The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


varia pericula oriuntur. Quae licet protinus various congera arise. LVhich it is-allowed immediatelypraesagire, si est continua vigilia, si dissicultas toprGage, is there-is continuous watching, is dissiouis Spiritus, si lingua est arida, Si sitis vehemens, of breuthing, f the longue is dry, is the thlast violent, si inius venter tumet, si vultius hiat, si is the lowest helly is-swollen, is the wound cura, Furina transfluens rodit non id, si the urine flowing-through gnatos corrodes) noe it, is quaedam livida exesdunt similiter ante tertium

dolores sunt vehementes, Si magnae febres urgent post thepains are violent, is great severa oppreM after quintum diem, et fastidium cibi permanet, si est

jucundius cubare in ventrem. Tamen nihil plo anter sto hi m) to lio Von the bel0. I et nothingest pejus distetitione nervorum, et is worse thun distention ον the nervos convulsions), and vomitu bilis, ante nonum diem. Sed cum thun a vomitis os bile, before the ninth do. But whensit metus inflammationis, oportet there-may-be Iear of in lammation, it behones it Succurri abstinentia, modicis et tempestivisto be-8uocoured by abstinence, is moderate and by Seu8onubis cibis; inter haec, Minentis, et hori; umong siluring these things , with fomentations, and quibus ScripsimUS Supra. with iolat things) we-have-written above. Proximus mΡtus est cancri. Is cognoscitur, Tho noli fear is of gangrene. Tlut i/-hnown, Si, Sanies mali odoris fluit, et per vulnus, et in Saules of had o tir sotos, both through the wound, and per colem ipsum, que cum ea quaedam non


abhorrentia a concreto Sanguine, que

tenues carunculae similes lanulis: thin carunoles like to εmaumiece8-U-woole praeter haec, si

desinit non, que ea augetur Cease3 not, and it is-inoreased orae vulneris

the e es of the wound dolent, si febris are-inmula, is theseverin noctem, Si

inordinati horrores accedunt. Autem est Considerandum, irregular εhiverinys accede. But it-is to be- considered, in quain partem is cancer tendat. Si ad colem, into what puri that gangrene muy-tend. V to the penis, is locus indurescit, et rubet, et excItat dolorem that place hecomes-hard, and is-red, and eicites patutactu, , que testiculi intumescunt: si in by the touch, and the testicles hecome-swollen: is intovesicam ipsam, dolor ani sequitur, coXae Sutit the bladder itfessi suin of the anus follow3. the hip3 ure durae, crura possunt non laesie extendi: at si hard, the ijs are-able not eastly to be- tended: but i in alterutrum ilatus,

it tends) into either fide sos the wound), id est that is

eXpositum oculis, que habete oSed to the γ , and has utrinque, Sed minores. Autemon-both-sides, but leo. Aut easdem pares notas the sume lihe marm

the thing lar) the body to lie rightly, that the Sume pars, in quam viuum sertur, sit Sempei puri, unio tolich tho vico malady) D-borne, may-be alicua superior. Ita, Si it ad colem, . is debet the νpper. Thus, is it goes to the ponis, he ought collocari supinus; si ad vesicam, into be luced lying-on-the-bach ; is to the bladdeti uponventrem ; Si in latus, in


id quod est integrius. Deinde, ubi ιδεαι si de whiol is the εounder. Asterwaris, inenventum-suerit ad curationem, homo it εhali lave-been-come to the treaiment, the mandemittetur in aquam, in qua marrubium xhal be-lowered into water, in which horehound decoctum-Sit, aut cupreSSUS, aut myrtus ; quemv-have-been-60iled, or cypren, or myrtis; andidem humor adigetur intus Clystere: . the samo liquid shall-be oroed injected) within with a Uringe tum lenticula mixta cum malicoriothen lentii mi red toith pom granate-rindSuperponetur; utraque quae decocta-sintshali beῬωoefover; euch which may-have-been-boiledeX-xino; vel rubus, aut solia oleae, decocta with-wine; or bramble, or Dave3 9 olive, bollodeodem modo; Ve alia medicamenta, quae in the sun e manner; i or other medicines, whiohpr0POSulmus ad cancros cohibendos que

ad idto ser) that

plumbum Cum tempore, quod emollit time, which 8 lens malum recipiendum :evit to be-received


tamen Cum eo, ut ignoremus yet with this condition), that we may-be-ignorant non, Cancro orto, Stomachum Saepe affici,not, gangrene havis arisen, thestomach oyton to be- ected, cui est quaedam consori Io

Cum vesica: que fieri ex eo, ut neque inith the bladder: und to hoppen out-of that, that neithercibus retineatur, neque, Si quis retentuS-est, the food muy-be-retainori nor, is any ha8-been-retained, concoquatur,may-be-dige3led, ideo

necessario maturant mortem.

