The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


leVlor, eo melior est. Sed

inter neceSSaria.

amos nec Sury things).ukut 0rse reS interdum cogit emoliri But the thing gometimes competi to drato orthurinam manu, Cum illa redditur non, aut, quia the urine by hanc relen it is rendered not, eluer be auso iter ejus collapsum-est, aut quia the wυ υ it the urethra has-collapsed, or besauSecalculus, vel aliquid ex Sanguine Concretum a calcum' or sonae thing) out-j blood helag-concreteil OPPOSuit . Se intus : ac quoque mediocris in lammatio has-ops od et&θν withine and also moderate inflammationsaepe prohibet eam reddi naturaliter. len prevenis it to be-rondered discliarged) natural0. Quo id est necessarium, non in viris tantummodo, Sed And that is nec Sary, not in men only, butinterdum quoque in seminis. Ergo aeneae fistulae gometinae8 abo in momen. Thermore bruzen pipes fiunt; quae, ut sussciant omni corpori,ar e-made ; which, that theymay-δ. ce for every bo , ampliori que minori, fres Sunt for tho very-large anil for the very-mali, ures are habendae

medico, ad mares, duae

ad seminas: maxima ex virilibus,to mi) women: thegreat i out-of those) bolonginς-ω-men, decem et quinque digitorum; media


magis, que admodum laeves, ne neque more sparticularly), und very δmooth, iand netther nimis plenas neque nimis tenties. Tum homo est too Iuli nor too thin. Then the man is collocandus resupinus Super subsellium aut lectum, to bemlaced Dimon-the-bach upon a Reat or a beleo modo quo figuratur in curatione in that manner inti hioh it-is gured in the troatment cani. Autem medicus a dextro latere

of the anus. But the physimum from uo right si debet continere colem mascliti quidem sinistra ought to hold the penis of the male indoed inith the lest

manu, vero demittere fistulam dextra in iter haud, but to lotoer thepipe with the right into the way urinae: atque ubi ventum est addo the urine theurethra): and when it ha8-becn-come to CerVicem vesicae, compellere fistulam inclinatam

simul cum cole in vesicam ipSam, que t ether with the penis unio tho bladder itfossi uno. urina reddita, recipere eam the urine bel=w-rendered dis harged), to tale-bach it. Femina habet iter urinae brevius, et g woman has the way of the urine Shorter, anc simul rectius; quod siniste mammulae, .st-the-Sume-time struighter; which lite to a nipplepositum inter imas oras super naturale, bcingolaoed bettoeen the lowest e es above the vaginurget saepe non minus auxilio, exigit aliquantonced8 osten not lese with aid, requires by Somewhaminus dissicultatis. Nonnunquam etiam Calculus eas of dissouis. Sometimes also a calculuprolapsus in fistulam ipsare

quia ea subinde eXtenuatur, hocstuso it occasionalty iε-αrtenuated becomes narr0uer

inhaerescit not longe ab exitia. Oportet adheres not fur frona the eiit 0rifice). It-behor


evellere eum, si potest fieri, vel specilloto sui out it, is it-k-able to be-done, either with u probe oriculario, vel eo serramento quo belonging-to-the-ear, or with that iron-H8trument by whichcalculus protrahitur in sectione. Si iii calculus is-dratoninorth in culting litliotomy). IX that potuit non fieri, extrema cutis ho8-been-able not to be-done, the extremo uin the prepuce est attrahenda quamplurimum, et glandeis to be drawn as-much-asmonible, and the glans condita, vincienda lino: deindeboing-hiddon covered), to be-bound with athreade asterwarsis coles est incidendus recta plaga a

latere, et calculus eximendus: tum cutis the Side, and the calculus to be-taken-out: thon the shinremittenda. Enim sic fit, ut integra is) to b sent-buoh. For thu3 it-is made, that the found pars cutis contegat incisum colem, et urina part of the shin may-oover the incised penis, und the urine profluat naturaliter. may low orth natural0.2 Vero cum mentio facta-Sit Vesicae, But 8inoe mention may have-been-made of the-bladder, que calculi, locus ipse videtur eXigere, ut und of calculu8, the place itself seems to require, that subjiciam quae curatIo adhibeatur Calculosis, I mo ubi in what trea ent may be-applied to calculous cum poteSi non Succurri aliter. persons), when it-i8-able non to be-Succoured otheriolae. Festinare ad quam convenit nullo modo, cum sit To haston to whioh DUt in no manner, Since it-may-be praeceps. Ac neque est id experiendum headlong dangerous.) Anil notther is that to be-tried omni tempore, neque in omni aetate, neque in omni in every time, nor in eVery rege, nor in every vitio . sed vere S0l0; in eo corpore, quod


ja1n excessit novem annos, nondum

aDeady haε--oeeded niue yeur' not-yet has eXceeded quatuordecim; et si tantum mali

