The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


leniter, que Calculus attrahatur paulum primo: gently, and the calculuS may-be-draum a Γιille ut-φst equo facto, eXtremuS uncus est attollendus whioh being-done, the extreme hook is to-be-ralaesupuli maneat magis intus, que producatthat it may-remula more retula, and may-drato orth

calculus comprehendetur parum commode athe calculus 8huu-be-tahen-holtos litile conveniontly froni superiore parte, erit apprehendendus a latere. the t per pari, it miliabe to be-tahen-holmos froni the si . Haec est Simplicissima curatio. Sed varietasThis is the εimpirat treaiment. Bul the varie rerum desiderat etiamnum quasdam of things circumsta ces) requirect eveniet Someanimadversiones. Εnim sunt quidam calculi non

aSperi tantummodo, sed quoque Spinosi, qui quidem roso only, but also prichly, whioh in eddelapsi per se in Cervicem, huning glii LGwn themselves into the nech, eximuntur sine ullo pericillo: vero hi non tuto

are-tahen-out without any dangor: but these not sufely Vel conquiruntur, vel attrahuntur in vesica; cither are-sought or, or are-draton in the bladder; quoniam, ubi convulnerarunt illam, maturant mortembecuuse, when they have-wo unded that, they Lusten death ex distentione nervorum ; que multo

out-j distention of the nerves convulsions and by muchmagis si aliqua spina inhaeret Vesicae, quemore is sonio prichio uictores to the bladiar, undduplicavit eam, cum duceretur. Autem

has-doublod solded in ii, when it might-be-drumn. Aut colligitur eo, quod urina redditurit-k-collected ascertained) bythis, beoauso theurino is-rendereddissicilius, calculum esse in cervice; voided) more-dsioultly, tho calculus to-bo in tho nech;


eo quod destillat cruenta, illum eSSe SpinOSum: by this, beoause it drops-clown bloo , that to be pr/ck0 : ue maXime est quoque eXperiendum Sub digitis, and eveoialty it-is uiso to be-tmed under thessei 3, Deque manus adhibenda, nisi id

constitit. Ac tum quoque digiti has-become-evident. And then uiso the sngera are)objiciendi intus leniter, ne conVulnerentio be-otist introduced) within gently, test they may-wound promovendo violenter: tum . incidendum. by moning Uorward violently : then sit 18) to be-moi sed. Quoniam

in aliqua in Some illam, non that, notsubeSt,

Hic quoque multi usi-sunt scalpello. Here aiso many have-uSed toith the scalpe is est infirmior, que potest incidere this is verta-weah, and is-able to fuit-in meet prominentia, que corpore inciSO . Super prominen e, and the bo being-rnorsed above secare, Sed relinquere qua, CaVumto cui, but to leave that) lawhιch a l loto cavitγὶ is-uniter,

quod sit necesse incidi iterum. Egestohita it may-bo necessary to be- incised agam. MegeSsecit rectum serramentum, labrosum in has made a stra hi troa-instrument, lippod rounded) in

Summa parte, semicirculatum que acutum In ima.

the h hest pari, 3emicircular and δhui se in the loto t. Deprimebat sic id receptum inter duos Ho-didore - wn so that beιng-receιυed belurem tu odistitos, indicem ac medium pollicesser3, the fore reger und the nraddis finger), the thumbimposito Super, ut Simul cum carne si bcing mut-on over, that, together u ιth thon 8h, V:d ex calculo prominebat, incideret: any illing) out-of the calculus did-project, he mght-out quo conSequebatur, ut aperiret semel it) by inhioh he did-attuin, that he might-open at-oncoquantum esset satis. Autem quocunque modonS-much- might-be suspicient. But