necessari0 hasten deuth. Sed ut potest succurri liis nullo But as it-is-able to be-sucooured to these seviis) in nomodo, Sic tamen a primo die ratio curationis manner, δs yet froni the strat du a rule 9 treaimentest tenenda; in qua quaedam ObSerVatio, pertinen Sis to be-held; in rchich sonio observation, pertaining quoque ad cibum que potionem, est necessaria. Nam cibus also to food and sint, is necessary. For food debet non dari nisi humidus inter ought not to begiren uni 3 moist among during)principia: ubi ulcus purgatum est, the heg innings: when the ulcer has-b en-oleanseri od)ex media materia: Olera et salsamenta

out-of the mi lille materiair pot-herbs and 8aumrovisioris sunt Semper aliena. Est opus modica potione. nre alinvs improper. There-is need with moderate urinI. Nam si bibitur parum, vulnus accenditur; et For ij ii-D-drunh too-littis, the wound is-infamed; undvigilia urget, et vis corporis minaestur:


si plus aequo assumitur, subinde Vesica impletur, in moro tha ust is tasten, occaaionalty thebludder isjilled, que irritatur eo. Autem non ni Si aquam esse nnd D-irritated by that. Aut not unless wator to bobibendam est

manifestius quam ut sit subinde dicendum. more-manifest thau thut it may-be occasionalty to be-sui . Vero solet evenire sub victu ejusmodi, Lut it-k-uocustomed to happen under a dici ostiis-Sori, ut alvus reddatur non Haec est

Graecum-sperium vel malva decocta-sit. Idem so Ureeh or mallow may-have. leon-boiud. The 3amo humor miXtus rosa est agendus in

vulnus ipsum oriculario-clystere; ubi urina the wound itsog wita an ear-Uringo; tolen the urine rodit id, neque patitur purgari. Verognatos irritates it, nor 3us ira it) to be-oleonyed. Aut fere hὶec exit per vulnus primo: deinde mostly this goes-out thro h the wound at, Ste asterwarrieo Sane3cente, dividitur, et pars incipitit be mis-heultis, it-D- dividod, and part begina descendere per colem, donec plaga claudatur tu deacend through Me penis, untii the wound may-be olos dex-toto: quod interdum fit tertio mense, entire0: which molimes hoppens in the third month,

interdum non ante SeXtum, nonnunquam quoque alitio Umetimes not be fore the Stith, Sometim asio cyctor

exacto. Neque Solida glutinatro vulneris benig comploted. Nor a Miid glutination of the wouaudebet desperari, ni Si ubi aut cervix ought to ιο- despurro mos unDSs whore either tho nech


queandsimul aliqua

exciderunt have alien- delaclied themselves)

Purgatur ly-cleansed cancro. Sed est providendum Summa Cura,

the gangrene. But it-is to-be oreseen with highrat care, ut vel nulla fistula, vel admodum-exigua, relinquatiuuat eluer no fistula, or a very-δmail one), muy-be-l tibi. Ergo, cum vulnus jam intendit ad there. There fore, achen the wound ali eady tenda tocicatricem, oportet jacere seminibus et a Scur, it behoves the patient) to Ke with uigis una Cruribus extentis; nisi, tamen, calcidi . suerunt with legs eaetendod; unless, howeveri the calculi lave-been molles ve arenosi. Enim sub his vesica 39t or sandy. For under these the bladuertardius: que ideo est


the edges haveglutinated themselves b fore that vesica' purgata-est, que dolor et inflammatio the hiadder has-been-oloansed, and potu and inflammatron redierunt, vulnus est diducendum digitis, have-returned, the wound is to be-drown spart wιth tho 'ger vel averso specillo, ut exituS deturor urith turned probe, that an ouilet may-bestven

torquentibus: T

to the twisting to the tormenting matter); unu rLeSe effusis cum urina descendit pura hein morere out inhen the urine has-dracen led puro clear)diutius tum demum, qiuae for-a-long-t e, tun at-DUth applicati0ns , illuch demum, ubi jam


inducant cicatricem, sunt imponenda; quemv-l Gon studuce) u εour, are to be-put-on; and pedes, quam maxime juncti, extendi, ut theseet, a3-much- Ῥοδεibia jolao Ought) to-he- tended, as docui supra. Quod-Si metus fistulae videbitur I have-taught above. But-s fear of sistula shal scem subesse ex his causis, quas propOSui, to be-near out-of those causes which I havemlacesbe ors, quo ea claudatur facilius, vel by whioh in order that) that may-be-olosed more-euSily, Orcerte coangustetur, plumbea fistula quoque est certainly may be-narrowed, a tenden pipe atio is danda quoque in anum, que CruribUSto begioen introduced) also into the anus, und the leg sextentis, semina que tali sunt deligandi heing - tended, the th hs and unctos are to be-bound inter se, donec cicatrix sit, qualisbettoeen themselves, untii the scar may-be Sucla), αδ

est sutura. it-is about-to-be. Et hoc quidem potest esse commune maribus

naturalia earum admittunt non

the paris- -generation the vagina) of thom admit notconcubitum, oris glutinatis inter se. connexion, tho edges bois-glutinaled belween thoniselves. Que id evenit interdum protinus in utero And that homons Sometimos immediately in the uterus matris: interdum ulceratione lacta in his of the mother: metim ulceration belag-mado in those partibus, et his oris junctis Sanescendo per parta, and these eliges bcing oinod in healing throughmalam curationem. Si eSt CX utero, membranabud treuenient. V iζ-is out-of the uterus, a membrane


