The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


explicem qu de facilius, natura in order that) I may-unsold whion more-ousily, the nuture loci ipsius est proponenda pauciS

prius. Igitur testiculi liabent quiddam Words) previo ly. Therei ore the testicle3 havo somesimile medullis ; nam emittunt non Sanguinem,

illing) like to marrows; for they emit not blood, et carent omni Sensu; autem tunicae quibus and ure ree from Hl feeling; but the tunica by whichii continentur, dolent iii ictibus et inflammationibus. they are-containet are-insain in biotos and insummations. Voro dependent ab inguinibus per Singulos nerVOS, Aut tho hang. ton Irom tho groina by Singis nerveS,

quos Graeci nominant κρεμαστῆρας kremasteraS : Cum v hich the Greehs nume kremasteres: Mithutroque quorum binae et venae et arteriae descendunt. eooh of which tioo both veilas and arteries descend. Autem lisec conteguntur tenui tunica, nerVOSa, Sine Aut these are-oovered with a Vin tunio, nervore3, without Sanguine, alba, quae nominatur a Graecis ἐλυτροειδ .

blovid, white, whiol is numed by the Greehs elutroeides. Super eam est valentior tunica quae inhaeret vehementer Abone that is a stronger tunio which adherea poweyullyinteriori ima parte: Graeci vocant to the interior in the loti est parte the in eis catl it)δοι τὸν darton). Deinde multae membranulpedarios. Astericardy many smali membranes comprehendunt venaS et artei Ias, que eOS nervOS :embra e the vela3 and arteriey, and those nervos

atque qu0que sunt leves que parvulae and also there-ure δlight and very-smali sones in inter duas tunicas superi0ribus partibus. ιetweeu the two tuni S in tho Vper puris. Hactenus et velamenta et auxilia sunt Thus fur both the coverinys and clida ars propria utrique testiculo. Deinde est sinus proper to euch traiicle. Asterwarda there-is u sinus


Communis utrique, que omnibus interioribus qui Common to euch, and to ullo the interior paris) whic hetiam conspicitur a nobis: Graeci vocant οσχεον '

nostri scrotum. Quem is inneXus our countrymen) δ rotum. And that belW-connected leviter mediis tu uicis ab ima parte, eSt tantum

circumdatus a Superiore. Igitur sub hoc

plura vitia consuerunt eSSe

very-muny viora smaladies) have-been- accustomed to-se quae modo sunt, tunicis ruptis, quas whioh metimes happen, the tunios beHy-brohen, ichichproposui incipere ab inguinibus, modo I haveolaood-before to bWin fro)n the groins, Sometim liis integris. Siquidem interdum vel these being) Round. Sinoe-thul δometimes either inflammatur primum ex morbo, deinde postea it-is-infamed irat out-of disoaso, then afterwariis abrumpitur Pondere ; Vel tunica, quae debuit it-imbur8t by the toelit; or tho tunio, which o hi diducere intestina ab inferioribusto Uraw-opart separate) the intestines frona tho lowerpartibuS, rumpitur protinus ex aliquo ictu; tum part3, D-bu=rat immediately out-j 8ome bioto; thenaut Omentum, aut etiam intestinum, devolvitur cither the omentum, or also the intestine, is-rollem re nPondere eo: que id, via reperta ibi, by the too hi thither : and that, a way beis ound thoro, niSumes quoque paulatim ab inguinibus in atrising also by-littD-and-littis from the groins unio inferiores partes, subinde diducit tunicas the loger paris, occasionalty drato vari the tunios being nerVOSas, et ob id patientes ejus nervovS, and On-accoun of that εν foring admittin Uthul rei. Graeci vocant ἰντεροκ enter0kelen) et


indecorum, sed commune his. Deinde, si unbecominς, hut common to the8e. Asterinariis, νοmentum descendit, tumor in Scroto the omentum has descende , the 3welling in the scrotum nunquam tollitur, sive fuit inedia, sive

the boo belW-turned hither or thither, or beingolaoedaliquo modo; que item, si spiritus est

retentus, increscit non magnopere, vero tactu eStretainis, it in eares not greatly, but in touoh it-is inaequalis, et mollis, et lubricus. At si intestinumunequac und 8 and glissing. But is the intestine quoque descendit, is tumor sine inflammatione asio has descended, that tumorer mithout insummation modo minuitur, modo increscit; que est sero rometimes is-diminishec 3ometimes increuδes; and it-is m tly Sine dolore, et cum aliquis conquiescit aut without puin, and when Rome sper8on) resis orjacet, interdum desidit ex toto, interdum dividitur

