The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


Tertia excipit Secundana eodem modo. Ex The third receivra the geoond in the su ne manner Out-9 quo mobilitas est facilis cervici. Acu Noh moveabienen is ectyy to the nec . Andposset ne-quidem Sustinere caput, nisiit wouisbe-able not-even to Suppore the head. unle recti que valentes nervi continerent

collum utrinque, quos Graeci strengthen) the neok on-both-sides, which tho Greeti appellant τενοπας tononias) : siquidem alterculi treontes e sinoe-that the other sone horum semper intentus inter omnes sexus, of the e almus bring stretched among au bendius, Patitur non Superiora prolabi ultra. Si ors not the uppor sparis) to gli forward beyond. Que jam tertia vertebra exigit tubercilla And noto the third vertebra throws-out δ=nal lumps promi- quae inserantur inferiori. Ceterponen ces) whioh may-be-inεerted to the lower sone). The restinsinuantur in inseri0resare-insinuated articulated) into tho lower Ones)processibus spectantibus deorsum, ac by the proco es seminences) looking dotomoaris, undaccipiunt superiores per Sinus, quos receive the umor ones) into) the con avities, whion habent utrinque: que continentur multis hey have on both sides; and are hel Llogother =many

nervis et multa cartilagine. Ac sic, uno modico nervos and is muta cartiluge. And thu' one moderate flexu dato in-promptum, ceteris

negatis, homo insistit erectus, et curvaturbem)-doniod choched), a mari Stuniis erecti and D-bent aliquid ad necessaria opera. beniis himself) somewhot to ser) necessary work8. Vero summa costa est sita infra cervicem


contra humerum. Inde undecim) inferiores over-against the Rhoulder. Thenoe the elevenu lower sones perveniunt usque ad imum pectus: arrive freach) untii to the lowest breast to the bottom osque eae rotundae primis partibuS,

et quasi leniter capitulatae, inhaerent transversisund as-is sithis heu d, inhere to the tran3verse processibuS vertebrarum, ibi quoque prooe83es sprominences) of the vertebrae, there aiso sinuatis paulum: inde latescunt, et betng-hollowed a littier thenoe they become-broad, and

recurvatae in exteriorem partem,

boing-bent-bach unto toruards) the suter puri, paulatim degenerant in cartilaginem; que ea . littD-and-littis degenerate into cartilage; und in that parte flexae rursus leniter in interiora part heing-bent again δlightly unto sto ardes) the inne, Committuntur cum osse pectoris. Quod paris) are-connected toith the bone of tho breust. Whiohvalens et durum, incipit a faucibus,

lunatum ab utroque latere, et terminatur a

ornoont-like from son) euch δide, and i terminat, is praecordiis, jam ipsum quoque mollitum the praec0rdia, ulready itSelf also bellig-s tenedcartilagine. Vero sub pri0ribus costis, is curtilage. Aut under the former firstin rise, quinque breves que tenuiores, quas Graeci are) sve shori and thinner sones), u hiol the Greel

nominant νοθας nothas), atque ipsae quoque versae num o false, and thoniselvos uiso belW-turneae paulatim in cartilninem, inliperescunt extremis hy-litt&-and-littio into cartiluge, inhero to the ea treme

partibus abdominis; que ima ex bis, jam puris of the abdomen ; and the lore est out-of these, ab adymajore parte, est nihil nisi cartilago. Rursus A the greuter pari, is nothiis renien cartilage. Aguin


duo lata ossa tendunt utrinque a cervice ad two broad bonos εtretch on-both-sides fro1n the neol mscapulas : nostri Dominant operta

the Shouldors: our countrymen) name them) vered scutula, Graeci, omoplatas). Ealitii εhields,' the Greias omoplatai. Thrae Sinuata in summis verticibus, ab hisbeing-hollowed in the hie rei tops, from these theyare triangula, que paulatim latescentia tendunt triangular, and by-littie-an litile beooming-broad εtrotolad spinam; et quo latiora sunt to the vino; and by toti by lio v much) broader they-are quaque parte, eo hebetiora. Atque tu euch par that much) blunt thinner). Andit Sa quoque, in imo cartilaginosa, thomsol os atio, in the seu est part) curtiluginous, P0Steliore parte vehit innatant; qu0niam,m the Uinder pari a j sas it xvere theysont; because, inhaerescunt nulli ossi nisi in summo. th. adhero to no bone tinion in the h hest spart).

