The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


laedentibus intus. Ne-quidem si fractum os turtis v ithia. Not-even is the broten bone desedit, est necesse totum has 3unk been depressed), it-is nece/sary sor) the whole excidi; sed, sive totum perfractum-est, et to be-ercised; but, whether the whole has-been-brohen, and recessit ex-toto ab alio, has receded been delached) entire0 froin the other part , sive inhaeret exigua parte circumpositaeor adheres tolth a smali part to the placesuround Sur- calvariae, est dividendum ab eo qu0drounding) 3kult, it-is to be-divi d from that whiohhabet se naturaliter, scalpro. Deinde in eo hus itself natural0, by the ohisel. Astorwarri in that quod desedit juxta rimam, quam which h -εunk been depressed) neur thess8ure, whichfecimus foramina sunt addenda; si noxa we have-made openings holes) ure to be-added; istho injuryest in angusto, duo; si patetis in a nurror compass), two; is it lies-open extends latius, tria; que Septa eorum more widely, three; and the septa of them the spaces be- excidenda: et tum scalpert een the holes) to bo- oised: and then the chisel is)agendus utrinque ad rimam, sic ait faciatio be-driven on both-sides to the fure, so thut it may-mahe lunatum sinum, que ima pars ejus a Cr Cent-liho ouvi , and the lowest puri 9 it may looh)intus ad fracturam, cornua spectent ad withis to toWards the fruolure, the horna may-look to integrum os. Deinde, si qua Iabant, the εor nil bono. torwardy, is ony paris) totier sare et possunt removeri ex-sacili, suntl00Se), and are-able to be-removed eu8ily, they-are colligenda sorsice facta ad id, to lo-colleolod with a forceps mode to sor) thut spurp03e , que maxime ea quae acuta infestant


membranam: si id potest non fieri ex-tacili, the membrane: f thut is-able not to be-done eaδily, lamina quam proposui esse custodem ejus

the plute whioh I haveυDoed-before to be theguard of that membranae est subjicienda; et quidquid est

m mbrane is to hemiacesunder; and whateuer is Spinosum et eminet tutus, est excidendum Super eam:

priclis and projecta tolthin, it-is to be-esciεed von iteque quidquid insedit deorsum attollendum and whatever has unh downwards is) to be-raised eadem lamina. Hoc genus curationis efficit ut by the samo plate. This hind of treat=-ιι eois that

qua parte ossa fracta tamen inhaerent,in whut pure the bones hein -bro en yet adhere, solidentur: qua partetata may-be-consolidatede i=ι whae partabrUPta-sunt, excidant tempore Sub they havs-beon-brohen- , they may al out in time under medicamentis sine ullo tormento, que Spatium applications without any pain, and a macerelinquatur inter haec satis magnum ad

Saniem extrahendam; que cerebrum habeat plus tho sanies to be-druwn-oul; and the bram may-have mors

Pr0pugnaculi in osse quam fuit habiturum, eoos de fonoe in the bone than it-was abolit-to-have, it exciso. His factis, ea membranabeing --oiaed. These things) being-done, that membraneeSt reSpergenda acri aceto; ut sive aliquidis to be-γrin Dd with-uo, id vinetar ; that whether Somesanguinis prosiliit ex ea,

cohibeatur, sive concretus cruor remanet intus,


imponendum membranae ipsi: que ceterato b put-on to the membrane iiseis: and the other lliings quae pertinent ad illItum linteolum, citrhich relate to the εmeared lint, und

aestate. Quod-si membrana intumuerit in summer. But-f the membrane may have-be ome-Θtoollenper inflammationem, tepida rosa erit

infundenda. Si tumebit uSque eo, to bemourelion. V it ahal be-swollen untii thither to iliat ut emineat quoque Super OSSA, degree), that it-mv-project even above the bones, lenticula bene trita coercebit eam, vel contrita folia lentit meu bruised wilLr truin it, or bruised Daves vitis, et mixta vel cum recenti butyro vel adipeos vine, and niued rither mill fresh butior or futanSerino: que cervix debebit molliribet ring -to thewoose and the nech will ought to be-ε tenedliquido cerato sacto ex irino. At-Sit ith liqvid cerate mado out-V orris soll). But-fmembrana videbitur Parum pura, Parthe membratio Rhaiiagoena litile pure sclean), an equulmodus ejus emplastri et mellis erit

