The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


illinitur super vinculum medicamen is quae exeduntiq-hesmenred over the bond withoppiloations whioh eat-out Sic, ne erodant: Graeci εο, lest they mmy-gnato iliat thev do not erode): the Greests

vocant σηπτα. Etiam suerunt,

praeciderent omentum sorsice : quod est would cut-away the omentum milh scissors r whioh is necessarium in parvulo: si est majus, nec sury in a very δmuli caSe) : is it-is verygrea potest sacere prosuSionem Sanguinis; siquidemit is-ubie to maho a pourissorth Ubiood; 4ino η-tha fomentum quoque est illigatum quibusdam etiam the omentum algo is connected to Some evenni oribus venis. Vero neque si ventre

praeciditur sorsice, cum et em0rtuum-Sit, is-out-uway with 8cinor8, since both it may-have-dkGaway, et possit non avelli tutius aliter; and may-be-able not to be-torn-away more asely othera Deost exemplum transferendum inde huc. Autem is the erumpie to be-transferred thenoe hither. Bue vulnus dubet curari Sutura, si omentum the wound ought lo be-trected by Ruture, is the omentum relictum-est: si id suit ampliuS, et emortuum-esth -beon-lest: is that has-been very-large, and ha8-die Lawυ extra, oris exci8iS, Sicut propositum-est without, the edges bel*- Cised, aS has beentroposeu

Vero si humor Aut in pueris in Ohildrenis humour quidem; indoed;

withininguen, est incidendum the groin, it-is to be-incised his quoque major

modus ejus liqu0ris prohibet id: vero in meusure quantity) of that suid prevenis that: but iti


viris, et ubicunque multus humor subest, scrotum men, and whererer much humour is under, the ycrotum

the tumos bern)-Gawnforth by that opening), the humorer debet effundi: si scrotum et vitium est O ght to be-poure ovi: f the acrotum and the mala is protinus sub hoc, nihil aliud uuain immediately under thi3, nothin other sis to be done) than

humor effundendus, que membranae Srint the humorer to bemouredoul, and the membrane3 are abscindendae, si quae continuerunt eum ; deinde

sub media ve ima tunica, totae eae Suntun r the misi te or loweyt tunio, the wholo thore ars collocandae eXtra Scrotum, que excidendae. to bo placed without tho scrotum, and to be-cut-out.

κκii. Vtem rameX, Si eSt Super Scrotum ipsum, est Gut a ramex, ν idiis repon the scrotum iis in is adurendus tenuibus et acutis serramentis, quieto he-burni mith tlin se id glars iron- instruments, relictinfigantur venis ipsis; cum eo, may be Desin to the velas themsesnes ; with thi condition), ne urant amplius has il l they mv-burn that illey do not burn) more thos que ubi implicatae inter se und whon heing tu Aled lettoeen th myolo glomerantur, id serrum egi maximethv arc-Conglomerate , that iron is particuluro adm0vendum eo; tum sarina subacta ex


utendum eo vinculo quod posuito be-ured with that han ge which I have pistoed stated

esse idoneum curationibus ani; tertio dieto be proper for treatments of the anus; on the third dulenticula cum melle est imponenda: POSt, crustiSlentii mith honey is to bemut-one u erwarri, the crusis ejectis, ulcera sunt puIganda melle, bsing- st- , the ulcera are to be-oleariSed with honem implenda rosa, perducendum

venae tument Super mediam tunicam, inguen the veins are-3wollen over the muldle tunio, the groiuest incidendum, atque tunica promenda, queis to be-inoised, and the tunio to bo-talen orth, undvenae Separandae ab ea digito vel

the velag to be-δeparated from it with thesser ormanubriolo scalpelli. Vero qua partemith tho-handio ου the-scalpel. But in tolat partinhaerebunt, et ab superiore et abchey shuli adhere, both Irom the repper und si ominferiore parte, vinciendae lino; tum tho lower pari, they are) to be-bound with threud; theu praecidendae sub vinculis ipsis, queto bo-cut- under the honds themgem , and teSticulus est reponendus. At ubi ramex insedit the testicle is to he-roplacessi But when a ramex h--δettsed supra tertiam tunicam, est necesse mediam

excidi. Deinde, si duae Ve tres venodio be-out-out. terwarri, is tu o or three votus tument, et aliqua pars obsidetur ita ut inrejorare-Swollen, and Somo part A b et So that the grcuterVacet eo Vitio, idem

faciendum quod scriptum-est supra; ut venaeto bo dono which hu/-beon-writton abovo; that the volns


deligatae et ab inguine et a testiculo,oetng-bound both from the proin and iram the testicio, praecidantur, que is condatur. may-be-ouμα, and ii sthe testicle in may-b hid replaced). Sin ramex obsederit totum id, index But-is a ramex may luve-braei the whole that, the index digitus erit demittendus per plagam, que Mi e singer toti be to be-lowered through the wound, and

