장음표시 사용
CHAP. I. His extraction, an private an public haracter. II. e is appotato to conduci an expedition againat Corcyra: m inere ea in Met Xerxis inva a Greeoo an in Athemansiet e themaelveario theis iam. III. Tho battis of hommopylas : The nava onga mentis Artemisium. v. Xerxeabum Athena Themistoclo v aea, sevi an alone, thoplans of his amighte countrymen, and the other Greeis andis sala information induce Xerxe to agar in battis e Salamis. V. Agata, is alae insormation, Themistocles rida Gresco of tho Barbarian. VI. y the advice of Themistoci , in Athenians buit the ori Pimus, an Mon to repat thewalis of the ity Env of the Spartana, and thei attempt toato in rebulldin os Athena The are deseate is a crastypia os Themistocles, and the cunia rebulli. VII. The sequel of this plan. VIII. Through in sear an a pioion of the Athenians Themistocles is aenia d by the atraciam, an Merirefuge ro place to Iace. IX. His latis to Artaxerxea. X. His interela. With, promise io, and wWarda rom, in hingHis destin. 6. Ne L. The proper genitive is moetis. Variations of thia hin ars ound in particularis ea inua Masilicia nometimes ut
15. Sine extingui Construction: eam posse non aetingui, sine, C. 19. Meriterque reperiebat Constraaction que celeriter reperiebat est, vi reant opus. The antecedent is osten und r-stood, particulari Whemit is a demonstrative pronoun. 20. Neque erat. Const. neque reait ille minis promptus
in gerendis rebus, quam in xevitandis iis Note o p. 5,l. 5.23 Illustraretur came distinguis d.' 27. Ferociorem No fierce, but Martiae, offormidalia.
the student' attention a many auem cur.
17. Idque a mabat Construction: sua Eurybiari, rem, . Urmiuba idfore. 20. Quem See note in p. 9, t. 19. Misit illum de servis suis, quom habuit, c. 1. Suis verbis: in his name, stomaim.'
srom the position. Eodem reserario Themistocles. 2. Certiorem eum fecit This meana moro than meret to inform o appriae starit implis that ains ore tinen to docit; in man uendered, semit. him is cor assure him. It is ostenuse of one' seis certiorem fefecit, cloohiainario ascertain.' 3. Id agi: that it Was in agitation, that exertiona mere ma ine.' his is a peculiar phrase the pronou id has no antecedent, but reserario the sollowing clauae beingruae superfluo ly, aen always soliowed by tit it the subjunctive, here the pro-
12. Post hominum n moriam. Thia laus qualifiea maxima: the greotest fleet, sine the memor of man.' 14 Quum uterentur For since the Phalerea pori, hielithe Athenians made se of was etllier arm nor good. Sesnote in p. 10 l. 21. an suo simple sentences occur, hich
19. Praecipuo perierula suo: at his own particula perit.'21. Negarem oportere, M. Here, Vis en that it is necessar in hine a thing, is sed sor a amrm that it a necessaryno to haverit.' o densis to a stirin the negative and the nediative pari os naegarentishould herei transferre tora rei, o totillam; thus, 'tho might aflirmis maintain that it ma necosaar that an cit should not be ad i. e. that no it ahouldbe had Myon tho Peloponnesua. A simila expression occurs
3. Profanus. From pro fore, Minoes, and -- a templa, also, in cons crat diles of round. Profanus thereseremeana What, mulside this lol. 9. Noluit chos noti Volo and nolo an raria be renderediora insiling, to iis, an no tora Boining no to iis Bothimpi somethin more positive in hoose, an to cho enot.'- 2 Dedit operam: used hi en avora bent his exemtions applied hisso s. 'I3. Sunt eo emai: IouoWed. The compound sor in simple Verb. 16. Apud eos contendit Nodi contende missi inem,' ut fore them; or ather complaine to them. His in the nexi clause, means in Ephori a this pronou reser in the personao mings last mentioned. 17. mos viros mittere Construction: sitis mittere bonos,
quod possent Mere communi jure gentium sui possent quo febJ Dessitis defendere eos ab hoste neque eo fecisse, quod esset inutile Graecise QMDeilius. See note tol. 4,l. 13, M. M. Qui id potilis intuerentur, quod, ho had thei pyct
years. His properu, ho ever, a no confiscatcd; ut Waspreserve so him ill his roturn Some a that the namea wero ritte o Helis an othera, o tiles, o pieces farohenearthe ware and tho latior is the more probable, a tho orda rogium, derived rom sub and frangeτe, means a mali fragment; and was probabi adopte to signis a vote, eoauso
tivo plures, ut the singular of the thir deciension, neutergender Argos, gen Argeos o Argis, as in line 13. low. Greehnounsis the thir deciension illic osten met With in this Work. 11. Crimine 'Meusation or indiciment.'I8 quo rueretaer Construction: fu tueretur se recurum
motis obligation.-Pueretur the primitive significatio of this Wor is to Diac von, O Me, to a the Ue pon and thereseraiis derivative, tutus, meant a thing that was seen, a thin underia ege, and therelare and ence tueor amori signis toloo after theo et os a thing, o vate Over, o provide, s-kesure an may be rendered by one os thes above, o byaee, Whichris osten used in this sense. 22. Φ-- praestitit: ,hic he made good, performed, sulfilled.' 24. Prodissit. Not betrayed, ut gave p.'-in eo iametsibi that he should fine care so himself.' 26. quod See note o p. 9, t. 19. Praesidii refers to thomeans os subsistenee.