miscendus: que id superinfundendum; que causato ho-muedr and that to bolourod-on-over: and for theso erius continendi unum aut alterum Uit to be-held-to ether of heeping it on) one or another linamentum injiciendum, tint is) to b put On, linteolo, cui mith a litt&-lisen, toet contegendum Superand to b oovered ovorem plastrum


illitum-sit. Ubi membrana est mis have been-3meared-on. When ite membrane is Satis pura, ceratum adjiciendum emplastro sussiciently olean, cerate is) to be- adsed to the plaster eadem ratione, ut producat carnem. Vero in the Rame manner, thut it may produce si h. But quod pertinet ad abstinentiam, et primos quetohat pertui to ab8tinenoe, and thes, si undulteriores cibos que potiones, eadem Sunt

periculosius haec pars asscitur. Quin etiam, Cum more-dangerou80 thi8 puri D- eoted. Aut also, et henjam oportebit, non Solum sustineri, sed quoquealready it shall-behove, not only to be-supportod, but also ali liis, tamen, quaecunque

sunt mandenda erunt vitanda: item sumus, et are to be-ohewed wiliabe to be-avoti de also εmohe, and quidquid excitat sternutamentum. Vero membrana whatevor excites 8neezing. But the membranem talis, ac sui coloris, increscens being) moveabis, and ofit8 own colour, the inore ingcaro rubicunda, motus maxillae atque

cervicis facilis, laesunt spem certam. Mala signas the noch euv, masto hope certain. The had signfsunt, membrana immobilis, nigra vel livida, velare, the membrane being immoveablo, blaoh or livid, orcoloris aliter corrupti, dementia, aeris vomitus, of a colour otherwiso corrupted, delirium, acrid vomiting, vel resolutio vel distentio nervorum, liVida caro, either relaxation or distention ον the nerve3, livid flesh, rigor maXillarum, atque cervicis. Cetera


quae attinent ad somnum, desiderium cibi, sebrem, which relate to 8lem, d ire offood, sever, colorem puris, eadem sunt vel salutaria, the colour of the pus, the Same are either Salutary, vel mortifera, quae in ceteris vulneribus. Ubior Diui, which are so) in other wounci. LV en res cedit, caro incipit increscere ab

the thing yielda is savcurabie), sh begins to increa8o frommembrana ipsa; vel si os est duplex eo the membrune it est; or is the bone is tho old in that loco, inde quoque; que ea replet id place, thenoe uiso; and it granulation) filis that

quod est vacuum inter ossa: nonnunquam etiam whioh is Ducunt bottoeen the boney: δometimes aiso

excrescit super calvariam. Si quod incidit, squama it growε-out above tho Ahull. V which hoppen' sculo aeris est inspergenda, ut reprimat queos braas is to be-vrin Dd-on, that it muy-repre83 and cohibeat id: ea superdanda may chech that: tho8e thinga are) to bosiven-upon placed carni quae perducant ad cicatricem. upon) to thesesh whioh may-Dud to a four cicatrigation). Que ea inducitur commode omnibus locis, ea And it is brought-on conveniently to ali placeδ, that parte frontis excepta, quae est paulum

part of the foreheud being - oeptet whita is a litile super id quod est inter supercilia. Enim obono thut space) which is botwoen the vebro . Foribi potest vix fieri, ut sit non

there it-D-ablo 3curoely to hapsen, that thero may-he notexulceratio per omnem aetatem: quae sit ut ration through overy se: which may-be contegenda linteolo habente medicamentum. to be-oonered with a litt&-linen having an opplication. Illa uitque sunt Servanda, capite

Dacto, ut donec cicatrix sit jambeis-ιrohen, thoi untii tho Rour muy-be obeady


50l, Ventus, frequens balneum, major modus the εun, wiud, frequent bath bathing), a to0great mannervini vitentur.