subjiciendus venis, Sic ut protrahat,to beῬMoed-under to the vola3, εο that ii may drat sortheas paulatim; que eae adducendae, donec them is littk-- Glitile; and those to-be- awn-to, tintilis testiculus fiat par alterit tu in fibulae that testiolo may-be-mado equal to the othere then clavssic injiciendae oris, ut comprehendant are) εο to hemiaceLon to the edges, that they may embra Simul eas vena 3 quoque. Id si hoc ut-the-Sume-timo thoye velas aiso. That is- done in ilia modo. Acus persorat oram vulneris ab mannor. An odia perforatra the edge of the wound wrom exteriore parte, tum immittitur non per Venam the exterior pari, then it is-εent-in not through the rein ipsam, Sed per membranam ejus, que compellitur irael f hut through tho membrane Uit, and D-thrust per eam in alteram Oram. Vende debent non through it into the other elige. The vein8 ought notvulnerari, ne sundant Sanguinem. Membranato ho-woundeL lest they maymour blood. A membrane est semper inter has venas, ac neque asser is always bello en these voins, and n ither brings Periculum, et comprehensa filo, tenet illas

abunde. Itaque etiam est satis eSSeubunduntly. Ther fore uiso it is εubsicient to bo that there

duas fibulas. Tum quaecunque venalbe) two clavs. Thon whatover et eius protractae-sunt, debent compelli in inguen hau bocn-drnwnforth, oughe to bo-thrust lato the proin


ipsum averso specillo. Tempus solvendi fibulasitself with the turned probe. I e time os Do3is theclama est, inflammAtione finita, et vulnereis, the insummation belw-ended, and the wound purgato, ut cicatrix devinciat unabeing-oleansoc that 8car may blad together

simul et oras et venas. Vero ubi ut-the-same-thne both the edges und the vela3. But when ramex ortuS-eSt inter imam tunicam et a rameX ha3-arisen bettoeen ιhe lowrat tunio ' undtesticulum ipsum que nervum HUS, Una

curatio eSt, quo' abscindit totum testiculum. Nam treaiment is, which cut8-away the whole iratio . Foris neque confert quidquam ad generationem, et it neither confers αυ illing) to generation, and dependet omnibuS indecore, quibusdam etiam cum hangs- wn to uti uno comingly, to Some even with


fieri, scroto ipso inciso. At si nervusto be-done, the lorotum iisely being incise l. But is the nervo induruit, res potest curari neque has-bo me-hard, the this is-able to bo-trealed nesther manu, neque medicamentis. Enim ardentes sebres, et by hunc nor by medicines For ardent fovera, and aut virides aut nigri vomitus urgent; Plaeter haec, either green or bluch vomitius oppreδs; bosides these ingens sitis et aspritudo linguae; que sere things), grout thiarat und roughneas of tongue ; and mostly a tertio die Spumans bilis redditur

neque assumi facile, neque contineri: neque notther to bo-tahen easily, nor to be-retulaed: neithermulto post extremae partes frigescunt, and n0t) muoh ustoricoriis the eitreme parta be me colis, tremor oritur, manus eXtenduntur sine ratione ;tremor arises, the huniis are-extended without reuan: deinde si igidus sudor in fronte, que morS sequitur teritur δε cold siceat in theyoreheud, anil deuth follows

eum. it

Vero ubi ramex cst in inguIne ipso, si XXIV' Eut when a ramex is in the groin it3essi fluinor est modicus, debet incidi semel; si the tumour is moderate, it oughι to be-incised onoe; Umajor, duabus lineis, ut medium excidatur: greuter, with two lino, that the mi ille part) may-be cut-out deinde, testiculo extracto non, sicut resertoaris, the testicis belU-drawn-out not; asiloqui interdum fieri quoque, intestinis I have taught somelimes to be- ne alueo, tho intestines prolapSis, Venio c0lligendae, que honingvrolapaed, the veins are) to be-collected, undviciendod ubi inhaerebunt testiculis, et to bo-bound where they Shali uictere to the testicles, and


sunt praecidendae sub his nodis. Neque curatiothey-are to-b cut-osi under three knois. Mither the treatinent ejus vulneris requirit quidquam nOVi.

tegere eam causa decoris, p0testio covor it for-the-εale of beoomingness, it is-ublefieri: sed expeditius in puero quam into be-done: but more ea peditiousty in a boy than in viro; in eo cui id est naturale, quam in eo a man; in him to whom that is naturat, than in him qui circumcisus-est more quarundam gentium; tolo ha8-been-circumcised in the manner of εomo nations in eo cui glans est parva que cutis juxta eam in him to whom the glans is gmali und the shin near it spatios70r, coles ipse brevis, quam in quo Sunt moro- ample, the penis itself εhori, thun in re hom they ure contraria his. Autem curatio eorum quibus contrury to thege. Aut tho treuiment of those to whom id est naturale est ejusmodi. Cutis circa glandem that is nuturat is of this fort. The δ in about the glans prehenditur et extenditur, donec condatio-takon-hold-j and is-ertended, untii it muy-hide coverinillam ipsam ; que deligatur ibi: deinde, that the gland) itfey; und it-A-bound there et afterwarri, tergus inciditur in orbem juxta the shin i/-inoised into a circlo in a circular larmin nou, pubem, d0nec coles nudetur; quetae pubes, untii the penis mcly be made-nahed; undcmetur magna Cura, ne vel iterit-DQuarded-againεe u ith great cure, irat Oither the way urinae, vel Venae quae Sunt


