The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


e0dem spatio intei posito, quod positum-est

varicibus, tum orae plagarum committuntur, irom varices, then the o es of the toound8 ar closed-together,

et glutinans emplastrum injicitur Super. and u glutinaling ploster k-oaό on placed on) over.esesesii. .i digiti Vel protinus in utero, Aut, y the snpers either immediately in the womo,

vel propter communem exulcerationem pOStea or On-account-os common ulceration aflericariis cohaeserunt, diducuntur scalpello; have-α cred-together, they are- rure a vari by the Sculpet; dein uterque circumdatur separatim emplastro non thon euch A-εurrounded separalely with a plaster nοι pingui : atque ita uterque sanescit per Se.


veteri cicatrice, et ubi nervi laesi-sunt, an-old 3car, and whon the nerves have-be -in iure oportet videre ne id sit vitium nervi, il-bohoves to See t ether that may-bo the fauit of the nerve, an cutis. Si est nervi, debet nonor of the shin. IV it-is the lauit) of the nerve, it ought notattingi: enim neque est Sanabile. Sito be toreohedo for notther is-it ouruble. V the lauit cutis, tota cicatrix excidenda; quae fere theia n, the t hole goar is) to be-out-out; which mo8tly callosa patiebatur distum minus extendi: being) ouilous diluet fer the snger len to be- tendedo tum rectus Sic, est perducendus ad then being made) stra it thus, it-is to be-Dd-through to

Dictum-est mihi alio loco, XXX LII ' It has been suid to by) me in unother Pluce,

gangraenam nasci inter ungues que alaS, aut gangrene to ariso belween the nulls and armmira, oringuina, et si quando medicamenta vincuntur, groins, and w αἰ-any-time medicines are-Conquered, oportere membrum praecidi. Sedio bolove that it belloved) the limb to bo-out- But id quoque sit cum summo periculo: nam that also is-dono toith the highest dangere formoriuntur Saepe in opere ipso, vel tho die osten in the wori operation) itse' either profusione sanguInis, vel desectione animae.

Verum hic quoque interest nihil an syncope). Bul here also it dissors nouis ichether praeSidium, quod est unicum, sit the sufeyuard remedyὶ, whioh is the only one), may-ι satis tutum. Igitur caro inter Sanamst iolently sufe. Therofore thesest botu cen the heultisque vitiatam partem est incidenda scalpello usqueaud diseused part is to be-incised with a sculpol until


ad os, sic ut id fiat neque contrato the bone, so that that may-bo-dono neither against articulum ipsum, et aliquid eX sana parte

OS, Sana caro eSt reducenda ab eo,

et Subsecanda circa os, ut ea parte qu0que and to b cut-under around the bone, that in-that pari uiso os nudetur aliquid: dein id est the bone muy-b made-bare somewlat: then that is praecidendum serrula, quam-PrOXIme Sanaeto be-out-υs with a litt&-saw, as-near-asmossibie to the heust carni etiam inhaerenti: ac tum hons ossis, si h alio adheringe and then the font of the bono, quam serrula exaSperaVit, est laevanda, quewhita the littD-saw hos made-rough, is to be-8moothed, and cutis inducenda ; quae sub curatione ejusmodi the skin to be-dramn-on; whioh under trea ent of thi 1orι debet esse laxa, ut contegat OS undique ought to bo Dose, that it may-oover the bone On-uΓ-εides quam-maXIme. Quo cutis αδ-much-aSmo8Sible. In tohat place) the /kin inducta-suerit non, id erit contegendum

linamentis, et Spongia ex aceto deliganda supergith linia, and a spongo oret-os vinegar to be-bound overid. Postea cetera facienda sic, utilat. A tergarda the other things are) to bo-done 3o, uspi peceptum est in vulneribus in quibus pus debethus-been-directed in wounds in lirhich pus ought



OCTAVUS LIBER . THE EIGIITII BOOK. EA pars Superest quae pertinet ad OSsa; quo THAP pari remains whioh pertains to the bones by tolichquae possit accipi in order iliat) which may-be-able to be-received underst00d)facilius, indicabo prius positus que more-eusily, I 8huu-indicate previsusty the positions and figuras. ΙHtur calvaria incipit concava exfornis. Thermore the 3huu begina concave out os son)interiore parte, extrinsecus gibba, utrinque Jurvis, the interior pari, externutly convex, On-both-δ ira smooth, et qua contegit membranam cerebri, Cthoth in what spart) it covers the membrano Ofthe bruta, and qua contegitur cute gignente capillum: que in relat spartu it-is-oovered by the/iun produc/ng Iair: and . simplex ab occipitio et temporibus; est

duplex a fronte . uSque in Verticem: que ubie frona the forehead untii unto the vertet: and ossa ejus dura ab exterioribus partit, Q

molliora ab

inferi0ribus, quibus the interior sparis), in ichi hconnectuntur inter Se: que inter ea they are- connected beti oen th So es: und botmeen these