ρ sunt constricta validis muscidis que

quam ubi ea est media, os excrescit, ibit ι au ichere that is the mid ille, a bono growε-0ut, there quidem tenue, Vero procedens, quo

indoed thia, but procoediar as it proceed s), by-tchichpropius fit lato ossi by bow much) nearer it-hecomes to the broad bono scapularum, eo plenius que latius, et 0y the shouldors, by that much) fuller anil broader, and

Uurvatum paulum in exteriora, quod intumescens Oeὶng-bent a lutio unio the outor paris), which su olling. modice altera parte verticis,


sustinet jugulum . Autem id ipsum Supporis the throat-bone. But this si alter) itself is)recurUUm, neque numerandum inter durissima bent-buch, nor and not) to be-numhered omong the har est OSSA, Bltero capite insidit

exiguo sinu pectoralis ossis; que movetur the littio concavi of the pectoral bone; and it-i3-moved paulum motu brachii, et connectitur cum a litile by the 1 novenient of the arna, and is connected et illi lato osse scapularum, infra caput HUS, the broud bone of the shouidera, boloto the head of it,nerVis et cartilagine. Hinc humerus incipit by nervos and cartilage. Honoe the humerus hegius extremis Capitibus utrinque tumidus, in the ea treme heady on-both-gides gwollen sprotuberant), mollis, 8iue medulla. cartilaginosus: medius teres, S i, without murrato, cartilaginous: the middie sis) round, duruS, medullosus: leniter gibbus. et in hard, uboundis-H-marrow: si hily conver, both unto priorem, et in exteriorem partem. t0wards) the formor front) and unto the outer pari. Autem prior pars est, quae eSt a

Pectore; posterior, quae ab

Scapulis; interior, quae tendit ad latus; tho 3houider-blades; the inner, inhioh stretches to the fide ;exterior, quae recedit ab eo: quod pertinere the outor, et hich recedes from ito tolich to portula ad omnes articulos, patebit iliat this pertains) to ali the Dinis, tolli be-open in ulterioribus. Autem Superius evident) tu the farthor descriptions). But the reppercaput humeri rotundius quam cetera OSSA heud of the humerus sis roundor than the other bones,


le quibus dixi adhuc, inseritur parvo concerning tohioh I 8uid hithorto, it-is-inserted by a littis

excessu veruci lati ossis cera prominence) to the vertet in the broad bono scapularum, ac deligatur nervis of the εhou lers, and is-bound is nerv ligamenis

maj0re parte eXtra Sinum.

in the greater part vhicli ia) without the concavity. At inserins habet duos processus ;Lut the lower extremi ty) has two procerae8 promi- inter quos, quod eSi medium sinuaturnen es); betu ceu ichich, u hac is mi Olo is holiomedetiam magis extremis partibus. Quae even more thun the extreme puris extremities). LGlohres praeStat Sedem brachio: quod constat ex thin orda a 3out for tho arm : which con8isis out-σduobus ossibus. Radius, quem Graeci appellant two bones. The radius, which the Greeks ouilκερκίδα ikerhida), superior que brevior, et heri is, being) the tippor und 8horter, and primo tenuior reripit exiguum turberculum aifrst the thinner receives the Smuli tubercti' protuberance)humeri rotundo et leniter cavo capite;

atque ibi continetur nervis et und there is-held-together is nerves ligamenis) and cartila ne. Cubitus inferior que longior, et is cartilage. Tho cubitus tho tomer and the longer, and primo plenior, 'inserit se duobus quasi