it muy-be-ableneque videatur

neque netther subest, ΠιD-near, thut medicamentis,

is mediolae' quo minus interimat by whioh less it muy-d troy so that it mav not destroy)aliquo . Spatio interp0Sito. Non quo some vace belW-interpo8ed. Not by whioh because)etiam temeraria medicina proficiat non even rush medicine streatinent) may-unali notinterdum: sed quo saepius utique

plura genera et tempora periculi. Quae very-many hindy and times 9 Onger. IVhichproponam Simul cum curatione I shallorosose set sorib) together torth the treaiment ipsa. Igitur, ubi statutum-est experiri iraeg. Therefore, tolen it has- ιθ -determined to tryultima, corpus est praeparandum the lust extreme remedi es), the bo is to be repare laliquot diebus ante victu: ut assumat

modicos, ut salubres, ut minIme moderate, that he may tahe) wholesonae, flat hy-no-means glutinosos cibos, ut bibat aquam. Vero inter glutinous foods, that he mυ-drini irater. Aut between haec utatur exercitatione

during) theso things) he may-use Mith the eiercise ambulandi, quo calculus descendatos tral ing, Θ whiol in order that) the cuiculu8 may descendmagis ad cervicem vesicae. An quod more to theneck of the bludder. II hether sthioh


demissis, sicut docebo in curatione. b ing-rent- wn, as Ι 8hat teuch in the treaiment.

Ubi est sides ejus rei, i Smhen there-is fuith confidelice) of that thing, timosuer est continendus in jejunio pridie ; et bis is to be-held kept) in f ting the Gy-bejores undium curatio adhibenda calido loco qua then the treaiment to be-upplied in a warm pDoe whichordinatur hoc modo. Homo praeValens et li-arrange i in this mannor. A man verymowerful undperitus, considit in alto sedili, que comprehendit eum

supinum et RVPTSum,

the patient) uid-on-the-book and turneLuway the bach coxis ejus collocatis Super Sua genua turned), tho hises of him heingvlaoed upon his taee8 ;que Cruribus ejus reductis, jubetond the leps Vlta the patient) heing-Guwn-bach, heor ergipSum quoque, mariabus datis


consedit, attrahit sinistrumhe has-8at, drows-to himself) the legialter dextrum que Simul

the patient)

his-own continent, incumbunt

Unus sive duo whether one or two suis pectoribus super humer0S ,.with their breusis oner the alioulders 9 hnu. ΠρυquibUS evenit, ut sinus inter ilia whi ι tbiugs) it happens, that the sinus bet Oeen t te lilia Super pubem sit extentus sine ulli S rugi S, absito the pubes may-be stret hed-out without any ic ran ii , et, vesica compulsa in anguStum, unit, the bladder heing 1oroed into a narrow Space),

calculus possit capi facilius. Praeter aec,

etiamnum duo valentes objiciuntur ibings), eveniet two powerfui men) ure place Hopposito a lateribus, qui circumstantes, Sinunt non vel from son) tho sides, who stan ling-around, susser not cithe1 unum Vel duos, qui continent puerum, labare one or the two, icho holit tho boy, o Deinde medicus, unguibus circumcisis termortis the physiolan, the nctis beὶng cui round diligenter, atque si uistra manu demittit duos digitos curo fully, and toith the lost hund Di ers two singers ejus, indicem et medium, pilus unofit, tho forosnger and themidille sone), prevm 30 9ue leniter, deinde alterum in anum ejus que genis, Uterwariis the other into tho unus Vlim, una

imum abdomen: ne, si disti c0ncurrerint tholowest obdomen; lest, is the finger3 mssy hare-met utrinouo Vehementer circa calculum, liedant in Ἀ-1kles visentity aboret the calculio, thesmv-ιηνVrc


vesicam. Vero neque est agendum sestinanter in

the bladder. Aut neither is-it to be-ucted hastily in hac re ut in plerisque; sed ita ut id this iling us in most matters) ; but εο that thul

being-injured, excites distentions of the nerves mith periculo mortis. Ac primum calculus quaeritur iunger of deuth. And 'Dst the calculus is-sought orcirca cervicem; ubi repertus, expellitur around the nech; where being ound, it-is- pelled minore negotio. Et ideo with very-litile business tr ubi e). And on-that-aocount dixi ne-quidem curandum, nisi cum hoc I said sit) not-even to he-trealed, unle83 tolen this cognitum-est suis indiciis. Vero si aut suit has-been-known by-iis tolena. But is otthor it-has-been non ibi, aut recessit retro, digiti dantur nut there, or has-recedod backward, the sng ira arewkon ad ultimam vesicam

pie paulatim deXtra manuS qu0que ejus und Θ-littυ-untlitile the right haud olao of him translata ultra subsequitur. Atque ubi heing-trans ferred heyonil followy. And et honcaleuius repertus-est, qui est necesse in Idalthe calculus has-been ound, whioh it-is nec sumν may ullin manus, deducitur eo must necessari ly sall) into the han is, it i - awn- wn by thue curiosus, quo min0r que