Vero in naribus, et os et cartilago' But in the nostriis, both tse bone and the cartilo solet frangi, et quidem modo adVerSa, Dino stomed to be-brohen, and in Ged somethnes in the adverδe modo a latere. Si sunt

fracta, Ve alterum ex his, adVerSa,

hi Pen, or the other sone) out-of these, in the advor/e frontnares desidunt, spiritus trahitur dissiculter. Part), the nostriis sin the breuth D-drown di ouuly. Si os si actum est a latere, is locus IV tho bone has-been-brohen yrom on) the fide, that placeest cavus : si cartilago, nares declinantur . in is hollow the oortilago, the notriti are-turnod-aSide unio alteram partem. Quidquid incidit in cartilagine ea est the other pari. IV hatener happens in the oortiiuge it is excitanda leniter, aut specillo Subjecto, . autio be-raised gently, either is a probe pia funder, Orduobus digitis compressis utrinque: deinde by the tu o fingers being-compressed on-both-si se aftergariis ilinamenta implicata in longitudiuum, et cincta que inta tit isted into long th, and surro sed and circumsuta molli pellicula, sunt adigenda intus; ιowod-around in a sint litt&-shin, are to beyorcod withmaut aliquid ex ni Ido penicillo compositumor sonio thing) out-j a dita tent composed eodem modo; aut grandis pinna illitR gumma,

vel glutine labrili, et circumdaria

molli pellicula, quae sinat non cartilaginemo a sint titile-xhin, which may-Aussor not the cartilage desidere. Sed, si ea fracta-est adversato ainh. Aut, is it has-been-broken on the adverge front


Utraque naris aequaliter est implenda; si a

latere, id quod inseritur debet esse crassius on) the fide, that whioh is-inserte i ought to be thioherab ea parte in quam naSus jacet, from on) that pare into whioh thenoso lies is depressed),

ab altera tenesus. Autem extrinsecus mollis hom son) the othor thinner. Aut externalty assthabena est circumdanda, media illitai8 to be-placo faround, the middie

simila et suligine thuris mixtis inter with sin four und 8oot offrankincende inii d among

se: que ea est ducenda ultra aures,

thenaseives: and it is to be-Dd dra n) bvond the ears, et agglutinanda fronti duobus capitibus. and to be-glutinated to the forehead by the tico heuds ends). Enim id inhaerescit corpori quasi gluten, et cum For that adheres to the bo αδ-U glue, and whenitiduruit, continet nares Commode. ithas-beoome-hard, it holds-together theno8triis at antageor ly. Sin quod inditum-est tutus laedit, sicut maxime But-ν what has-been-introduced within huriS, as mostly fit, ubi interior cartilago perfracta-eSt, lappens, when the interior cartilage ha8-been-brohen-through, nares excitatae sunt Continetidae tantummodo the nostriis heing-raised ure to be held-together onlyeadem habena : deinde, P0st quatuordecim dies, by the sume strv: afterward8, after fourteon Gys, demendum. Autem resolviturto be-tuhen- . But it is-Dosenodque tum is locus est fovendus

and then thut place is to be omented Sin os fractum-est, id with it. Aut is the bone ha3-be -brohen, thalest reponendum in Suam sedemis to bo-reptaoed in o iis soat place)atque ubi id ictum-est udVer8um, id ipsum est

calida aqua; with warnu water; quotidie ea.


utraque naris est implenda; ubi a in honi , eaoh nostrii is to be-Hlod; when from son)latere, ea in quam os impulsum-est: que the fide, that into whiel the bone has-boen-thrust: and ceratum est imponendum, et deligandum paulo cerato is ' to beῬut-on, and sit is) to be-bound is a littuvehementius; quia callus increscit eo loco notimoremotoerfully; bocause callus inoreases in that place nottantummodo ad Sanitatem, sed etiam ad tumorem: id eston y to health, but even to a tumour: that is fovendum a tertio die calida aqua; queto be omented from the third div with warm water; and

sanitati. to health. nihilominuS neverthelera

magis, quanto debet esse propius more, is how-much it ought to bo nearer Quod-si erunt plura si agmenta, But- there-shal be very-many fruginent singula erunt compellenda the severat pieces tolluebe to be-urust extrinsecus digitis in suas Sedes; que

eadem habena imponenda extrinsecus, et cernium the Rame strup to bemut-on externalty, and cerate super eam; neque eSt fascia ultra adhibenda.