6 - wn, gometinara it sinhs entire0, 3ometimes it-D-divi ted sic ut exiguae reliquiae maneant in scroto: at εο that 8mali remalas may-remala in the scrotum e lut Crescit clamore et satietate, et si is homo

ni sus-est sub aliquo pondere: contrahitur omni 1 -3triven under 8oms weighte it-D-contracted by ali frigore, diffunditur calore; que Scrotum eSt tum et


murmure. Et id quidem evenit in levioribus. murmuring. And that indoed humens in lighter cases .

Autem nonnunquam Stercore accepto tumet

But Romelimes the e rorement belW-received it-D-swollen Vastius, que poteSi non compelli retro: que more-vaSt0, and ig-able not to-he-forced bachwarda; undassert tum dolorem et scroto, et inguinibus, is bringo theu pain both to the scrotum and to the groins, et abdomini: nonnunquam StomachuS quoque and to the abdomen: Sometimes the stomach utio

affectus primum reddit per os

rusam bilem, deinde viridem, quibusdam etiam red bile, afterward3 green, to Some Pers0ns) even

liuol. Vero membranis integris, interdum humor But the membran being) sound, δometimes humorer distringit eam partem. Atque quoque sunt duae

Struina that pari. And uiso there-are t co Species ejus. Nam vel is increscit inter tunicas, species of it. For either that increases betweon the tuni , vel in membranis, quae sunt ibi circa Venas et or in the membranes, which ars there aboret tho veins undarterias, ubi eae gravatae occalluerunt. Ac arterie8, when those being-oppresSed have-become-caltius. Andest ne-quidem una Sedes ei humori, qui there-is not-even one same) Reat to that humorer, whiolest inter tunicas. Nam modo consi Stit interis belloeen the tunios. For somelimes it Riops botu eon Summam et mediam, modo inter mediam

tho h hest and mi die tunic), sometimes belueen the ni dille et imam. Groeci appellant, quidquid est, und toto t. Tho Greus ouil it), whichevor it-is,


habent haec quoque Sub eodem nomine, quo havs thrae atio under the sanie namo, with whichpriora. Autem sunt quaedam illey have) the former. Aut there-are δ9me Communia Signa, quaedam pr0pria :common general) signA Rome proper sparticular ones) : Communia, quibus humor deprehenditur; propria the common, by wHoh the humour is disconered; the properquibus locus. Discimus humorem Subesse particular hy whioh the place. IVρ leura humour to be undersi est tumor, nunquam remittenS Se eX-toto, Sed is there-is 4wolling, never remitting itself otii oly, butinterdum levior, aut propter samem, aut Sometimes δ' hier, either On-account-9 hunger, Orpr0pter febriculam, que maxime in pueris: On ac sunt-of δl hi ever, Ond evectulty in bus que is est mollis, Si nimius humorand that is sost, is too-much humour subest non; at si is increvit vehementer,i3- under not; but is that has-increared violontly, renititur sicut uter repletus et adstrictus arcte: iί-re1ista tis a bio der siled and tightenod olosely quoque venae in scroto inflantur; et, si Lo the veins in the scrotum aro-insutod; anil, fpressimus digito, hum0r cedit, querce havemre ed tolli tho snger, the humour yiel ' and circumfluens attollit id quod premitur non, et apparet 6wing-round ruisos that which isor sed not, and apyears tanquam in viti O ve cornu per Scrotum; que is,os-is in glara or in horn through tho scrotum; and that, quantum ess in ipso, est Sine dolore. Autem αδ-much-os is in itfessi, is without puin. But sedes ejus deprehenditur sic. Si est inter tho seul of it k-discovered thu3. V it-is heime nsummam que mediam tunicam, cum Pressimusile highrat und mi se tunio, rohen we haveor Sed duobus digitis, humor revertens paulati inwith two 'gers, the humorer returning Θ-littD-onGlistis


