The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


ejus, vel pes, Sit in pr0pinquo. Vero in it, or the foot, muy-be tu a neur place). But propoSitum medici, ut diligat the purpωe of the physicistia, that he may direct

it manu vel in caput, vel etiam inwish the haud either unio the heatri or even unio pedes, Si sorte est compositus aliter. Ac si

nihil aliud,

upprehen SUS,


in the hund

debet the feet. Then, is the hend

ought demitti laevis undique, brevis acuminis,to be-lowered 3mooth on-ali ides, of 8hori potnt beat ), qui injicitur recte vel octilo, vel whioh isoast-in fixed in) rightly either to the tae, orauri, vel ori, interdum etiam fronti: to the ear, or to the moreth, somelimes even to the forehead rdeinde attractus educit insantem. Neque Uterwariis bring -drais it Dads-out the infant. Nortamen debet is extrahi quolibet tempore. Nam,

that omittin giving it a passage) not, tho infantabrumpitur, et acumen unci delabituris-buryt torn), und tho potnt beati) of the hook glides. domnin os ipsum vulvae; que distentio into the mouth tuom of the womb; und distention nervorum sequitur, et ingens periculum mortis. of the nervos follows, und great singer of deuth. Igitur, vulva e0mpreSsa, Oportet Thermore, the womb bring -compre sed, it beloves


conquiescere ; hiante, trahere lente; et per

haS occasiones educere eum paulati in. Autem thrae opportunities to δε--out it by litt&-an mittite. Aut dextra manus debet trahere uncum ; sinistra P0Sita

dirigere eum.

to direor it the book . Etiam solet evenire, ut is inlatis Also it-iε-aocustomed to haspen, that that infantdistendatur humore, que sanies foedi odoris may be-distendod with suid, and a sanies offout o urprosiliat ex eo. Quod- si est tale, illud corpus may-flow orth out-of it. Aut-is it-is such, that bo est sorandum indIce-digito, ut humoreis to-bemerforated with the foresnger, that the flui

effuso, extenuetur: tum id est belaevoured-out, it may-be-modo-thin: then that is recipiendum leniter per manus ipsas.

to be-tahen-bach illidi a D) gently by tho haniis theniseis . Nam uncus injectus hebeti corpuscillo facile For the hook oast in to the duil li seless) litt&-body ensibelabitur: in quo quid sit periculi


sere replicatur, que caput spectat retro admostly is olded-bach, and the head Dolis buoh toreliquum corpus. CerVix praecisa est the rem aining bolo. The nech being-cut-ost is remedio; ut utraque parS auferaturto as) a rem eis; that euch puri may b withdratonseparatim. Id fit unco, qui similis 3eparate0. That is- dono with u hook, whioh is) lite priori, tantum in interiore parte exacuitur to tho former, ons in the inner part it-D-RharpenedPer totam aciem. Tum id est agendum, through the whole edge. Then this is to be-done,

ut caput auferatur ante,

deinde reliqua pars: quia sere, majore ter carda the remaining pari: becurere mo8t0, the greater Parte extracta, caput prolabitur in vacuam part being-extracteit, the heud glides orward into the et tyVulvam, que potest non extrahi sine Summowomb, and D-uble noe to be- awn-out tolthout the highesspericulo. Tamen si id incidit, duplici panniculodungor. I et is this has-happen ii, a doubie litt&-olothinjecto super ventrem mulieris, Valens heing-cast-on over the bel0 of the womon, a porceimul homo, non imperitus, debet assistere a Sinistro Diau, not un8hi ut, ought to stand-neor froni son) the lest latere ejus, et imponere duas manuS Super ide of her, a d to place-on the two hanδε overimum ventrem ejus, que premere alteram

the lowe8t bel0 9 her, cud to press the other ne liand)altera: quo fit ut illud caputioith the other: by whioh it-happens that thut head compellatur ad os vulvae: que id may be oroed to the mouth of the wombe ond thut

extrahitur unco eadem ratione,


repertus-est juxta, alter est retro Cum Copore, has-been ound near, theother is bao wards with the bolo, quidquid protractum- est, est abscindendumtohatever ha8-been-Gawn orth, is to be-out- paulatim: et, si clunes coeperuntis litt&-anGlittier an Q f the bullooks have-begunurgere O3 Vulvae, Sunt repellendaeto press the moreth of the womb, they-aro to be-thrust-bach retro iterum, que pes ejus conquisitus buchwarda again, und the foot of it oein -sorsit or is)adducendus. Que etiamnum aliae dissicultates iaciunt ut, to be-draton. And evenset other diis lites malo that, qui exit non solidus, debeat the laetus) whioh goos out noe εolid entire , mrey-ought eximi conCi Sus. to be-tahen-out cut in paris). Autem quoties insans protractu8-e8t, eSt Aut us- len-tis the infant ha3-been-drawn orth, it-is tradendus miniotro. Is debet sustinere eum to be-doliverod to an attendunt. He ought to 3 portlliam supinis manibus, deinde medicus