venae discurrunt quas subministrare vetiis run-upuri in disserent directions , ichich to 1uppli/alimentum his est credibile. that these velias supplγ) nouriument to theso is credibi . Autem calvaria est raro solida siue suturis: tam eu ut the Mosi is Sol om aolid trithout esutur e yctinvenitur facilius aestuosis locis et id caput that is ound more eosis inlot places; und that heu test firmissemum atque tutissimum ab dol0re. Exis the Strongest ausi the sufeyt from pala. Out-of


ceteris, quo paucioreS Suturae Sunt, eo the othera, by how-much sewer Sutures thero-are, by that valetudo capitis est commodior. Enim much in the health of the head is mor a antageou3. Forneque numeruS earum, Sicut ne-quidem locusneither the number ὐ them, δο-a3 not-even the placeest certus. Tamen sere duae, Super their p0sition) is certain. Yot mostly two, absDe aures, discernunt tempora a superiore

the eurs, distingui34 separate) the temples 1rom the i merparte capitis: tertia, tendens per part of the heudo a Vird, εtret ing through over)verticem ad aures, diducit occipitium a summo the VerteX to the ears, divi ε the occipiat from tho h hest capite; quarta procedit ab hecd srom the top os the head): aIourah proceori froni

eodem Vertice per medium caput ad the samo vertex through over) the mi se head toseontem; que ea desinit modo sub imo ite foreheud; and it censes metimes under the loro tcapillo, modo secans frontem ipsam finiturhair, sometimes culting the foreheud itsely it-i3-endedinter supercilia. Ex his ceterae suturaebetween the vebrow3. Out-of these the other Sutures quidem committuntur in unguem: vero ea in ed are-united unio a nqil exactly) : but tho3e

paulatim totis oris; atque ita inseriora is little-und-lsello in the whole edges; und thus the lolcer Ossa len7ter insidunt superioribus. V ero hones gently slighily) εit-on rest On) to thou er. Aut crassissimum os in capite est post aurem; the thiohe t bono in the head is ustor belli nil) the eur ;qua capillus gignitur non, ut est verisintaleia which part) huir Doro ced not, tia is probab ob id ipsum. Quoque sub his on-uccount-of that stiling) it8eg. Aiso undor those


musculis, qui connectunt tempora, medium OS est mu8ck8, which connect the temples, the midiae bone is positum, inclinatum in exteriorem partem. At placed, inclined unto the outer pari. Bulsacies habet maximam Suturam, quae, incipiens a the face has the great i εuture, teli , Isinnis fromtempore, pervenit transVersa per medios oculos the comple, arrivra transverδe through the 1niddie vesque nares ad alterum tempus. A qua and nostr is to the other temple. From tthioh suture)duae breves spectant deorsum sub interioribus

two ahori sones) look tend) downwardes under the inne, angulis. Et malae quoque habent singulas anglos. And the cheias uiso have their) severat

transversas Suturas in

transverso Suture3 have each a transverse future) in Summa parte. Que n mediis tiaribus, tho h hest pari. And from the mi die nostriis, aut gingivis superiorum dentium una proleditor Iroin the gu=n3 of the Vper ieeth, oris proCee sper medium palatum, que alia transversa secat through tho midiae palate, and another tranSPerae Cuta idem palatum. Et hae suturae, quidem, sunt in the gante Palate. And these δutures, in heri are in plurimis. Autem mavima foramina intra caput m l si ulls). Dut the gre ut est openings withia theleiadsunt oculorum; deinde narium; tum

Sunt oculorum, tendunt recta que simplicia ad cerebrum. uro in tho . , Stretch εtra it und simple to the bruta. Duo foramina narium discernuntur

The two openinga of the nostriis ure-distinguishod medio osse ; Siquidem, hae separated) by the mi ille hone; since-that, theso primum inchoantur a superciliis, que the nostri is) syst begia from the ve-browS, anu



the corn SPartem :parte quo oculorum

deinde, torre arct, Pr0plus oriosse sere ad tertiam mith bono almost to the thιrdversm in cartilaginem, b ing-turnod into cartilage, descendunt, EO -how-much nearer to tho mouthia they-descend, by that magis quoque molliuntur caruncula. Sed

mulli) more uiso they are-εoysen d with littDinesh. Butea soramina quae a summis ad imas those oponings et hich froin the lighrat to the loti est nares sunt simplicia, dividuntur ibi rursus in bina nostriis are simple, are-dividou thero again lato tiro itinera: que ex liis, alia κυδ passages): and out of thrae, the other; sonae)pervia ad sauces, et reddunt pay3ublo having a passage) to the fauces, both returnet accipiunt spiritum; alia, tendentia ad cerebrum, and receive the air; the otherra, Stretching to the bruin, dissipantur ultima parte in multa et are-dissipatod divided) iuile lusi part into many and tenuia soramina, per quae Sensus odoristhin small) openings, throwh which the εenRe σεmelidatur nobis. In aure quoque, primo iterissivon to uS. In the ear ulso, ut,D3t the wayrectum et simplex, procedendo