laevior est, ne effugiat, id est, ne vesicasin ther it-D, tost ii may-e8cupe, thut is, Dat the bladdersit agitanda saepius. Ergo deXtra manus mu-be to bmogitatod too- ton. Therofore the right hundejus semper opponitur ultra calculum, of him alious isoluce oppo8ite beyond the calculus,


di, uti sinistrae compellunt eum deorsum,

donec pervenitur ad cervicem. In quam, si est untii it-k-arrised to thenech. oto which, ν rt-ιδ obl0ngus, est compellendus sic ut exeat oblong, it-is to be oroed εο that it may-go-out pronus; Si planus, sic ut Sit transversus ;end-downwarri; is sui, So thut it may-be tran8vea Se ;Si quadratus, ut sedeat duobus angulis; si is square, that it may-δit rest) on two cornera ; y pleni 0r altera parte, sic ut evadat ulter in another part on One side), go that it may- come-out prius ea qua Sit leuia101.

freniousty by that spart) in whioh it muy-be thinno. Interesse nihil rotundo, To diser nothing iliat it is os no consequence) in a round patet ex figura ipsa; nisi, calculus), is-open sis evident) out-of the shupe it8eg; unlera,

si est laevior altera parte, Ut

antecedat. Cum jam Venit eo, cutis may-precede. When utready it ha8-come thrther, tho shindebet incidi super cervicem vesicae juXtaought to be-incised over thonech of the bladder nestrarium lunata plaga usque ad cervicem the unus with a crescent-lthe wound untii to the nech vesicae, cornibus Spectantibus paulum ad coxas :of the bladder, the horns looking a litile to the hses deinde, ea parte qua plaga est sterinariis, in that puri m whιch the wound is

resima, transversa Plaga est etiamnum turnod-upward8 convex), a tranSverrae Mound is even-yet facienda sub altera cute, qua CerviXto be-mudo under the other 8hin, by which the ne haperiatur; donec iter urinae


quam calculus. Nam qui metu fistulae, than the calculus. For iliose) who froni fear of u fistulo, quam illo loco Graeci vocant κορυάδα horunda),whioh in that place the Greehs o u horua

patefaciunt parum, reVolvuntur eodem mahe-open too-litile, are-rolle l-bach to-the-3am place sare cum majore

asterWards exposed to the fame inconvenience) with greator pericul0 ; quia calculus sucit iter cum fungor; because the calculus mahe8 a way lchen Promitur vi, nisi accipit:

it iδ- atin orth by foroe, uni s it receives heri it does notque id est etiam pernici0seus, si quoque find one) : and that is even more-injurious, is alδo figura vel aspritudo calculi contulit the Mure or roughn 3 of the calculus has conferrod contri- aliquid eo. Ex quo et

prosusIO Sanguinis, et distentIO nervorum

evasit, tamen est habiturus fistulam per80n hu8-escuped, yet he-is abolit-to-have u ttila multo patentiorem, CerVice rupta, quam is much more Oseen, the neoh being. brohen, than habuisSet, incisa. Vero Cum enhe would-huve-had, the ne h) being-inci ed. Aut when it patefacta-est, calculus venit in conspectum : in hu8-been-mu -open, the calculus comes into violo : in colore cujus est nullum discrimen. Ipse, si

si major, uncus, factuS causa ejus rei,


est injiciendus ei a Superiore parte. is to be-oast-in introduced) to it froni son) the repper puri. Is est tenuis ad extremum, latitudinis

retuSae in speciem semicirculi; laevis beaten-out unto the appearunce of a Semicircle; 8mooth ab exteriore parte, qua jungitur corpori;

calculum. Que is debet esse potius long70r: nam the calculu3. And that ought to-he ruther longere forbrevis habet non vim extrahendi. Ubi When) shori it has nol the potver υ extractis. II hen injectus -est, est inclinandus in utrumque it has-been-cast-in, it-is to-be-inclinod unto euchlatus, ut appareat an calculus teneatur; εide, that it may-oppear whether tho calculus may-be held; quia, si apprehensu8- est, ille inclinatur simul. beouuse, is it has been-tahen-holitos it is-inclined together. Que id est opus eo nomIne, And that is neoenury with this nume sor this reason),

ne, Cum

DSi, when calculus the calculus

the hooheffugiat

incIdat in Orammay all-in into the edge eam. Quod periculumit. LVhut danger ceperit adduci,

intus, hic inithin, this the crotcliet)Vulneris, que convulneret of the wound, und may wound esset in qua re

f have Doed atreui calculum tenerithe culculus to be-held supra. Ubi patet above. LVhen it-is-open se ident satis, triplex motus est si sciently, a triplo motion is adhibendus paene eodem momento; in ut Iumque to-be-upplied umoεt in the sume moment; unto ea hiatus; deinde extra, tamen sic, ut id fiat ride; ustorwarδε oreticuriis, yet 89, that that may-be-done