Subit inter eos; scrotum est albidius; si Com -υ between them; the scrotum is whitor; fducitur, intenditur aut nihil, aut parvulum: it-D-Gawn, illa-εtretoled either nothis, or very-litile etesticulus sentitur ea Parte, neque ViSU, the testiole is-perceived in that puri, netther by 8 hi, neque tactu. At si est Sub media tunica, nor by touch. Aut is it-is under the naiddie tunio, scrotum intentum, attollit se magis, adeo the εorotum heing-8tretoled, rui*es it3eg more, δοut superior coles delitescat sub eo tumore. that the uiser penis may-beoomθ-hidden under that tumo . Praeter haec, tunicis aeque integris ramex Beside; thege, the tunios equully being) sound a ramex innascitur: Graeci appellant κιρσοαηλ hirsoheleti).orises: the Greeis cali sit) hirsokele. Venae intumescunt; que eae int0rtae, que The neina become-όwollen; and those being-troisted, and conglomeratae a Superi0re parte, Vel implent conglomerated frona the Uper puri, either sillscrotum ipsum, Vel mediam vel imam tunicam: the εcrotum irae , or the mi te or lowest tunio interdum etIam increscunt Sub ima tunica, omethnes atio thv inor ca8e under the lowest tunio, circa testiculum ipsum que nervum ejus. Exabout the tertiose itself and the nerve of it. Out-σhis, eae quae sunt in scroto ipso . patent these, those tohich ure in the scrotum iiself, Ke-υ oculis: vero eae quae insident mediae veto the taes: but thoεe which setile to the mi Ole orimae tunicae, ut magis conditae, cernuntur seu est tunio, as being) more hidden, are-discerned quidem non aeque, sed tamen etiam sunt subjectae

inde ed not equal0, but yet also are Subeote ivisui: praeterquam quod et est aliquid to thes hi: besides that also there-is soni thing tumoris, Pro magnitudine et modo os tumour, according-to the Size snd manuer extent)


venarum, et id renititur magis prementi, Uthe veins, and that resista more sto a person) prening, ac est inaequale per toros ips0s venarum; et and is unequat through the hnois theniselves Uthe vein8; and qua parte id est, testiculus dependet magis justo. iu tolut part that is, the testiole hungy- ton mors tha u*t. ero cum id malum increvit etiam Super testiculum But when that evit has-inoreased even over the te ticlo ipsum que nervum ejus, testiculus ipse descendit it3est and the nerve of it, the testiole ityelf d cenδε aliquanto longius, que fit min0r altero, -δomowhut farther, and beoomes lora thun the other, utpote alimento amisso. Raro, Sed inasmuch-as the nourishment belag-lost. Soldom, butaliquando caro quoque inter tunicas increscit: εomestimes the flesh also betioeen the tunios in reuSeS e Graeci vocant σαρκοκηλην sarhohelen). Interdum etiam the curreeti culi sit) sari Ohelo. Sometim aiso testiculus ipse tumet ex inflammatione, ac qu0que the testiole itfey k-δwollen out-os inflammation, and aD9 affert febres; et, nisi ea inflammatio conquievit fringε sever3; anc uni s that insummation ha3-r ted celeriter, dolor pervenit ad inguina atque ilia, quequic Dy, the pala arrivos to the grolas and Gellia, and partes intumescunt; nervus, eX quoth0δs parta beoome-δwolian; the nervo, oul-of whichtesticulus dependet, fit plenior, que simul the trati te hangm ton, beoomes mulier, and at-tho ame thno indurescit. Super hecom -hard. Above besides quoque implent inguen:



curatione; the treulment;

in I iqua quaedam sunt


communia omnium, quaedam propria Singulorum.

common Vasi, Some proper sparticular) of euch. Dicam prius de Communibus. Autem nunc I shali su previores0 concerning the common. But noro loquar de iis quae desideraut scalpellum; Ιεhal speah conoerning tho8e which require the εcalpelnam erit dicendum, quae vel possint for it-wil be to be-εaid os in se), which either may-be-ublenon sanari, vel debeant nutriri not to be- ured, or may-ought to be-nourished strealed, aliter, Simul venero ad singulas otheraeis' a8-δoon-a3 I shall-have-come to the single species. Autem interdum inguen inciditur, particular) specie8. But somelimes Gogroin k-incised, interdum Scrotum. In utraque curatione homo debet 3omelimes the Sorotum. In each treaiment the man ought bibere aquam per triduum ante, abstinere etiam