with uplifted honds, osteriour is the physiciun 0ught trahere umbilicum leniter sinistrato Gaio the novel the umbilicat cord) gently with the Dysma V, ita ne-abrumpat, que sequi eum harid, εο that he-may-not-breah it), und to foliolo it dextra, usque ad eas quas Vocant Secundas,

with the righti untii to those tolich thv cali the secundo quod fuit velamentum insantis the aster-birth), whioh has beon the coveris of the infantinius; que his ultimis within; und thrae lust the sarthest paris os these)apprehensis, diducere manu eadem belag-tuhon-holmos to draw-apart with the hand in the sumeratione, Omnes venulas que membranulas amunner, ali the small-veins and 8mul membranes fromvulva, que extrahere totum illud, et si quid the womb, ung to druw-out the ichole that, und is av


praeterea concreti sanguiniS remanet intus. thing) besides of concreted blood romainε within. Tum seminibus compreesis in Unum, illa Then the th hs heing-compres3ed into one together), Rheest collocanda conclavi habente modicum the w0muti is to boviaced in a chamber having moderate calorem, Sine ullo perflatu: Succida-lana, tincta in eat, mithout any draught: greuv-wooc dipped in aceto et rosa, inponenda super imum viri or anu rose soll), to be ut-on over the lowest ventrem ejus. Reliqua curatio debet esse folly of hor. The remaining trestiment ought to betalis qualis adhibetur in inflammationibus, et in iis suoh as is-applied in inflammations, and in thos vulneribus, quae Sunt in nervosis locis. wovnd8, which are in nervov8 e 1 QV0quu Vitia ani, ubi Alao vices complainis) of the anus, when vincuntur non medicamentis, desiderant auxilium tita are-conquereae not by applications, require the uidmnnus. Ergo, Si qua scissa

induruerunt, in eo vetuState, que iam habent have-beconio-hard in it is age, and ulready have callum, est commodissimum ducere alvum; callus, it-is moεί- advant eous to lead the bellu sto clyster); tum admovere calidam spongiam, ut illathen is sipp0 a m m 3pongo, that those fissures)relaXentur et prodeant soras : ubi sunt may-bo-relaxed and muso orth withould when they-are in conspectu, excidere Singula, et in hi, to cut-out them) δingio sone by one), undrenovare ulcera; deinde imponere molle linamentum to rcneto the ulcerδ; Utcrwarδε to put-on Sost lint,ot super linteolum illitum melle ; queand over that) u litt&-linen be3meared with honta; and implere eum I0ciam molli lana, et ita vincire: to su that pluoe with ό t rivol, and thus to binil sit):


altero die, que deinceps ceteris,on the other silexi Gy, and after curri on the other3 uti lenibus medicamentis, quae proposuito use thith mild applications, whita I havemlaced-bejore alias esse necessat Ia ad eadem vitiaeAetolore to be necessary to lar) tho sume vices maladiesὶ recentia: et utique per primos dies hemg-recent: und esseoiuls through the frat Gya Subtinere eum sorbitionibus : deinde paulatim to 3 pori him toith grueis r afterarui δε υ-litt&-and-litile adjicere aliquid cibis, tamen ejus generis

quod praeceptum-est eodem loco. Autem simhioh has-been-advised in the fame place. Aut stquando pus oritur ex inflammatione in his, at-any-time pus aris out-os inflammation in these, ubi primum id apparuit, est incidendum, ne when Arst that has oppeared, it-is to be-incisis, testanus ipse Suppuret. Neque tamen est the anus iise may-suppurate. Nor vet is-it

properandum ante: nam, si incisum-est

crudum, multuin accedit inflammationi, immature, much accedes is-added) to the insummation, et aliquanto amplius puris concitatur. His und by-somewhat more s pus D-excited. Io thesevulneribus quoque, est opus embus cibis, quewounds also, there-is need with mild foods, undiisdem medicamentiS.with tho sume application3. At tubercula, quae appellantur κονδυλώματα, But tho tubor oles, whi h are callod LOndutomata,

ubi induruerunt, when they-huve-become-harricurantur haC ratione. are.treated in thi3 mannor. Ante omnia alvus ducitur: tum


juxta radices. Ubi quod factum-est, eademnear the roora. LVhen which ha8-been-done, the εame Sequuntur quae proposui supra eSSe

increscit, est coercendum squama aeriS. increases, i is to-be-chooked by-8cule of bra . 5 Etiam, ora venarum tandentia Sanguinem

Also, the moreths of veins pouring forti blood tolluntur sic. Ubi sanies adjicitur arc-talen-away thus. II hen sanies is-added sanguini qui emuit, alvus ducitur to tho blood whioh Gows-out, thebelly is-drawn clystere l)acribus, quo Ora

