장음표시 사용
the in the east suspeet os Minidis pleased,
withou givinginimis oment' Time toconsider, and this ali by Authorit of the
Saviour, lio, accordinito them, command it. Count Zinaendors insistis that his
Societ is a Theocrao that the fendis ais his Polumen, is an sentia Par of the Discipline offerrnhutism, and that he uoti vomit, a Principium santis et cadentis Ecelsae 6 . He has somelimes though himselfio sure of becominiable in due Time, offectualisto defend that Church, Whereali reatly is the Head but at present out of Modesty only calis himself the Loia Ad cate that he has threaten'sto makesse of Argumenta Regum agains thos that oppossi
wh severat Protestant Princes, afterina ini und that ount Zinetendors exercised more than a PapalioWer ove his Society,
and that a in Obedience was aid imin 7 A Leiterito his Purposse,illie quoted beloK.
ire is in Heaven This cani pro diva public Acin What Judgmen are, to malle, after his, of the Fidelity of Heren Buten, and of the Doctrine of Hermi ni 1tseli it no plain that theseleopte 1ubmit to the Authorit os alerson, Whom Reality, is heir ope, and whom hisacknowledge to e Supreme in Temporal t What opinio must, viso haveo the Count, ho had the Assurance topretend that theseleople were persecuted
they been in a Disposition to bellave a good Subjecthought toto. The Doe It has been observe by ome that it s
Goversi tali it for granted from the Depositions
continue Member of it, than at theirmat inios roselytes. Hi has been provedabove, that one of the essentia Articles of thei Doctrine is, sat suchis are of their
Number, must give u the se of their
Reason. Menc it naturali sollows thatthey must be exposed to ali anne of e-lus1 there ein no Absurdi ty, no Doctrine si extravagant an perniciOUs, that anno find Entrance into thei Minds, provide it strities their Imagination, and affect their assiong. est sol lows further, that he mos expressi Declarations in the Scriptures cannot prevenes their eingseduced, las they lare 1ndifferent hether the Interpretation . that is ivenos them, e conirmabie or Contrar to
beration, and a it,ere, instantaneolasty.
male VisIusto e Vice and Vice to be Virtae. As Reason isti ven ii by the Herrnhutera, vilio submit thenaseives implicitly to the Guid ance of thei Chiess, and to thei own
Imagination and Passions 'tis eas for these Rulers o mahe ther perpetrate the osthorrid Enterpriges heneve the pleasse. Viriue is no Virtue at ali Times, and Vicemustae Viriue, hen they,ill haverit o. This is a Doctrine, the Count reachelhesore ne of his Synods, here, e says,
have, that they,illiso mahe Use of this Doditrine P know none ut his, o their Word, hicli, Pagain repeat, is bulla erybad Securi ty From the Tendency of this Doctrine, there is, besides, stili more tole
huter pretend tot a quit disines eopse, icho beniuo , a Gosen Race, and loo With Disdain pon ali ther Christians, Callingiliem uolaters, Christianers that is o say, Peopte that only retendo Christiani ty,
d that the political and worldly Vie siliis Religion is solande ui on inser notonly a Possibility, ut a great Probabili tyratha a overtament ill e early assected by it , he eans, hicli the Chi esse of this Sed malle se os, quare so exactly
Ege 38, and 39 See also in the Appendix of this Treatisse, page IX, lineri, and a.
ecute an Thin proposed to them, under
conclude thes Observations illi an
A more extenssive Abstractis this Book may possibUbe iven to the Publici in Time.
and of the Count, y ookin linto vis
Sed A the overtament of the Countyo Isenburg-Buringe decline to have any Thinito do illi Count Zintendorfin that Score, mo Deputies of the Brethren filia Societ tookipon them in September, 1737, o mali Propos ais to the Ministrythere, o purchasinia considerable Num-ber of Acres of Land in orde to uilii Houses, and setile fori or fisty Families there; hicli, o the greates Pari, as it
and innen Manufacturies, i c. est appears that the Ministr had atready some Suspicion of the odi rines of that Seet; but his mas oon remove by thei producing Testimonials of OrthodoY fromthe Theologica Facuit at the Universityos Tubium, and the Volacher to thei ametu osse, and by thei sedemni aver
ring that the wer no Sectaries, ut pro resanis, and would confor to the Lituet ofue Reformed hurch, in orde to avolientiret ni Suspicio of Separation, Particularism oros aviet a particula Religion. Hereuponno Dissiculty was ad os granting themtheir equest; and the Price of the Land
amineri hether theis Doctrines are conformabis to the above Testimonials a The Socindi has Leave to regulate their orssi and Guro Discipline in the fame anne anthe French Refugees in the Prusilai Dominiora, or an here eis have Liberi to do. The Colonis have promiseri that, hereas Liberibis grante them to regulate thei Charcho Dira the do no defre nor inten unde than Colour, to suben the e escio an other Heia by Whicli Count Zinzendor in his Pleni- Potentiaries were meant but that tho nomos no mad besdes Jesus Christ. 4. The creis Tempora Amalas, i illa crimi ac ithout co Restriction, suben to the overnment of Biidingen, in the fame anne the other Sub-