ibi, incidantur. Eo facto, cutis inclinatur there, may-be-inoisod. This boing-done, the εhin is-i nolinedad vinculum, que velut circulus nudaturco sto vards) the bandage, and as- a ctrcle is-madenahed Circa pubem; que linamenta dantur around the pubes ; und linis uresinen sapplied)CO ut caro increscat, et impleat id: quethither ilist si h may-inoreas' and mayinil that: and latitudo, plagae supra praestat Satis velamenti. the breuish Uthe wound above inor is enough of coveris. Sed donec sit cicatrix, id debet esse But untii there-may-ιθ ε ur, that ought to bocinctum; tantum exiguo itinere urinae Surroundod bandaged) ; only utilite way of the urino relicto in medio. At in eo qui belag-lest in the middis. Aut in him lcho circumcisus-est, cutis est diducenda ab has-been-circumcised, the 8kin is to b drown-upari frominteriore cole scalpello Sub circulo glandis. the inner penis by the soa et under the circle of the glans. Dolet non ita quia, Summo δε-ismainsul not so very much), hecause the h hest spari, soluto, potest diduci deorsum usque belW-Dosed, it-D-able to be-draton-apore downwar δε untii ad pubem manu; neque ideo Sanguis to the pubes by the hand; nor on-that-account buod profluit. Autem cutis resoluta, extenditur rursus solos forth. Aut the δhin bel=--Do8ed, is- tendod again ultra glandem: tum fovetur multa frigida hvond the glans : thon it-is omented with much cohiaqua; que emplastrum datur circa, quod reprimat water; and a plaster i&Wiven around, which mv-repressvalenter inflammationem; que proximis diebus et pomerfully inflammation; and in the nexi dos also victus est prope a fame, ne sorte satietas the diei is nour from hunger, test by-chance saties excitet eam partem. Ubi est jam sine may-excito that pari. . inhen it-is ulready witlout


inflammatione, debet deligari a pube usque in flammation, it ought to be-bound from the pubes untii

circulum: autem induci super glandem, emplastro the circle: but to be-draton above the glans, a pluSter imp Sito adverso. Enim fit sic, ut inserior heinemut-on vi osite. For it happens thus, that thelower Para glutinetur; superior sanescat, ita part may-b glutinated; the repper may-be ome-lealthy, εο

inhaereat ne.

a Summa Ora recta linea usque ad frenum ;from thehighest edgo in astro hi lino untii to thesi enum, atque superius tergus ita relaxatum, potest Cedereund the repper εkin thus bolag-rel red, is-able toyield retro. Quod-si prosectum-est parum Sic, authachwardy. But- it has-been-udiuiled titile thus, either Propter angustias, aut propter duritiem

tergoris, protinus cutis est cxcidenda ab of the 8hin, tinmediately the Ahin is to be-out-out inomin seriure parte triangula forina, sic ut vertex ejus the lower part in a triangular forin, so that tho top of it sit ad lienum, basis in extremo tergo. may-be to f0Wards) the frenum, thebase in the eitreme 8hin. Tum linamenta Sunt Superdanda, prepuce). Then linis are tobo given-over placed over), que alia medicamenta quae perducant ad sanitatem. und other opplicationa which mv-Dulthrough to hoalth.


Autem est necessarium conquiescere donec Sit Bul it-is necessata to rest uniri there may-be cicatrix: nam ambulasio, atterendo, reddit ulcus a Scar: jor walhing, by rubblam renders the ulcersordidum. foui. Quidam consuerunt quoque infibulare

interdum valetumnis: que haec est Iasogometunes s leuith: und this is the reason method eius. Cutis quae est super glandem extenditur, queos it. The shin wHoh is over the glans r8 extendere, anu notatur utrinque, a lateribus, atramento, quais-murhed on-both-sides, from the 3rdes, urath inh, tu re halpei laretur ; deinde remittitur. Si part) it muy-bemerforated; afteru urri ri-rδ-lelso. U

si glans est libera ab his, is locus est lower) : f ue glans is yrce froni these, that place is

idoneus fibulast. Tum, qua notae Sunt, proper for a cluv. Then, in rchut spart) the murti ore, cutis transestur acu ducente filum, the shin is sewed-through by u needle drawing a thread, inie capita ejus fili deligantur inter se,und the hestis of that threud are bound beticem themaeines, ciue id movetur quotidie, donec cicatriculae santund that is-moved dat0, untii Smuli-Scars may-be-madocirca soramIna. Ubi eae confirmatae-Sunt, around the Uenings. LVhen these have-be -consi med,

filo exemto fibsita additur quae quo the thread belag-talen-out a classe is-addeiri toltch, by uihich