oner it; nor i3 any) hundrege further to be-upplied. At si quod si agmentum resolutum undique Aut is any fru mont lo ened on-ul sides glutinabitur non cum ceteris, intelligeturshal be-glutinated not with the others, it toti bo-understood quidem ex humore, qui multus seretur indoed oul-of the humorer, whioh being) much wiΓ-be-borne

discliarged) out-of the wound : but it wiu be- tractis vulsella; que inflammation bus finitis, aliquod with the pincera; and the inflammationδ hesing -ende , Rome medicamentum, ex iis quae leniter reprimunt, opplication, out-of those which gently repren, imponetur. Est pejus ubi vulnus elatis quoque u ill besut-on. It-is worso ichon a wound 9 tho εlin also


accessit ossi aut cartilagini ha3-acceded saccompanted to the bone or to the caritisssractae. Id sit admodum raro. Sibeing-brolen. Thul hunens very soldom. Hinciditia illa quidem sunt nihilominus excitanda

it ha3-happened, those indoed are neverthel f to be-rarSed eadem rati0ne in suas sedes: vero aliquod in the Ranae manner into their seclis splaces) : but Someemplastrum ex iis quae sunt accommodatapla8ter out-of thoso whioh are adopted recentibus vulneribus superimponendum cuti: Sed est for recenst rosunda to bemlaoed-on-over to the 3hin: but ri-ιδ deligandum insuper nullo vinculo. to be-bound moreover tolth no bond bandage) Quoque cartilago rumpitur interdum in aure. '' Also cartilago is-burse Romethn in the eur. Si quod incidit antequam puS Oriatur, V whict happens before- that puS may-arise, glutinatis medicamentum est imponendum: enim saepe u glutinatis application is to bemut-on: for osten prohibet Suppurationem, et confirmat aurem. Oportetit preventa ruppuration, and tablishes the eur. Itbohoves

illud non tenorari et in hac et in this noe to be-unknown hoth in this the ear) und iunaribuS, non cartilaginem ipsam glutinari, ths nostriis, not ιhe oartilage itself to beglutinatod that it

tamen Carnem increscere

is not the cartilage whicli unites), yet svsh to incremecirca, que eum locum solidari. Itaque, si around, and that place to be-consolidated. Therefore, 'cartilago rupta-est cum cute, cutis Suitur the cartilage has been-burst with the Rhin, tho δ in is-εewed utrinque. Autem nunc dico de ea, on-both-sides. Aut noto I vestir concorning that part)quae frangitur, Cute integra. Uero si pus

jam natum-est in ea, cutis eSt aperienda


altera parte, et cartilago ipsaon tho other on one) pari, and the cartilago iise excidenda contra lunata plaga: deinde

to be-out-ονι opposite is a crescent-lde wound a Uterwarssi est utendum medicamento leniter supprimente,

it-is to be-uεed with an application gently δuppre Sing, quale lycium est dilutum aqua donec sanguis lihe-us lycium is being dilutod with-water untii blood desinat fluere: tum linteolum imponendum cum 1nv cea8o totum d then a litt&-linon is) to bemut-on tolthemplastro, sic ut omne pingue vitetur; uplu8ter, εο that every thing) sat may-bo-avoided; et mollis lana est subjicienda auri a and 8 t wool is to bemluced-under to the ear irom son P0Steriore parte, quae compleat, quod est tho hindor pari, whioh maysu-up the space), re hion is inter hanc et caput: tum ea est deliganda leniter: bottoeon this and the head: then it is to be-bound gently ret a tertio die, lavenda vapore, utonil from the third diu, to bo fomentod with steum, asposui in naribus. Atque in his generibus I lavo Loed in the nostriis. And in thrae Linda quoque abstinensa primi temporis est necessaria, also abstinenoe of thes, si timo is nec sata, donec inflammatio finiatur. uutu inflammation muy-be-ended. Venturus ab his ad maxillam, φδ' Boing-about-to-oomo froni these paris to thejum, puto quaedam indicanda pertinentia communiter

ad omnIa Ossa, ne eadem Sint

in common) to ali bonos, lest the sume tbings) mv-be Igitur omne os finditur There fore every bone is-yplitin longitudinem ut into long th lengili vise dicendato be-soid modo