27 L nadem ascendit 'embarhed o boar a hip.'30. Sibi esse pereundum. Gr. R. XXXII. o. I. 33. Diem noctemque da an a night,' OH da an night.' Tho forme is in more probabie since in the latis senae the
3. Gratiam redidit. Gratiam referre, to expres thanis is actions gratiam habere, to enteriain sentiment of m Mitude; gratias agere, to expres thinhiis Worda. 7. Horimus erat, qui note in p. 9, t. 19.14. Ipse l. e. ego ipse esse coepi. In the eat, ipse thoughhere in therarat person, is mentali reserre in eoepit at the end. 16. Eum ertiorem Dei. See note in p. 12 l. 2. assi. Se note in p. 12, t. 3. 23. Colloqui, and ulso loqui are osten sed actiVely, i. e. Withan accusative, an may be rendered by the familia expressionio tal oris; ut the ablative is moro common thus, o qui aliquid, o de aliqua re. 27. Litter is sermonique Persarum: to ea in to ea anda in the ersia languam. The litera meanin is obvious, but this is in sense in notati. 28. Apud Regem. o eum rege in latis means Mithetae hin personalty but in former, at the pMace of the ine, Mehe hin ' eouri; amiliarly ut the kiu's. Apud erum, in French,
Me tui, means at his house. o converse ita a person, and in converse at his house, are very disserent things. 29. Verba eisse. me note in p. 8, l. 13.
11. suum desperaret Constructio D suum desperaret sep-se pro tare ea, qua pollicitus esset, o. 13. dein prodidit Constructio : Idem prodidit memorti ejus Ossa, C.
I. Publio character an singula rectitude of Aristides misbanishment an recall. I. e ead the Athenians at thobatus Galataea me is in command together With Pausanias in Spartan in the batues of the Greeia fleet againat,ardonium; and procures the achnowledgment, is est Greece of the superiorit os Athens ver Sparta. III. The public confidenco in him missoveri an death. 18. Obtrectarunt inter se his ver is generalty used in
bia sense, to express et 'icioris opposition; ut oes not nece rarit impi an ining more ina rivalWν, or oppositionis visaea an motiora. I may be rendere here, M so the always in posed each ther. 20. Abstinerata disinteresteduess,' restaining rom hat longario iners. 21. Quod The attendant sentenc is the antecedent os quod,
Whic is theresere neuter See r. R. LVII. under M. 2.23. Testvlxilia. See note in p. 14,l. 6. M. Qui quidem, M. Tho author reserito tho historical sacviso abruptly. e supposes Aristides tot present at an asse ly ethe eopte in theriorum, to perceive that in stelings of the γο- ple cannot be aprased, and tote in the actis retiring eederisque . 5. Seri feri anno, quὰm i. e. post vis- Post and anu ITare osten omitte besore quὰm, in expression o time, here noambiguit Wout be occasioned. 7. Me- note is p. 8, l. 31. 13. AEquitatis comity. Used of the manners, an impliea aueli as do not assume a superiority but achnowledge an equality. 19. Intemperantis: inaughtii eas. It is in opposite os ἄν tus, an means devotis and verbearing mannos.
24. Ad classes coetistitueret Construetion Aristides deseetus est, qui constitueret greandum pecvinu quinque cisitas dares ad aedificandas asses, Me.-qui constitueret 'to apportion.' M. Voluerunt. me note in p. 13, l. 9.