verticibus ex8tantibus in summo

capite in sinum heud extreini ty) into tho concavis pr0p0sui concavity) I hune luce l-bc fore humeri of the humerus


juncta primo, paulatim dirimuntur, queboing joined atmissi, by-litt&-and-litile are-3eparated, and

rursus Coeunt ad manum, modo

agam come-together to at) the Lind, the manner meas ure)crassitudinis mutato: siquidem ibi radius llieir thitanen being-ohunged: εinco-that there theradius est pleuior, Cubitus admodum leuitis. Dein is fuller larger), the cubitus very thin. Then radius, ConSurgens in Cartilaginosum caput, sinuatur the radius, rising into a cartilaginous heud, is-hollowed in vertice ejus: cubitus rotundus iuin the vertex os ite the cubitus being) round in eXtremo, procedit paulum altera the extremo spart), procedes sprHecis) a littis in the other parte. Ac ne sit pari. Anil lost it may-bo stli ut it may n0t be)dicendum saepius, oportet non ignorari, to be-said very- ten, it behoves it) not to be-unknown, plurima Ossa desinere in cartilaginem, nullum the most bonos to terminato into cartilage, nonrticulum non finiri sic. Enim neque aut joint not to be-ended thus. For velther either posset moveri, nisi inniteretur u ould-it-be-able to b moved, uni s it might-roly rest)laevi; aut conjungi cumto On u εmooth substance ; or to beboined-together illucarne que net Vis, utSi quaedam media tho flesh und inith the ligamenis, uniess sonte mi lomateria committeret ea. Uero in intermediate) materiai might-oonneol them . Aut in mauu prima pars palm de conStat ex multis the haud the si si part of the patin confisu out-j many

que minutis ossibus, numerus quorum est incertus. Sedunil smuti bonos, the number of which is uncertain. But omnia obl0nga, et triangula connectuntur inter ali oblong, and triangulor ure-conne ted among se quadam Structura, cum invicem superior hen se es by a certain Structure, Since alternately the umer


angulus alterius, Sit planities alternis: angle of tho other os one), may-be the plane of the other rque eo fit ex his species unius and by this there is-made out-of these the appererance of oneossis paulum concavi in interiora. bone a litile concune unio sto ards) tho inner paris). Uerum ex manu duo eXigni processus But out-of the hand ttoo Smuli processes seminences conjiciuntur in sinum radii. aro- ast are inserted) into the concavity of the radius.

Tum ex altera parte quinque reota OSSA,

Then out-o on the other puri suo struight bon , tendentia ad digitos, explent palmam. stretohing to the sngeira, ful-up complete) tho pum. A quibus digiti ipsi oriuntur; qui constant

From which the snge; ε thomsolves arise; tohich consistex tertiis ossibus: que ratio omnium out-9 three bones: and the reoson sarrangement) of altest eadem. Interius os sinuatur in vertice, queis the sanie. The inner bone is-hollowed in the top, undrecipit exiguum tuberculum exterioris ; quereceives the 3mali prominence of the outor one) ; undnervi continent ea. A quibus ungues ligamenis hold-together them. From tohich the natis orti, indurescunt: que ideo inhaerenthaving-arlyen, hecome-harde and on-that-account they inhere suis radicibus non ossi sed magiS Carni. by their roora not so bono hut more to tho sesh. Ac superiores partes quidem sunt Ordinatae sic. And the per puris indoed ure arranyed thus.

