The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


ita, si messicus prospexerit venisthus, y the physrorem εhal hane-providod for the velas vinci0ndo, lina quibus capita earum

continebuntur, debebunt dependere extra 3hul be-held-together, wil ought to hung-down without Pl'gam; quae, pure orto, eXcident Sinetle Mound ; tthioh, pus haviv-urisen, wilifall-out without ullo dolore. Autem duae fibulae sunt injiciendae any palla. But two clav3 ure to-be-oasl-on placed on)plagae ipsi, et medicamentum instiper quo the wound irae L and an application over rohion glutinetur. Interdum solet raseιt may-be-glutinates Sometimes it-D-accustomed to-benecessarium aliquid excidi ab alteraneo sata sor) Rome thing) to be-out-out from another 0ne ora, ut cicatrix fiat major et latior.erege, that the ycar may-be-made greater and broader. l ' incldit, linamenta sunt non sulcienda Gen wluch hra ha enec linis ure not to lemroned super, sed tantum ponenda leviter, que SuDra

pressed) over, but only to besmoed lightly, and above' . . quid repellant inflammationem, id est those applications whroh may-repet inflammation, that is

vel Succida-lana vel Spongia ex aceto: ἰther greav-wool or a vongo ou of vinegar dipped in eadem sunt adhibenda


infra, homine reSUPinato, εν ibeneath, the man belW-Did-on sis-baol, the lese est subjicienda is to be-cust-under splaced undet in under


vehementer et incidendum. Si est parvulum qu0dpowerfully and to-be-inoised. V it-is very-litile tolichnocet, modice, ut tertia pars relinquatur infrahuriS, moderate0, 89-that a third pari mυ -be-lest beneath integra ad testiculum sustinendum : si est found sentire) to r) the testiole to be-supportode is it-i3 majus, etiam amplius, ut tantummodo paulum greater, even more, δ0-thot only a litilem angat integrum ad imum cuimV-remain entire to sat) the loroeat spart) to whichtesticulus possit insidero. Sed primo the teSticte may-be-abis to sit-on rest on). But alsi Si scalpellus debet teneri rectus manu the Scalpel ought to bo. held stra hi trith a land quam- levissIma, donec diducat scrotum a8-light-asmossibio, untii it may-draw-vare the Scrotum ipsum ; tum mucro est inclinandus, ut Secetitself; then the potnt is to be-inclined, that it mapcut

tranS vel Sas membranaS, quae Sunt inter Summam the transverερ membrano' whiol ure betu ore the hiphratque mediam tunicam. At si vitium est in

proximo, oportet mediam tunicam non the noui eδt very near), it behoveg the mi Gle tunio notattingi: si conditur quoque sub illa, illa etiam to be-totichedr is it-is hiddon also under that, that alao est incidenda, sicut quoque tertia, si illa tegitis to-bo inciseri as also the third, is thul coversviuum . Autem ubicunque malum repertum-eSt, the diserae. But toler er the ovit has-been ound, oportet ministrum ab inferiore parte exprimere it-behoves the attendant from the lower part to preM-out moderate scrotum, medicum collocare

moderat ly the scrotum, it belloves) the physiciun to placo extra inferiorem partem tunicae diductam tolthout tho lower part of the tunio bcing drawn-vari digito ve manubriolo scalpelli; deinde trith the snger or mith tho hundie of the sculpet; afteraestris


incidere eam serrament0, qu0d, obto inoise it with an iron-instrument, ichich, on-account-9 similitudinem vocant corvum, sic ut duo digiti, the lihonora they cali corvus, δo that two snger index et medius possint intrare

in eandem. Deinde his conjectis,hito the sume. terwariis these belag-cast introduced), reliqua pars tunicae excipienda, et the remuinis part of the tunic is to be-taken-out, and scalpellus est immittendus inter digitos,ile sculpol is to be-δent-in made to pass) betaeoen thosngers, que quidquid est noxium eximendum autand whut ver is notiolis to be-tahen-out oreffundendum . Autem quamcunque tunicam quisto bo povi ed orth. Aut whatever tunio any person violavit, debet quoque excidere illam, ac in emam ha3-injure , he ought also in cut-out that, and the mi id quidem, ut dixi supra, quam-altissime a l one) in ed, us f have Sald above, a ligh assonible toinguen, autem imam paulo infra. Ceterum, the groin, but tho lowest a littis beneuth. But,

