장음표시 사용
Al the Soliis are of the Feminine Sex. There are oni animae, and no animi, saysthe oratiantistio With grea Elegance. To hink, that here remale-SoUis, wouldie accordinito his prosound Divine, the reates Folly, a Chimaera, whicli ought nota enter the Thought of Christian were he even in the Midst of
Quality, and was adapted o ou Body, is delach'diro it a soon ascit is interred. Itielong notrio it natura and primitive State. 'Tis an Addition, adesto it D
For, ur Sex is an Employment, an ODfice. Jesus is the Spouse of ali the Sisters, and the Hu Bands, in the mos proper
Sense, are his Procurators, his genis, in
are non vig. Male Souis in the orld, there arenone in Heaven nor poni artii, ut ali that is os a Male Quality, adapted foro Time o our Body, is delach'd Dom it a soon a the Corps is interred What is theres ore that manlyiari, hicli, cali si, whicli present iis etfio in the Figure of Jesus' Corps What Divission or Choi is his among the createa Being. In Honour of hicli Jesus suffer' himselft be circumcised that at the ori mightino bya Churcii Register, that he was Man: ohat Thingis hic 'Tis a College intiret composed of ificiat-
ciating, instituted in Paradis for divine and pregnarit Reasons, and provided with an Office Seat.
in very Respeet like hos Ambasiadors
Princessi in the anae of their aster, ut a boote Leg in the edding-Bed. Husband is also properi no more than a Chamberlain f his isse his ossice is
biit for a Time, and ad interim HoweVerthe Tities,hicli the Countii Ves him, areno les glorious I remble for Horrourto transcribe them, ut Ι n it neces
Τhe Sister are conducte to Iesus by the
mouldie brought to the rue Spous by the Mediation os suci a Procurator 3 .
vor et erhenne hat, das e nomine Creatoris han
dele. Translation She thesister mali be conducted olim the aviour mediante procuratore, suchan Angel, a Legate, ince-Chris is sentci meet her si icto representior a Time the Church, whereas the Legate represent the Saviour of his Body Ye olyMatrons, who, a Wives, are about Vice-G s, ouhonou that precious Sign by hicli the resembleChrist, illi the ulmost Veneration As Ormerly great Lord by marryinia Princes in Qualit os Procurator, sed to ad in themam of the ride-groom, thus in Reality, and cum emeritu, no an no iid of God ea boastis havinia iis, ut everyone is ut a Chamberlaim ho condueis the ethroted Person through this Worid. . Though the Man, whil stae conjugalty embraces, hink likeIacob the Grand n of the Father of the Believers Gen. XXX. 3. t he nows that nevertheles an Ossice is givenhim, hicli e executes in Jesus' Name. He is theresere atrocurator and Vicar of Jesu Christ, in the most prope Sense, a Vice- ris, ascit were, and what he doth, vhilst e conjugali embraces, O-ward the Existence of the Child, is to e ookedupomas an Ossice of a Vice God, and hi Wife oughtto regardaim as adting in the a me of the Creator. 3 XXV Ith Sermon, preached a risi, age O7. Wann ichii einen Concepi on de Gemeln-Ehe machen solle so wiiste chleine Uhrsache warum man heyrathet, at weil ei ne Schwester da ist, uber de seines Leibes Helland eschlosten at, 1 soli ili augesiiuret erde mediante Procuratore.' Ibidem,
Count inetendorf, in a Conserenc onthis Subject heldis Ob With the Seventh-Da Men, made use of the folio ing Expressions, hicli,4 moid Scanda a muchas possibie, I choos totive in Latin, viz. In ipso actu conjugali moriturus, possem dicere
Salvatori Veni de is actu, h. e. quem nomine tuo peregi From,hat has been seid, two Consequences naturali result, hich have notescaped the Count. The ne is that whoever nows himself to eo an,
ought to acknowledge the Dignity that is in him, and honour the Choice that hasbeen made of his Person The other,
that arriage is the most precious Depositum, the Savi ou has intrusted illi his Church, that is o say, Withou Doubi toth Society of Herrnhutera, and the mos important Mysterycio Whichae has given
them the Key 5 . Considering this, e
Jesu Cthristi heiracliten so eliret e seineWalii Gobetet e an liber seinem Amt, o erhennet e die Wurdig ei die in lim legi vo Gnade. Transatiam These arem Thoughts of the Male Sex. Whoeverknows himself tot a Man, ought twaycto considerhimself in the Personis Christ thus he honour the Choice ad of him, he adores in performin his Ossice, he acknowledges as a Grace the Digni ciliatiles in him.
stuc de Gemeine, si sind ei primum principium ut ita dicam de ganigeri Gemelnsache, eine Wuris ete de Gemeinbaunis und wi musitan si allegeti ais das heurs e depositum aus de Hand unfers terr ansehen, ais das groste Getieinanis unier alle mens chlichen Sachen das uncin die Verwah- ungine hien, und oz uns die Schliisset egea ben 1ny warum i nichi uni de Umstande on ausitan willen, sonderi um de Grunditans,illen, den de Herr de alles verstanden, in seinem Hertzen geli abi. Trani atton Marriages are a capital Article of the Society th lare a primum principium, xt ita dicam, of the whole Society the Rooto the Society' Tree; and we must always considerthem a the mos preciolis Depossitum rom themando ou Lord, a the greate Mystery of at humand hings deposited illi us and whereo the Keycis giveri us wh not on Account of the exter urCircumscances, ut for the Sahe of the principalitan,
Themale ex consist os married en,
inito the primitiveilan of the Saviour, at that had passed the twentieth oret enly-firstaear, fould be married Aster theseYears the State os inmarrie&Ρeopte is a brutissi State, a State os adness, hereone doth notano Oneseis. Besides, his Division os en into three Classes, hereis nother more generat ne by hichthe are distinguisne into ' two Choirs. One includes the married People of both
Sexes, and the ther thein marriedines.
um de Urostande illen, eriliten. Transtition. He, the unmarried Brother knowscit Q. Matri- nony he respect it, ut doth no thin upones of his own Accoxf thus the rectous Member of the Covenant is si much largol, ecomes solaselest, and consequently is reducesto such a natural Numbness, bono mining se oscit, that asterwards, he heis to mar landis it again the Savi ou must instructasim init, the Saviour must restore hi sto the orrification of his Body, vhic he has suffere so the Lamb' Sahe, for the Sine of soni Circumstances, Count Zinzendorf, at the lose of this Sermon, says, that he had advance nothin there, ut ha heline very well, and had experienced himself in his rame, elare the Society was inaeing.