ΡrOmoVeantur magis: que eo may-bemromoted made prominent, more: und by this fit ut omnia capitula, quasi venariam, it happens that au th little-heads, a8-w of the vein8, Sint conspicua. Τum, si capitulum est exiguum,may-bo conspicuous. Then, is the litt&-heod is amuli, que habet tenti ein basim, est adstringendum

cum RDO : Spongia ex calida aqua est imponenda with the anus: a sponge out- of hot water is iobemut-Oudonec id liveat: deinde, id est exulcerandum tintii that mosthe-livido Uterwariis, that is to be-ulceraled Supra Π0dum, aut ungue aut scalpello. Nisi ubove the hnoi, euher rotu the nati or mith the 3oalsel. Uni squod factum-eSt, magni dolores SubSequutitur: etiam, whioh hos-been-done, great putris followe atis interdum, dissicultas urinae. Si id est



uno hamulo aut altero,

by one littis hooh or by another by a litile croteliet 0r tu o), que incidendum paulum supra basim ; neque quidquam and tobo-inoised a titile above thebase; nrithor any thing)ex eo capitulo est relinquendum, neque quidquam out-of that litt&-hoad is to be-lest, nor any thing)eX anus demendum: quod is consequitur Out-of the anus to be-tahen-uwayr v ljuoh thing) he vitai qui ducit hamos neque nimium neque Parum. reho dratos the hoohs notther too-much nor too litile. Qua inrisum-est, acus debet

In what part) it has-been-inoi sed, uneedle ought immitti, que infra eam id capitulum alligarito be-δont-in, and beloto it that littυ-head to be-bound lino. Si sunt duo ve tria, quodque imum with a thread. V there-are two or three, euch lowrat est curandum primum: Si plura,

Non omesa simul; ne sint tenerae cicatrices nut ali together; lest there-be tender laesh) scara undique eodein tempore. lii sanguis profluit. On-all-8idra at-th sanie time. 0 blood fore sinorit, est excipiendus sponsa: deinde linamentum it-is to be-tahen-up with a sponger Uter saris lint is)imponendum, semina et inguina, et quidquid t0-bomut-on, the th hs and groins, and whuteverest juxta ulcus ungendum, que Ceratum i3 near the ulcer to be-anointed, and cerate Superdandum, et is locus est implendusto beWiven splace l)-over, and that place is to besued calida hordeacea-sarina, et sic deligandi S.

aqua, que foveri eodein cataplasmate. Mater, arid to bo omented with the sume poultice. Et bis die, et ante curationem et

And twioe in the d , both before the trestiment und


post eam, cerviceS ac semina sunt perungenda after it the nectis and th M are to be-anointed liquido cerato; que is continendus tepido

I0c0. Quinque aut sex diebus interpositis, place. Five or δῖr dus heing-interposed linamenta educenda having intervened), the sints are) to bo-drawn-out oriculario-specillo: si capitula exciderunt non with an ear-probe: is the litt&-heads have fallen-out notSimul, promoVenda together, illey are) to be-moved orward delached)digito tum ulcera perducenda ad with the Aser : then the ulcers are) to be-Dd-through to sanitatem lenibus medicamentis, que iisdem

health by mild medicines, and by the sume lliings)quae posui alibi. Exposui jam

non dissicili. Autem distuli huc et not disioult. Aue I d ferre t hither uiso

Curationem earum venularum quae nocent in the treaiment of those lilii oeina tolloh hure in capite, et eorum varicum, qui sunt in ventre:

quoniam est ubique eadem. Igitur omnis venabe use it-is every-where the Sume. Therefore every volu lude est nox7a, aut tabescit adusta, aut inhioh is huri fui, either Must -away belv-burni, OreXimitur manu Si recta;


Si, quamvis transversa, tamen simplex: si

eSt modica, aduritur melius. Si estil-i3 moderate, it-i burni cauteri ged) bellor. V it, is curva, et implicatur velut in quosdam orbes, quecrooked, and D-entwined as-is into sonae circles, and plures involvuntur inter se, est utilius very-many ore-involved among them8elves, it-is more-ugefuleximere. Ratio adurendi est haec. to tale-out sitiem). The method of burning is this. Cutis superinciditur: tum, vena patefacta The 3hin is-inoised-onor then, the vein bel=W-made-υ premitur modice tenui et retuso canderite issi ened moderat ly with a thin und birented horserramento; que vitatur ne iron-instrument 8, and it-k- avolsed scare is talien), testorae plagae ipsius adurantur; reducere the e ges of the wound itself may-be-burni; to-draw-bach quas hamulis est facito. Id fit per rehich toith smal hoohs is eas. That k-done throughtotum Varicem, sere quaternis distis interpositis: the wholo varii, about four fAgers bein FluceHbetween et tum medicamentum at intervals os ab0ut Mur fingers) : and then an applicationsuperimponitur, quo adusta Sanantur. ismut-on-over, by which burni Nound s) aro-cured. At exciditur hoc modo. Cute Super But a varix) is cut-out in this muniter. The shin overvenam incisa eadem ratione, orae the voin belU-incised in the Rame manner, the edg excipiuntur hamulo; que vena diduesturare taken-νp ttith a mal hooh; and the vein is drawn-opartundique a corpore: que cavetur, ne on-au-8ide' from the bo und it-issuardemugainst, testinter haec ipsa laedatur: queumong these things thenaseloes it mυ-be injured; undretusus hamulus subjicitur ei; que serea blunted little-hooh is lucem miser to that; and obout