antequam eXcidantur, hae Summaebefore-that they may-be-out-oret, theSe h hest the extremi- debent vinciri lino, et capitaties os these) ought to be-bound with thread, and the heu sejus lini sunt relinquenda extra plagam, Sicut 9 that thread ure to he-l t without the wounc usquoque in illis venis quae requisierint id. Eo uiso in tho8e veins which mu have-required this. Thissacto, testiculus est reponendus intus, quebelag-done, the t tiolo is to be-reptaoed within, undorae Scroti committendae inter se the ecies of the scrotum to bo-united belloeen themscines Suturis, neque iis paucis, ne wilh gutures, nor Mith thoδo refero, testglutinentur Parum, et curatiothv mv-b glutinuted too-litile, and tho treaiment


fiat longior; neque multis, ne augeant may beCome very-DU; nor totumany, irat thv may increase inflammationem. Atque ilic quoque est Videndum, ne the inflammation. And here uiso it-is to be-δeen, iratquid sanguinis maneat tu scroto; tu m

glutinantia Sunt imponenda. Autem si glutinating applications) ure to belut-on. Aut is quando sanguis defluxit in scrotum, Vetit-uv-timo blood has lowed-down into the scrotum, oraliquid concretum decidit ex eo, debet some thing) concreted has allen-λwn nut-of it, it-ought incidi subter id; que eo purgato, Spongiato he-inoised under that ; and that belW-clean*ed, a vovemadens acri aceto circumdari. Autem omne mel toith acrid vinegar to hesiven-around. Bul every vulnus quod tactum-est ex his causis deligatum, Mound which has-been-made out- of thrae causes belU-bound,

est non resolvendum primis quinque diebus; sed is not to bo-Doaed in the strat sve Gys; buttantum lana vel Spongia irroranda aceto bisonly the wool or vove to be-va inllod tolia vine ar twice die: si est dolor, resolvendum tertio

in the Dy f there-is puin, it is) to be-Dosed on the thi, ddie, et ubi sunt fibulae, hae incidendae :day, and whore there-are classes, thrae sare) to be-out; ubi linamentum, id e8t immutandum: que id tolere lint, that is to be-ohanged: and that quod imponitur madefaciendum rosa et whioh ismut-on sis) to be-made-wet with rose soll) nndvino. Si inflammatio increscit, cataplasma eXwine. IX in immation inoreaS , apoustice Oul-oflenticula et melle adjiciendum prioribus, vellentii ond honey is) to b added to the former, orex malicorio, quod coctum-Sit in out-of pomegranate-riad inhioh may have-be -boiled in austero vino, Vel ex his mixtis. Si inflammatio rough wine, Or out-of thrae belU-mi red. IV the inflammation


conquierit non sub lais, post quintum diem,may-have-r ted not under thrae, Uter the fifth du, vulnus fovendum multa Calida aqua, the wound sis) to be-fomented with much hoe wutor, donec scrotum ipsum et extenuetur et untii the 8orotum it3eg both may-b extenuated and fiat rugosius: tum cataplasma ex farina may-become more-wrinklede then a poultico out-9 meattriticea, cui resina pinea felonging-to-wheat, to whioh resin belonginq-to-the-pilae adjecta-sit, imponendum: quae may-have-been-a eri sis) to bemut-on : which things ipSa sunt coquenda eX aceto, Si