to drinh water through three dva before, to abstain uiso a cibo pridie: autem die ipso collocari from food the-Gy-before: but onthe y it self to bellaced supinus; deinde, si inguen est incidendum, queon-the-bach; afterwards, is the groin is to be-incised, and id jam contegitur pube, eSt radendum Rnte, that utready is-conered with huir, iseis to be-shaved before,

et tunc scroto extenso, ut cutis and then the sorotum heing- tended, that theshininquInis sit intenta, id incidendum subof the groin muy-be stretoled, that is) to be-rncisod underimo ventre, qua inferiores tuiescae the lotio est bel0, in inhut part) the lower tum

committuntur cum abdomine. Autem est aperiendum are-connected wita tho abdomen. But it-ι3 to-be-πenedaudacter, donec sumina tunIca, quae eSt

scroti ipsius, incidatur, que perVeniatur Ofthe scrotum iraeissi, may-be-incised, and rt may-be-arrived ad eam quae est media. Plaga facta, to that whioh is the midiae. The wound bemg-mado,


soramen subest versus deorsum. Index an Uenis is under tot aris downwarri. The index digitus sinistrae manus est demittendus in id,

ut membranulis intervenientibus diductis, that thesmal membranes intervening being - arcn-vari, laxet sinum . Autem minister, scroto it may-Dosen the ginus. Aut the attendant, the 8crotum comprehenSo Sinistra manu debet extendere id

lowarius vwar δε, and to Gaw--υ it as-much-asso ille ab inguinibus, primum cum testiculo ipso, dum from the graius, Frst with tho tostiole itself, ωhile medicus abscindat scalpello omnesthe phyδiciun may cut-at v with the scalpet aumembranulas quae Sunt Supra mediam tunicam, the εmull- membranos volita are above the midiae tunio,

deinde sine eo, ut iS elapsus teri urda without it, that it lavingwlιded-out jungatur plagae ipsi, que promaturmv-beboined to the wound ityelf, and may-be-dratonsorthinde digito, et collocetur Super ventremthenoe with the gor, and may-bemluced over thebellycum suis duabus turescis. Si Sutit qua vitiosa with iis two tunici. IV ther are any vitiated sparis)sunt circumcidenda indet in quibus quumus are to be- ut-around aWay thonoe: in which, sincemultae venae discurrant, tenuiores many veing may-run-αpart in every direction), ile thinner quidem possunt praecidi prostius: vero majores in ed are-able to be-out- immediuteb: hut thegrenter sunt deligandae ante longiore lino, vetiis) ure to bo-bound before roith a very-long threc ne suridant sanguinem periculose. Sin medialest thv maysour blood Uerous0. But-f the mitale


tunica vexata-erit, aut malum tunio εhall-have-be -harasδod damaged), or the evilincreverit sub ea, ea erit excidenda sic, εhal hane-inore od under it, it wiliabe to be-out-out 3o, ut praecidatur alte ad inguen ipsum. Tamen that it-may-be-cul-away deoply to the proin ityeg. I et tota est non demenda infra: nam quod est the whole is not to be-taken-away beneath: for tolat is Connexum vehementer cum ima tum ca ad basim

connected powerfully with the lotorat tunio to sat the base testiculi potest non excidi sine summo Of-the-t tiolo is-able not to-be-out-out wklout the hi hestpericulo; itaque est relinquendum ibi. Idem angor; thermore it-is to-be-lest there. The sanae est quoque laciendum in ima tunica, si ea is also to he-done in the loti est tunio, ν that laesa-est. Sed ea non abscindenda ah -be -injured. But it sis) not to be-out-awυ from Summa plaga inguinis, verum paululum infra, the h hest toound of the groin, but a very-litile beneat

ne membrana abdominis laesa moveatlest tho membrone of the abdomen belW-injured may move inflammationes. Νeque tamen nimium ex cause) insummations. Nor yot too-much out-σea est relinquendum sursum, ne Sinueturit is to be-l l reptourri, teli it-may-beformω-into-a-Sm postea, et praestet Sedem eidem malo. tergardy, and way- ord a Seat to the fame evit. Itaque testiculus purgatus est

demittendus leniter per plagam ipsam, cum Venis to-bo-lowered gently through the toound ityest, mith the veinset arteriis, et Suo nervo ; que videndum neund arteries, and withiis neroe; and sitis) to-bo-seen test sanguis descendat in scrotum, neve concretuS, the blood may-descend into the scrotum, or-DSt being -cono eted, maneat aliquo loco. Quae sient