Cervix patefacta-est, quod est the ne tha3-been-υfned, whatis extrahi leniter: nulla Vito b drarcn-out gent9;

fors debet

s. st dren08us ealculus est et manifestus ante, Aut a sano calculus is both man rat be fore,

quoniam urina quoque redditur arenosa,

hecauge the urine also is-rendered voi ded) 8uni , et in curatione ipsa; quoniam neque renititur aeque anu in the treciment k-V: beoauso neither il resi8t8 equullyleniter inter subjectos digitos, et itisuper genis Oetaeeen theptaoeGunder fmers, and more0ver dilabitur. Item urina trahens quasdam glιGeδ-away. Atio urine drawing vitii it) εonio quasi squamulas indicat calculos molles et O-w Small-δcules indicates the ou uti to be) s ondCompositOS ex pluribus que minutis, Sed compo8ed out-ν very-many und 8muu ones , hut Parum adstrictis inter se. Vicibus titile bound among thomsolves. The alternatiora igitorum pubinde permutatis leniter, Oportet Ofthesingera occu3ronalty bo/ng-ohanged gently, it be ovos

vel unco. At si sunt plute, u


ut si quis exiguus supererit, relinquatuIthat is any smuli sone) εhul remuin-overi is may-bg-lessi potius: siquidem invenitur dissiculter in vesica, querathere sinoe-that it-is ound dissoultly in the biodor, an inVentias celeriter effugit. Ita vesica laediturbeing ound quiolly escapes. Thus the bladder r8-rnurere Ionga inquisitione, que excitat mortiferas inflammationeS; long seuroh, and it- cites mortal inflammatrona; adeo ut quidam non Secti, Cum veSicaδo that Rome persons) not be g-oui, when the olauaeresset agitata per digitos diu que frustra, might-be agitated by the 'gera a long -trme ana in uin, id o ςς rint uuibus accedit may-have-d parted di ed). To which things) uocedes is added etiam, quod exiguus calculus promovetur postea atio, that a imali calculus is-moved orward Uterinaris

urina ad plagam, ex ψ j dix ' m

is the urine to the wound, and Julis-oui. Uut y quando is major videtur non posse at-any-time it bellig) very-great frenis not to he-able extrahi, nisi cervice rupta, est findendus: to be-draton-out, uniosa the noch beὶnς-brohen, ri-rs to be-πtit. repertor cujus, Ammonius, ob id the discoverer of which, Ammoniu8, on-ac unt-of that, i inestine Id fit hoc modo. Uncus Injicitur culter Thret is dono in this muliner. A hook is cust in calculo sic ut teneat facile eum quoque

Cnn ussum ne is revolvatur retro . um


findit eum ; magna cura habita, ne aut

serramentum perveniat ad VeSicam ipsam, aut ne

the ironia trument may-arrine to the bladdor itfest, or testhactura calculi incidat quid. tho fracture of the calculus may-cut ony stliing). Vero hae curationes sunt similes quoque in seminis; But these trealments are like also in femules; de quibus tamen quaedam sunt dicenda concerning rchom however Rome things) are to be-said proprie. SiquIdem, in his scalpellus est particular0. Since-that, in these the scalpri is

Supervacuus, ubi calculus est parvulus; quia is Superfusu8,. where the calculus is very-εmali; beouuse itcompellitur urina in cervicem, quae eSt et is orced by the urino into the neoh, whioh is both brevIor et laxIor quam in maribus. Ergo et 8horter and more-luae thun in males. Thermore both excidit saepe per se, et, si inhaeret in primo

quod est angustius, tamen educitur part), tolich is narrower, yet it-D-drawn-out eodem unco sine ulla noxa. At in majoribus

wita the sume hook without uis injury. But in greater calculis eadem curatio est necessaria. Sed digiti calculi the sume treaiment is necessary. But the sngers debent subjici virgini tanquam oughl to be-placed-undor into ille anus) to a virgin as-ί masculo, mulieri per naturale ejus. Tum is a male, to a woman through the vagina of her. Then vir ni quidem est incidendum sub imato a virgin in ed it-is to be-incised under the lowest Sinisteriore ora, Vero mulieri, inter iteri ι edge, but to a woman, bettoeen the way

urinae et os pubis, ut plaga 9 the urine the urethra) und the os pubis, that the wound

Sit transversa utroque l0co. Neque convenit may-be transvorae in euch place. Nor k-itse


terreri si plus sanguinis profluit ex corpdreto be rightened is more of Olood reotes orth out-of the boi muliebri.

s Calculo evulso, si corpus est valens, The calculus belagmulled-oui, is the bo is porcemus,

neque magnopere Vexatum, oportet Sinere Sanguinem

nor greatly licted, it behones to susior the blood fluere, quo minor inflammatio

oriatur: atque est non alienum, eum

may-ariger and it-is not improper ser) him the patient)quoque ingredi paulum, ut, si quid concreti even to touia a littis, that, is ony thing) of concreteii