I. His character an exploiis ΗΘ conqueram donius, and arroganti senda a troph in Delphi. II. His ambition and secret tream : Heris recalled, trie an fined. III. e retumst in arm of his own aecord assumes the roya equipam;
haves it great auratineas is recalle by the Mytala os the phori is thrown into prison; ut is et a liberi sormant of proos. IV. He abuses the confideno os Argilius; ho trus iam to the Ephori: hei plan is mine hi Mira him
mea in Samo, i. e. relatio by inrriam, neve is Moo orbirin: in lar sor his is consanguinitas, 'consanguiniW.'De eistiam tuam nuptum Gr. R. XXXVII. Obs. 2.9. Certum trustworthy.' Me sorsae a uae in theearlier times ; ut sterwarda ecam obsolete. Mittas faceaeem a periphrasis Gr. R. LX Oba 5 12. --dat. The reposition in compositio streno nathe meaning it is equivalent in valde laudat.16. In quo facto. The reposition expressea in continuince of the action. The phras may be rendered, during this p mee ediv.
17. Accusauus capitis: iein capitali indicted, i. e. of a capital crime; in this case, treason Gr. R. XXIII. O . 2.23. Ciatum style of living.'25. Qui See noto in p. 9, t. 19.26. Aiatum datat. Monstructim iis petentiatis aditum con
Seniendii, non dabat eum. Linum eo veniendi i is omethought in mea no more than aditum alone, accesse ut conmenire is osten se to signis callinctipon, o viritin familiarly, as et Een equata; hic intercourae a probabi common fore, etween Pausanias and the ther ossicere of the army. But, are told just bove, apparaum regio utebatur din theresere ho di not isti is achnowledge his sormer acq inintances. Se p. 46, l. 33. 31. Sesala. At Sparta, hen in magistrates gaVe commission to an commander of the fleet o amy the too tW round atraight Micha, exacti altheci ceping one themaeives, and giving the ine to the commander: and when the wished tomine an communication in him, the cut a long narro strapsrom a hin, and wrappin it round their own stiis, in suo manne that the edges aliould exacti meet, the wrote pon it
19. Vincula epistolo laravit Letters mere usuali Wrappedin a plece of cloth, around which a string a sed, it a seia place upo theanot. 23. Granitas the considerate prudenoe.'28. fas. AE e note in p. 1, l. 15.
29. Eo ille inde eonfugit, c. i. e. asci in preserve his lise, sor hic he was in ear rom ausanias. The lamples of thegod were an inviolabis refuge, as it Was the realas impiet inivinandam ono .holad fled init r. 11. In itinere, quum jam in eo esset, ut comprehenderatur Mn Ithe way, he he was justis the piant faeing ahon. See
nolario p. 7, l. 33 hen construe, inteliezit e vultu, M. 19. Magno natu of great age. Gr. R. VII. Oba. 2.23. Cujus dui Constructiona Quum nonnulli dicerent vomtes eorpus eujus mortui inferri Miam, qu3 hi illati sunt, qui M.
I. Cimon' hard fortune in early liseri rom hich e is relieved by his sisis and Wise Elpioice. II. e mon comes popular an is made a commander Severa ostia exploita re enumeraind. III. Throuo eno the Athenians anishoim nyears by the ostraeiam os Whicli, however, ille soο repent, an recal him me negotialas a sace et M them and the Lacedaemonian an dies non expedition against Cyprus. IV. Regret os in Athenians: Instancos os Cimon' liberality
5. Sororem germanam. See notorio p. 1, l. 12. 7. Eodem patre natas. ho Athenians mere sorbidde tom,re sistera by the fame mother, ut no thos by the Mnesather. POTTER.
8. Hujus eo via caepidus. Construction: cupidus conjugii hujus. Hujus means Elpinice, an is ovemed is eo vii in the genitive. 10. Erit eum Cimon proposed in Cimon.' Se note top 12, t. 3.12. Pecuniam soluturum Would discharge in money.'Pecuniam misere is sed oni in the sense of disehargivis debi, and cannot theresere mean here that he is do gine moneyso the woman; ut that he ould risinam the ne os fistytalenta, hic ha been impose onmiltiades, an sor hichhis son Cimon was by the law os Athens hel responsible. 16. Praestitisset See page 14,l. 22, and the note. 23. Priinlim imperator fugaris, hec de rurus ratmade commander, or Gerarat time he was made commander, heput inmight. The true meaning cannoti expressed in English, excepti supplying ome suo Words. Se noterio . 12, t. 14.23 3. Sessores inhabitanis. It is notanown that this mord isthus sed in an other place. 15. Desiderium Thia Wor impliea a destresor a thing nee possessed, mether it regret for iis lora Boin the nou and the correspondin ver may osten e et rendere is re M. Me line 25 belo . 18. Contendere Laceda onem: 'o go directi to Sparta.'28 ove quis frustesur Constructio : ne quis imperiretur, quo minus frueretur ejus rebus, quibus quisque veste frui lestavineisliould e revented j om Moying,' c. See noto to
M. Aliquem ostensum fortunde any one homo me isehanc . This is unquestionabi the me interpretation and ostensum alone ouldae early the fame, a the ver means omeet, or ather o tot upon. The passage has generali Men