steXuosum, juXta cerebrum diducitur as it ad 'ances tortuous, near the bruin it-D-divi ted in multa et tenuia foramina, per quae into many and thin small) openingo, through whiohest lacultas audiendi. Que juxta ea sunt there-is the pomer of heuring. And uour thrae thero-are duo quasi parvuli sinus; que Super eos OS two αδ-is very-3nu in concavities ἰ and ovor them the bono finitur, quod tendens transversum a genis, is-ondet whioh εtretoling tranδvoirae from the oleias, sustinetur ab inferioribu8. Potest appellariis-3repported by the lower sones). Ic-A-able id be-oalled


iugale ab eadem similitudine a qua Graeci augale froin the sunt e liheness, hom inhioh the Greeti appellant , ero maxilla est molle os,oail it) zugodes. Aut the juw-bone is a Aost bone,

que ea est una cujus et eadem

media, et etiam ima pars, eSt mentum: a quomiolo, und uiso the lotoest pari, is the ollino Jroin whichprocedit utrinque ad tempora; que ea Solait prooeeda on-both-εides to tho temples; and that alone movetur. Nam malae, cum toto osse quod i8-moved. For the cheehs, with the whole bone whichexcipit superiores dentes, sunt immobiles. Verum receives the umer ieeth, ure immoveabie. But extremae partes maxillae ipsius sunt quasithe eitreme part3 9 the jaw-bone itfey ure as-ν bicornes. Alter proceSSUS,

latior infra, tenuatur Vertice ipso, que procedens hi sudor bolow, is made-thin on the top itsely, und prooeedingi insus subit sub jugale osse, et super id farther go -undor under the jugal bone, and abone that illigatur musculis. temporum. Alteris-bound connected) to the muscies Vthe temples. The oti rbrevior et rotundior, et fit modo branch is shorter und roundor, and D-mude in the mann cardinis in eo sinu qui est juxta foramina Uahinge in that concavity which is near the op ningsauris; que ibi inclinans se liuo et illuc


Graecis the Greeti

in quibus ultimi, qui solent gigni

in whom the lusi, whi h are-aooustomed to bemroduced Sero, increverunt non. Ex his priores nitunturlat' have-grown not. Out-of these tho former rely adhere)singulis radicibus: maxillares utiqueon single roora; those) belongin)-to tho aw-bone certainlybinis, quidam etiam ternis ve quaternis. Que, sere, On twO, SOme even on three or four. And, moStly, longior radix edit breviorem dentem; que radiXtho longer root produces theshortor tooth; and theroot resti dentis est etiam recta, CHIViot a 3tra hi tooth is titio stra hi, osa orookod 0ne)flexa. Que in pueris novus dens subithent. Anil in bus schild ren) a new tooth comes-underex eadem radice, qui multo saepius out-9 the Same root, wh oh D much more requently expellit priorem; tamen interdum ostendit Sethruδω-out the former; yet sometimes it heros itself

itifra eum.


utroque latere: mediae perforatae, qua

medulla spinae commissa cerebro, descendit: themurrow oy the spine, joined to the brain, descend3 rqu0que ci rca Perviae

ser duos processus tenuibus

URViS, Per quae, SimileS membranulae lutos cavities), through which, lihe 8mul Membrano, deducuntur a membrana cerebri. Quecro Dd- wn deduced) from the membrone Ofthebrain. Andomnes Vertebrae, tribus Summis exceptis, habentali the vertebrae, the three i hest bel*--oepteri have sinus desidentes parum a superiore parte in concavities sinking very-littis from 0n) the repper pars in processibus ipsis: ab inferiore erigunt tho prooeSses itemselvos: hom son) the Dicer they ouδι- alios processuS Versus deorsum. Igitur Summaother prooenos tortariis downwarri. Thermore the h hostprotinus sustinet caput, eXiguis vertebra) immediutoly supporis the heud, the smali processibus receptis per duos sinus. procera eminences) belag-received by the two concavillas. Quo fit, ut caput eXasperetur' ichioh it happens, thut the heud may-be-ma δε-rough

une ven) with lumps, betng-turned Utcurri, downwar δε. Secunda inseriore superioli Tho seoond vertebra is inserted) in the lower part) to the repperparti. Quod pertinet ad circuitum, Sumina ParSpuri. Ira ut pertatus to the circum renoe, the highest partfinitur angusti0re orbe: ita Superi0ri8-ended by a nurrower circleo thus the u er vertebia)circumdata ei summae, Sinit pluoeiuround to that highesl on the t0p os illat), Θus res Caput moverithe heud to be-moved quoque in latera. also anto the Side. lateralty).