Vero ima spina desidit Aut th lowest spino the lower pari os the spine) sinί - wn

transversum, que longe Valentissimum, tuetur vulvam, transverse, und by ur the m03tmowerfui, defends the womb, V Sicam, rectum intestinum. Quo id


gibbum ab exteriore parte; resupinatum ad convex irom son) the outer puri; turne hachwarri to sat)spinam; a lateribus, id est, in coxis ipsis the vino 9 frona soli) ue Ride' thut is, in the hips themselves

habet rotundos sinus. A quibus Os Oritur,rthus round concavities. From inhies a bone aris es quod vocant pectinem; que id fransversumtolaoh they culi pecten; and thut being) tran/verso super infestina sub pube, firmat ventrem; above the intestinos under the pubes, Rireng thens the heus ;rectius in viris, recurvatum magis in eXteriora it is) stra hier in men, beni-bach more unio the outer in feminis, ne prohibeat partum. Inde paris) in femules, i t it-may-hindor parturition. Thenoe oriuntur semina. Capita qu0rum

sunt etiam rotundiora quam humerorum ; cum

. are even r0under thon th0se) of the humeri; when illa sint rotundissima ex ceteris. Vero although) those 1nv-be the roundest out-of thereSt. Bue infra habent duos processus a priorebelow thv luve tros prominencos inrom son) the formeret a posteriore parte. Dein

dura, et medullosa, et gibba ab hard, and aboundisg-H-murrow, and conveae from son)OXteriore parte, rursus intumescunt the outer pari, Muin beCome-δwolian become turger)quoque ab inserioribus partibus. Superiora

conjiciuntur in sinus coXae, Sicutare cast sare inserted) hito the concavities of the his, nahumeri in ea ossa quae Sunt those) of tho humerus Dito those bones which are Scapularum: tum infra intendunt of the yhouldor-blades then bolow they δtretch incline)leniter introrsus, quo Sustineant


Superiora membra aequalius. Atque inferiora capita the Uper limbs more-equal0. And the tot er hoc δε quoque media Sinuantur,

commiSSura tegitur parvo, molli, cartilaginOSO OSSe :juncture i3-covered by αδmali, mist, curtilaginous bone: vocant patellam. Haec innatans Super, nec

inhaerens ulli ossi, sed deligata carne et udiering to any bono, but bound-doton by seah and Dei ViS, que tendenS paulo magis ad by ligumenta, and 8tretohing incliniug) by a litile more toos semoris, tuetur juncturam inter OmneS

ex duobus ossibus. Enim per omnia semuroul-j two bones. For through au lliings) the th hest simile humero, vero crus brachio: adeo is liho to the humerus, hut the leg to the arm e SOut habitus quoque et decor alterius that tho habit shape) utio und cometiness of the other cognoscatur ex altero : quod incipiens one) may-be-known out-of the other : which legiunia ab ossibus, re8pondet etiam infrom the bon , un3wers h0lds good) uiso in carne. Verum alterum Os est potitum


ipsos. Alterum positum a priore

pat te, cui est nomen tibiae, longius, et puri, to whiol there-is the namo tibia, being) longor, ondplenius in superiore parte, solum committitur Cum fullor in the rvper puri, alone i connected torthinteriore capite senioris; sicut cubitus cum the loroer head y the th h; as the cubitus tolthhumero. Atque ea ossa quoque Conjuncta tho humerus. And these bonos also heing oined-together infra que Supra, media dehiscunt, bolou and above, mi die sin the middie gope are separate , ut in brachio. Autem crus excipItur infraus in the arm. But the log is received belowtrans ei SO OSSe talorum: que id ipsum est in the transverse bone of tho an tes: and that issest is situm Super os calcis, quod quadam siluated abovo the bono of the heel, tolloh in some One)paite Sinuatur, quadam habet eXCe88us, et part is-lollowed, in εomo sanother) hu8 projectiony, and recipit procedentia ex talo,

et Insetitur in Sinum ejus. Que id and i inserted ixto the oonoapity 9 it. Anii tἶat si sindurum sine medulla, que projectum magis hard without marrow, and boingonjected moro in posterioremunto tho hinserteretem figuram. a round Mure partem, ibi repraesentat pari, there it representa Cetera ossa pedis The other bones 9 the foot

Sunt are



instructa ad similitudinem eorum quaeto aster) the idoneys of those tolles manu: planta palmae, tho haud j tho sole ans vers) to the palm, digitis, ungues reSpondent thesingera toes to thesngera, the natis ansu er

iuunguibus . to tho natis.