est Opposita ori vulvae ; si ex ulcere, Caro

replevit id. Autem oportet incidere membranam hassiled thoi. But it-behones to incise the membrane duabus lineis, transversis inter se, ad in troo lines, transver8e bettoeen then eiura, is similitudinem literae X, magna cura habita, ne

the lihonen of the letter x great care botng-hud lestiter urinae violetur; deinde the way of the urine the urethra) may-bo-injured; terwardaeXcidere eam membranam undique. At si caroto Cut-out that membrane on-aΠ-εi des. But hincrevit, est necessarium patefacere rectah wrown-in, it-i3 neo Sary to open iij in a stra lilinea: tum apprehensa ab ora vel

liner then belag-token-hold-of by the edge eithervulsella vel hamo, eXCidere tanquam with a pincer or toith a hook, to cut-out a8-ν habenulam ; et demittere intus linamentum implicituma 1mul Stris: and to Disor tolthin lint tu isted in longitudinem, Graeci vocant ληρμιγκον lemnishon), into long th, the Greehs Oau it) lemnishos, tinctum in acetum, que deligare supra Sues dam-lanam di med into vinogar, und to bind above greasy-woolmadentem aceto; tertio die solvere stet miti vi negar; on the third day to Dose unbind)ulcus, et curare Sicut alIa ulcera. Quo cum the ulcer, and to troat it) us other ulcers. And whentendet jam ad sanitatem, illinere plumbeam it uul tend abeady to Multh, to b mear a Doden fistulam medicamento inducente cicatricem, que dare pipe with a medicament inducing a Scar, und to grve eam intus: que injicere idem introduce) it within: and lo cust-on sappiv the fame medicamentum Supra, donec plaga perVenIat nil medicament above, untii the wound mu arrave tocicatricem.


Autem ubi aliqua concepit, Si But when some oman has-conce/vere, typartus jam prope maturUS emortuus-eSt intUS, the birth laetus) atro ulmost mature has-Hed within, neque potest excidere per Se, Curat Ionor D-a D to full-out to come out) by itself, a treulmentest adhibenda: quae potest numerari interis to be-applied; rehioh is obse to b numbered among dissicillimas. Nam et desiderat summam prudentiam the mos docuit. For both it requiros the h hest prudenosque moderationem, et affert maximum periculum. Sedund modoration, and bring g the greatrat conger. Aut ante omnia mirabilis natura vulvaebefore ali sthings) the wonde, ut naturo of the wombcognoscitur facile cum in multis aliis, tum is-known eostly rehen as well) in many other' thenquoque in hac re. Autem ante omnIa oportet

collocare mulierem resupinam transverso lectoto place the womun Did-on-the-hach in v transverse bed

sic, ut ilia comprimantur seminibEsso, that tho ilia may be-compressed by the th Λη us-ipsius: quo fit, ut et imus

venter sit in conspectu medici, et insans

compellatur ad os vulvae; quae, partu may-beforced to the molith of the wound ; which, the birthemortuo, comprimit id: vero ex intervallo


demittere alterum digitum, et per easdem occasionesto lower another fuer, and by the fame opportunitio alios, donec tota manus possit esse intuS. the other' untii tho toholo hand may-be-uble to-be inithia. Ad lacultatem cujus rei et magnitudo vulvae To the potoer of which thing boti the sire of the wombc0nseri multum, et vis nervorum ejuS, et confer8 much, and the porcer of the nerves of it, undbabitus totius corporis, et efiam robur mentis ;the habit of theto te bo , and atio the strength o the minii, praesertim cum nonnunquam etiam duae manus evectally whon Since) somelimes even two hunda debeant dari intus. Etiam pertinet may-ought to besiven inserted) withι n. Also it pertuitis ad rem imum ventrem esse quam-calidissimum, to the thing sor the loli est bel0 to bo as-warm-aspo ibis, et extrema Corporis; neque dum

inflammationem coepisse, Sed medicinam insummation to have-behun, bul medicine streatinent)adhiberi protinus, re recenti. Nam, Sito be-applied immediately, the thing being-recent. For, Ucorpus jam intumuit, neque manus potest the bo ulready has-bocome-su ollen, netther the hand D-ubledemitti, neque insans educi nisito be-lowered, nor the infant to be-Gawn-out unle aegerrime: que morti sera distentio nervorum very-difoultly: and a mortui distention of the nerves sequItur Saepe cum volitatu, et cum tremore. Uerum follows osten Mith vomiting, and with trem bling. Buli nanus injecta emortuo corporithe hund belU-oast-in introduced) to the d ad bo oprotinus sentit habItum ejus : nam aut

est conversum in caput, aut in pedes; aut it-is turned repon the head, or i pon the feet; orjacet transversum ; tamen sere sic, ut vel manusit lies transverse; yol mo3tly 80, that either the hund