat acum ab interiore partemis &end-in introduce) the noedis from the interior partin exteriorem; quo fit, ut ea parsunto the exterior; by whi δε it-hremens, that that pure

aeuum quae est

of the nee Hos whioh Dab intestinis. turned) from the intratin .

Utraque parte trajecta Euch puri bela vier ed


Semel, acus sunt permutandae inter manuS, Once, the needleg ure to be-Mawed belween the handes,

ut ea sit in dextra quae fuit in sinistra, ea that that may-le in the rihe whioh wos in the lest, Vatveniat in sinistram quam dextra continuit: quemv-come into the lest whioh the right heldr unditerum sunt immittendae per oras eodem again they-are to b senDin through the e es in the 8ame modo: atque ita tertio et quarto, que deinceps mannere and thu3 illa ly and fourthly, and afterwarδε acubus permutatis inter manus, plagathe needies bring -Mangod between the hangs, the wound includenda. Post liaec, eadem fila, is) to bo-molosed. ter these things , the fame threari, que eaedem acus transserendae ad cutem, and the fames needi are) to be-transferres to theuia, que simili ratione sutura injicienda unit in lito rea n manner) a suturo is) to be cast-inqu0que ei parti; acubus seinper venientibus abutio to that pari; the needies almus coming Irominteriore parte, trajectis semper inter the interior pari, bola passed schanged) amus belwe manus: dein glutinantia injicienda. tho hunda: aftertoarct glutinating ingredientsin to be-cast-on.

Quibus aut spongiam, aut Succidam-lanam eXpressam To which eithre a 3ponge, or greav-wool orpreMed ex aceto, debere accedere est

Out-j vineyur, to ought to accede sto be added) is manifestius quain ut sit semper dicendum. more-manifest thun that it-may-be amam to be-said. His impositis, venter debet deligari I heso beingsDoeGon, the bel0 ought to be-bound ban- leniteri


interior membrana abdominis rumpitur, burthen), the interior membrano of the abdomen is-bursi, Superiore cute integra. Quod consuevit ilo Upor 3hin being mund. Which has-beomaco tomedevenire saepe quoque seminis ex utero: queto luppen Uten aiso eo momen out-of the uterus : and fit praecipue circa ilia. Autem Sequitur, Cum et humens eveoialty about the ilia. But it follows, when Supelior Caro sit mollis, ut contineat non tho timor flesh may-be ε t, that it may contula notSatis intestina, que cutis intenta his suscient ly the intestines, and the uin stret he Hon to thrae Intumescat indecore. Atque id qu0que may-become-δwollen unbeoomingly. And that also curatur aliter ab aliis .is-Deuted othermise by othera variousty by different physicians . Enim quidam sic devinciunt utrinque duobus For εomo εο blad the tumo ur) on-both-sides tolth two linis immissis per acum ad imam baSim, threari gent-in throwl a noeiae to sat) the lowest base, quemadmodum positurn-est et in umbilico as haδ-brensiaced explained) both in the navel

et in uva, ut

quidquid est super vinculum emoriatur. Quidam whateuer is above tho bond may-die-away. Some excidunt medium tumorem, ad similitudinem solii cut-out the middie tumour, to ite lileness of u leo

myrtacei, quod P0sui jam esse


quia eSt necesse, membrana Sit rΠpta ea be auSe it-i8 ne e83ury, the membrano may-be burat in that parte; que qua est integra, ea obnitatur pari; and in what spart) it-is 3ount in tiat it muy-resistmagis : tum, qua videbItur rupta, duae linearmoreo then, in what spart) it shall-seem bursi, two lines sunt immittendae scalpello, ut medio arc to-b - Sent-in with a sculpet, thut tho misidiaeXciso, interior membrana utrinque habeat heing -cut-out. the interior membrano On-both-sides may-have recentem plagam; quia, quod est Vetus coit nona fre8h wound ; beoause, what is old unites notsutura. Loco patefacto, si qua parte by εuture. Tho place bellig-ma -open, is in any puri membrana habet non novam plagam, Sed Veterem, tho mcmbrane has not a nero wounc but an old oue), tenuis habena est excidenda, quae tantum eXulceretu thin stris is to-be-cut- oui, which only may-ulcerate oras ejus. Cetera quae pertinent ad

Suturam, que reliquam curationem, the future, and the remaining troatment, comprehensa-Sunt Supra. have been-comprehended above.

o Praeter haec, evenit ut varices sint iii Besides these, it humens that varices may be in Ventribus quorundam, quarum quia eSt ho bellies of sonae spersons), of which beeuuse there-is nulla alia curatIo quam quae consuevit no other treaiment thun that) which hus-be -aoc tomedeSse in cruribus, explanaturus eam partemto bo in thelera, being)-about-to- pluia that partium, quoque dissero hanc eo. then, uiso I defer this thither. Autem venio ad ea quae solent

Nym' Aut I come to thoae maladies) which ure-accustomedoriri l in naturalibus partibus circa testiculos quoto arise in the naturui paris around the testicles; by whleh