robustus curatur; Si tener, ex

a robust patient) D-trealed; is a tender weali patient , out-j melle. Neque est dubium, quodcunque suit vitium, honey. Nor i -it dou Vul, whatevor has-beon the vice si est magna inflammatio, quin ea disease), is there-is great insummation, but-thue thoge quae mOVent PUS, Sint imponenda. things) ichiol move promote) pus, may-be to b put-on. Quod-si pus ortum-est in scroto ipso, id debet But- pus has-arisen in the scrotum iiseri that ought ncidi paulum, ut exitus detur; que

lein cerato. Haec pr0Prie pertinentister cursis inith corate. Thrae tbings)particulurly pertula id vulnera ejusmodi. Cetera, et in curationeo wound. of thia-δort. The othor things), both in treulment


et in victu, debent esse similia iis quae and in diei, ought to-be lite to those whichpraecepimus in quoque alio genere vulnerum. we hane directed in eaoh other hi id os teounds. His propositis, est veniendum These things being placeὐbefore, it-is to be-co ne ad singulas species. Ac si intestinum to the single sparticular) species. And V an intestine descendit cui parvulo puero, ante scalpellum 1a8-d cen led to any very-litile bu, be fore the 3culpet Vinctura est experienda. Fasesa fit causa a bandage is to be-tried. A band is-made for the sale ejus rei, cui imo loco Ofthis thing, to whioh in the lowest place sat the bottom pila laeta ex panniculis est assuta, quina buli made out-of rugs is 8ewed, whichsubjicitur illi ipsi ad intestinum is placeLunder to that intestine itfey to sor) the intestinerepellendum: deinde reliqua pars lascimis be-thrust-bael: Uterwaris the remaining part of the bundcircumdatur arcte. Sub quo saepe et intestinum is placedaround olosely. Under whioh osten both the intestine compellitur intus, et tunIcae glutinantur interis repellod within, und the tunica are-glutinaled belween

Rursus, si aetas processit, que patet ex uin, is age has u anced, and it-iε- evident, Out-σmagno tumore inultum intestini descendisse, quethegreat tumour much oy the intestine to hau descended, unddolor et vomitus adjiciuntur; quae serepain und vomiting are-added; whioh things mostly acesdunt ex stercore dolapso flumen Out-of from) the exorement havingstide f-doteneo ex cruditate, est manifestum scalpellum thithor out-os indigestion, it-is munifost the scalpel


posse non adhiberi Sine pernicie; malum to he-able not to be-applied without deεtruction; the mala tantummodo levandum, et

extrahendum per alias curationes. Sanguis debet to be-drawn-out through other treatments. Blood ought initti ex brachior deinde, si viresto be-let out-of the arm : afterat arda, is the Rirengthspatiuntur, abstinentia triditi est imperanda: si aliour, an abstinence of three-dus is to be-ordered; fminus, Certe quain-longi Ssima proleεε otherivise), certainly a8-DU-a3 o8sibis accordisg-to vi corporis. Vero eodem tempore the atrong th of the bo . Aut at the sanie time cataplasma ex semine-lini Superhabendum,

scrotum, PoteSi non educere ex eo. Verothe scrotum, it is-able not to suw-out out-of it. Aut malo levato per ea quae

Scripta-Sunt supra, Si quando dolor havs-been-written above, is ut-v-timo the putareverterit eadem erunt facienda. Si


multa intestina prolapsa sunt quoque sine dolore, est many intestines have-prolapsod even without puta, it sSUPervaCuum secari; n0n quo Superfluous to be-cut not by which because p0ssint non excludi a Scroto ;they-may-be able not to be- oludod from the gorotum; nisi tamen inflammatio prohibuit id; sedunt 8 however inflammation has prevented that; butqu0 repulsa immorentur

inguinibus, qui excitent tumorem ibi, atque itato thesroin3, which may eicite tumour there, und thua non finis sed mutatio mali fiat. not an enit but si change of the mala ly may-be mado. At in eo quem oportebit curari Bue in hisa who1n it tolli hehove to be-trealed scalpello, simulatque vulnus factum in inguine with tho Roalpet, as-3oon-a3 the wound made in the proin pervenerit ad mediam tunicam, ea debebit shali lave-arrived to the mi ille tunio, that tolli ought