Sanguinis mansit intus, excidat. Quod-sibuod has-remained mithin, it muful oui. Lut-fdestitit hon per se, debet supprimi it-has-desisted not D itfessi it ought to-be-su rened TurSUS, De Omnis vis intereat: que id est quin, lost ali strength maymertiar and that is faciendum in imbccillioribus protinus ab to be-done in very-toeah spatients) immediately hom aster curatione ipsa: siquidem, ut aliquis periclitatur the trectinent irae e εinoe-that, as Some person) D-in daver distentione nervorum, dum Vesica ιν distention of the nerv convulsions), whilo the bladderojus agitatur, sic alter metus excipitos him is-ogitated, εο another fear receives succeeds medicaminIbus remotis, - ne tantum medicines boing-removeil absent), lest 3o-much Sanguinis profluat, ut occidat. Ne quod of blood may low orth, thut it may-kill. Lest ichichincidat, is debet desidere in acre ace cum, muν-happen, he ought to sit- wn rnto acrid vinegar, cui aliquantum salis adjectum-sit: Subio which some-litile of suis may-have-been-addede under quo

et sanguis sere conquiescit, et both the blood mostly re3t3, and


vesica adstrinsetur, que ideo inflammatur the bladder is-tightened, and on-that-account is-inflamed minus. Quod-si prosicit parum, cucurbitula esti s. But-is it anatis litile, the cupping-instrument is glutinanda, et inguinibus et coxis, to-bowlutinated sustened), both to illi groius and to the his , et super pubem. Ubi sanguis vel evocatus-estand over the pubes. V en blood either has-been-calleLout jam satis, vel prohib7tus est), est collocandus ulready enough, or has-been-hiladere , he is to bestacedresupinus, sic ut caput Sit humile, coxae Did-on-the-baol, so that the head may-be toto, the hipsexcitentur paulum: ac duplex aut triplex linteolum may be-ruised a littier and a Gubie or triple litt&-linen

madens aceto est imponendum Super Vulnus.wet with vinegar is to bemut-on over the lcound.

Deinde, duabus horis interpositis, is resupinus Asterwards, tu o houra belW-interposed, te Did-on-th backest demittendus in solium casidae aquae, Sic, ut aqua is to be-loweredinto a buth of hot water, 30, that the et ater teneat a genibus ad umbilicum, ceteramv-hold reach) from the knees to the navet, the othersint circumdata Vestimentis; tantummodo

paris) mυ-be surrounded tolth garment3; onlymanibus que pedibus nudatis, ut et the handa und the feet belU-made-nuhec that both digeratur minus, et maneat ibi diutius.

Ex quo multus sudor solet oriri; qui est Out- whioh much 3weat is-aocustomed to arise; which is detergendus in lacte subinde spongia:

to be-wipedos in son) the Doe occu4ionalty with a sponge rque finis ejus lamenti est, donec offendat und the end of that fomentation is, untii it may-ossiendinfirmando. Tum is perungendus multo by-weuhening. Then he is) to be-unointeLover tolth mucholeo, que hapsus mollis lanae inducendus,


repletus tepido oleo, qui pr0tegat pubem, et fluod toith tepid oti, wliol mis proteol the pube' and

COXaS, et inguina, et plagam ipsam, contectam the hips, and groins, und the wound iueis bobg-coveredante eodem linteolo: que is est subinde binore with the sume littυ-linen e and that is occaδionialymadefaciendus tepido oleo; ut neque admittat to-be-wettod with sepid Oil; that nei ther it may- admitfrigus ad vesicam: et molliat leniter nerVOS. colu to the bladder; and may-ε ton gently the nerνω. Quidam utuntur calefacientibus cataplasmatis. Ea Some use trith calefacient cataplasm/. Thesenocent plus pondere, quo irritant

vulnus urgendo vesicam, quam proficiunt the wound by pr sing the bladder, than they-unail Calore. Ergo ne-quidem ullum vinculum est their chent. There fore not-even any banduge is necessarium. Proximo die, si spiritus redditur necesSary. On the-neat Jay, y the breath is-rendereddissicilius, si urina excedit non, Si