apprehendi juxta

dum medicus

while tho physicianliberet eam, omnibus membranulis may ree it, ali the Smul niembranos

diductis. Enim neque quae est bosg- awn-vart. For neisher that whioh Dexcidenda laeditur cum periculo ; cumto b cut out i injured with danger; rehon since)intestinum possit non esse, nisi sub ea. Autem

ubi diducta-erit debebit incidit hen it 8hul lave-been-Gawn-apart it wil ought to be-incised ab inguine usque ad testiculum, Sic, ne


et modicum malum and a moderate mala Si vir est robuStUS, V the man is robuSt, testiculus debet non the testicle ought not

Tamen sere puerilis aetas,

recipit hanc curationem. receives sadmits) this treuiment. que id vitium est majus,ond that malu is greater, extrahi, sed permanere in sua sede. to be- tracted, but to remala in ira 3eat. hoc modo. Inguen aperitur scalpello in this manner. Thegroin is-opened mith a εoa eleadem ratione usque ad mediam tunicam ue que ea in the fame moner untii to the mi te tunio; und that tunica excipitur eodem modo duobus hamis, Sic, tunro D-tahen-υ in the game manner with two hook' δ9, ut testiculus contineatur a ministro eatenuS, that the testicia may be-r trained by the attendunt 8o ar, ne exeat per vulnus: tum ea tunica si it mayso-out through the woundo then that tunio inciditur scalpello Versus deorsum ; que index re mouea with the 8oalsel towaris downwurri: and the indoidigitus sinistrae manus demittitur sub ea ad

teSticulum, que compellit eum adtrati te, und Dro it to stowards, deinde duo digiti dextrae manus, terwarda taeo singors Uther hi hunclatque index, diducunt Venam, et und foresngcri Guw-vari tho vetu, undarteriam, et nemum, que tunicam eorum a Superiore

artery, and nerve, und tunio of them fram the per tunica. Quod-si aliquae membranulae prohibent, imum the lowest plagam: the wound epollexile thumbiunt .. But-f εomeresolvuntur

tota tunica sit the whole tunio may-beεmal membranra prebent,

scalpello, donec by the δculpet, tintiljam ante oculOS. aDeu be re tho veri quae sunt excidenda, que


testiculo reposito, habenula paulo latior the testiole belW-roplaoed, a smali stris is a litile broaderest demenda quoque ab ora ejus . Vulneri Sis to be-tulen-awv also from the e ge of that wound qu0d est in inguine, quo plaga sit major, whioh is in tho proin, by whioh the wound maybe greater,

et possit creare plus carnis. Dud may-be-able to creato more of sh.

aperiendum quidem eodem modo quoto ho-opened in ed in the fame manner in whichScriptum-eSt supra, que tunicae Suntit has-been-written abovo, and the tunios are diducendae: autein est ConSiderandum, ne to be-Gawn-opait: but it is to be-considered, whetheris modus Sit major, an eXiguuS.

that measuro squantity) may-be very great, or Smali. Nam qu0d est parvulum est repellendum vel For inhut is very lillio is to be-thrussebach either digito vel averso specillo super ingueti intrith the finger or mith turned probo over the proin insoalvum: si est plus, oportet Sinere quantum tho bel0 is it-is more, it beloves to su er as-nraech-ux Prolapsum-est ex utero dependere; quehusorolapsed out-of the abdomen to havg- oton; undillinere id adurentibus medicamentis, donecto bosmour that with burning caustic) applications, tintilemoriatur et eXcidat. Hic quoque quidam it may-die-away und may ull- . Here also sometrajiciunt duo lina acu, que adstringunt diversas I nS8 two threatis in a neodie, anil tighton the opposite partes binis capitibus singul0rum; sub quo puris ' with the two hoods euds) of euch ; under u hichem0riatur aeque sed tardius. Tamenit may-die-uwυ equotly but more Dicty. I et adiicitur quoque celeritati liis si omentum it-is-added otio to quichnes; to these is tho omentum