locus circa pubem intumuit mature, the place aboret the pubes ha8-become-3wollen early, licet scire sanguinem remansisse

it-D-allowed to know blood to have-reniatned oneretum in vesica. Igitur, digitis conoreted in the bluditer. Therefore, tho fugera demissis eodem modo, vesicabeing-lowerod introduced) in the sume manner, the bladderest pertractanda leniter, et si quais to be-rubbed-over gently, and V any tbiugs)coierunt, discutienda; quo fit,huve-collooted, they are to bo-disperόed; by-whtch rt-happena, ut procedant postea per Vulnus. that they may roceod afterwariis through the wound. Etiam est non alienum compellere Oriculario-clystere Also it-is nol unsi toforce Mith an ear-3yringe


acetum mixtum Ilitro per plagam in vesicam: vinegar miared to niti e through the wound into the bladder ruaui Sic quoque Si qua cruenta coierunt, for thus uiso is any bloo concrctions) have- collected, discutiuntur. Que convenit sacere ea etiam they are-dispersed. Anil it-ι3st to do thrae things euenprimo die, si timemus ne quid sit

intuS: que maxime ubi imbecillitas prohibuit withis: and evectassy tohen weuhn 3 huδ preventedelicore id ambulando. Eadem cetera Suntio elicit that by walhing. Tho εame other things) aro facienda: ut demittatur in solium, ut iobe donee that he 1nv-he-lowered into a bath, thalpanniculus superinjiciatur eodem modo, innu

eodem. Sed puer est habendus iuin the εume manner). But a bis is to be-had hept) in

Calida aqua neque Saepe neque tamdiu quam the hoe mater neither osten nor So-los as adolescens; infirmus, quam valenS; Gy0us-man; a roeah person), as a Strong ; nor a perassectus levi, quam gravi 0reson) eoted with light, as One assected) with heuoierinflammatione; is corpus cujus digeritur, quam is insummation; he the bo y 9 whom i&-remaeed, as hecujus egi adstrictum. Vero inter

haec Si est Somnus, et Spiritus aequalis, theso things there-is fleep, and the breuthing is)eguai, et linqua madens, et Sitis modica, et imus and the longus moist, and thirxi moderate, und the lowest Venter sedet, et dolor est mediocris cum bel0 .its sis not s Nollen), und tho pain ta moderate uith modica febre, licet scire curationem procedere moderate fover, it i&-allowed to knoto the treaiment toproeeed recte. Atque in his

ibat ille cure is proceed ing) right y. And in these


inflammatio sere finitur quinto vel septimo the inflammation mostly D-en d in the th or in the fovent ι

tantummodo vulnus Supurionly the wound os hi m) 0ιnpon-thebais refovendum calida aqua, ut si quid urinaeto befomented with hot wator, that V any illing) υ urine rodit, eluatur. Autem medicamentagnatos irritates), it-mv-be-washed-out. Aut medimes moventia Sunt imponenda; et si moving promotino pus ars to beFut-on; ana Vulcus videbitur purgandum, linendum

rosa Emplastrum enneapliarmacum videtur th rose soll). The pla*ter enneapharmacum Seems aptissimum huic curationi: nam habet et Sevum ad thesttest for this treaiment: for it has both suet topus movendum, et mel ad

ulcus repurgandum; etiam medullam, que maxime the ulcer to be-recleansed ; also marroro, and evectallyvitulinam; quod praecipite proficit in id, that) belonging-to-veat; which evecιalty avaris unio that,

ne fistula relinquatur. Vero tum linamenta sunt non test a fistula may-be-lost. But then linis are notnecessaria Super ulcus; imponuntur recte Super necessata Over the ulcer; they-aremut-on right y overmedicamentum, ad id continendum. At ubi the opplication, to lar) it to b held-together. But lch nulcus purgatum est, est perducendum ad the ulcer ha3-boen-oleanseri it-ιs to be-Dd-through tocicatricem puro linamento. Quibus a scar Mith pure simple) lint. In inhioltemDoribus tamen, Si curatio fuit non felix, times however, is the treaiment hu3 been not fortunate,